The Up-bringing of Deirdre
As soon as she was weaned, King Conor took the child away from her own parents, as was the custom in those olden days, and put her out to foster with a nurse, Levarcam, a wise and skilful dame, who told the King from day to day how Deirdre fared. And for the first seven years Deirdre grew up within the royal household, petted and loved by all, and she was richly fed and robed in silk, and nourished like a princess, for all in the palace knew that this young lovely child was destined to be mated with their king. Often she spent her days upon the playing fields, and watched the boy-corps practising their sports, and joined their games and laughed with glee like any other child.
・nurse には「乳母(wet nurse)」の意味もありますが,ここではそうではないようです。As soon as she was weaned「乳離れするとすぐ」とあるので,もう授乳は不要です。よってここの nurse は「母親役,養母役」のような意味かと思います。
Thus happily and gaily passed the years for Deirdre, till one day when she was playing ball among the little lads, the King came down to watch their play. He saw how like a flower Deirdre grew, half like the opening daisy, pink and white, half like the slender hairbell on its stem, graceful and delicate; and though he was an old man, and had been a widower for now many years, and the child but a babe of seven years, a sudden jealousy smote at his aged heart. He saw the girl surrounded by the lads, who tossed the ball into her little lap or into her small apron held out to catch it as it fell. And every time she caught it, her ringing childish laugh broke out, and all the boys cried, “Well, caught, O Deirdre; bravely caught, our little Queen!” For to them all, it was well-known that this small child was kept by Conor for himself, to share his throne and home; so oft in play they called her “Little Queen.”
こうしてディアドラにとって年月は幸せに楽しく過ぎていったが,ある日少年達に混ざってボール遊びをしていると,王が彼らの遊びを見にやって来た。王はディアドラが花の如く,かたや花を開きかけたヒナギクの如く,かたやほっそりと茎からぶら下がる優美で繊細なイトシャジンの如く育っているのを目の当たりにした。王は老人であり,何年も寡夫として過ごしてきたし,また彼女は7歳の幼児であったが,突然の嫉妬が彼の年老いた心を襲った。彼は彼女が少年達に囲まれ,少年達がボールを彼女の膝の上に投げて寄越したり,ボールが落ちる時にそれを受けようと前に差し伸ばした前掛けに投げ入れてやるのを見た。そして彼女がボールを取る度に,鈴音のような子どもらしい笑い声が弾け,少年達は皆叫んだ。「ほら取った,ディアドラちゃん。勇敢に取った,小さな女王様!」 というのも彼ら皆にとって,この小さな子がコノールにより養育され,いずれ彼と王座と家庭を分かち合うことを知っていたからだ。それで遊ぶ時,しばしば彼らは彼女を「小さな女王」と呼んだのである。
・hairbell,harebell は「糸沙参(イトシャジン)」です。ベルの形が名前の由来です。
・It is well known that...「……であることはよく知られている」は重要です。
Then Conor called his Druid Caffa to him, and he said, “Too long we leave this child at liberty among the chieftain’s sons. She must henceforth be kept apart and quite forget that there are younger men than you or me. If she grows up among these lads, most certainly the day will come when she will wish to wed some chief of her own age. See, even now, the lads bend to her will; she rules them like a queen indeed, and gladly they obey her. When she is grown to maidenhood, small chance for me, an aged man, when comes the time to woo.”
・the day will come when S will V「SがVする日が来るだろう」は重要表現ですね。【the day when S will V】 will come のことですが,大体 S will V が長くなるので,先に the day will come when と言ってしまいます。
“The King woos not,” said Caffa, “he commands, and none dare disobey.” “Still I would rather have a willing bride,” the King replied; “I want no girl to be my royal mate who craves and hankers for some other man among my subjects. She shall come to me of her own free will, because she knows no other man but me. She shall not even know what kind of thing a man may be, for I will shut her up apart from men, and, save yourself and me, she shall not ever see a manly face.” “The King commands,” said Caffa, slowly, “and it must be done as he desires. But yet I fear the maid will pine in her captivity. The bride you wed will be a lily pale as death, and not a maiden in her blooming loveliness.”
「王は求婚などしませぬ」カッファは言った。「王は命令するのです。誰も歯向かいません」 「それでも望んで嫁になってほしいのだ」王は答えた。「臣民の誰かに恋する娘を余の妻にしたくはない。彼女には自らの意志で余の許へ来させる。余以外の男を知らぬのだ。男がどのようなものかすら,彼女には知らせぬのだ。彼女を男共から離した所に留め置き,お前と余を除いて,彼女に男の顔は見せぬようにするのだ」 「王は命令するのです」カッファはゆっくりと言った。「そうすれば王が望むようになるのです。しかし娘が囚われの身でやつれていくことを恐れます。貴方が妻とする花嫁は死のように青ざめた百合となり,花咲くような美しい少女にはなりませぬぞ」
・ここの subjects は「臣下,臣民」です。民主国の「国民,公民,市民」は citizen です。
“She shall have space and air and garden-ground,” the King replied, “only she shall not ever see a human face, save yours and mine, and nurse Levarcam’s.”
So for the girl he built a place apart, far off from Emain in a lonely dell, surrounded by a wood. A simple stately house was reared, surrounded by an orchard of rare fruits. Behind the house a garden and a piece of barren moor, and through the wood a gently-flowing stream that wandered amid carpets of bright flowers. And all seemed fair enough, but round the place he built a mighty wall, so high that none could climb it, and a moat ran round within. Four savage man-hounds sent by Conor were on constant guard, watching on every side by night and day, so that no living thing could enter or pass out, save with the knowledge of Levarcam.
・この only は「ただし,しかし」という意味の接続詞です。
・hounds は「猟犬」ですが,man-hounds とは何でしょうか。例えば foxhound は「キツネ狩り用の猟犬」です。man-hounds とは「人間を追う番犬」ということでしょう。文脈的にも,コノールは若い男をディアドラに近づかせたくないわけです。
・with the knowledge of については,without the knowledge of O「O に知らせることなく,O に無許可で」は覚えておきましょう。
And for a time the child was happy, for Levarcam, the wise woman, taught her all she knew. She taught her how each bird sings to its mate, each different note of thrush or cuckoo or the soaring lark; she taught her of the plants that spring towards heaven, their roots deep hidden in the yielding soil, and of their names and uses, and the way they fructified and sent out shoots, and of the fruits they bore. And in the solemn night, they went abroad and watched the motion of the stars, and marked the wandering planets how they carved out their own path among the rest, and all the changes of the moon the maiden knew, and how to calculate the time of day by shadows on the grass. There was no bird upon the spray, nor herb among the plants, nor star in heaven, but Deirdre had a name for each and all.
・shoot には「新芽」という意味があります。shoot には「ぐんぐん伸びる・育つ」という意味があるのです。
・この carve を curve「曲線」と混同しないように。carve は「彫る,切り分ける,切り開く」です。今回は「道(path)を切り開く」ということでしょう。carver とは「彫物師;肉切りナイフ」という意味です。下の記事もぜひご覧下さい。
And ever and anon, King Conor came and sat with her and talked, and brought her gifts to while away the time; and because the days were long and passed one like the other without any change, she liked his coming, and would call him “Father,” and make tales for him, and sing her songs and show the little garden she had made herself alone. And Deirdre grew up tall and stately as the sapling of the forest, and lithe as the green moorland rush that bows before the wind.
・ever and anon は now and then 即ち「時折」です。
・one like the other は「ある日が別の日のように」即ち「どの日も同様に」です。one like another とも言えると思います。
・このwould は「……したものだった」でしょう。would always「いつも……したものだった」,would often「よく……したものだった」,would sometimes「時々……したものだった」 ともできます。
Of all the women of the world was Deirdre the gentlest and best, lovely of form and lovely in her mind; light as the hind that leaps upon the hill, and white and shapely as the snowy swan. But though they tended her, and fed her with the best, the maiden drooped and pined. And on a day Levarcam said, “What ails thee, girl? Why is thy face so pale, thy step so slow? Why dost thou sigh and mope?” And Deirdre said, “I know not, nurse, what ails me; but I think I should be well if once again I saw the boys upon the playing fields, and heard their shouts, and tossed the ball with them.”
この世の全ての女性の中でディアドラは最も穏やかで善良であり,美しい姿形を持ち,心は美しかった。丘を跳ねる雌鹿のように軽やかで,雪のように白い白鳥のように色白で美しかった。しかし皆彼女を可愛がり,彼女に最良の物を与えても,少女はうなだれやつれるようになった。そしてある日レヴァーカムは言った。「何を悩んでいるの,お嬢様? どうして貴方の顔はそんなに青く,足取りが重いの? どうして溜息を付いたりふさぎ込んだりするの?」 するとディアドラは言った。「母さん,どうして悲しいか分からないの。でももう一度運動場で遊んでる男の子たちを見て,彼らの叫び声を聞いて,彼らとボール遊びができたら元気になると思うの」
“Fie, fie,” replied the nurse, “’tis seven full years since on the green you played at ball. A child of but seven years were you at that time, and now full fourteen years have come and gone, and you are growing into maidenhood.” “Seven bitter years,” said Deirdre, “since I beheld the joyous playing field, and saw the sports, and marked the manly face of Naisi, noblest and bravest of the corps of boys.”
「これこれ」と保母は言った。「ボール遊びをしていた頃から7年も経っているのに。あの時は貴方も7歳に過ぎなかったけれど,もう14年も過ぎ去って,貴方は立派な女の子になっているのよ」 「辛い7年間も」とディアドラは言った。「楽しい運動場を見て,試合を見て,ノイシュ,あの少年部隊で一番気高く一番勇敢な彼の男らしい顔を見てから経つのよ」
・Naisi は Naoise,Noise,Noisiu などの形があるようです。ノイシュ,ノイッシュとして日本では定着していると思います。Wikipedia では Naoise は /ˈn̪ˠiːʃə/ という発音記号(ニーシャ?)ですが,Noisiu は /'n̪oiʃu/ となっており,「ノイシュ」が近いですね。
“Naisi, the son of Usna?” asked Levarcam, much surprised. “Naisi was his name, he told me so,” said Deirdre; “but I did not ask whose son he was.” “He told you so?” Levarcam asked again. “He told me so,” said Deirdre, “when he threw the ball, by a mis-cast, backward, across the heads of the group of maidens who were standing on the edge of the green, and I rose up among them all, picked up the ball, and gave it back to him. He pressed my hand and smiled, and promised he would see me oft again; but never since that day, that fatal day, when Conor brought me to this lonely place, have he or I beheld each other more. Bring Naisi here, O nurse, that I may once again behold his face, so bright and boyish, with its winning smile; then shall I live and laugh and love my life again.”
「ノイシュ? ウシュナの子の?」とレヴァーカムは非常に驚いて尋ねた。「ノイシュという名前よ,そう私に言ったもの。でも誰の子かは聞いてない」とディアドラは言った。「貴方にそう言ったの?」レヴァーカムはまた尋ねた。「そう言ったわ」ディアドラは言った。「ボールを投げ損ねて,後ろに飛ばしちゃって,芝生の端に立っていた女の子たちの頭の上を越えていって,それで私が立ち上がって,ボールを拾って,彼に返した時よ。彼は私の手を握りしめて,笑って,また何度も会ってくれると約束したの。でもその日,あの運命の日,コノールが私をこの寂しい所に連れてきた日以来,私と彼は互いに会ってないの。母さん,ノイシュを連れてきて。また彼の顔を見たいの。とても明るくて,男らしくて,魅力的な笑い顔の。そうすれば私はまた笑って生きて,人生を愛せるわ」
・press one's hand は「手を握りしめる」です。
・winning smile を「勝ち誇ったような微笑み」と誤訳しないようにしましょう。win one's heart は「心を勝ち取る」です。つまり winning smile とは「人の心を勝ち取るような微笑み」→「人の心を魅了する微笑み」です。
“Speak not like this, O Maiden,” exclaimed the nurse. “To-day the King comes for his visit. We are in winter now, but in the budding of the spring, he takes you hence to Emain, there to claim you as his wife.”
“The king no doubt is kind,” the girl replied, “and means me well, but he is old and grey, and in his face is something that I do not like. I think he could be cruel, and that if any man stood in his way, he would not hesitate to lay a trap to catch him, as Caffa snared the little mouse that ran about my room and kept me company. Yet will I go with him to Emain, for I think that somewhere among the people of the court, I shall find Naisi out.”
・bud は「つぼみ」という意味であり,budding には「初め」といった意味があるのでしょう。
・東大の問題で I know you mean well. を訳させる問題がありました。これを「あなたの言いたいことはよく分かる」と訳してはなりません。それは I know what you mean well. です。I know (that) you mean well. とは,「あなたが mean well であることが分かる」→「あなたに悪気がないことは分かる」です。mean well は「良き意図を持っている,悪意はない」ということです。
“Hush, hush,” the nurse replied, “Naisi is now a little boy no longer, but the foremost of all Ulster’s younger chiefs, the hero of the Red Branch, and the favourite of the King. Speak not of Naisi to King Conor, or mayhap some harm will come to him.” “Then will I never speak his name, or tell of him,” the girl replied, “though in my dreams I see him every night playing at ball with me; but when he flings the ball for me to catch, ’tis ever the same thing. King Conor comes between and seizes it, and throws it back at Naisi. So can I never catch and hold it in my hands, and I am vexed and weep. But last night, O good nurse, King Conor flung the ball craftily at his head, and Naisi fell all red and stained with blood, like that poor calf that Caffa slew, thinking that I could eat it for my food. The little tender calf that played with me!
「シーッ,静かに」保母は答えた。「ノイシュはもう小さな男の子じゃありません。アルスターの全ての若き首長達の筆頭です。赤枝の英雄で,王様のお気に入りなのです。コノール王にノイシュの話をしてはいけません。彼に害が及ぶかもしれませんよ」 「じゃあ彼の名前は出さないし,彼の話もしない」少女は答えた。「ただ,夢の中で毎晩,彼が私とボール遊びをしているのを見るの。でも彼が私にボールを投げて寄越すと,いつも同じ。コノール王が割り込んでボールを取り,ノイシュに投げ返すのよ,だから私はボールを取れないし,手に持つこともできない。それで悔しくて涙を流すの。でも母さん,昨晩のことよ。コノール王が器用にボールを彼の頭に投げて,ノイシュは倒れて血を流し,血に塗れるの。カッファが私に食べさせようと思って殺したあの可哀想な仔牛のように。私と遊んでくれた小さな優しい仔牛のように!」
・hush は擬音語由来で,「しーっ」という間投詞でもあり,「静まる」という動詞でもあります。「ハッシュドビーフ」の「ハッシュ」は hash です。
Upon the winter’s frosty floor I saw its blood, all crimson-red upon the driven snow, and as I looked I saw a raven that stooped down to sip the blood; and, O dear nurse, I thought of Naisi then, for all his hair, as I remember it, was dark and glossy like the raven’s wing, and in his cheeks the ruddy glow of health and beauty, like the blood, and white his skin like snow. Dear nurse, dear nurse, let me see Naisi once again, and send the King away.” “Alas! alas!” Levarcam said; “most difficult indeed is thy desire, for far away is Naisi, and he dare not come within this fort. High is the wall and deep the moat, and fierce the blood-hounds watching at the gates.” “At least,” said Deirdre, “procure for me from Caffa that I may once in a while wander without the fort and breathe the open air upon the moor; this wall frowns on me like an enemy holding me in his grasp and stifling me, surely I die e’er long within these heavy walls.
「冬の冷たい床の上に,仔牛の血が,吹き付ける雪の上に真っ赤になって,目をやったらカラスが屈んでその血を啜っていたの。それで,母さん,その時ノイシュのことを思い出したの。覚えてる,彼の髪は全部がカラスの翼のように黒くてつやつやしてて,彼の頬はその血のように健康的で美しい赤みで輝いてて,彼の肌は雪のように白かったの。母さん,母さん,もう一度ノイシュに会わせて,王様を追い返して」 「嗚呼何ということ」レヴァーカムは言った。「あなたの願いを叶えるのはとても難しいの。ノイシュは遠く離れた所だし,敢えてこの砦に来ようとはしないわ。壁は高く堀は深く,門を見張る血に飢えた番犬は獰猛よ」 「せめて」ディアドラは言った。「たまに砦の外を散歩して,荒れ地で外の空気を吸う権利をカッファから手に入れて。この壁は私を握りしめ私を押し殺す敵のように私に嫌な顔をするの。きっと私はこの重苦しい壁の中でずっと死んだように過ごすんだわ」
・without には「……なしで」のほか「……の外で」の意味があります。単純に within の逆ですね。
with O「O 有りで」←→without O「O 無しで」
within O「O の内部で」←→without O「O の外部で」
But on the moor, where no man comes (if you must have it so), I’d see at least the grouse winging its flight, and hear the plover and the peeweet call, and pluck the heather and the yellow gorse in summer time. O nurse, dear nurse, have pity on your child.” When Levarcam saw the misery of the maid, she feared that Conor would upbraid her with neglect because her cheek grew pale, and her young joy seemed gone; and so that night she spoke to Caffa, and he said, “I think no harm could come if we should let the maiden walk out upon the wild hillside. No human creature, save a stray hunter following the deer, or a poor shepherd garnering his sheep, or some strange homeless wanderer, e’er sets his foot upon this lonesome moor. Far off are we from any human habitation; and the maid droops, indeed. Let her go out, but keep her well in sight; to climb the hill-top and to roam the heather moor as spring comes on, will bring fresh colour into her pale cheeks, and fit her for the wooing of the king.”
でもこの荒れ地なら誰も来ないから(あなたが必ずそのようにしたら),少なくとも雷鳥が飛ぶのが見えるし,千鳥やヒタキが鳴いたり,夏にヘザーやハリエニシダを引き抜くのが聞こえるわ。母さん,愛しい母さん,あなたの娘を哀れんで」 レヴァーカムが娘の不幸を理解すると,彼女はディアドラの頬が青白くなり,若々しい喜びが失われていることでコノールが自分の管理不行き届きを叱責することを恐れた。それでその晩カッファに話すと,彼は言った。「少女を丘の中腹に散歩をさせれば問題はないでしょう。鹿を追う狩人が迷い込んできたり,羊を集めた貧しい羊飼いがいたり,家を持たぬ放浪者がいたりする以外に,人間は誰もこの寂れた荒野に足を踏み入れはしないでしょう。ここは人間の居住地からは遠く離れており,確かに娘は弱っています。外へ連れ出しましょう。しかしよく見張りなさい。春が近づく時季に丘を登り,ヘザーの荒野を歩き回れば,娘の青い頬にも血色が戻り,王の求婚に相応しい姿になるでしょう」
・grouse「雷鳥」は ptarmigan(ターミガン)とも言います。語頭の p が脱音することについては以下の記事をご覧下さい。
・winging its flight については,wing one's way「飛ぶ」が『ウィズダム英和辞典』に載っています。flight は「飛行」ですから,同じ意味でしょう。
So from that time, Deirdre went out upon the upland moor, and soon she knew each nook and stream and bit of forest-land for miles around. She learned the zig-zag flight of the long-billed snipe, she knew the otter’s marshy lair, and where the grouse and wild-duck made their nests. She fed the timid fawn, wild, trustful as herself, and made a dear companion of a fox that followed her as though it were a dog; and once, while Levarcam stayed below, she climbed the dizzy height where golden eagles had built their nest upon the mountain’s crest, and smoothed the eaglets with her own soft hand. And so she grew in health, and all her spirit came to her again, and when King Conor came to visit her, he thought that in his dreams and in the long life he had passed among the best of Erin’s women, he had never seen or dreamed of a girl so lovely as this blood-drop of the moor. Eagerly he began to reckon up the days until, her fifteenth birthday being passed, he should bring her down to Emain, and take her as his wife. But of her walks he knew not, only Caffa and Levarcam knew.