For a year and a day he remained with Scáth, and learned all that she could teach him, and he became the most renowned warrior of his time, or of any other time; and because Shadow loved his skill and his strength and comeliness, she taught him the feat of the Body Spear, which she had never taught to any before. And she gave the spear into his own keeping. When Ferdia saw the spear, he said, “O Scáth, teach me also this feat, for the day will come when I shall have need of it.” But she would not, for she wished to make Cuchulain invincible, and that he should have one feat that was not known to any but himself.
1年と1日の間,彼はスカアハの許に留まり,彼女が彼に教え得る全てを学んだ。そして彼は当代,いや他のどの時代でも最も有名な戦士になった。そしてシャドウは彼の技能と膂力と美しさを大変気に入ったので,彼にゲイボルグの技を授けた。それまで誰にも授けなかったものだった。そして彼女は槍も彼に保管させた。フェルディアが槍を見ると,言った。「スカアハよ,私にもこの技をお教え下さい。それが必要となる日が来るからです」 しかし彼女は教えようとはしなかった。というのも彼女はクー・フーリンを不敗無敵にしたかったからで,彼しか知らない技を1つ,彼に持たせたかったからだ。
・renownは「名声」,renownedは「有名な」です。恐らくnoun /naʊn/「名詞」と関係があり,「繰り返し(re)名前(noun)を言われる」ということでしょう。なお,renounceは「放棄する,捨てる」で,announce「発表する,表明する」の逆と理解して下さい。
・the Body Spearは前回言いましたがゲイボルグのことです。スカアハがクー・フーリンだけに授けたという事実から間違いないでしょう。
・the day will come when S will V「SがVする日が来るでしょう」という教科書的な表現が出てきて嬉しいです。I shallとなっていますが,1人称主語ならshall=willです(I shall return. = I will return. 2〜3人称の場合はshall≠will)
And she gave him the Helmet of Invisibility, which Manannan mac Lir, the ocean god, brought out of Fairy-land; and the mantle of Invisibility made of the precious fleeces from the land of the Immortals, even from the Kingdom of Clear Shining; and she gave him his glorious shield, with knobs of gold, and chased all round with carvings of animals, and the combats of fighting men, and the sea-wars of the gods. And he became companion and arms-bearer to Ferdia, because he was the younger and because they loved each other, and all the time he was with Scáth they went together into every danger, and every peril, and they took journeys together, and saw strange sights. And because the twain loved each other, they swore that never in life would either hurt or wound the other, or do combat or quarrel with the other, but that [65] for ever and for ever they twain would aid and support each other in war and in combat, and in all the pleasant loving ways of peace.
・このall the time he was with Scáthは単体ならば「いつも彼はスカサハと共にいた」ですが,今回はthey went togetherに接続しているので,接続詞として「彼がスカサハと共にいる時はいつでも」です。例えばevery time S Vで「SVするときはいつでも」と言えます。all the time S Vで「SVするときはいつでも」です。
But Scáth knew that other days were coming, for she was a seer, and when Cuchulain bade her farewell, to return to Ireland, she spoke to him these words out of her prophet’s shining ken: “Blessing and health go with thee! Victorious Hero, Champion of the Kine of Bray! Chariot Chief of the two-horsed chariot! Beloved Hero of the gods! Perils await thee; alone before the foe I see thee stand, fighting against a multitude, fighting thy own companion and friend. Red from many conflicts are thy warrior weapons; by thee men and champions will fall; the warriors of Connaught and of Meave, the hosts of Ailill and of Fergus scatter before thy sword. The Hound of Ulster will be renowned. At his death will the glory of Ulster fail, the glory of Erin will depart from her.... Farewell, farewell, Cuchulain.”
・なんか,スカアハから完全にネタバレを食らった気分ですが……笑 でもメーヴを襲った預言師フェデルムも似たような事を言っていましたね。
・Kine of Brayの定訳が分かりませんが,これは予言なので,将来にクー・フーリンが名を成す戦いの場でしょう。いずれ語られる回が来るのを待ちましょう。Brayは「丘」,Kineは「牛」のようです。クーリーの牛争いと関係しているんでしょうかね。
Then Cuchulain parted from her, and turned to go back to Erin, and a magic mist overtook him so that he knew not how he went, or by what road he came to the borders of the white-flecked, green-waved ocean, but he found Manannan’s horses of the white sea-foam awaiting him near the shore upon the surface of the mighty main, and he caught their tossing white-tipped manes and they bore him out across the waves, and so he came to Ireland again.
・マナナーンの馬とはエンバールのことでしょうか!? でも複数いるみたいですね。海の泡でできている精獣のようです。
・waitはwait for Nとする必要がありますがawaitはforを介さず,await N(他動詞)です。
・the mainには「大海原」の意味があります。もっと重要な名詞mainはin the main「主に」ですね。
It was on the night of his return that he found and caught his two chariot horses, the Grey of Macha, and the Black Steed of the Glen, and this is how he caught them. He was passing along the borders of the Grey Lake that is near the Mountain of Slieve Fuad, pondering on the fate that was before him, and the work that he would do. Slowly he walked [66] along the reedy, marshy ground that lay along the lake, till he saw a mist rise slowly from the mere and cover all the plain. Then, as he stood to watch, he saw the form of a mighty steed, grey and weird and phantom-like, rise slowly from the centre of the lake, and draw near to the shore, until it stood with its back to him among the rushes of the water’s edge. Softly Cuchulain crept down behind the steed; but it seemed not to hear him come, for it was looking out towards the centre of the lake.
・It is ... that 〜の強調構文によって前置詞句が強調される形,It is 前置詞句 that 〜は典型です。今回はIt was on the night of his return that 〜ですので,「〜だったのは,帰還の夜のことであった」です。
・Grey of Macha(マハの灰色,リアト・マハ)とthe Black Steed of the Glen(グレンの黒馬,ドゥヴ・サングレン)はクー・フーリンの馬として有名です。実際は2頭戦車の馬であり,御者はロイグです。ロイグもいずれ出てくるでしょう。
・this is why「こういうわけで」は原因・理由を,this is how「このようにして,こういう経緯で」は方法・経緯を述べます。thisはこれから言うものを指すことができます。that is whyやthat is howとすれば既に言ったものを指します。
・draw near「近づく」は重要熟語です。原形のまま使われていますが前方にhe sawがあり,see O 原形「Oが〜するのが見える」の知覚動詞構文です。この段落の最後の行のhear him comeもhear O 原形「Oが〜するのが聞こえる」の知覚動詞構文です。
Then with a sudden leap, Cuchulain was on its neck, his two arms clasped upon its mane. When it felt the rider on its back, the noble animal shuddered from head to foot, and started back and tried to throw Cuchulain, but with all his might he clung and would not be thrown. Then began a struggle of champions between those two heroes, the King of the Heroes of Erin and the King of Erin’s Steeds. All night they wrestled, and the prancing of the steed was heard at Emain Macha, so that the warriors said it thundered, and that a great storm of wind had arisen without. But when it could by no means throw Cuchulain from its back, the horse began to career and course round the island, and that night they fled with the swiftness of the wind three times round all the provinces of Ireland. With a bound the wild steed leaped the mountains, and the sound of its coursing over the plains was as the break of the tempestuous surf upon the shore.
・shudder /ʃʌ́dər/ は恐怖・嫌悪感・寒さ・喜びで「身震いする」という意味です。私は恐怖と嫌悪感しか覚えてませんでしたが,寒さや喜びもあるんですね。寒さではshiver /ʃɪ́vər/ なんかもあります。
with N「Nを伴って」 ≠ without N「Nを伴わずに」
within「中では」 ≠ without「外では」
Once only did they halt in their career, and that was in the wild and lonely glen in Donegal that is called the Black Glen, where the ocean waves roll inward to the land. From out the waters arose another steed, as black as night, and it whinneyed to the Grey of Macha, so that the Grey of Macha stopped, and the Black Steed of the Glen came up beside it, and trotted by its side. Then the fury of the Grey of Macha ceased, and Cuchulain could feel beneath his hand that the two horses were obedient to his will. And he brought them home to Emain and harnessed them to his chariot, and all the men of Ulster marvelled at the splendour of those steeds, which were like night and day, the dark steed and the light, and one of them they called the Grey of Macha, because Macha was the goddess of war and combat, and the other they called the Black Steed of the Glen.
・以前も解説しましたが,Once only「1回だけ(Only once)」という〈Onlyの付く準否定語〉が文頭に立ったため,did they haltと倒置しています。ここから分かるのは,否定語文頭倒置は単純な転倒(halted they)ではなく,疑問文を作る倒置(did they halt)だということです。
・marvel at Nは珍しく,受け身にしなくて良い「驚く」です。大抵はbe surprised [amazed,astonished] at... のように受け身にします。
・Macha「マハ,マッハ,ヴァハ」は三相女神(the three Morrigna)の一柱で,他にモリガンとネヴァン(バズヴ,バイヴ)がいます。マハは魔眼のバロールに殺されますが,バロールを討ったのがその孫の長腕のルー,即ちクー・フーリンの神の父です。