Asgard Stories 11はドワーフの技術とテュールの犠牲でフェンリルを拘束する話でした。
Freyja’s Necklace
“Yes, I really must have some flowers to wear to the feast to-night,” said Freyja to her husband, Odur. Freyja was the goddess of love and beauty; she was the most beautiful of all the Æsir, and every one loved to look at her charming face, and to hear her sweet voice. “I think you look quite beautiful enough as you are, without flowers,” Odur replied, but Freyja was not satisfied; she thought she would go and find her brother Frey, the god of summer, for he would give her a garland of flowers. So she wandered forth from Asgard on her way to Frey’s bright home in Alfheim, where he lived among his happy, busy little elves. As Freyja walked along she was thinking of the feast to be given that night in Asgard, and knowing that all the gods and goddesses would be there, she wished to look her very best.
・as you are(as S is)は「そのままで」「あるがままで」という意味です。
・look her very bestはlook C「Cに見える」のC=her very bestであり,「ずばぬけて一番の自分に見える」ということです。他にlook oneselfは「自分に見える」→「普段通りの自分らしい」で,主にdo(es)n’t look oneselfと否定で使い「いつもと違って調子が悪そうだ」です。
On and on she wandered, not thinking how far she was getting away from home. Finally the light began to grow fainter and fainter, and Freyja found herself in a strange place. The sunlight had faded away, but there was still a little light that came from lanterns carried by funny little dwarfs, who were busily working. Some were digging gold and gems, others were cleaning off the dirt from the precious stones, and polishing them to make them bright, while four little fellows were seated in one corner, putting the sparkling stones together into a wonderful necklace.
・find oneself in+場所は「自分が場所にいるのに気づいた」→「気がつくと場所にいた」と訳すのがいいでしょう。
“What can that beautiful thing be?” thought Freyja. “If only I had that, it would surely make me look more beautiful than any one else at the feast to-night!” And the more she thought about it, the more she longed to get it. “Oh, I really must have it!” she said to herself, and with these words she stepped nearer to the four little men. “For what price will you sell me your necklace?” she asked. The dwarfs looked up from their work, and when they saw Freyja’s lovely face and heard her sweet voice, said, “Oh, if you will only look kindly upon us, and be our friend, you may have the necklace!”
「あの綺麗な物は一体何? あれさえあれば今夜のパーティーで誰よりも美しく見えるに違いないわ」フレイヤは考えました。そしてフレイヤは考えれば考えるほどあれが欲しくなりました。「ああ,ほんとにあれを手に入れなきゃ」とフレイヤは思いながらその4人の小人に近づいていきました。「おいくらでそのネックレスを売ってくださる?」フレイヤは尋ねました。ドワーフ達は仕事を中断して顔を見上げ,フレイヤのきれいな顔を見,かわいい声を聞くと「ああ,俺たちに優しい顔をしてくれて,友達になってくれるなら,ネックレスをあげるよ!」と言いました。
・If only... は「…でありさえすれば」で,If only I had that. だけで終わることもできます。この場合 I wish I had that. と同じです。
・long to-Vは「Vしたいとしきりに思う」で,long for...「…を待ちわびる」のlongです。動詞1語でなくて良いなら be eager to-V,be eager for... があります。
・she said to herselfは「独り言を言った」ではありません。say to oneselfは「心の中で思う」です。“…” thought Freyjaと “…” Freyja said to herselfは同義です。段落冒頭でthought Freyjaと言っているのだから,同じで良いではないか,変えたら紛らわしいではないか,と思うかもしれませんが,変える(パラフレーズ)のが英語なのです。
・童話なのでlook kindly upon us, and be our friendとなっていますが,ウィキペディアによるとこの4人のドワーフと4夜を過ごしたそうです笑
Then a mocking laugh echoed again and again through the dark cavern, seeming to say, “How foolish you are to wish for these bright diamonds; they will not make you happy!” But Freyja snatched the necklace and ran out of the cavern. It did not please her to hear the teasing laugh of the dwarfs, and she wanted to get away from them as soon as possible.
・wish for Nは硬い言い方です。一応wish Nもあるようです。一方,hope for Nをhope Nと言うのは不可です。
At last she was once more out in the open air; she tried to be free and happy again, but a strange feeling of dread came over her, as if something were going to happen. Soon she came to a still pool of water, and, putting on the necklace, she bent over to look at her picture in the clear water. How beautiful the diamonds were! and how they sparkled in the sunshine! She must hasten home to show them to Odur. The fair goddess soon reached Asgard, and hurried to the palace to find her husband. But Odur was not there. Over and over again she searched through all the rooms in vain; he had gone, and although Freyja had her beautiful necklace, she cared little for it without her dear husband.
・put onは「身につける」動作を表し,身につけた後の状態「身につけている」はwearです。ここではwearing the necklaceではなくputting on the necklaceと書かれているので,この時身につけたことになります。この分詞構文は「ネックレスを身に着け,そして」ということです。
・She must hasten homeは「彼女は家路を急がねばならなかった」は妙です。ここは彼女の心中の描写と解し「早く家に帰らなきゃ(と彼女は思った)」と訳します。これを描出話法と言います。描出話法はセリフを地の文に(引用符を使わず)書くものですが,I mustではなくShe mustと,人称代名詞が間接話法のようになっているので注意です。