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But Deirdre said: “Go not forward to-night; but let us turn aside, and for this one night take shelter with Cuchulain at Dundalk; then will Fergus have partaken of his feast, and he will be ready to go with you. So will his word be fulfilled and yet your lives will be prolonged.” “We think not well of that advice,” said Buinne the Ruthless Red; “you have with you the might of your own good hands, and our might, and the plighted word of Fergus to protect you; impossible is it that ye should be betrayed.” “Ah! that plighted word of Fergus’; the man who forsook us for a feast!” said Deirdre. “Well may we rely on Fergus’ plighted word.” And she fell into grief and dejection. “Alas! Alas!” she cried. “Why left we Alba of the red deer to come again to Erin? Why put we trust in the light word of Fergus? Woe is come upon us since we listened to the promises of that man! The valiant sons of Usna are destroyed by him, the Lights of Valour of the Gael. Great is my heaviness of heart to-night! Great is the loss that is fallen upon us.”

しかしディアドラは言った。「今夜は行かないで,寄り道しましょう。今夜だけは,ダンドークのクー・フーリンの所に泊まりましょう。そしたらフェルグスは宴会に参加し,貴方に同行できます。そうすれば彼の約束は果たされ貴方も生きながらえましょう」 「その忠告は買えませんな」冷徹な赤のブニエが言った。「貴方がたには貴方がた自身の力があり,我々兄弟の力もあり,おまけに貴方を護るというフェルグスの誓約もあります。貴方達が裏切られる可能性はありません」 「ああ,フェルグスの誓約だなんて! 宴会の為に私たちを見捨てた男ですよ」ディアドラは言った。「我々はフェルグスの言葉に頼るべきだろう」 それを聞くと彼女は悲しみと落胆に沈んだ。「ああ悲しい!」彼女は叫んだ。「どうしてノロジカのアルバを捨ててエリンに戻ったのでしょう? どうしてフェルグスの軽口を信じたのでしょう? あの男の約束に耳を傾けて以来,悲しみが迫っています。ウシュナの勇敢な子らは,あの男によって滅びるのです。ゲールの勇敢の光が。今夜の私の心は重いわ。私たちに降りかかる喪失の大きさよ」


prolong は「延長する」です。long がありますから覚え易いでしょう。


In spite of that the sons of Usna and their two friends went onward towards the White Cairn of Watching on Sliab Fuad; but Deirdre was very weary and she lingered behind in the glen, and sat down to rest and fell asleep. They did not notice at first that she was not with them, but Naisi found it out and he turned back to seek Deirdre. He found her sitting in the wood on the trunk of a fallen tree, just waking from her sleep. When she saw Naisi she arose and clung to him. “What happened to thee, O fair one?” said Naisi, “and wherefore is thy face so wild and fearful, and tears within thine eyes?”


the White Cairn of Watching on Sliab Fuad は「アルスターの猟犬(1)」「(11)」に登場しています。特に (1) では,コルマク・コン・ロンガス(コンホヴァル王の息子だがフェルグスと共にアルスターを一度去った)がこの地の勇者と呼ばれていることが書かれています。そう呼ばれることになる出来事は,まだ描かれていません。これから登場するのでしょうか。


“I fell into a sleep, for I was weary,” she replied; “and O Naisi, I fear because of the vision and the dream I saw.” “Thou art too apt to dream, beloved,” said Naisi tenderly, “what was thy dream?” “Terrible was my dream,” said Deirdre; “I saw thee, Naisi, and Ainle and Arden, each of ye three beloved ones, without a head, thy headless bodies lying side by side near Emain’s fort; and Illan lay there too drenched all with blood, and headless like ye three. But on the other side among our enemies, fighting against us, was the treacherous Buinne the Ruthless Red, who now is our protector and our guide; for he had saved his head by treachery to thee.” “Sad were thy dream indeed,” said Naisi, “were it true; but fear it not, it was an empty vision grown out of weariness and pain.”

「私は眠りに落ちていました。とても疲れていたのです」彼女は答えた。「それからノイシュよ,私は自分が見た夢のために怯えています」 「貴女は夢を見すぎですね,愛する人」と優しくノイシュは言った。「貴方の夢とは?」 「恐ろしい夢でした」ディアドラは言った。「私は貴方,ノイシュ,それからアンルとアーデン,貴方たち3人の愛する方たちのそれぞれが,首がなく,貴方がたの首のない身体がエヴァンの砦の近くで並んで横たわっていたのです。そしてイランもそこに全身に血を浴びて倒れていて,貴方たち3人と同じく首なしでした。でも反対側の,私たちと戦った敵の中に,裏切り者の冷徹の赤のブニエがいるんです。今私たちの保護者で案内役なのに。というのも彼は貴方を裏切ることで自分の首を護ったのです」 「君の夢は,実に悲しいものだ」ノイシュは言った。「仮に本当ならばね。でも心配いらないよ。それは疲労と苦痛から生み出された虚像なんだから」

be apt to-V はとても有名な熟語ですね。「V しがちである」です。なお aptitude は「がちであること」というより,「素質」といった良い意味であり,adapt は「順応する・させる,適合する・させる」です(アダプタの元)

were it true は高校レベルでは読めねばなりません。if it were true→(仮定法の if を略し,倒置して)were it true です。大学受験レベルです。


But Deirdre clung yet to him, and she cried, “O Naisi, see, above thy head, and o’er the heads of Ainle and of Arden, that sombre cloud of blood! dost thou not mark it hanging in the air? All over Emain lies the heavy pall; but on thy head and theirs red blood-drops fall, big, dusky, drenching drops. Let us not go to Emain.” But Naisi thought that from her weariness the mind of Deirdre had become distraught, and all the more he pressed them onward, that she might have rest and shelter for the night. As they drew near to Emain, Deirdre said, “One test I give you whether Conor means you good or harm. If into his own house he welcomes you, all will be well, for in his own home would no monarch dare to harm a guest; but if he send you to some other house, while he himself stays on in Emain’s court, then treachery and guile is meant towards you.”

しかしディアドラはなお彼にしがみつき,声を上げた。「ノイシュ,ほら,貴方の頭の上に,アンルとアーデンの頭上に,陰気な血の雲が出ているのが分かる? 空中に漂っているのが見える? エヴァン中に重い帳が掛かっているわ。でも貴方の頭と2人の頭には血の雫が垂れてる。大きくて,どす黒くて,ずぶ濡れになるほどの雫よ。エヴァンには行かないでおきましょう」 しかしノイシュは疲労によって彼女の頭がおかしくなっていると考え,尚更彼は,今夜彼女が休んで宿を取れるようにと皆を急がせた。エヴァンに近づくと,ディアドラは言った。「コノールが悪いことを企んでいるかどうか,試す方法を教えるわ。もし自分自身の家に貴方を迎えたら,問題ない。というのも君主は自分自身の家で客に危害を与えられないの。でももし彼があなたを誰かの家に招き,自分は宮廷に留まったら,その時は裏切りと悪知恵が貴方を狙っている」


sombre は「陰鬱な」で,“ombr”“umbr”は「陰」です。umbrella の語幹です。「ソンブレロ」は陽を避けるつばのある帽子で,ドラクエのトンブレロはソンブレロのパロディです。以下の記事も見てください。ドラクエ11を遊んだ時に撮ったトンブレロの画像もありますよ。


that she might so that she might「彼女が……できるように」です。文語では so that を that と言うことがあります。逆に口語では so だけになることがあります。


Now as they reached the Court of Emain, messengers came out to meet them from the King. “King Conor bids you welcome,” said the men; “right glad is he that you are come again to Erin, to your fatherland. But for this one night only is he not prepared to call you as his guests to his own court. To-morrow he will give you audience and bid you to his house. For this one night, then, he bids you turn aside into the Red Branch House, where all is ready for your entertainment.” “It is as I thought,” said Deirdre, “King Conor means no good to you, I ween.” But Naisi replied, “Where could the Red Branch champions so fitly rest as in the Red Branch House? Most gladly do we seek our hall, to rest and find refreshment for the morrow. We all are travel-stained, but we will bathe and take repose, and on the morrow we will meet the King.”

さて彼らがエヴァンの宮廷に到着すると,王の使者が現れて出迎えた。「コノール王は貴方がたを歓迎します」使者達は言った。「貴方がたが父国エリンに戻ったことを大喜びされています。しかし今晩だけは王様は,御自身の宮殿に客を招く準備ができていません。明日,王は貴方がたの謁見を許し,御自身の家に招きます。それ故今晩は,赤枝の館の方へ向かって下さい。そこで皆が貴方を歓待しようと待ち受けています」 「思った通りだわ」ディアドラは言った。「コノール王は貴方に悪意があると思います」 しかしノイシュは答えた。「赤枝の勇者にとって,赤枝の館ほど気持ちよく休める所がどこにありましょう? 私達は自分達の館を探し,休んで,明日の為に回復します。私達は皆旅で疲れています。しかし入浴して休みを取り,明日には王に謁見しましょう」

give you audience とは何でしょうか?「貴方に聴衆を与える」→「貴方に演説させる」ということでしょうか? 実は audience には「謁見」という意味があるのです。give you audience とは「貴方に謁見の機会を与える」という意味でしょう。以下の記事で解説しています。


Where could the Red Branch champions so fitly rest as in the Red Branch House? が,上に示した意味であることに気付くのに時間を要しました。ポイントは so+as が原級比較であること,ノイシュら3兄弟自身も the Red Branch champions に該当することでした。自分らも赤枝の勇者なのだから,赤枝の館で休むのが一番ぴったりだ,というのを,where と原級比較を使って反語的に示していたんですね。


But when they came to the House of the Red Branch, so weary were they all, that though all kinds of viands were supplied, they ate but little, but lay down to rest. And Naisi said, “Dost thou remember, Deirdre, how in that last game of draughts we played together, thou didst win, because we were in Alba, and my heart was here at home? Now are we back at last, and let us play again; this time I promise I will win from thee.”



So with the lightsome spirit of a boy, Naisi sat down to play; for now that once again he was at home among his people and in his native land, all thought or dread of evil passed from him. But with Deirdre it was not so, for heavy dread and terror of the morrow lay on her heart, and in her mind she felt that this was their last day of peace and love together.


now that は「今や……なのだから」という意味です。前に「というのも」の for,後ろに「再び」の once again があってややこしいですね。


But in his royal court, King Conor grew impatient as he thought that Deirdre was so near at hand, and he not seeing her. “Go now, O foster-mother, to the Red Branch Hall and see if on the child that thou didst rear remains her early bloom and beauty, and if she still is lovely as when she went from me. If she is still the same, then, in spite of Naisi, I’ll have her for my own; but if her bloom is past, then let her be, Naisi may keep her for himself.”




Right glad was Levarcam to get leave to go to Deirdre and to Usna’s sons. Down to the Red Branch House straightway she went, and there were Naisi and her foster-child playing together with the board between them. Now, save Deirdre herself, Naisi was dearer to Levarcam than any other in the world, and well she knew that her own face and form were upon Deirdre still, only grown riper and more womanly. For, without Conor’s knowledge, she oft had gone to seek them when they stayed in Alba.


get leave の leave は「許可(permission),いとまごい」です。


Lovingly she kissed them and strong showers of tears sprang from her eyes. “No good will come to you, ye children of my love,” she said with weeping, “that ye are come again with Deirdre here. To-night they practise treachery and ill intent against you all in Emain. The King would know if Deirdre is lovely still, and though I tell a lie to shelter her, he will find out, and wreak his vengeance on you for the loss of her. Great evils wait for Emain and for you, O darling friends. Shut close the doors and guard them well; let no one pass within. Defend yourselves and this sweet damsel here, my foster-child. Trust no man; but repel the attack that surely comes, and victory and blessing be with you.” Then she returned to Emain; but all along the way she wept quick-gushing showers of tears, and heaved great sighs, for well she knew that from this night the sons of Usna would be alive no more.


would には「……したいと思う」の意味があり,would know if は「……かどうかを知りたがっている」と訳しました。


“What are the tidings that you have for me?” King Conor asked. “Good tidings have I, and tidings that are not good.” “Tell me them,” said the King. “The good tidings that I have are these; that the sons of Usna, the three whose form and figure are best, the three bravest in fight and all deeds of prowess, are come again to Erin; and, with the Lights of Valour at thy side, thine enemies will flee before thee, as a flock of frightened birds is driven before the gale. The ill-tidings that I have, are that through suffering and sorrow the love of my heart and treasure of my soul is changed since she went away, and little of her own bloom and beauty remains upon Deirdre.” “That will do for awhile,” said the King; and he felt his anger abating. But when they had drunk a round or two, he began to doubt the word of Levarcam. “O Trendorn,” said he to one who sat beside him, “dost thou recollect who it was who slew thy father?”

“I know well; it was Naisi, son of Usna,” he replied. “Go thou therefore where Naisi is, and see if her own face and form remain upon Deirdre.”

「どんな報せを余に持ってきた?」コノール王は尋ねた。「良き報せと,良くない報せがあります」 「両方話せ」王は言った。「良き報せというのは,ウシュナの子ら,3人の姿形は最高で,戦いと武勇に関わるあらゆる行為において最も秀でた3人がエリンに帰ってきました。そして武勇の光が,王様の側につき,王様の敵たちは,陣風に怯えた鳥の群れのように王様から逃げ出すでしょう。悪い報せというのは,苦労と悲しみにより,私が心から愛し,魂の宝物とも言える存在が,私達の許を去って以来,変わり果てていました。彼女自身の花と美は,ディアドラには,全く残されておりません」 「とりあえずは良し」と王は言った。そして彼は怒りが和らぐのを感じた。しかし彼らが一渡り,二渡りほど飲むと,レヴァーカムの言葉を疑いだした。「トレンドーンよ」と彼は傍に座っていた1人に言った。「汝の父を殺したのはだれか,覚えているか?」


・この a round は「酒が1回全員に回る分」です。


So Trendorn went down to the House of the Red Branch, but they had made fast the doors and he could find no way of entrance, for all the gates and windows were stoutly barred. He began to be afraid lest the sons of Usna might be ready to leap out upon him from within, but at last he found a small window which they had forgotten to close, and he put his eye to the window, and saw Naisi and Deirdre still playing at their game peacefully together. Deirdre saw the man looking in at the window, and Naisi, following her eye, caught sight of him also. And he picked up one of the pieces that was lying beside the board, and threw it at Trendorn, so that it struck his eye and tore it out, and in pain and misery the man returned to Emain.


stoutly は「頑丈に」です。stout「がっしりした,頑丈な」は fat「太った」の婉曲として使われることがあります。


“You seem not so gay as when you set out, O Trendorn,” said the King; “what has happened to thee, and hast thou seen Deirdre?” “I have seen her, indeed; I have seen Deirdre, and but that Naisi drove out mine eye I should have been looking at her still, for of all the women of the world, Deirdre is the fairest and the best.” When Conor heard that, he rose up and called his followers together and without a moment’s delay they set forward for the house of the Red Branch. For he was filled with jealousy and envy, and he thought the time long until he should get back Deirdre for himself.

「出かけた時ほど愉快ではないようだな,トレンドーンよ」と王は言った。「何があった,ディアドラは見たか?」 「実際彼女を見ました。ディアドラを見ました。しかしノイシュが私の眼を潰さなければ,私は今でも彼女に見とれていたでしょう。というのも世界の全ての女性の中で,ディアドラが最も美しく,最高です」 コノールはこれを聞くと,立ち上がって部下達を集め,一瞬の遅滞もなく彼らは赤枝の館に向かった。彼は妬みと羨みで一杯だった。そして彼はディアドラを自分のものに取り戻すまでの時間が長すぎたと思った。

he thought the time long では,thought (that)... と取ると the time long の所に動詞がありませんが,一応 think A B(think O C)というのがあります。think A to be B とも言います。文法的には,以下はどれも成り立ちます。

 I think that he is innocent.

 I think him innocent.

 I think him to be innocent.

 何となく,というか見るからに,真ん中が簡潔ですね。一番目は I think he's innocent. まで短くできます。


“The pursuit is coming,” said Deirdre; “I hear sounds without.” “I will go out and meet them,” said Naisi. “Nay,” said Buinne the Ruthless Red, “it was in my hands that my father Fergus placed the sons of Usna to guard them, and it is I who will go forth and fight for them.” “It seems to me,” said Deirdre, “that thy father hath betrayed the sons of Usna, and it is likely that thou wilt do as thy father hath done, O Buinne.” “If my father has been treacherous to you,” said Buinne, “it is not I who will do as he has done.” Then he went out and met the warriors of Conor, and put a host of them to the sword. “Who is this man who is destroying my hosts?” said Conor. “Buinne the Ruthless Red, the son of Fergus,” say they. “We bought his father to our side and we must buy the son,” said Conor. He called Buinne and said to him, “I gave a free gift of land to thy father Fergus, and I will give a free gift of land to thee; come over to my side to-night.” “I will do that,” said Buinne, and he went over to the side of the King. “Buinne hath deserted you, O sons of Usna, and the son is like the father,” Deirdre said. “He has gone,” said Naisi, “but he performed warrior-like deeds before he went.”

「追手が迫っています」ディアドラは言った。「外で音が聞こえます」 「僕が出て立ち向かおう」ノイシュは言った。「いや」と冷徹な赤のブニエが言った。「ウシュナの子たちを護るよう父フェルグスが委ねたのは私の手です。だから出て彼らと戦うのは私です」 「私には」ディアドラは言った。「貴方の父上はウシュナの子らを裏切ったと思えます。だから貴方もお父上と同じことをなさるでしょう,ブニエよ」 「仮に父が貴方達を裏切ったとしても」ブニエは言った。「父と同じことをやるのは私ではありません」そう言って彼は出ていき,コノールの戦士にまみえ,大勢の戦士をその剣にかけた。「我が軍を殺戮しているのは誰じゃ」コノールは言った。「冷徹な赤のブニエ,フェルグスの子です」兵らは言った。「奴の父を買収したのだ,彼も買収できるに違いない」コノールは言った。彼はブニエに呼びかけて言った。「余は汝の父フェルグスに,広大な土地を与えた。汝にも広大な土地を与えよう。今夜は余の側に就け」 「いいだろう」ブニエは言い,王の側へ行った。「ブニエは貴方たちを見捨てました,ウシュナの子らよ。息子は父に似たりといったものですわね」とディアドラは言った。「彼は去ったが」ノイシュは言った。「去る前に行った行為は戦士に相応しい」


put ... to the sword「剣にかけた」とは,「剣で斬り殺した」ということです。


Then Conor sent fresh warriors down to attack the house. “The pursuit is coming,” said Deirdre. “I will go out and meet them,” said Naisi. “It is not thou who must go, it is I,” said Illan the Fair, son of Fergus, “for to me my father left the charge of you.” “I think the son will be like the father,” said Deirdre. “I am not like to forsake the sons of Usna so long as this hard sword is in my hand,” said Illan the Fair. And the fresh, noble, young hero went out in his battle-array, and valiantly he attacked the host of Conor and made a red rout of them round the house. “Who is that young warrior who is smiting down my hosts?” said Conor. “Illan the Fair, son of Fergus,” they reply. “We will buy him to our side, as his brother was bought,” said wily Conor.

それからコノールは新たな戦士を呼んで館を攻撃させた。「また来ます」ディアドラは言った。「僕が出て戦おう」ノイシュが言った。「行くべきは貴方ではありません。私です」フェルグスの子,美丈夫のイランが言った。「父が貴方達の保護を私に託したのです」 「息子は父と同じようなものではないかしら」ディアドラは言った。「私は,この硬き剣が手にある限り,ウシュナの子らを見捨てるような手合いではありません」美丈夫のイランは言った。そして若々しく気高き,若き英雄は出て行って戦いに身を投げ,勇敢にコノールの軍勢を攻撃し,家の周りを彼らを追撃して回った。「我が軍勢を打ち負かしているあの若武者は誰じゃ?」コノールは言った。「美丈夫のイラン,フェルグスの子です」兵らは答えた。「彼も買収しようぞ,兄弟のようにな」狡猾なコノールは言った。

a red rout は「血染めの追撃」などと訳され,アルスター伝説ではコナル・ケルナハが行ったものが有名です。私自身も詳細は読んでいませんが,実はこの物語の最終章のタイトルが The Red Rout ですから,楽しみにしておいてください。


So he called Illan and said, “We gave a possession of land to thy father, and another to thy brother, and we will give an equal share to thee; come over to our side.” But the princely young hero answered: “Thy offer, O Conor, will I not accept; for better to me is it to return to my father and tell him that I have kept the charge he laid upon me, than to accept any offer from thee, O King.” Then Conor was wroth, and he commanded his own son to attack Illan, and furiously the two fought together, until Illan was sore wounded, and he flung his arms into the house, and called on Naisi to do valiantly, for he himself was slain by a son of Conor. “Illan has fallen, and you are left alone,” said Deirdre, “O sons of Usna.” “He is fallen indeed,” said Naisi, “but gallant were the deeds that he performed before he died.”

それで彼はイランに呼びかけて言った。「我らは汝の父に土地を与え,また別の土地を汝の兄弟に与えた。そして我らは等しい土地を汝に与えよう。我らの側に来い」 しかし立派な若き英雄は答えた。「貴方の申し出を,コノールよ,私は受けません。私にとって,父の許へ帰り,父が私に託した責任を果たしたと告げた方が,他のいかなる申し出を貴方から受けるよりも良いからです,王よ」 それでコノールは怒り,自らの子に命じてイランを攻撃させ,2人は烈しく戦った。遂にイランが重い傷を負い,彼は武器を館に投げ入れ,自分はコノールの息子に殺されたから勇敢に戦うようノイシュに呼びかけた。「イランは倒れました。残るは貴方たちだけです,ウシュナの子らよ」ディアドラは言った。「確かに彼は斃れた」ノイシュは言った。「しかし彼が死ぬ前に行った行為は雄々しいものだった」

wroth は「怒り狂った」です。名詞形 wrath「憤怒」は七つの大罪の1つですから有名ですね。


Then the warriors and mercenaries of Conor drew closer round the house, and they took lighted torches and flung them into the house, and set it on fire. And Naisi lifted Deirdre on his shoulders and raised her on high, and with his brothers on either side, their swords drawn in their hands, they issued forth to fight their way through the press of their enemies. And so terrible were the deeds wrought by those heroes, that Conor feared they would destroy his host. He called his Druids, and said to them, “Work enchantment upon the sons of Usna and turn them back, for no longer do I intend evil against them, but I would bring them home in peace. Noble are the deeds that they have wrought, and I would have them as my servants for ever.” The Druids believed the wily King and they set to work to weave spells to turn the sons of Usna back to Emain Macha.

それからコノールの戦士と傭兵が接近して館を取り巻き,火の点いた松明を取って館に投げ入れ,館に火を点けた。そしてノイシュはディアドラを肩に乗せ,彼女を高く掲げ,2人の兄弟を左右に付け,剣を手に下げ,敵中を突破しようと打って出た。そしてこれらの英雄達がなした行いは凄まじいものだったので,コノールは彼らが軍勢を全滅させるのではと恐れた。彼はドルイド達を呼び,言った。「ウシュナの子らにまじないをかけ,退かせよ。もはや余は彼らに悪意を持たん。平和に彼らを還してやりたい。彼らがなした行いは高貴だ。彼らをずっと配下として持ちたいのじゃ」 ドルイド達は狡猾な王の言葉を信じ,ウシュナの子をエヴァン・マハに還らせる呪文を練り始めた。


They made a great thick wood before them, through which they thought no man could pass. But without ever stopping to consider their way, the sons of Usna went straight through the wood turning neither to the right hand or the left. “Good is your enchantment, but it will not avail,” said Conor; “the sons of Usna are passing through without the turning of a step, or the bending of a foot. Try some other spell.” Then the Druids made a grey stormy sea before the sons of Usna on the green plain. The three heroes tied their clothing behind their heads, and Naisi set Deirdre again upon his shoulder and went straight on without flinching, without turning back, through the grey shaggy sea, lifting Deirdre on high lest she should wet her feet.“

Thy spell is good,” said Conor, “yet it sufficeth not. The sons of Usna escape my hands. Try another spell.”

彼らは眼前に,誰も通り抜けられないと考えた深い森を出現させた。しかし立ち止まって進路を考えることもなく,ウシュナの子らは真っ直ぐに,右手にも左手にも曲がらず森を突き抜けた。「よい呪文じゃが効かんぞ」コノールは言った。「ウシュナの子らは一歩も曲がらず突き抜けておるぞ。別のを試すのじゃ」 それでドルイド達は灰色の荒海をウシュナの子らの眼前の平野に出現させた。3人の子らは衣服を頭の後ろに括り付け,ノイシュは再びディアドラを肩に乗せ,たじろぐことなく,戻ることなく真っ直ぐ進み,ディアドラが足を濡らすことすらさせずに彼女を高く掲げながら灰色の荒海を通り抜けた。



Then the Druids froze the grey uneven sea into jagged hard lumps of rugged ice, like the sharpness of swords on one side of them and like the stinging of serpents on the other side. Then Arden cried out that he was becoming exhausted and must fain give up. “Come thou, Arden, and rest against my shoulder,” said Naisi, “and I will support you.” Arden did so, but it was not long before he died; but though he was dead, Naisi held him up still. Then Ainle cried out that he could go no longer, for his strength had left him. When Naisi heard that, he heaved a heavy sigh as of one dying of fatigue, but he told Ainle to hold on to him, and he would bring him soon to land. But not long after, the weakness of death came upon Ainle, and his hold relaxed. Naisi looked on either hand and when he saw that his two brothers were dead, he cared not whether he himself should live or die. He heaved a sigh, sore as the sigh of the dying, and his heart broke and he fell dead.

“The sons of Usna are dead now,” said the Druids; “but they turned not back.”

それでドルイド達は灰色の荒海を凍らせ,岩のような氷のギザギザの硬い塊に変えた。一方では剣のような鋭さと,他方では蛇が噛むような鋭さであった。それでアーデンが力尽き,諦めたいという叫び声をあげた。「来い,アーデン,僕の肩で休め」ノイシュは言った。「僕が支えるから」 アーデンはそうしたが,間もなく彼は死んだ。しかし彼が死んだにも拘らず,ノイシュは依然として彼を支えていた。それからアンルがもう進めないという叫び声をあげた。もう力が残っていなかった。ノイシュはこれを聞くと,疲労で死にそうな者が出すような深い溜息を吐いたが,自分につかまれとアンルに言った。そして彼は早く彼を陸に上げようとした。しかし間もなく,死によってアンルの力がなくなり,彼が掴む手が緩んだ。ノイシュは両手を見て,2人の兄弟が死んだと分かると,自分の生死はどうでもよくなった。彼は死に行く者が出すような溜息を吐き,彼の心は打ち砕かれ彼は斃れた。


heave a sigh「溜息を吐く」は簡単に give a sigh と言います。単に sigh とも言えますが,give a sigh 型では様々な形容詞が置きやすく便利です。

on either hand について,hand や side のように2つで1組のものを either が修飾している場合,片側ではなく両側を意味している可能性が高いです。Either will do. とは「どちらでも構わない」という意味ですが,「どちらか」→「どちらでも」→「両方」と意味が変化していきます。


“Lift up thy enchantment,” said Conor, “that I now may see the sons of Usna.” Then the Druids lifted the enchantment, and there were the three sons of Usna lying dead, and Deirdre fluttering hither and thither from one to another, weeping bitter heartrending tears. And Conor would have taken her away, but she would not be parted from the sons of Usna, and when their tomb was being dug, Deirdre sat on the edge of the grave, calling on the diggers to dig the pit very broad and smooth. They had dug the pit for three only, and they lowered the bodies of the three heroes into the grave, side by side. But when Deirdre saw that, she called aloud to the sons of Usna, to make space for her between them, for she was following them. Then the body of Ainle, that was at Naisi’s right hand, moved a little apart, and a space was made for Deirdre close at Naisi’s side, where she was wont to be, and Deirdre leapt into the tomb, and placed her arm round the neck of Naisi, her own love, and she kissed him, and her heart broke within her and she died; and together in the one tomb the three sons of Usna and Deirdre were buried. And all the men of Ulster who stood by wept aloud.

「呪文を引き上げよ」コノールは言った。「ウシュナの子が見えよう」 それでドルイド達は呪文を払い,ウシュナの3人の子らが死んで横たわっていた。ディアドラはそれぞれのなきがらの間をあちらこちらへとはらはらと動き回り,悲痛な涙を流していた。コノールは彼女を連れ去りたかったが,彼女はウシュナの子らから離れようとしなかった。そして彼らの墓が掘られている間,ディアドラは墓の端に座り,墓堀人に穴を非常に大きく,平らに掘るよう求めた。彼らは穴を3人の為だけに掘り,3人の英雄のなきがらを墓に下ろし,並べた。しかしディアドラはそれを見ると,ウシュナの子らに呼びかけ,彼らの間に自分の隙間を作るように言った。彼女も彼らを追おうとしていた。するとノイシュの右手にあったアンルのなきがらが少し離れ,ディアドラのための隙間が,ノイシュの傍近くに作られた。ディアドラがいつもいた場所だった。そしてディアドラは墓に跳び込み,腕を愛するノイシュの首に回し,彼にキスをした。そして彼女の中で心が壊れ,彼女は死んだ。そして1つの墓の中でウシュナの3人の子らとディアドラは一緒に埋葬された。そしてそこに立っていたアルスターの男達は皆涙を流した。


But Conor was angry, and he ordered the bodies to be uncovered again and the body of Deirdre to be removed, so that even in death she might not be with Naisi. And he caused Deirdre to be buried on one side of the loch, and Naisi on the other side of the loch, and the graves were closed. Then a young pine-tree grew from the grave of Deirdre, and a young pine from the grave of Naisi, and their branches grew towards each other, until they entwined one with the other across the loch. And Conor would have cut them down, but the men of Ulster would not allow this, and they set a watch and protected the trees until King Conor died.




さてこれで第26章が終わりました。あと4章です! そして次章は,今まで一度も出ていなかったコンラの登場です。FF14のスカアハ戦で救援として登場し,放っておくと大変なことになるやつですね! 次回をお楽しみに!



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