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But to the rest it seemed as though the raven croaked, and they laughed loud to hear the bird of ill-omen croaking in the house. Cuchulain sprang to his feet to rush forth; but, as he rose, his mantle caught beneath his feet, and he was thrown backwards on his seat. Once more he rose in haste and red with shame, but the great kingly brooch that fastened his mantle, being loosened by his fall, dropped on his foot, and dropping pierced his skin. “Alas! alas!” he cried, “even my mantle warns me of ill-luck!”


・「警告する」の warnwarn A of Bwarn O to-Vwarn O that S V... を取れます。例えば「V しないように警告する」は warn O not to-V です。


And Emer said, “’Tis even so; heed now the warning of a friend. Let this pass, Cu; for three days stay with us, and then in peace thou mayest go forth to fight. For three days only have the Children of the Blast their fatal power. Not for thyself or thine own safety do we thus entreat, but for the sake of Ulster and her king. For Ulster is destroyed if Cuchulain falls. For three days then abide.” And for the sake of Ulster Cuchulain stayed, though heaviness and shame sat deep upon him, and in his heart he longed to go. And wearily he sat down again to play his game of chess.

それでエメルは言った。「マントすらそうなのですから,友人の警告を聞いて下さい。これは言わせて下さい。クー,3日,ここに留まって下さい。そうすれば戦いに行っても大丈夫です。嵐の子らは,3日しか決定的な力を持てないの。貴方自身のため,貴方自身の安全のためこのように懇願するのではありません。アルスターとアルスターの王のためにするのです。仮にクー・フーリンが倒れたら,国が亡ぶからです。だから3日,我慢してください」 それでアルスターの為にクー・フーリンは留まった。しかし重い気分と恥を知る気持ちが彼に重くのしかかり,心の中で彼は行きたがった。そしてだるそうに彼はまた座ってチェスのゲームをした。

Let this pass について,『ジーニアス英和辞典』に I am not going to let that one pass.「それは聞き捨てならない」というのが載っています。「それを言わせてはおけない」ということですから,Let this pass は「これを言わせてください」ということです。直訳は「これを通してください」ということですから,「そんな意見通ると思うか」のような意味で I won't let that pass. と言えるのでしょう。


For that night the Wild Women of the Blast went back, and they waited until another day was past, but towards the fall of night the horrid brood of mis-shaped children betook them to the Glen. On the swift magic wind of their own making they soared aloft, and at the very entrance to the Glen they lighted on the ground. There they began to work their noisome spells. Out of the light wee puff-balls and the rustling forest leaves they formed great lines of fighting-men, all armed with battle-weapons of the hooded sharp-spiked thistle-stalks. All round the lightsome, pleasant house the army stood, in marshalled band on band, and all the country rang with battle-shouts and cries of war and trumpetings, and loud pealing laughter, and the taunts of strong men when they mock at cowards.


peal は「轟く」。peel は「皮をむく」です。appeal「訴える(アピールする)」という語がありますね。「轟くようにアピ-ルする」と覚えましょう。


In the palace Cuchulain caught the uproar and the mocking laughter of the phantom fairy hosts. He started up and would have rushed madly from the hall, but those around him stayed and hindered. “Close fast the doors,” they said, “if for this one day and to-morrow we can keep him fast, the magic evil spell is past.” And Emer came to him and said, “This one day yet abide, O dear one, noblest of the whole world’s race, my one and only love. These are but shows and phantoms that thou hearest wrought by the sprites to lure thee to thy doom. To-morrow, or the next day, or the next, comes Conall Cernach back from travelling. Alone, thou fallest; with him thou art a match for any host. For Ulster’s sake and ours, and for thine own, abide.”

宮殿の中でクー・フーリンは幽鬼の軍勢が騒いだり,嘲るように笑うのを聞いた。彼はパッと立ち上がって狂ったようにホールから飛び出して行ったところだったが,周りの者が押しとどめて妨げた。「ドアを固く閉めろ」彼らは言った。「この1日,そして明日,彼を閉じ込めておければ,邪悪な魔法の呪文は効力を失うのだ」 そしてエメルは彼の所に行って言った。「この1日も我慢して,愛する人,世界の全種族で最も気高き人,私の唯一の愛する人。貴方が聞いているのは見世物で亡霊です。貴方を誘き出して破滅させるために妖精たちが造り出しているのです。明日の朝,それか明日の昼,それかその次の日か,コナル・ケルナハが旅から還ってきます。1人では貴方は倒れます。彼となら貴方はどんな軍勢とも戦えます。アルスターのため,そして私達のため,そして貴方自身のため,堪えて下さい」


would have rushed は仮定法過去完了でしょう。実際には飛び出して行っていないからです。「周りが必死に止めなかったら飛び出して行ったであろう」ということです。if 節が明記されていないのに仮定法だと分かるパターンの1つとして,「しかし(実際は)……だった」というのが明記されているものがあります。今回 but those around him stayed and hindered「しかし周りの者が押しとどめた」がありますね。これで仮定法(反実仮想)と分かるのです。


Then at this thing Cu felt a mighty shame; his soul was filled with storms of anger and reproach. “Alas! alas!” he cried, “henceforth there is no cause to guard my life. My span is ended, my honour is destroyed. Better for me than all the gold and riches of the world, if I had died before there fell on me this shame. In every tongue this noble saying is recorded, “Fame outlives life”; but by your urgency I keep my life, when all my fame and honour is destroyed. Come death, come life, to-morrow I go forth.”



Fame outlives life outlivesurvive,live longer than と同義で「……より長く生きる」です。「命は短いが,名誉は死後も生き続ける」ということですね。



And gloomily and sadly he sat down, nor would he play or listen to the music of the bards, or hold sweet converse with the women, but all that night, till break of day, he tried and proved his weapons, and his spears and sword he polished lovingly, and he sent Laeg out to catch his chariot-steeds and bring them to the green beside the house. And his heart revived within him when he heard without the neigh of the Grey of Macha and the Black Steed of the Glen.

But the foul Children of the Blast were disappointed and dismayed because they could not tempt Cuchulain out. And all that night they sat in council, devising plans to snare him. “We have but one day more,” they said, “before our power is lost. To-morrow then and verily, we lure him forth.”



・「罠にかける」は ensnare,entrap とも言いますが,単に snaretrap とも言えます。


Before the morning’s sun was well arisen, on the blast of the swift moaning wind of their own making, and all unseen, they came around the glen. Then they put forth their magic spells and round the house they made the likeness of a mighty sea that wave on wave rolled ever nearer to the pleasure-house, threatening to overwhelm it as it stood. Amid the women’s talk and loving laughter, and the sweet music of the harps and singing men, Cuchulain heard the lapping of the waves, and the low distant ocean’s roar, and whistling of the wind upon the sea.


moan は「唸る」。mourn「嘆く,喪に服す」もあります。

lap は「くるむ」(サランラップ),「膝の上」(ラップトップパソコン),「(陸上競技などの)一周」(ラップ……秒),そして今回の「ぴちゃぴちゃ舐める」があります。


Then he rose up and seized his weapons in his hand, and for all Emer and the rest could do, he rushed forth from the house. And madness came upon him when he saw the rolling billows rising ever towards the house, and all the land covered with mist and spray; and he called Emer, and would have lifted her up above the waves to carry her in safety through the billows. But Emer and the rest could see no waves, only the green waving grasses of the pleasure-field, and nought they heard save the soft rustling breath of spring that whispered through the leaves.


for all that だとか,for all... には「……にも拘わらず」という逆接の意味がありますね。for は「為」「目的」「理由」と逆接っぽくない意味なのにどうしてでしょうか。これは〈交換の for〉のせいです。分かりやすいのは以下の例でしょう。

 He failed for all his efforts.「いかなる努力をもってしても彼は失敗した」

 He failed for all his riches.「いかなる富をもってしても彼は失敗した」

これらは〈交換の for〉で理解することができます。「全ての努力・富と引き換えに彼は失敗した」→「全ての努力・富にも拘わらず彼は失敗した」ということです。今回の for all Emer and the rest could do も,「エメルと他の者達がなしえたこと全てと引き替えに(クー・フーリンは出て行った)」→「エメルと他の者達がたとえ何をやろうとも(クー・フーリンは出て行った)」と解釈できます。


And Emer said: “Little Cu, O my first love and darling of all earth’s men, never until this hour have I or any of thy women-folk put hindrance in thy way in any exploit or battle-raid that thou didst desire. Though oft we wept, and many a time we thought thou never wouldst return, we never held thee back. But now for my sake, my own chosen sweetheart, go not forth. No sea is that thou seest upon the green, but only waving grasses and the fluttering leaves. Heed not the magic noisome spells of those thy enemies, but one day more abide. Then never till the end of life or time will we restrain or hold thee back again.” But Cuchulain said, “Emer, restrain me not; I see the horses of Manannan riding on the waves; I hear Manannan’s fairy harp play gently o’er the billows; Manannan’s ancient face I see beckoning me o’er the main.”

それでエメルは言った。「ワンちゃん,私が世界で一番愛する人,この時まで一度も,私も,貴方の女家族も,貴方が望んだどんな偉業でも戦闘でも,貴方の邪魔をしませんでした。私達はよく泣いたし,貴方が二度と戻らない,二度と貴方を迎えられないと何度も思いましたけれど。しかし今は私のために,私が選んだ愛する人よ,行かないで下さい。貴方が芝生の上に見ているのは海ではありません。草が揺れ,葉がはためいているだけです。貴方の敵が発した不快な魔法の呪文に惑わされずに,ただもう1日,堪えて下さい。そうすれば私たちは死ぬまで,貴方を制限したり,連れ戻そうとは致しません」 しかしクー・フーリンは言った。「エメル,止めてくれるな。マナナーンの馬達が波に乗っているのが見える。マナナーンの魔法のハープが大波の上で優しく奏でているのが聞こえる。マナナーンの年老いた顔が,海の上で私に手招きしているのが見えるのだ」

exploit は色んな意味があり注意です。「(利用する→)開発する」「(利用する→)搾取する」「偉業」です。前二者の名詞形として exploitation があります。


Then Emer knew that the hour of Cuchulain’s fate was come, and that nought of all that ever they could do would avail to turn him back. For the seer had prophesied that when Cuchulain should see the horses of the ancient Ocean god upon the waves, and when he should hear Manannan’s harp play sweetly, the hour of his fate was come, and he must e’en go back to Shadowland.



Then she herself called Laeg to prepare his chariot and harness his horses, and to set his fighting-gear in order, that not by phantasies or magic wild imaginings, but as a chariot-chief and champion facing his foes he might go forth to die; and she brought out his helmet and set it upon his head, and placed his mighty shield within his hand, that he might die as a hero should.



And when Cuchulain saw his chariot standing ready for him, and Laeg therein awaiting him, and the noble steeds pawing the ground, the phantoms of his brain passed away from him, and his warrior strength and joyousness of mind came back, and he donned his armour with good-will and gladness, and made to spring into the chariot. But for the first time since the day when they rose out of the magic lake, the steeds obeyed not his hand, but started from him and turned the chariot round, evading him. And when Laeg drew them back, and Cuchulain prepared to spring again into the chariot, they fled away before him.




“How now, how now is this, good steeds?” said Laeg; “full oft before ye two came bounding at your master’s call, nor ever turned away. Ill deed is this of thine, for never upon any former day did he and I need help from you as now we need it. Presage of evil is this freak of thine!” This when the Grey of Macha heard he stood quite still, the Black Steed by his side, and they let Cuchulain mount into the chariot; but even as he sprang to take his seat, his weapons all fell down about his feet; to him a grim foreshadowing of ill. He saw, moreover, that from the horses’ eyes and down their cheeks coursed tears of dusky blood.

「どうした,これは,お前さん達」ロイグは言った。「今まで君達は実によく,御主人の呼びかけに跳んで来たよね。逃げることなんてなかった。今回の君達の行為はダメだよ。今まで彼も僕も,今ほど君達の助けを必要としたことはなかった。この奇怪な行動は不吉な前兆だよ!」 リアト・マハはこれを聞くととても静かになり,ドゥブ・サングレンは彼の傍に来て,彼らはクー・フーリンを馬車に乗せた。しかし彼が着席しようと跳んだ時,彼の武器がみな足元に落ちてしまった。彼には不吉な前兆だった。その上彼には,軍馬の眼から,彼らの頬に伝って,黒ずんだ血の呪われた涙が流れているのが見えた。

This when the Grey of Macha heard he stood quite still の読解にかなり時間を要しました。これ,When the Grey of Macha heard this, he stood quite still ですよね。こんな目的語の回し方があるんですね。


Yet for all that he stayed not, but without farewells or partings of any kind at all, joyously he set forth towards Murthemne’s Plain, to meet the hosts of Meave. But when the cruel Children of the Blast saw the imprisoned champion go forth and take the level road across the plain, up to the highest heavens they rose aloft with wild shrill cries and shriekings of delight, and through the air upon the whistling wind they sped before him, hastening to arouse the hosts of Meave to meet him in their strength. Before Cuchulain’s eyes they raised a vision of battle-troops and marshalled lines standing round Emain, with chariots, steeds and weapons in great plenty.



He saw the city red and dark with flames, and heard the shouting of the foe as Emain sank in ashes. That vision passed away, and then another came before his mind. He saw Dun Dalgan, his own home, aglow, like Emain, in the ruddy flame. He saw the women flying from the flames, with hair dishevelled, and with streaming eyes. He heard the crashing of the blazing walls, as inward one and then another fell. He saw the foe behind with swords upraised, slaying and cutting down the women as they ran. Then he saw Emer, his own loving wife, standing alone upon the outer wall, scanning the distant plain.



She raised her hands and called on him for help, and down her face ran torrents of salt tears. Then he could see behind her, creeping slowly on, a fierce relentless warrior of Meave’s host. And with one spring he saw him seize her hair, the soft long locks Cuchulain loved to touch, and backward with his cruel pitiless hand he drew her head, and with a single blow he sheared it off, flinging it in disdain out o’er the rampart’s wall, and trampling her fair body under foot. When he had seen that deed, Cuchulain groaned, and sped along the plain with greater haste.



torrent は「奔流,激流」です。激流のような涙ということです。滝のような雨,豪雨のことを torrential rain と言います。

disdain は「軽蔑,軽蔑する」です。


Then passing o’er a stream they saw a maiden stooping on the brink, as though she washed and rinsed the garments of the slain. Slender and white her body and her hands, but all the waters ran with crimson blood, and still she washed, and wept, and wrung her hands, and all her yellow hair hung down in tresses slowly dropping blood. Sharply and quick, without a word or pause, Laeg turned the chariot when he saw the girl, and made as though to flee. “How now?” said Cu; “what dost thou, Master Laeg? What spoils are these the maiden wrings and washes in the stream? and who and what is she?” “She is the Watcher of the Ford,” Laeg cried, “the daughter of the goddess of grim war. She wrings the garments of the slain, or those about to die. Dost thou not see that they are thine own garments that she washes out to-day; that it is thine own sword that runs with blood, dying the river red? Alas! alas! while there is time, let us now turn and flee.”

それから川を渡るときに彼らは1人の少女が川べりに屈み,まるで殺された者の衣服を洗い,ゆすいでいるように見えた。彼女の体や手は白くてほっそりしていたが,川の水は血で真っ赤であり,それでも彼女は洗い,涙を流し,両手を揉み,彼女の黄色い髪は全て,ゆっくりと血を垂らす房になって垂れていた。少女を見るとロイグは言葉も発さず止まることもなく,鋭く素早く戦車を回転させ,逃走しようとした。「どうしたんだ」とクーは言った。「ロイグ君,何してる? 女の子が揉み洗いしているあれは何の戦利品だい? 彼女は誰,何者?」 「彼女は浅瀬の見張りです」ロイグは叫んだ。「恐ろしい戦の女神の娘です。彼女は殺された者や死にかかっている者の衣服を洗うのです。彼女が今あそこで洗っているのが貴方自身の衣服だと分かりませんか? 血が滴って川を赤く染めているのは貴方自身の剣ですよ。嗚呼恐ろしい,時間があるうちに引き返して逃げるのです」

slainslay「殺す」の過去分詞(slay-slew-slain)。the slain は「殺された者達」です。誰も死んでいないのに slay したと言った時は「笑い転げさせる,いたく感動させる」です。

・この dying は「染める」の dye ですが,現代英語では dyeing が普通でしょう。


“Dear comrade, it is well,” the hero said, “I may not turn me back from this my hour of vengeance on the men of Erin, revenge for all the ill that they have wrought on us. What though the fairy woman wash my spoils? great spoil of arms, of armour and of gear, is that which by my spear shall shortly fall and lie there drenched in blood. None knows it better than I know myself that in this coming onslaught I must fall; whether I stay I am devoted to death, or whether I go, the span of my life is run out. No more then hinder or delay my course, for sad as you may be to see me go to Death, even so glad and cheerful I myself go forth to meet my fate. Let me but once more thus avenge my country’s wrongs, and gladly and with joy I give my life.”

「友よ,いいんだ」英雄は言った。「エリンの者達に復讐をし,奴等が我等になした全てのことに復讐するこの刻に,引き返したりはしないんだ。でもなんであの妖精は僕の装備を洗っているんだ? 大きな武器,鎧,装備は,もうすぐ僕の槍の傍に落ち,血に塗れて転がるものだ。来たる突撃で僕が斃れることは僕が一番分かっている。留まろうとも進もうとも僕は命を捧げている,僕の天命は尽きているのだ。ならばこれ以上何も僕の進む道を妨げたり遅らせる物はない。僕が死に逝くのを見るのが君は残念だろうが,僕自身は僕の運命に立ち向かって行けるのが嬉しく楽しいのだ。だからもう一度国の仇を討たせて欲しい,そうしたら喜んで僕は命を捧げよう」


So he turned again and faced the enemy, and all his gloom and heaviness passed from Cuchulain, and the delusions of the gruesome fairy folk troubled him no more. Cheerfully and free from care he rode on towards the host, and from his forehead, brighter than the sun, shone out the Hero’s Light. Right terrible and beautiful he stood, his mighty sword uplifted in his hand, his eyes beneath his helmet flashing fire. And when they saw him coming thus alone, a shout of triumph rose from all the host, and mounted to the very clouds of heaven.






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