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Then Meave trembled at the saying of the Druid; but she asked again, “Among all those who will remain behind and those who go, there is none dearer to us than we are to ourselves; inquire therefore of thy gods if we ourselves shall come alive out of this hosting?”


inquire of 人 if... で「……かどうかを人に尋ねる」です。このinquireは命令法で,「お前が仕える神に訊いてくれ」と頼んでいるわけです。thy /ðaɪ/ は所有格ですが,母音やhで始まる語の前ではthine /ðaɪn/ を使います。

The wizard answered: “Whoever comes or comes not, thou thyself shalt come.”
Then Meave mounted her chariot again, and turned her horses’ heads towards Cruachan. But heaviness was at her heart, and deep dejection lay upon her mind, and moodily she thought of what the Druid prophesied to her.



Whoever Vは(1)「Vする者は誰でも」という意味と(2)「たとえ誰がVしようとも」という意味があり,これ自体を文から除去して文が崩れれば(1),崩れなければ(2)です。実際にWhoever comes or comes notを除去しても,thou thyself shalt come(=you yourself shall come)は文として成立しているので(2)です。(2)の場合,no matter who Vと言い変えることもできます。また(2)の場合,譲歩のmayを足すこともできます(whoever may come or not)


They had not driven far when suddenly the horses swerved aside and reared and snorted with affright. Meave started up, and shaking off her reverie, in the dim twilight of the breaking dawn, close up beside her chariot-shaft, she saw a woman stand. Red as a foxglove were her cheeks and blue as the spring hyacinth beneath the forest trees her sparkling eyes. Like pearls her teeth shone white between her lips, and all her skin was fair as the white foam that dances on the wave. Around her fell, in waving folds of green, a cloak such as the fairy women wear, which hides them from the eyes of mortal men.


They had not gone far when... は「……したとき遠くへは行っていなかった」ですから,「遠くへ行かないうちに……した」と訳し変えられます。戦車に乗っているのでgoneがdrivenになっています。

reverieは「空想,夢想」です。直前でドルイドの予言を憂鬱に考えていたので,shaking off her reverieとはその空想を打ち払って我に返ったということでしょう。




・Around her fellは誤読しやすい形で,その原因が「herが所有格でも目的格でもあること」です。(1)herを所有格と取ると「彼女のfellの周りで」という意味で,実際fellという名詞はあります。しかしそれでは意味がよく分からず,正解は(2)herを目的格と取り,Around her fell S「彼女の周りでSがfallした」です。Sはa cloakで,A cloak fell around her「外套が彼女の周りに垂れ下がっていた」→Around her fell a cloakと倒置しているのです。

mortalは「死ぬ運命にある」という意味で,mortal menは要するに人間です。mortalsとも言います。『スカイリム』で神が「定命(じょうみょう)の者よ」と言っていたのでそれを真似ました。なおlesser mortalsは「平凡な人間ども,下々の人間達」という意味で,ジョン・ナッシュを描いたビューティフル・マインドで主人公ナッシュが叫んでいました。ナッシュは己の才覚に自負があり,他の学生達を「有象無象ども」という意味で叫んでいたと思います。

But while she looked in wonder on the maid, astonished at her lovely face and mien, Meave saw her garment change to dusky red. And in the dimness, she perceived the maiden held a sword, point upward, in her hand, a massive sword, such as a mighty man-of-war might wield. And from the point blood dripped, and one by one the drops fell on the Queen, till all her cloak, and garments, and the chariot-floor ran red with streams of blood.



one by oneは「1つ(1人)ずつ」。step by step「1歩ずつ」などもあります。

And terror came on Meave, and all in vain she sought to force her horses forward, but still they reared and curvetted, but would not advance. “Girl,” cried the Queen at last, “what doest thou here, and who and what art thou?”
“I am a woman of the fairy race,” the maid replied; “I come to-night to tell thee of thy fortunes, and the chance that shall befall thee and thy hosts upon this raid that thou dost make on Ulster.”



in vainは「無駄に」という意味で,あとで「が,無駄だった」とすることが多いです。


“What is thy name, and wherefore thus, without my will, hast thou presumed to come and speak with me?” replied the angry Queen.
Great cause have I to come; for from the fairy-rath of thine own people, near to Cruachan, am I here; and Feidelm the prophetess my name.”
“Well, then, O prophetess Feidelm,” said Queen Meave, “how seest thou our host?” but yet she trembled as she spoke. And Feidelm said, “I see thy hosts all red, I see them all becrimsoned.”






Great cause have I to comeは語順を戻すことが肝要です。I have great cause to come「私は来る大義を持っている」「私には来る大義がある」です。

fairy-rathは「妖精が住む,囲まれた場所」といった意味でfairy fort,ringfortとも言うようです。

Feidelm, FedelmWikipediaによると予言者で学識のある詩人のようです。


“Thou seest ill, O prophetess,” said Meave; “for in the courts of Emain now the King lies sick and ill; my messengers have been to him, and nought there is that we need fear from Ulster. Therefore, O Feidelm, woman-prophet Feidelm, tell us now but the truth; how seest thou our hosts?”

“I see them all dyed red, I see them all becrimsoned,” said the girl again.




Emainは「エマン」とか「エヴァン」と読むのでしょうか。『イース9』が「エヴァン・マハ」という地名を使っているのでこれに倣います。Navan Fortとも言うようですね。アルスターの拠点(首府)でしょうか。

nought there is that we need fearはおそらく,there is nothing we need fear「怖れる(必要のある)ものなどない」でしょう。nought=naughtはnothing,zeroです。


“It cannot be,” said Meave. “For many months my spies have been in Ulster, and this well I know; that in Ulster they dream not of the coming of a host. Now tell us this time true, O Feidelm, O woman-prophet Feidelm, how seest thou our host?”
But again the maiden answered as before: “I see all red on them, I see them all becrimsoned.”

Then Meave grew angry, and fury came upon her, and she called on her charioteer to slay the fairy maid. But the man was afraid to touch her, so strange and formidable did she stand there, holding the dripping sword upright.






Then once again Meave answered her: “Girl, I care not for thy threats, for well I know, that when the men of Ulster come together, frays and quarrels will arise among themselves, either as regards the troop which shall precede the host, or that one which shall follow; or about precedence among the leaders, or about forays for cattle and for food. Therefore, I conclude that they will fall upon each other, and that it will be but a little matter for me to disperse them, and return again with spoils to Cruachan.”


as regards Nは「Nに関して」です。

precede Nは「Nに先行する」です。unprecedentedは「前例のない,未曾有の,空前の」ですね。



Then the maiden’s face grew grave, and she spoke as though she saw a vision, and Meave trembled as she listened to her words. “I see thy host,” she said, “crimson and red, fall back before the men of Ulster. Yet the host of Ulster seems not a mighty host, but faint and weak through sickness, and the King of Ulster lies on his bed. Through all my dreams there comes a lad, not old in years, but great in weapon-feats.


・ぎゃー,またクー・○ーリンが出てきてしまいました笑 ドルイドの預言と同じですね。



Young though he is, the marks of many wounds are on his skin, and round his head there shines the ‘hero’s light.’ A face he has the noblest and the best, and in his eyes sparkle the champion’s gleams; a stripling, fair and modest in his home, but in the battle fierce and tough and strong, as though he wore a mighty dragon’s form. In either of his hands four darts he holds, and with a skill before unknown, he plies them on your host. A formidable sword hangs by his side, and close beside him stands his charioteer, holding his pointed spear.


Young though he isはYoung as he isやAs young as he isとも書き,Though he is youngのことです。asを使うものは〈譲歩のas〉と言います。


eitherは「どちらか」のほか「どちらも」「両方」の意味があります。たとえばEither will do. は「どちらか一方が良い」ではなく「どちらでも良い」です。


A madness seems to seize him in the fight; by him your hosts are all hewn down, and on the battle-field the slain, foot laid to foot and hand to hand, do thickly lie. Before the hosts of Ulster all unmoved he stands as if to guard them from the fight; all on himself the burden of the uneven contest falls. Strong heroes cannot stand before his blows, and in the homes of Connaught women weep the slain who come not back. This is the vision that I see, and this the prophecy of Feidelm, Cruachan’s woman-seer.”



Before the hosts of Ulster all unmovedではall unmoved「皆動かない」が後ろからthe hosts of Ulster に掛かり「全員が動かないアルスターの軍勢」となっています。

・as ifと言えばas if S VでVが仮定法になるものが有名ですが,端的にas if to-不定「まるで〜するかのように」もあります。この用法は便利ですね。今回は「まるで護るかのように」です。つまりアルスターの若者(推定クー・○ーリン)はアルスターの軍勢が戦いで死なないように味方を遮り,自分1人で戦おうとしているわけです。

・このon himself S fallsはfall onと繋がっており,「Sが彼自身(の肩)に掛かっている」です。


Then all her pride and courage fled from Meave, and fearfully she asked the woman-seer, “What is the name by which this youth is known?”
And Feidelm said: “To all the world the youth’s name will be known, Cuchulain son of Sualtach, of the Feats; but in the North, because he guards their homes as a good watch-dog guards the scattered flocks upon the mountain-side, men call him lovingly, ‘The Hound of Ulster.’”
Then to her fairy-dwelling Feidelm returned, and Meave went to her tent again.




・the worldには「世間の人々(people in the world)」という意味があるのも重要です。To all the worldは「世界中に」でもいいのですが「世界中の人々」とも訳せるのです。なおむろん,be known to N「Nに知られている」に繋がっています。will be knownなので「今は知られていないがやがて知られるであろう」ですね。

Sualtach(Sualtam)は「スアルタム・マク・ロイヒ」で第1回に登場した「フェルグス・マク・ロイヒ」の兄弟で,Wikipediaによるとクー・フーリンのthe mortal father「人間の父」です。クー・フーリンは半神半人とされ,神の父がルー,人間の父がスアルタムなわけですね。ということはクー・フーリンはフェルグスの甥ということになり,フェルグスはアルスターを離反してコハナトに行き,甥のクー・フーリンはアルスターにいるわけですね。


・ここへ来てHound of Ulsterは「アルスターの番犬」が良いかもと思いました。まだ第3回なので修正も容易ですが……「猟犬」の方が獰猛な感じがあるので「猟犬」のママにしておきます。


以上がQueen Meave and the Woman-Seer「メーヴ女王と女預言師」でした。ところでMeave(Medb)「メーヴ」は「酩酊」という意味だそうです。インド神話の「マダ」と同じですね! もしかしたらMead(ミード,蜂蜜酒)はメーヴと同根かも知れませんね。

次回はChapter III, The Boy-Corps of King Conorに入ります。



