Asgard Stories 3では,悪戯をしていた小人(ドワーフ?)がオーディンの命により地下で働かされる話でした。その続きです。
“And now,” said Odin, turning to the idle ones, “what have you been doing?”
“We were doing nothing at all, so we could not have harmed any one, and we pray you to spare us!” cried they.
・couldn’t have 過去分詞は仮定法でも使われ得ますが,ここは仮定法(=反実仮想)と取るのも変なので,cannot have 過去分詞「……したはずがない」と同義と取ります。
・spare usはspare us N「私達からNを免除する」からNの部分を略した形です。(2020/11/5追記)『グリードフォール』というゲームで主人公が「私たちの商人を襲わないなら」と言っている時の「襲わない」に当たる単語がspareでした!
“Do you not know that those who sit idle when they should be doing good deserve punishment, too?” said Odin. “I shall put you in charge of all the trees and flowers, and shall send one of the Æsir to teach you, so that you may be doing some good in the world.” Then the little elves went to work among the flowers, and Frey, the bright god of summer and sunshine, was a kind master to them.
「良き事をすべき時に何もせず座っている者だって罰を受けることになると知らないのか?」とオーディンは言いました。「お前達には木と花の世話を任せることにしよう。エーシルの1人を寄越して教えさせるから,お前達もこの世に多少の善行を為せるであろう」 それで小さなエルフ達は花々の世話をしに行き,夏と日光の輝く神フレイが彼らの優しい主人となりました。
・in charge of N「Nの管理責任がある」は「責任」の記事で触れました。
・so that you may Vは「お前達がVできるように」ですが,カンマもあるので後訳し(訳し下げ)しました。
He taught them how to open the folded buds in the sunshine, to fill the honey cups, and lead the bees along the flower passages to find their food, to hatch the birds’ eggs, and teach the little ones their songs, and then each night to fetch the water for dewdrops, to be hung on every leaf and blade of grass. When their work was finished, and the moon had risen, these busy elves and fairies enjoyed many a happy evening, dancing and frisking on the green by moonlight. And so our world of Midgard was filled with busy work and play.
・blade (of grass)はleafよりも細いものです。
・「many a+単数名詞」は「many+複数名詞」よりも固い言い方です。
Even now, in our time, the people in the lands of the north, and in Germany, have many old sayings and stories that have come down to them from the days long ago. There is a beautiful white flower in the north, which is called Baldur’s Brow, because it is so pure and bright, like the face of the dear sun-god, Baldur; and in some places, when the farmers gather in their harvest of grain, they leave a little bunch of it standing in the field, for Father Odin’s horse.
・peopleは「人々」ですが,the peopleには「人民,住民,民衆」と訳す方法があります。
We have some English names to remind us of those old tales of our forefathers, for we have Tuesday named for Tyr, or Tiu, the brave god who gave his right hand to save his friends; Wednesday, or Wodensday, named for Odin; Thursday, for Thor, the thunder-god; and Friday, for either the goddess Frigga, or Freyja, or for Frey, the god of summer, who ruled the fairies.
・テュールは軍神ですが,古くは天空神だったとされ,tyrant「暴君,僭主」はTyrが語源ではと見ています。テュールの右腕を奪ったのはフェンリルですね。save his friends「仲間を助ける」とは,他の神が怖がっていたところ,勇敢なテュールだけがフェンリルに右腕を預けたということでしょう(結果,食われてしまいました)