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Asgard Stories 31:神々の黄昏

ロキが岩に括り付けられ毒蛇の拷問を受けるAsgard Stories 30の続きで,今回で最終回となります。「ラグナロク,ラグナレク,Ragnarøk,Ragnarök」と言われるもので「神々の運命Fate of the Gods)」という意味ですが,「Ragnarökkr」(神々の黄昏)にも似ているため「神々の黄昏,Götterdämmerung(ゲッターデメルング)」とも言われるようになったものです。


The Twilight of the Gods

Loki and Fenrir, the wolf, were safely bound, each to his separate cliff, but still happiness and peace did not return to Asgard, for Baldur was no longer there, and light and joy had gone from the home of the gods. The Æsir felt that the Twilight of the gods, which Odin knew was to come, must be near.


which Odin knew was to come関係詞連鎖連鎖関係詞節)です。動詞が2連続する(knew was)ときは関係詞連鎖を疑いましょう。which was to come「それは来る運命だった(運命のbe toを使用)」に,Odin knew「とオーディンは知っていた」が割り込む(挿入される)形となり,「来る運命にある,とオーディンが知っていた神々の黄昏」となっています。見た目は挿入ですが普通の関係代名詞のルールから作られることは以下の記事で解説しました。



Soon began a long cold winter; surely it must be the beginning of the Fimbulwinter, which was to come before the last great battle. From the north came cold blasts of freezing wind; snow and ice covered the earth; men could not see the face of the sun or the moon. Everywhere there was darkness; the people grew fierce and unhappy and wicked, for they seemed no longer to love each other. So the evil deeds of men kept on, and the fierce frost giants grew stronger and stronger.




They killed the trees and flowers, and bound the lakes and rivers with icy bandsEven when summer time came, the cold still held on, and no one could see the green grass or the beautiful golden sunlight. The frost giants were pleased to see the trouble they had brought upon men, and hoped they soon could destroy Asgard and the gods.


icy bandのbandは「帯,輪,括るもの,束縛」(バンドエイドのバンド)と,「楽隊,部隊」(バンド活動のバンド)とがあり,どちらか悩みました。そう言えばFF14に出てくる「イスケビンド」はicy bandのような意味だったと思います。「氷の束縛」と解しました。


Three long winters passed, with no light to warm and brighten the world; after that still three other dreary winters, and then the eagle who sat on the top of the great world tree, Yggdrasil, gave a loud, shrill cry; at that the earth shook, the rocks crumbled and fell, so that Loki and the wolf were freed from their chains.


・このno light to warm and brighten the worldは「暖め,世界を照らす光」ではありません。the worldはwarmとbrightenの共通の目的語となっており,「世界を暖め,照らす光」です。数学の因数分解のような感じでno light to (warm and brighten) the worldとなり,warmもthe worldに掛かる(目的語に取る)のです。展開すればno light to warm the world and brighten itです。逆にこのような場合,the world=itなのでno light to warm and brighten the worldとできるのです。こういうものを共通関係と言います。



The waters of the deep ocean rose and rolled high over the land, and up above the waves writhing out of the deep, came the monster Midgard serpent to join in the last battle. Now the enemies of the gods were gathering from all sides,—the frost giants, the mountain giants, with Loki, Fenrir, and the Midgard serpent.

Heimdall, the faithful watchman, looked from his watch-tower by the rainbow bridge, and when he saw the host of monsters appearing and raging toward Asgard, he blew his magic horn, Giallar, which was the signal of warning to the gods.



writhe /raɪð/ は「身悶えする」です。ここは波を形容しているようです。


When Father Odin heard the blast of Heimdall’s horn, he hastened to arm himself for the battle; once again it is said the Allfather sought wisdom at Mimir’s fountain, asking to know how best to lead the Æsir against their enemies. But what Mimir said to him no one ever knew, for a second call sounded from the Giallar horn, and the gods, with Odin at their head, rode forth from Asgard to meet their foes.


how best to-Vは「Vするにはどうするのが一番良いか」という意味です。現代英語でも使われ,how to-V「どうやってVすべきか」にbestが付くだけなので簡単です。


Thor took his place beside Odin, but they were soon parted in the struggle. The thunder-god fell upon his old enemy, the serpent, whom twice before he had tried to slay, and after a fierce fight, he at last conquered and slew the monster; but the poisonous breath from the serpent’s mouth overcame the mighty Thor, and he also fell.


overcomeは「克服する(get over)」が有名で,「打ち負かす」の意味もあります。また「(煙などが)呼吸困難にさせる」という意味もあるようです。


Heimdall and Loki came face to face, and each slew the other. Thus every one of the gods battled each with his foe, till at last the darkness grew deeper, and all, both gods and giants lay dead. Then fire burst forth, raging from Utgard to Asgard—and all the worlds were destroyed in that dreadful day of Ragnarök.





But this was not the end of all: after many months, and years, and even centuries had passed, a new world began to appear, with the fair ocean, and the beautiful land, with a bright, shining sun by day, and the moon and stars by night. Then once more the light and heat from the sun made the grass and trees grow, and the flowers bloom.


by day,by nightは「昼は」「夜は」と対比的に使うものです。


Baldur and Hodur came to this beautiful new world, and walked and talked together. Thor’s sons were there, too, and with them, the hammer, Miölnir, no longer for use against giants, but for helping men build homes.

Two people, a man and a woman, who were kept safe through the raging fire, now came to dwell on the earth, and all their children and grandchildren lived at peace with each other in this beautiful new world.





Baldur and Hodur talked often of the old days when the Æsir dwelt in Asgard, before Loki, the wicked one, brought darkness and trouble to them. With loving words they spoke of Odin and Frigga; and the brave Tyr, who gave his right hand to save the Æsir; of mighty Thor; and faithful Heimdall; of lovely Freyja, with her beautiful necklace; and of fair Iduna’s garden, where they used to sit and eat her magic apples. “But still,” they said, “we know now that this new world is fairer than the old, and here, also, the loving Allfather watches over his children.”



これでAsgard Storiesは終わりです。Project Gutenberg,そして作者の2人(Mabel H. CummingsとMary H. Foster)に感謝申し上げます。

今後は当分の間『アルスターの猟犬』に全力を傾注することになります。Asgard Storiesのように子供向けではなく,また分量も多いためかなりの時間がかかる(2021年一杯くらいまで?)可能性がありますが,半分を越えた辺りで別の本にも挑戦しようかとも思っています。その時はギリシア神話にするかも知れません。


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北欧神話(Asgard Stories)第1回はこちら


