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Asgard Stories 24:イズンの掠奪(3)

Asgard Stories

イズンがスィアチに攫われ閉じ込められたAsgard Stories 23の続きです。

The Stealing of Iduna - III

All this while the dwellers in Asgard were sad and lonely without their dear Iduna. At first they went to her garden, as before, but they missed the bright goddess, and soon the garden itself grew dreary. The fresh green leaves turned brown and fell, the flowers faded, no new buds opened. No bird-songs were heard, and the saddest thing of all was that now the gods had no more of the wonderful apples to keep them fresh and strong, while two strangers, named Age and Pain, walked about the city of Asgard, and the Æsir felt themselves growing tired and feeble.


whileには接続詞のほか名詞があります。once in a whileは「ときどき」,all the whileは「その間中ずっと」です。


Every day they watched for Iduna’s return; at last, when day after day had passed, and still she did not come, a meeting of all the gods and goddesses was called to talk over what they should do, and where they should search for their lost sister. Loki, you may be sure, took care not to show himself at the meeting; but when it was found out that Iduna had last been seen walking with him, Bragi went after him, and brought him in before all the Æsir.


・search NのNは捜す範囲を表しますので,捜す対象を言う場合はserach for Nと言います。組み合わせてsearch his pockets for the keyのように言えます。


Then Father Odin, who sat on his high throne, looking very tired and sad, said: “Oh, Loki, what is this that you have done? You have broken your promise of brotherhood, and brought sorrow upon Asgard! Fail not to bring home again our sister, or else come not yourself within our gates!”

Loki knew well that this command must be obeyed, and besides, even he was beginning to wish for Iduna again; so, borrowing the cloak of falcon feathers which belonged to the goddess Freyja, he put it on and set out for Utgard and the castle of the giant Thiassi, which was a gloomy cave in a high rock by the sea, and there he found poor Iduna shut up in prison.

すると王座に座っていた父なるオーディンが,とても疲れて悲しそうな表情で言いました「ああ,ロキ,何ということをしてくれたんだ? 兄弟の約束を破り,アースガルドに悲しみをもたらすとは! 我らが妹を必ず連れ帰れ,さもないと門の中に入ることは許さん!」


Fail not to-VDon't fail to-V「必ずVしろ」の古い言い方でしょう。


By good luck, the giant was away fishing when Loki arrived, so he was able to fly in, without being seen, through the narrow opening in Iduna’s rock cell. You would have taken him to be just a falcon bird, but Iduna knew it was really Loki, and was filled with joy to see him. Without stopping to talk, Loki quickly changed her into a nut, which he held fast in his falcon claws, and flew swiftly northward, over the sea, toward Asgard. He had not gone far when he heard a rushing noise behind them, and he knew it must be the eagle. Faster and faster flew the falcon with his precious nut; but the fierce eagle flew still faster after them.


You would not have taken him to be just a falcon birdは大変重要です。これは期末テストに出ますよぉ(/`ω´)/

(1)まずwould have 過去分詞は仮定法の可能性が大です。もちろん単なる過去の推量でも使えるので,仮定法かそうでないのかを慎重に判断することが肝要です。



(4)今回のtake him to be just a falcon birdのtakeはmistakeの意味で「彼をただのハヤブサと間違う」という意味です。

(5)次の文を読むことが決定的でしたね。but Izuna knew it was really Loki「しかしイズンはそれが本当はロキだと分かった」です。そこでYou would not have takenを仮定法かどうか決めずに単に推量のように訳してみましょう。すると「あなたは彼をただのハヤブサと間違ったでしょう。しかしイズンはそれが本当はロキだと分かった」となります。つまり「しかし現実に見たのはイズンだったのでちゃんとロキだと分かった」と言っているので,これは反実仮想(=仮定法)であり,「仮にあなたが見たら,彼をただのハヤブサと間違ったことでしょう」です。更に言えばこのYouは読者を指すYouか,一般人称のYouです。今回は一般人称と取り,「仮に普通の人々だったら」と訳しました。主語のYouに仮定が込められた仮定法だったんですね!

stop to talkは「話すのを止める」ではなく「話すために止まる」「立ち止まって話す」です。一刻の猶予もないのでロキはイズンに挨拶もせずにイズンを木の実に変えました。

He had not gone far when...「……とき,彼は遠くへ行っていなかった」は「遠くへ行かないうちに……だった」と訳すとうまいです。


Meanwhile, for five days, the dwellers in Asgard gathered together on the city walls, gazing southward, to watch for the coming of the birds, while Loki and Iduna, chased by Thiassi, the eagle, flew over the wide sea separating Utgard, the land of the giants, from Asgard. Each night the eagle was nearer his prey, and the watchers in the city were filled with fear lest he should overtake their friends.


・separateは「……を分け隔てる」の意味があり,the wide sea separating Utgard from Asgardthe wide sea which separates [separated] Utgard from Asgard「ウートガルズをアースガルズから隔てている[隔てていた]広い海」です。


lest S should Vは高校英文法(大学受験)で習う重要文法ですね。「SがVしないように」「SがVするといけないから」ですが,今回は「SがVしはしないかと」がしっくり来ますね。


At last they thought of a plan to help Iduna: gathering a great pile of wood by the city walls, they set fire to it. When Loki reached the place he flew safely through the thick smoke and flame, for you know he was the god of fire, and dropped down into the city with his little nut held fast in his falcon claws. But when the heavy eagle came rushing on after them, he could not rise above the heat of the fire, and, smothered by the smoke, fell down and was burned to death.




There was great joy in Asgard at having the dear Iduna back again; her friends gathered around her, and she invited them all into her garden, where the withered trees and flowers began to sprout and blossom; the gay birds came back, singing and building their nests, and the happy little brooks went dancing under the trees. Iduna sat with Bragi among her friends, and they all feasted upon her golden apples; she was so thankful to be free, and at home in her garden again. Once more the Æsir became young and strong, and the two dark strangers went away, for happiness and peace had come back to Asgard.


two dark stragersはAge「老齢」とPain「苦痛」ですね。







