Nearer and nearer yet it came as though at furious pace a band of warriors bore down towards the house. “Let one of you see from the ramparts of the fort,” said Emer, “what is the sound that we hear coming towards us.” Fiall, her sister, Forgall’s eldest girl, ran to the top of the rath or earthen mound that circled round the playing-fields, and looked out towards the north, shading her eyes against the brilliant sun. “What do you see there?” asked they all, and eagerly she cried: “I see a splendid chariot-chief coming at furious pace along the road.
まるで戦士の部隊が物凄いスピードでその家に迫ってくるかのように,戦車はどんどんと近づいてきた。「誰か1人,砦の城壁から見て」とエメルは言った。「今聞こえている,近づいてくる音の正体を確かめて頂戴」 彼女の姉のフィアル──フォルガルの長女──が遊び場を丸く囲っている土塁の上に登って,眩しい日光を遮るように手を目の上にかざして北の方角を見張った。「何か見える?」皆が尋ねると,彼女は熱心に叫んだ。「物凄いスピードで,凄い戦車の隊長が,進んできているわ」
・bear down on Nは「Nに迫ってくる」です。今回はbear down towardsになっています。bearは「運ぶ,耐える,産む」が重要ですが,「ある方向に曲がる」もあり,bearing「方位,方角」はここから来ているのでしょう。
・rath or earthen moundのorは,rathが難語だったのでor以下で言い換えたものです(換言のor)。よって訳さず,earthen moundのみを「土塁」と訳します。
Two steeds, like day and night, of equal size and beauty, come thundering beneath that chariot on the plain. Curling their manes and long, and as they come, one would think fire darted from their curbed jaws, so strain and bound they forward; high in the air the turf beneath their feet is thrown around them, as though a flock of birds were following as they go. On the right side the horse is grey, broad in the haunches, active, swift and wild; with head erect and breast expanded, madly he moves along the plain, bounding and prancing as he goes. The other horse jet-black, head firmly knit, feet broad-hoofed, firm, and slender; in all this land never had chariot-chief such steeds as these.”
・strain and bound they forwardはかなり悩みましたが,現在時制の文なので動詞strain「全力を出す」,動詞bound「はずむ,跳ぶように走る」と取りました。
“Heed not the steeds,” the girls replied, “tell us, for this concerns us most, who is the chariot-chief who rides within?”
“Worthy of the chariot in which he rides is he who sits within. Youthful he seems, as standing on the very borders of a noble manhood, and yet I think his face and form are older than his years. Gravely he looks, as though his mind revolved some serious thought, and yet a radiance as of the summer’s day enfolds him round. About his shoulders a rich five-folded mantle hangs, caught by a brooch across the chest sparkling with precious gems, above his white and gold-embroidered shirt. His massive sword rests on his thigh, and yet I think he comes not here to fight. Before him stands his charioteer, the reins held firmly in his hand, urging the horses onward with a goad.”
“What like is he, the charioteer?” demand the girls again.
・多用しているand yetは「それでも」です。
“...?” he demanded. 「……?」と彼は尋ねた。
“A ruddy man and freckled,” answered Fiall; “his hair is very curly and bright-red, held by a bronze fillet across his brow, and caught at either side his head in little cups of gold, to keep the locks from falling on his face. A light cloak on his shoulders, made with open sleeves, flies back in the wind, as rapidly they course along the plain.” But Emer heard not what the maiden said, for to her mind there came the memory of a wondrous youth whom Ulster loved and yet of whom all Erin stood in awe.
「健康的な色つやでそばかすがある」フィアルは答えた。「髪はカーリーで明るい赤で,ブロンズのヘアバンドを巻いてる。頭の両側に小さな金色のカップが留められてて,髪の毛の先が顔にかからないようにしてるわ。肩には袖のところが開いてる軽そうなマントが掛かってて,平野を速く駆けてるから風になびいてる」 しかしエメルは少女の話を聞いていなかった。というのも彼女の脳裏には,アルスターが愛し,しかしエリン中が畏れの念を抱いた驚くべき若者の記憶が甦っていたからだ。
・ここのlockは「錠」ではおかしく,調べてみると「頭髪の房」でした。このlocksを目的語に取っている表現が有名なkeep [prevent] O from Ving「OがVするのを防ぐ」ですね。
・stand in awe of N,be in awe of N「Nに畏敬の念を抱く」は定形表現です。
Great warriors spoke of him in whispers and with shaking of the head. They told how when he was a little child, he fought with full-grown warriors and mastered them; of a huge hound that he had slain and many feats of courage he had done. Into her mind there came a memory, that she had heard of prophets who foretold for him a strange and perilous career; a life of danger, and an early death. Full many a time she longed to see this youth, foredoomed to peril, yet whose praise should ring from age to age through Erin; and in her mind, when all alone she pondered on these things, she still would end: “This were a worthy mate! This were a man to win a woman’s love!” And half aloud she uttered the old words: “This were a man to win a woman’s love!”
・with shaking of the head「首を振りながら話す」がどういうことかよく分かりませんでしたが,英語に詳しい知り合いに聞くと否定のニュアンスではあるので「あんなのありえねぇ……」ということではないかとのことです。なお,with+動名詞は不可のはずです(「運転しながら」はwith drivingではなくwhile drivingが適切)が,ここはshaking ofとofが付いており,動名詞ではなく名詞化しています。
making money「金儲け」(動名詞のmaking)
the making of a movie「映画の制作」(名詞化したmaking。ofを介して目的語を取っている)
・イギリス英語ではthat...「……こと」をhow... で言うことがあります。ここのhow... 節を「クー・フーリンがいかに戦ったか」と訳す必要はありません。「クー・フーリンが戦ったこと」でOKです。howの語感を敢えて出したければ「クー・フーリンが戦ったさま」ということでしょうかね。
・many a+単数名詞はmany+複数名詞の堅い言い方です。
・This wereのところですが,仮定法過去ではIf I were a bird, のようにwereが使えますので,「こんなの(こんな男が)理想の夫だったらなぁ」ということかと思います。
Now hardly had the words sprung to her lips, when the chariot stood before the door, close to the place where all the girls were gathered. And when she saw him Emer knew it was the man of whom she dreamed. He wished a blessing to them, and her lovely face she lifted in reply. “May God make smooth the path before thy feet,” she gently said. “And thou, mayest thou be safe from every harm,” was his reply. “Whence comest thou?” she asked; for he had alighted from his seat and stood beside her, gazing on her face.
・Hardly+過去完了の倒置+when... は「〜するやいなや……した」です。As soon as the words sprang to her lips, the chariot stood が簡単です。
・(May) God+原形は祈願文です。May God bless you. → God bless you.
・make smooth the path before thy feetはmake the path smooth before thy feet smoothです。make O Cで「O (the path) をC (smooth) にする」と言っているのですが,the path before thy feetが長すぎるのでsmoothを先に言いました。thyは「汝の」ですが,母音やhで始まる単語の前ではthineになりますから気をつけて下さい(例えばthine own...「汝自身の……」)
“From Conor’s court we come,” he answered then; “from Emain, kingliest of Ulster’s forts, and this the way we took. We drove between the Mountains of the Wood, along the High-road of the Plain, where once the sea had been; across the Marsh they call the Secret of the Gods, and to the Boyne’s ford named of old the Washing of the Horses of the Gods. And now at last, O maiden, we have come to the bright flowery Garden-grounds of Lugh. This is the story of myself, O maid; let me now hear of thee.” Then Emer said: “Daughter am I to Forgall, whom men call the Wily Chief.
「僕はコノールの宮殿より来たのだ」すると彼は答えた。「エヴァンから。王の王たるアルスターの砦から。そしてこのようにしてやってきたよ。森の山々を抜け,かつて海があった,平野の大通りを通り,神々の秘密と呼ばれる沼を横切った。神々の馬達の洗い場と昔呼ばれたボイン川の浅瀬までね。そして最後に,お嬢さん,ルーの明るい,花の咲く庭園にやってきたのさ。これが僕自身の物語だよ,お嬢さん。今度は君の話をしてくれないか」 するとエメルは言った。「私は狡猾な首長と人が言う,フォルガルの娘よ」
Cunning his mind and strange his powers; for he is stronger than any labouring man, more learned than any Druid, more sharp and clever than any man of verse. Men say that thou art skilled in feats of war, but it will be more than all thy games to fight against Forgall himself; therefore be cautious what thou doest, for men cannot number the multitude of his warlike deeds nor the cunning and craft with which he works. He has given me as a bodyguard twenty valiant men, their captain Con, son of Forgall, and my brother; therefore I am well protected, and no man can come near me, but that Forgall knows of it. To-day he is gone from home on a warrior expedition, and those men are gone with him; else, had he been within, I trow he would have asked thee of thy business here.”
・このlearnedは「学識のある」という意味で,この意味では通常の「ラーンド」ではなく「ラーニッド /lə́ːrnɪd/」です。beloved「ビラヴィッド /bɪlʌ́vɪd/」,wicked「ウィキッド /wɪ́kɪd/」なんかもありますね。
・このtheir captain Conを文法的に真面目に解説します。He has given me twenty men, and their captain is Con. です。andで繋がった文も分詞構文にでき,He has given me twenty men, their captain being Con. です。最後に,分詞構文のbeingは省略できるので,He has given me twenty men, their captain Con. となり完成です。andで繋がった重文も分詞構文にできることは以下の記事で解説しています。www.freynya.com
・but that Forgall knows of itではbut thatが「……以外では,……でなければ」の意味を持ち,「フォルガルが認めない限りは」です。without Forgall's knowledge「フォルガルに無断で」という言い方もあります。
・had he been withinは典型的な〈仮定法のifの省略に伴う倒置〉です。
if he had been within からifを省略すると,heとhadが倒置するので,
had he been within となります。
有名なIf I were a bird,「私が鳥だったら」でやると,Were I a bird, です。