バルドルが自分の死を夢で見てしまったAsgard Stories 26の続きです。
Baldur - II
One beautiful sunny day at the end of summer the gods had all gone out to an open field beyond Asgard to have some sports. As they all knew that nothing could hurt Baldur, they placed him at the end of the field for a target, and then took turns throwing their darts at him, just for the fun of seeing them fall off without hurting him. They thought this was showing great honor to Baldur, and he was pleased to join in the sport.
・take turns Vingは「代わる代わるVする」です。
Loki happened to be away when they began to play, and when he came was angry in his heart that nothing could hurt Baldur. “Why should he be so favored? I hate him!” said Loki to himself, and began at once to plan some evil.
All this while Queen Frigga sat in her palace, thinking of all her dear sons, and of how much good they did to men. As she sat thus, thinking, and spinning with her hands, there came a knock at the door. The queen called, “Come in!” and an old woman stood before her.
・何度か言いましたがsay to oneselfは「独り言を言う」ではなく「心のなかで思う」です。「独り言を言う」はthink aloud,talk to oneselfと言います。
Frigga spoke kindly to her, and soon the old woman said she had passed by the field where the gods were playing, and throwing sharp weapons at Baldur. “Oh, yes,” said Frigga; “neither metal nor wood can hurt him, for all things in the world have given me their promise.”
“What!” said the old woman; “do you mean that all things have really vowed to spare Baldur?”
“All,” replied the queen, “except one little plant that grows on the eastern side of Asgard; it is called mistletoe, and I thought it too small and soft to do any harm.”
・spareはspare A Bで「AからBを免除する」という意味があります。Bは苦労や時間などです。Bを省いてspare BaldurとすることによってBを特定せず,あらゆる嫌な事をバルドルから免除するという意味になります。
Before long the old woman went away, and when she was quite out of sight of Frigga’s palace, threw off her woman’s clothes, and who do you suppose it was? Why, no woman at all, but that wicked Loki, of course, who hurried away out of Asgard, to find the poor little plant that did not know about Baldur’s danger. When he came to the place where the plant grew, Loki cutting off a branch, quickly made a sharp arrow, which he carried back to the playground, where the Æsir were still at their game, all but one, Hodur, the god of darkness, Baldur’s blind twin brother.
Then Loki went up to Hodur, and said to him in a low voice, “Why do you not join with the others in doing honor to Baldur?”
まもなく老婆は去り,フリッグの宮殿から十分遠くへ行った頃,女物の服を脱ぎ捨てました。すると誰だったでしょう? 何と,女では全く無く,もちろんあの邪悪なロキだったのです。彼は急いでアースガルズを離れ,バルドルの危険など知らない哀れな小さな植物を探しに行きました。その植物が生えている所へ来ると,枝を切り,鋭い矢を素早く作って,エーシル達がヘズ1人を除いて遊んでいる野原に持っていきました。ヘズは闇の神で,目の見えない,バルドルの双子の兄弟です。それでロキはヘズの所へ行き,小さな声で「どうしてみんなに混じってバルドルを称えないんだい?」と言いました。
“I cannot see to take aim, you know, and besides, I have no weapon,” said Hodur. “Come, then, here is a fine new dart for you, and I will guide your hand,” whispered wicked Loki; then he slipped the arrow of mistletoe wood into Hodur’s hand and aimed it himself at Baldur, who stood there so bright and smiling.
・slip A into Bで「AをBに滑り込ませる」です。Aがなければslip into ...「……に滑り込む」ですね。
Then poor blind Hodur heard a dreadful cry from all the gods: Baldur the Beautiful had fallen, struck by the arrow; he would now be taken away from them, to live with Hela in the underworld.
Every heart was filled with sorrow for this dreadful loss; but no one tried to punish him who had done the wicked deed, for they stood upon sacred ground, and the field was named the Peace-stead, or Place of Peace, where no one might hurt another. Besides, the gods did not know it was the false Loki who hated Baldur, that had struck him down.
・Peacesteadのsteadは古い英語で「場所」という意味で,現代英語のinstead of N「Nの代わりに」に残っています。in spite of N「Nにもかかわらず」はspite「悪意」が現役なのでスペースで区切りますが,instead of Nの方はsteadが廃れたのでスペースで区切らないのでしょう。
When Frigga heard the sad news, she asked who would win her love by going to the underworld and begging Hela to let Baldur come back to them. Hermod, the swift messenger-god, ready to do his mother’s bidding, set forth at once on the long journey. Nine days and nights he traveled without resting, until he came to Hela’s underworld. There he found Baldur, who was glad to see him, and sent messages to his friends in Asgard. Hela said Baldur might return to them on one condition: that every living creature, and everything in the world must weep for him.
・she asked who would win her love by going to the underworldは直訳すれば「誰が地下へ行くことによって私の愛を勝ち取れますかと尋ねた」です。つまり「誰かが地下へ行ってくれれば,私はその人を愛する」ということで,「誰かが地下へ行ってくれれば,私はその人にとても感謝する」と訳し変えました。
So Hermod hastened back to Asgard, and when the Æsir heard Hela’s answer, they sent out messengers over the world to bid all things weep for Baldur, their bright sun-god. Then did the beasts, the birds, the fishes, the flowers and trees, even stones and metals weep; as indeed we can see the teardrops come to all things when they are changed from heat to cold.
As the messengers were coming back to Asgard they met an old woman, whom they bade weep, but she replied, “Let Hela keep Baldur down below; why should I care?” When the Æsir heard of this, they thought it must have been the same old woman who went before to Frigga’s palace, and we know who that was. And so Baldur the beautiful, Baldur the bright, did not come back, and all the dwellers in Asgard were sad and sorrowful without him.
・we knowは現在形なので「我々読者は知っている」ですね。