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Asgard Stories 14:トールのハンマー(1)

Asgard Stories

フレイヤの首飾りとオーズ失踪事件が解決したAsgard Stories 13の続きです。

The Hammer of Thor

Sif was the wife of mighty Thor, the thunder-god, and she was very proud of her beautiful golden hair, which she combed and braided with great care. One morning when she awoke she was filled with grief and dismay to find that her lovely hair had been cut off in the night, while she slept. Her husband happened to be away that day, but when he came home late at night, Sif was careful to keep out of his sight, she felt so ashamed of her shorn head.


with great careはいわゆる〈with+抽象名詞〉で副詞(very carefully)と同等になります。

dismayは「力may=might」に〈打消のdis〉が付いたという成り立ちで「うろたえさせる」です。名詞も同形です(cf. disappoint → disappointment)

・「夜に」はat nightですが,in the night「夜間に」という言い方もあります。

・shear - sheared - sheared,shear - shore - shornは「刈る」という意味です。


Thor, however, soon called for Sif, and when he saw what had been done to her, he was very angry. Now Thor had a quick temper; every one feared his fierce anger. “Who could have done this wicked deed?” thought he. “There is only one among all the Æsir who would think of doing such a thing!” Thor lost no time in finding Loki, and that mischief-god had to admit that he was the guilty one, but he begged Thor to give him just a few days, and he promised to get something for Sif that would make her look more beautiful than ever. So Thor decided to give him a chance to try, and commanded him to give back to Sif her golden hair.


call forは「…を求めて呼ぶ」です。「シヴ,どこだ?」と呼ぶということです。なおここからcall for...「…を要求する」「…の要求」という重要熟語があります。

temperは「気性」,quick temperは「短気」ですね。

lose no time in Vingは「すぐにVする」ですね。


Now Loki knew a place where some wonderful workmen lived, so he went off, as fast as he could go, to Niflheim, the home of the dwarfs, under the earth, and asked one of them to make quickly some golden hair for Sif. Besides this, he asked for two gifts to carry to the gods Odin and Frey, so that they might be on his side if Thor should bring his complaint before the Æsir. Loki did not have to wait long before the dwarf brought him a quantity of beautiful hair, spun from the finest golden thread. It had the wonderful power of growing just like real hair, as soon as it touched any one’s head. Besides this, there was a spear for Odin, which never missed its aim, no matter how far it was thrown, and for Frey, a ship that could sail through the air as well as the sea. Although it was large enough to hold all the gods and their horses, yet it could be folded so that it was small enough to put in one’s pocket.


Loki didn’t have to wait long before... は本当は「…まで長く待つ必要はありませんでした」ですが,「長く待つ必要もなく…だった」と訳し下げています。訳し下げは長すぎる文をスムーズに訳せるだけでなく,著者が言いたかった順に訳すことができるという長所があります。

quantityは「量,一定量」ですが「大量,たくさん」の意味もあります。同様にqualityは「質」ですが「良質」の意味もあります。quality restaurantと言えば「質のレストラン」ではなく「良質のレストラン」です。

は「オーディン用」「決して狙いを外さない」との叙述からしグングニルでしょう。投げた後は手元に戻るそうです。そういえばGod of War北欧神話編でクレイトスが投げるリヴァイアサンも(R1を押せば)戻ってきますよね。このゲーム,PS Storeのセールでなんと1400円くらいで売っていたので買ったのですよ!ある程度やったらレビューを上げたいと思います。



Loki was greatly pleased with these wonderful presents, and declared that this dwarf must be the most skillful workman of them all. Now it happened that another dwarf, named Brock, heard him say this, and he told Loki that he was sure he and his brother could make more wonderful things than these. Loki did not believe that could be done, but he told Brock to try his skill; the Æsir should judge between them and the one who should fail in the trial must lose his head. Then Brock called his brother, Sindri, and they set to work at once. They first built a great fire, and Sindri threw into it a lump of gold; then he told Brock to blow the bellows while he went out, and be sure not to stop blowing until he should come back.



ブロック!出てきました!God of Warでもブロックというドワーフの鍛冶屋が出てきて,武器の強化とかをしてくれるんです。この設定が北欧神話と同じなのがこのゲームの魅力ですね。

lumplamp「(灯りの)ランプ」と混同注意で「塊,角砂糖(a lump of sugar)」「ひとまとめに扱う」という意味です。

bellowは「怒鳴る,叫ぶ」という意味ですが,bellowsには「ふいご(鞴)」の意味があります。複数形の形態を取りますがa bellowsで良いようです(blow a bellows)。a means「手段」もあります。

be sure to-V「きっとVする」は命令文にできてBe sure to-V.「必ずVしろ」と言えます。Be sure not to-V.で「絶対にVするな」ですね。

・このshouldは難しいと思います。イギリス英語では「1人称主語の時,wouldをshouldと言える」というのがあります。今回はhe shouldだから3人称主語ですよね。ただこれはシンドリがブロックに告げた内容(間接話法)だから,heは事実上 I だということなんでしょう(he should come back = I shall come back)






