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Asgard Stories 16:トールの不思議な旅(1)

Asgard Stories

トールがミョルニルを手に入れたAsgard Stories 15の続きです。


Thor’s Wonderful Journey - I

One morning Thor asked Loki, the fire-god, if he would like to go forth with him to Utgard, the stronghold of the giants, where he was going to try, with his mighty hammer, to conquer those fierce enemies of Asgard. Loki was glad to go with him, and the two gods started forth in Thor’s chariot, drawn by two goats. Thor often went on a journey, so the dwellers in Asgard did not wonder to see him getting ready for a long drive. As Thor and Loki drove along, the heavy chariot rattled, and made the thunder echo among the hills. People in our world, down below in Midgard, heard the rumbling, and said: “What a heavy thunderstorm! How the thunder crashes and rumbles!”


asked Loki if he would like to go... は「行きたいかどうかロキに尋ねる」という間接話法ですが,直接話法に戻すとsaid to Loki, “Would you like to go...?”です。

conquer those fierce enemies of Asgardを初め「あの獰猛なアースガルドの敵達」と訳したのですが,読み直してみると「敵がアースガルド」に読めてしまいました。enemies of Asgardは「アースガルドにとっての敵」なのに,「アースガルドの敵」と訳すことで「アースガルドにいる敵」に読めてしまったのですね。そこで「アースガルドに仇なす奴ら」と訳し変えたのですが,何か不味い和訳をしていないか調べる時は,自分の和訳を日本語として読んでみて,何か事実関係がおかしく伝わっているように読めたら,正しく伝わるよう和訳を修正しましょう。その際多少言葉が増えてしまっても,間違って伝わるより百倍良いですね。




Toward evening the travelers stopped at a peasant’s hut, and Thor, alighting from his chariot, went to the door of the house, to ask shelter for the night. “I will gladly give you a room, but I have no food in the house,” said the man who opened the door. “Oh, never mind that,” said Thor; “I will provide the food.” So Thor and Loki stopped for the night at the peasant’s hut. They found the family within, the man, his wife, and two children, a boy and a girl. All looked on in great surprise to see Thor kill his two goats and cook them for the evening meal. “Eat all you wish of the meat,” said Thor, “but be careful not to break any of the bones; throw them all into the two skins which I have spread upon the floor.”




look onは「傍観する,見守る」です。Asgard Stories 9でも出てきました。

in (great) surpriseのinは〈どういう状態にいるか〉を示すinです。in a circleは「輪になって」,in a line [queue] は「列をなして」です。

Eat all you wish of the meatはEat all you wish「好きなだけ食え」+of the meat「料理した肉の中から」です。いずれにしてもwish ofという熟語ではありません。drink of...「…から一部を飲む」というのもありましたね。

・be careful to-Vは「Vするよう気をつける」,be careful not to-Vは「Vしないよう気をつける」です。be not careful to-Vにすると「Vするよう気をつけない」になってしまいます。


Now the boy, whose name was Thialfe, wondered why Thor should say this, and as he happened to have a piece of the leg-bone, he thought there could be no harm in breaking it open, to get out the soft marrow to eat. Thor was just then talking to Loki, and did not notice what had been done; but next morning the boy learned a lesson that he never forgot. When Thor was ready to start off again, next day, he held his magic hammer over the skins in which lay the bones. All at once the goats became whole again, and stood there just the same as before, except that one of them limped with his hind leg.


except that... は「…ということを除いて」→「ただし…だ」です。thatは省略可能でexcept=butのようになります。↓2020/1/27の記事で解説しています。




Then the young Thialfe knew why Thor had told them not to break the bones. At first, when he saw Thor’s angry face, and how he grasped his hammer, the boy was frightened, and wanted to run away; but soon he remembered it would be cowardly to do that, so he went to Thor, and asked his forgiveness. Now the mighty thunder-god, though often angry, was always just and kind. After scolding the boy as he deserved, he freely forgave him, and said that he and his sister might go along with Loki and himself on their journey.


how he grasped his hammerは,howを「どのように…か」と訳すと「トールがどのようにハンマーを持っていたか」となってしまいますが,単なるthat節のような意味でhowを使うことがあります。howをthatに交換すれば,he saw that he grasped his hammer「少年はトールがハンマーを握っているのに気づいた」です。










