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Asgard Stories 22:イズンの掠奪(1)


フリッグが北欧の民に亜麻とリンネル生産を授けたAsgard Stories 21の続きです。

The Stealing of Iduna - I

Odin, the wise father of the gods, started off one day on a journey through Midgard, the world of men, to see how his people were getting on, and to give them help. He took with him his brother Hönir, the light-giver, and Loki, the fire-god. Loki, you know, was always ready to go wherever he could have any fun or do any mischief.


get onは「やって行く」で形容が付きます。今回はそれを問うhowが付いて「どのようにやって行く」です。get on well with Nは「Nとうまく(仲良く)やって行く」です。

took with him his brothertake an umbrella with youと同じで,with himが先に来ているだけです。take N with one,take with one Nで「Nを持っていく,連れて行く」です(oneは主語と同じ代名詞の目的格)



All the morning they went about among the homes of Midgard, and whenever Odin found busy, faithful workers, he was sure to leave behind some little thing which would hardly be noticed, a straw in the farmer’s barn, or a kernel of grain in the furrow by the plow, or a bit of iron at the blacksmith’s forge; but always happiness and plenty followed his little gift.


be sure to-Vは「きっとVするだろう」,leave behind Nは「Nを残していく」です。

plow(plough)は牛馬に着けて引かせる「犁(すき)」です。発音は「プロウ」ではなく「プラウ」/plaʊ/ です。手で持つ「鍬(くわ)」はhoeです。犬上御田鍬(最終回遣隋使,第1回遣唐使)のように鍬を「すき」と読むこともあります。


At noontime Loki was so hungry that he begged Odin to stop for dinner; so when they came to shady spot by the bank of a river, the three gods chose it for their resting-place. Odin threw himself down under a tree and began to read his little book of runes, or wise sayings, but Loki began to make a fire and get ready for the feast. Then he started off to a farmhouse near by, leaving Hönir to cook the meat which they had brought.


・自分の体を素早く動かすのにthrowという表現が使えます。勢いよくベッドに身を投げる場合,throw oneself onto the bedと言えばよいですね(oneselfはmyself,herselfなど)



As Loki came near the farmhouse, he thought to himself, “I will change myself into a cat, and then I can have a better chance to spy about.” So he changed himself into a black cat, and jumping upon the kitchen window-sill, he saw the farmer’s wife taking some cakes out of the oven. They smelled so good and looked so tempting that Loki said to himself, “What a prize those cakes would be for our dinner!”


・最後のsay to himselfは「独り言を言う」ではなく「心のなかで思う」です。段落頭のthought to himselfの単なる言い換え(パラフレーズ)です。


Just then the woman turned back to the oven to get more cakes, and Loki snatched those which she had laid on the table. The good housewife soon missed her cakes; she looked all about, and could not think what had become of them, but just as she was taking the last lot from the oven, she turned quickly around, and saw the tail of a cat whisking out of the window.

“There!” cried she, “that wicked black cat has stolen my nice cakes. I will go after him with my broom!” But by the time she reached the door all she could see was a cow walking in her garden, and when she came there to drive her away, nothing was to be seen except a big raven and six little ones flying overhead.




what has become of Nは「Nはどうなったのか」です。what will become of Nだと「Nはどうなってしまうのか」です。

by the time S V「SがVするまでに,SがVする頃には」は重要表現です。byは前置詞であって接続詞にはならないので,until S V「SがVするまで(ずっと)」のように前置詞と同じ形では言えないのです。

nothing was to be seenのwas to部分は〈可能のbe to〉です。普通否定文で〈不可能〉を言うのに使います。was toをちょうどcouldと交換することができ,nothing could be seen「何も見られなかった」です。


Then the mischievous Loki went back to the river bank, where he had left his two friends, and showed them the six cakes, boasting of the good joke he had played upon the poor woman. But Odin did not think it was a joke. He scolded Loki for stealing, and said, “It is a shame for one of the Æsir to be a thief! Go back to the farmhouse, and put these three black stones on the kitchen table.”

その頃いたずら好きのロキは2人の友人を残していった川岸に戻って来ていて,2人に6つのケーキを見せ,あの可哀想な女性に行った面白い冗談を自慢しました。しかしオーディンはそれを冗談をは考えませんでした。オーディンはロキの泥棒を叱り,「エーシルの一員が盗みをするとは恥! 農家に戻ってこの3つの黒い石を台所のテーブルに置いてこい」と言いました。


boast of Nは「Nを鼻にかける」。that節の時はofは不要でboast that節です。同様のものにhope for Nとhope that節,insist on Nとinsist that節があります。


Loki knew that the stones meant something good for the poor woman, and he did not wish to go back to the house; but he had to do as the Allfather told him. As he went along he heard his friends the foxes, who put their heads out of their holes and laughed at his tricks, for the foxes thought Loki was the biggest thief of them all.



Changing himself into an owl, Loki flew in at the kitchen window, and dropped from his beak the three stones, which, when they fell upon the white table, seemed to be three black stains. The next time the good woman came into her kitchen, she was surprised to find that the dinner was all cooked. And so the wonderful stones that Odin had sent brought good luck; the housewife always found her food ready cooked, and all her jars and boxes filled with good things to eat, and never again was in need.

The other women all said she was the best housekeeper in the village, but one thing always troubled her, and that was the table with the three black stains. She scrubbed, and scrubbed, but could never make it white again.




in needは「困って,困窮して」です。wasがあることから主語はかめや箱ではなく,女性自身ですね。A friend in need is a friend indeed.「まさかの時の友こそ真の友」が有名な使用例です。このa friend in needは「困っている友」ではなく「あなたが困っている時の友(a friend when you are in need)」「あなたが困っている時に友達でいてくれる人」のことです。語呂が良いのでそうしているわけですね。


And now we must go back to Loki. He was very hungry by this time, and hoped that Hönir would have the meat nicely cooked when he came back to the river bank, but when they took it out of the kettle, they found it was not cooked at all. So Odin went on reading his book of runes, not thinking about food, while Hönir and Loki watched the fire, and at the end of an hour they looked again at the meat. “Now, it will surely be done this time!” said Loki, but again they were disappointed, for the meat in the kettle was still raw. Then they began to look about to see what magic might be at work, and at last spied a big eagle sitting on a tree near the fire. All at once the bird spoke, and said, “If you will promise to give me all the meat I can eat, it shall be cooked in a few minutes.”


it shall be cookedのshallは話者(ここでは鷲)の意志を表すものなので,「それは料理されるだろう」ではなく「それを料理してみせよう」です。


The three friends agreed to this, and in a short time, as the bird had promised, the meat was well done, Loki was so hungry he could hardly wait to get it out of the kettle, but suddenly the eagle pounced down upon it, and seized more than half, which made Loki so angry that he took up a stick to beat the bird, and what do you think happened? Why, the stick, as soon as it touched the bird’s back, stuck fast there, and Loki found he could not let go his end of it. Then away flew the eagle, carrying Loki with him, over the fields and over the tree-tops, until it seemed as though his arms would be torn from his body. He begged for mercy, but the bird flew on and on. At last Loki said, “I will give you anything you ask, if you will only let me go!”

3人の兄弟はこれに同意し,まもなく,鷲が約束した通りに肉はこんがりと焼けました。ロキは腹が減りすぎて釜から取り出すのが待ちきれませんでしたが,突然鷲が飛びかかって半分以上を掴んだので,ロキは怒って鷲を叩こうと棒きれを取り上げました。するとどうなったでしょう? あらま,棒きれは鷲の背中に触れた途端,そこにピッタリとくっついて,ロキは気がつくと自分が掴んでいる方を離せなくなっていました。それから鷲はロキをぶら下げたまま,畑や木々の上を飛び去り,ロキの手は体からちぎれるかと思うほどでした。ロキは鷲に慈悲を請いましたが,鷲はどんどん飛び続けました。ついにロキは「離してさえくれたら欲しいものは何でもやる!」と言いました。

・waitと言えばwair for Nですが,wait to-Vも大事ですね。wait until S Vも便利です。

・このwhichが指すものは直前のmore than halfではなく,「鷲が半分以上掴んだこと」です。このwhichはand thatと言い換えられ,thatは「それ」だけでなく「そのこと」の意味もありますよね。whichの先行詞が直前の名詞ではなく文の内容(の一部)になる時はカンマを打ちます。


let go Nは「行かせる」から「手を離す」です。let go of Nとも言います。


Now the eagle was really the cruel storm giant Thiassi, and he said, “I will never let you go until you promise to get for me, from Asgard, the lovely goddess Iduna, and her precious apples!” When Odin and Hönir saw Loki whisked off through the air, they knew that the eagle must be one of their giant enemies, so they hurried home to Asgard to defend their sacred city. Just as they came to Bifröst, the rainbow bridge, Loki joined them; but he took care not to tell them how the eagle came to let him go. Odin felt sure that Loki had been doing something wrong, but knowing very well that Loki would not tell him the truth, he made up his mind not to ask any questions.



come to-Vは「Vするようになる」です。get to-Vもあります。日本語でも「……するに至る」と言うのと同じようなことでしょう。to-Vはたいていnot to-Vの言い換えがあります(tell 人 to-Vに対してtell 人 not to-V)が,come to-V,get to-Vは ×come not to-Vのようにはできません。


今回は「ロキの掠奪」でしたね笑 ロキはほかにゲイルロズにも拐われています。今回は長かったですが,「イズンの掠奪」は(3)まであります。今回イズンは名前しか登場しませんでしたね。約一週間後の続きをお楽しみ下さい。




