Then when Fand saw that nothing would content him, she bade him a gentle kind farewell; and all the youths and maidens came about him, sorrowing that he was so soon weary of their land. But Labra thanked him kindly and heartily for his help against the demon host and he bade Liban take Cuchulain safely back across the lake to Erin once again.
・content は動詞で「満足させる」の意味と,形容詞で「満足して」の意味があります。よって「満足している」は be contented とも be content とも言います。これらの content(ed) は tent の方に強勢があります。これに対し content には「中身,内容」の意味もある(コンテンツ)のですが,その場合は con の方に強勢があります。
But, before he went, Fand lifted up her lovely witching face, and said, “Tell me some place where, at the end of a year from now, I may see your face once more. Never till now have I ventured forth from fairy-land; but, for your sake, for one brief hour I will come to the land of troubled mortal men. Give me a tryst.”
・tryst /trɪst, traɪst/ は「デート,密会(の場所)」です。〈文語・おどけて〉とあります。
Cuchulain was fain to deny her this, for he thought on Emer, and he dreaded her anger against Fand, if she should be aware of it. But when he saw the crystal-fair, witching face of Fand, and her ruby lips and eyes bright as stars on a summer’s night, he could not say her nay; and he made a tryst with her on the Strand of the Yew-tree’s Head, for a year and a day from then. And after that, they bade one another farewell.
・deny A B = deny B to A は give A B = give B to A の逆で「AにBを与えない・認めない」です。
・one another = each other は「お互いに」という意味の副詞ではなく,「お互い」という意味の代名詞です。bid one another farewell はどういう構造かと言うと,
bid A B = bid B to A「AにBを述べる」
→bid him farewell「彼に別れの言葉を述べる」
この代名詞 him の所を代名詞 one another にして,
→bid one another farewell「互いに別れの言葉を述べる」
ということです。one another は「互いに」ではなく「互い」です。
So Cuchulain came home again, and Emer and Laeg and his friends greeted him right lovingly, and he told them that he had been in fairy-land, and of all its splendours and beauty he told them freely, but to Emer he said not anything of Fand.
Now when a year and a day were past, Cuchulain came to the place of tryst at the Strand of the Yew-tree’s Head, and he and Laeg sat beneath the ancient yew-tree playing chess, while waiting for the coming of Fand. It chanced that, as Emer walked that way with her fifty maidens to take the air beside the shore, she beheld approaching a dignified lady, radiant as the clearness of a day in June, who came with a troop of maidens towards Cuchulain. Very swiftly and softly they moved across the plain, as though they hardly touched the sod, and all the land was filled with their brightness.
・「Vしている間に」「Vしながら」を ×during Ving と言ってはいけません。正しくは○while Ving です。while は前置詞ではなく接続詞ですが,while waiting とは while (they were) waiting のことです。
・It chanced that... = It happened that... は「たまたま……だった」です。
It appeared to Emer that they had come across the lake, yet no sign of skiff or boat was to be seen, and the unknown queen came where Cuchulain sat, and he rose up and made a glad gentle greeting before her, and she sat down by him, and they talked pleasantly and lovingly together.
When Emer saw this, she was filled with jealousy and anger against the fairy-woman, and to herself she said, “This, then, O Cuchulain, was the cause that kept thee so long in fairy-land, when I made that feast to which thou earnest not.”
・say to oneself は「独り言を言う」ではなく「心の中で思う」です。
・この earnest は調べるのに時間がかかりました。earnest は形容詞で「真面目な」というのが重要なのですが(in earnest「真面目に」もあり),今回は thou earnest not の形から動詞の earn であると分かります。つまり thou earnest not = you don't earn です。しかしこの場合でも問題があります。earn は普通「稼ぐ,値する(deserve)」で,この場合「貴方が稼がないごちそうを私が作った」「貴方が値しないごちそうを私が作った」といった意味になり,後者の意味なら通りそうですが,今回は
that feast to which thou earnest not
と to があることがおかしいのです。「稼ぐ,値する」の earn は earn O であって earn to O ではありませんから,
that feast which thou earnest not
でなければなりません。to が余計なのです。そこで Wiktionary で earn を調べると,3 番目として “yearn の別形” というのがありました。確かに形が似ていますね。意味としては yearn,long(動詞),grieve といった意味です。そしてこれらは
・yearn for...「……を切望する」
・long for...「……を切望する」(ビートルズの Yesterday の歌詞にある)
・grieve for/over...「……を追悼する」
と自動詞用法が多いです。ということで今回の earn to... は「……を願う」といった意味でしょう。that feast to which thou earnest not は,「貴方が切望しないごちそう」です。クー・フーリンはエメルに「ごちそうを作って待っていてくれ」と言って出発したのですが,それを「喜んで食べずに他の女と浮気している」と詰っているのでしょう。
And anger and dark revenge filled Emer’s heart, and she turned to her maidens and said, “Bring me here sharp-bladed knives, for I myself will go softly behind them and I will kill the woman who talks with Cuchulain.” Then they went and fetched thin gleaming knives, and they hid them beneath their mantles, and went stealthily behind the place where Cuchulain sat. Now Cuchulain saw not what was going forward, but Fand knew, for she sat over against Cuchulain, facing the way that Emer came. She said to Cuchulain, “Emer thy wife comes here, with fifty maidens, and there are sharp knives hidden beneath their cloaks.”
But he said, “Fear nothing, lady, I myself will speak to Emer, my own wife, and do thou wait here till my return.”
But Emer came close to Cuchulain and cried, “Why dost thou do me this dishonour, O Cuchulain, to leave me for a fairy maid? The women of Ulster will contemn me if they think that Cuchulain loves another woman better than his wife; and what have I done to displease thee, that thou shouldst need to talk with her? Never have I left thee for any other, and well and truly have I loved thee from the day thou earnest in thy chariot to the fort of Forgall the Wily, my father, till to-day; and for ever shall I love thee, and none other but thee alone.”
しかしエメルはクー・フーリンに近づいて叫んだ。「どうしてこんな風に私を辱めるの,クー・フーリン,私を捨てて妖精女に走るなんて。アルスターの女達は,もしクー・フーリンが妻よりも他の女を愛していると思ったら,私を笑い者にするでしょう。その女と話したいだなんて,私が何か気に入らないことをしましたか? 私は貴方を捨てて他の男に走ったことは決してありません。私は貴方が戦車でやって来て私の父,狡猾のフォルガルの砦を望んだ日から今日まで,心から貴方を愛してきました。そしてこれからも永遠に貴方を愛します。他の誰でもない,貴方だけをです」
・leave me for a fairy maid,left thee for any other に関しては leave Osaka for Tokyo「大阪を発って東京に向かう」を思い出しましょう。「私の許を去って妖精女の許へ向かう」です。
・contemn については,まずは condemn /kəndém/「非難する,(悪い状況に)運命づける」を覚えましょう。 “demn” は罵り言葉の damn と同根です。contemn は condemn 同様悪い意味くらいにイメージできればよいでしょうが,「軽蔑する」です。contempt「軽蔑」の動詞形なんでしょうかね。
Then Cuchulain said, “You wrong me, Emer, and you wrong this fairy-maid. No thought at all of harm have we, nor can any other be to me what thou hast been. Fair and pure is this maiden, and a worthy mate for any monarch in the world. Her race is noble, her mind is firm and gentle and full of lofty thoughts, no harm or evil will be found in her or me. Moreover, she is betrothed to a noble spouse, Manannan of the Ocean Waves.”
・wrong には動詞用法があり,ここでは You wrong me. で「貴方は私を誤解している」です。同様の意味では You've got me wrong. や Don't get me wrong.「誤解しないで」も覚えておきましょう。
“In very truth,” said Emer, bitterly, for her heart was sore within her on account of the greatness of the love she bore Cuchulain, “it is ever so with men! All that is new is fair, and all that is old is of little worth; white is the last they see, and the others are but grey or black. Sweet is the thing they have not, but sour the fruit they hold within their hands! Once in peace and love we dwelled together and no one came between us, and in peace and honour we might dwell together again, O Youth, if but I were as dear to thee as once I was!” And great tears rolled down Emer’s cheeks, and her grief weighed heavily upon her.
「本当に男はいつもそうね」とエメルは辛辣に言った。彼女の心はクー・フーリンに対する愛の大きさ故に傷ついていたのだ。「新しき者はみな美しく,古き者はみな無価値。最近に見たものが白く,それ以前のものは灰色か黒。経験したことのないものは甘く,手に抱えている果実は酸っぱい。昔2人は平和に睦まじく暮らしていたし,誰が入る余地もなかった。若者よ,貴方にとって私が,昔のように大切なものならば,私たちは再び平和に誇り高く暮らせるわ」 そして大きな涙がエメルの頬を伝い,彼女の悲しみが重く彼女にのしかかった。
“By my word and truly,” cried Cuchulain, “never wast thou more dear to me than thou art to-day, and dear shalt thou be to me for all my life.”
“I think,” said Fand, “that I had better go away, and return to my own country, for I am troubling you all here.” “Nay, nay,” cried Emer, smitten with reproach when she saw the nobleness that was in the fairy woman, “go not away, ’twere better I should go.”
・'twere /twər/ は it were です。
But Fand said, “Not so, indeed, from my own land they call me to return. Take to thee thy man, O noble Emer, no harm or hurt hath happened him with me. Though in the Land of all Delights warriors and great men sought my friendship, better to me than the affection of them all was the friendship of thy glorious spouse. Need is there, now, that I should go my way, and leave my friend to thee; but though bright and dazzling is the country of Moy Mell, some shadow hath fallen on it since Cuchulain went away.”
Then she lifted up her lovely face, and Emer saw that tears like drops of crystal stood within her eyes.
しかしファンドは言った。「いいえ違うのです。私の国から帰るよう呼ばれています。気高きエメルさん,貴方の大事な人を連れてお行きなさい。彼と私の間には何もありません。喜びの国では戦士も貴族も私との友好を求めますけれども,彼ら全ての愛情に優っているのが貴方の素晴らしいご主人との友好なのです。今や私は行かねばなりませんし,友人を貴方に委ねねばなりません。しかしモイ・メルが明るく目の眩むような国であっても,クー・フーリンが去ってからこの国に影がさしているのです」 そう言って彼女は美しい顔を上げ,エメルは水晶の粒のような涙が彼女の目に溜まっていることに気づいた。
・call O to-V は「VするようOに呼びかける」です。
Long years ago had Fand been betrothed to Manannan, Lord of the Ocean and the Waves, a great and hoary god. Ancient was he, for no man knew his age, and wild and grey his hair, and all his brow rugged and lined with storms. Very kingly and majestic was his tread, but men feared him, because of his strange, tempestuous moods, and his shape-shifting, and his little care for human life. For Manannan was ever restless, wandering in distant lands, moving now this way, now that, and visiting in turn all countries; and years ago, as mortal men count time, he had gone away and returned not, nor did Fand even know where he was to be found. So she thought he had forsaken her, and, when Cuchulain came to fairy-land and she saw his youth and beauty, her mind went out to him, for never had she seen before a noble human man.
・tempestuous は tempest「嵐」の形容詞と覚えましょう。
But Manannan knew within himself that Fand was in sore grief, and he arose in haste to go and help her. For, although he had tarried long in distant lands, daily he had news of Fand, and he learned all she was doing and when she needed him. So now he saw her trouble, for he it was who sent Cuchulain to fairy-land that he might test her love for himself; and swiftly over the waves he sped to go and save her. Invisible was he to mortal men, and he rode the white sea-foam as though it were a horse, for no need had he of any vessel, or of sail or oar; and as he passed by Fand, she felt his presence and looked up at him as he passed by. But for a moment she knew not that this was Manannan of the Waves, for his look of hoary age had gone from him, and the man she saw was young and strong, with a noble gentleness upon his face, like the sea on a calm summer’s day.
For Manannan was a shape-shifter, and at one time he was terrible and cruel to behold, but at another he showed a kindly face, for he looked into the minds of men, and as he saw them, even so his own face reflected the thing he saw. Then Manannan said to Fand, “O Lady, what wilt thou now do? Wilt thou depart with me or abide here with Cuchulain, if he comes for thee?”
というのもマナナーンは姿を変える力があり,見るにも恐ろしく残酷であると思えば,優しい顔になったりするからだ。というのも彼は人々の心を覗き見て,人々を見るにつけ,彼自身の顔が見ているものを反映するのだ。それでマナナーンはファンドに言った。「お嬢さん,これからどうしたい? 私と旅立つか,クー・フーリンが君のためにやってくるならここで彼と留まりたいか?」
・初め depart with me を「私と別れる」と訳してしまいました(cf. part from..., part with...)。しかしそれだと「私と別れるか,クー・フーリンとここに留まる」となりおかしくなります。abide here with Cuchulain「クー・フーリンとここに留まる」は「クー・フーリンの方を選ぶ」ということなので,or の前の depart with me は実質的に「私の方を選ぶ」にならなければなりません。よって「私と一緒にここを去る・出発する」と修正しました。
“By my troth,” said Fand, “either of you two were a fitting spouse for me, and a worthy friend to stay with; and in neither of you do I see any one thing greater or better than is in the other; yet, O thou princely One, it is with thee that I will go, for I have been promised to thee for thy wife; thou hast no consort of worth equal to thine own, while Cuchulain has a noble spouse; therefore take me with thee, for Cuchulain needs me not.”
Then Manannan stretched his arms to Fand, and drew her with him, and she followed him. And Cuchulain perceived her drawing away from him, but he knew not whither she went, nor could he see who was talking to her. And he cried out to Laeg, his charioteer, who had knowledge of fairy-land, “What meaneth this, Laeg, that I see? Whither goeth Fand?”
するとマナナーンは腕をファンドの方に伸ばし,彼女を引き寄せ,彼女は彼についていった。するとクー・フーリンは彼女が自分から遠ざかるのに気づいたが,彼女がどこに行くのか分からず,誰が彼女に話しかけているかも分からなかった。それで彼は幽世の知識がある御者のロイグに呼びかけた。「ロイグ,僕の目の前で起こっているのはどういうこと? ファンドはどこへ行くの?」
“She goeth with Manannan of the Sea,” replied Laeg. “He is drawing her back to the Land of all Delights, but she is weeping as she goes.”
Then Cuchulain uttered three sharp cries of sorrow and of grief, and he fled away from men into desert places, and would take no meat or drink, and he slept in the open rush-land beside the high-road to Tara.
・utter は形容詞「完全な」と動詞「(声を)発する」を覚えておきましょう。
Emer went then to Emain, and sought King Conor, and told him all that had happened, and that Cuchulain was out of his senses because Fand had gone away; and she prayed him of his love for Cuchulain, and because of her love for him, to send to him men of skill and Druids who might bring him back to health. The king did so willingly, but when they came, Cuchulain fled from them, or sought to slay them, until at length he felt within himself a terrible thirst, and he craved of them a drink. In the drink they mingled herbs of forgetfulness, so that the memory of Fand slowly faded from him, and the remembrance of the time he had spent in fairy-land, and he came to his own mind again.
・herb はイギリス英語では /həːb/「ハーブ」ですが,アメリカ英語では /əːrb/「アーブ」と発音することも多いです。更にアメリカ英語は特有の r 音が入っていますね(イギリス英語には入っていません)。
They gave soothing drinks to Emer also, for she was troubled, too, and stricken, and her natural joyousness had gone from her. But when Manannan heard in fairy-land of the trouble of Emer and Cuchulain, he came unseen of any man, and shook his cloak of forgetfulness between Fand and Cuchulain, so that from both of them the memory passed away, as though it had been a dream, and they thought of it no more.
これで第21章が終わり,おそらくこれがSerglige Con Culainn (The Sick-Bed of Cú Chulainn;クー・フランの病とエメルのたった一度の嫉妬) という逸話でした。
次回,第22章 Deirdre of Contentions に入ります。ディアドラの登場ですかね!