Asgard Stories(北欧神話)
メガテン(女神転生)をきっかけに神話好きになったフレイニャです。 今回は北欧神話の女神フレイヤとフリッグ(フリッガ)が同一の神であるかどうかを,同一説に好都合な言説と,不都合な言説を取り上げたのち,私なりに考えます。 同一説に好都合な言説な…
ロキが岩に括り付けられ毒蛇の拷問を受けるAsgard Stories 30の続きで,今回で最終回となります。「ラグナロク,ラグナレク,Ragnarøk,Ragnarök」と言われるもので「神々の運命(Fate of the Gods)」という意味ですが,「Ragnarökkr」(神々の黄昏)にも似…
ロキが事実上アースガルズ追放となったAsgard Stories 29の続きです。 The Punishment of Loki When Loki was driven out by the mighty Thor from Ægir’s palace-hall he knew that he could never again be allowed to come among the gods in Asgard. Man…
Asgard Stories 28の続きです。「エーギルの宴(2)(3)」一気にやります。 Ægir’s Feast - II Next morning Thor set forth with the giant, and as they walked over the fields toward the sea, Thor cut off the head of one of the finest oxen, for bait.…
バルドルがヘルの国に逝ってしまったAsgard Stories 27の続きです。 Ægir’s Feast - I Ægir was the ruler of the ocean, and his home was deep down below the tossing waves, where the water is calm and still. There was his beautiful palace, in the…
バルドルが自分の死を夢で見てしまったAsgard Stories 26の続きです。 Baldur - II One beautiful sunny day at the end of summer the gods had all gone out to an open field beyond Asgard to have some sports. As they all knew that nothing could hu…
巨人のスカディ(スカジ)がニョルズの嫁になったAsgard Stories 25の続きです。 Baldur - I Baldur was the best beloved of all the gods. Odin was their father and king; to him they turned for help and wise advice, but it was to Baldur they went…
イズンをスィアチから奪還したAsgard Stories 24の続きです。 Skadi While Iduna’s friends were still crowding about her, all joyful and glad at getting her home again, they spied some one afar off, coming toward Asgard. As the figure drew near…
イズンがスィアチに攫われ閉じ込められたAsgard Stories 23の続きです。 The Stealing of Iduna - III All this while the dwellers in Asgard were sad and lonely without their dear Iduna. At first they went to her garden, as before, but they misse…
ロキが巨人スィアチにイズンを攫って来いと脅されたAsgard Stories 22の続きです。 The Stealing of Iduna - II The goddess Iduna, whom Loki was to tempt away out of Asgard, was the dearest of them all. She was the fair goddess of spring and of y…
フリッグが北欧の民に亜麻とリンネル生産を授けたAsgard Stories 21の続きです。 The Stealing of Iduna - I Odin, the wise father of the gods, started off one day on a journey through Midgard, the world of men, to see how his people were getting…
トールが巨人に奪われたミョルニルを花嫁に化けて取り戻したAsgard Stories 20の続きです。 【重要】Asgard Stories を訳し終わった後に読むアルスター伝説の本が決まり,最初の数パラグラフを訳してみました。下の方にありますので興味がある方はそちらも合…
トールがミョルニルを盗まれ,代わりにフレイヤを要求されたAsgard Stories 19の続きです。 So the Æsir met together in their great judgment hall, in the palace of Gladsheim; long and anxiously they talked over their peril, trying to find some p…
トールとロキが人間の兄妹を連れて巨人の本拠ウートガルズに乗り込んだAsgard Stories 18の続きです。今回もトールのお話です。 How Thor Lost His Hammer “Come, Loki, are you ready? My goats are eager to be off!” cried Thor, as he sprang into his c…
トール,ロキ,シャールヴィ,レスクヴァの4名がウートガルズに乗り込んだAsgard Stories 17の続きです。 Thor’s Wonderful Journey - III Upon seeing the four strangers, the king of the giants said: “Why, this must be the god Thor. I really did no…
トールが少年シャールヴィと少女レスクヴァをお供に加えたAsgard Stories 16の続きです。 Thor’s Wonderful Journey - II The four started off, after saying good-by to the peasant and his wife, leaving in their charge the chariot and goats, for it…
トールがミョルニルを手に入れたAsgard Stories 15の続きです。 Thor’s Wonderful Journey - I One morning Thor asked Loki, the fire-god, if he would like to go forth with him to Utgard, the stronghold of the giants, where he was going to try, w…
Asgard Stories 14の続きです。ブロック&シンドリ兄弟とロキが首をかけて争っています。 Brock thought this an easy task, but his brother had not long been gone when a huge fly came in and buzzed about his face, and bothered him so that he coul…
フレイヤの首飾りとオーズ失踪事件が解決したAsgard Stories 13の続きです。 The Hammer of Thor Sif was the wife of mighty Thor, the thunder-god, and she was very proud of her beautiful golden hair, which she combed and braided with great care.…
フレイヤが首飾りを手に入れたのに夫のオーズがいなくなったAsgard Stories 12の続きです。 Soon it was time to go to the feast, but Freyja would not go without Odur. She sat down and wept bitter tears; she felt no joy now for having the necklac…
Asgard Stories 11はドワーフの技術とテュールの犠牲でフェンリルを拘束する話でした。 Freyja’s Necklace “Yes, I really must have some flowers to wear to the feast to-night,” said Freyja to her husband, Odur. Freyja was the goddess of love and …
フレイがスキールニルを遣わしてドワーフに鎖を注文したAsgard Stories 10の続きです。 After two days this messenger returned to the dwarf king. The king, holding out in his hand a fine, small chain, said to the messenger: “This may seem to you…
トールが作った鎖ではフェンリルを拘束できなかったAsgard Stories 9の続きです。 First spoke Frey, the god of summer and king of the fairies. “Hearken to me, O lords of Asgard!” he said. “I have not won a brave name in battle, like the noble T…
Asgard Stories 8の続きです。エーシルはフェンリルをどう手懐けるのでしょうか? He was a war-god, like Thor, and is sometimes called the Sword-god. Tyr was loved by all because he was so true and faithful. テュールはトールと同じく軍神で,時に…
オーディンがミーミルに泉の水を求めたAsgard Stories 7の続きです。 “And do you suppose that these things will buy wisdom?” said Mimir. “That can be gained only by bearing bravely, and giving up to others. Are you willing to give me a part of…
Asgard Stories 6の続きです。 Here was one of the three fountains which watered the world tree, Yggdrasil, and near by sat the wise giant, Mimir, guarding the waters of this wonderful fountain, for whoever drank of it would have the gift of…
Asgard Stories 5ではオーディンがアースガルズを出発し,虹の橋ビフロストでヘイムダルが出迎える場面でした。そのヘイムダルに見送られ,一人旅が始まります。 They hurried over the bridge until they came to Heimdall’s far-shining castle, at the fa…
Asgard Stories 4までで世界の成り立ちの説明が終わり,いよいよ物語が始まります。 ODIN’S REWARD One night when all was quiet in Asgard and the Æsir had gone to rest, Odin, the Allfather, sat awake on his high throne, troubled with many though…
Asgard Stories 3では,悪戯をしていた小人(ドワーフ?)がオーディンの命により地下で働かされる話でした。その続きです。 “And now,” said Odin, turning to the idle ones, “what have you been doing?” “We were doing nothing at all, so we could not…
第2回(ユグドラシルとラタトスクの話で終わっていました)に引き続き,第3回となります。 英語には興味はないが北欧神話には興味があるという方は,和訳(斜体にしています)と,Wikipediaで調べた注釈の部分だけ読んでいって下さい。 The gods and godde…