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“Why, O maiden, dost thou talk thus to me? Dost thou not reckon me among the strong men, who know not fear?” “If thy deeds were known to me,” she said, “I then might reckon them; but hitherto I have not heard of all thy exploits.” “Truly, I swear, O maiden,” said Cuchulain, “that I will make my deeds to be recounted among the glories of the warrior-feats of heroes.”

「おやお嬢さん,そんな風に言うのですか? 僕のことを恐れを知らない強者の1人として見なさないのですか?」「もし貴方の行いを知っていれば」彼女は言った。「それらを評価するでしょう。でも今のところ私は貴方の手柄を全ては知らないのです」「心から誓います,お嬢さん」クー・フーリンは言った。「僕の行いは英雄の栄えある戦士の技として繰り返し語られることになることを」

hitherto は「これまでのところ」です。hither は here の古語で,to here「ここまで」ということかと思います。

exploit は良い意味で「開発する(有効利用する)」,悪い意味で「搾取する(不当に利用する)」です。名詞 exploits は「手柄,偉業」です。


“How do men reckon thee?” she said again. “What then is thy strength?” “This is my strength,” he said. “When my might in fight is weakest, I can defend myself alone against twenty. I fear not by my own might to fight with forty. Under my protection a hundred are secure. From dread of me, strong warriors avoid my path, and come not against me in the battle-field. Hosts and multitudes and armed men fly before my name.”


secure は形容詞「安全な」と動詞「確保する」が重要です。どちらも忘れないようにしましょう。ただ名詞形 security に「確保」の意味はありません。

“Thou seemest to boast,” said Emer, “and truly for a tender boy those feats are very good; but they rank not with the deeds of chariot-chiefs. Who then were they who brought thee up in these deeds of which thou boastest?”


boast は「鼻にかける,自慢する」です。この段落末で of which thou boastest (=of which you boast) となっているのは,boast of... と言うからです。

rank with... は「……と同じランクである」「……に匹敵する」です。

Who then were they who brought thee up の1回めの who は疑問詞,2回めは関係代名詞の who で,「貴方を育てた彼らは誰ですか?」(「誰が貴方を育てたのですか」の分裂構造)という意味ですが,このように who... who... となる場合,英文法の授業では2回めの関係代名詞は that を使えと習います。

“Truly, O maiden, King Conor is himself my foster-father, and not as a churl or common man was I brought up by him. Among chariot-chiefs and champions, among poets and learned men, among the lords and nobles of Ulster, have I been reared, and they have taught me courage and skill and manly gifts. In birth and bravery I am a match for any chariot-chief; I direct the counsels of Ulster, and at my own fort at Dun Dalgan they come to me for entertainment.



learned men の learned は「学識ある」という意味であり,特別な /lə́ːrnɪd/「ラーニッド」 という発音です。

In birth を「生まれた時,生まれながらにして(at birth)」と最初読んだのでその後が続かなかったのですが,正しくは〈分野のin〉「……(の分野)において」で,「生まれと勇敢さにおいては」という意味です。「生まれ」を「生まれの良さ」と分かりやすくしておきました。

direct the counsels は難しかったです。direct は「導く,指導する」と思われます。counsels は of Ulster が続いているので〈人間〉かなと思いました。counsel は「顧問,相談役,弁護士」という意味があるようです(通常不可算名詞ですが)。自慢話なので,「僕には複数の顧問達がいる」と言いたいのかなと思いました。

Dun Dalgan「ダン・ダルガン,ダンドーク」は現在のラウス県にあるそうです。ラウス県(County Louth,Contae Lú)の由来は「ルー」なので,まさにと言った感じですね(クー・フーリンの神の父は長腕のルー,人の父はスアルタム)


Not as one of the common herd do I stand before thee here to-day, but as the favourite of the King and the darling of all the warriors of Ulster. Moreover, the god Lugh the Long-handed is my protector, for I am of the race of the great gods, and his especial foster-child. And now, O maiden, tell me of thyself; how in the sunny plains of Lugh hast thou been reared within thy father’s fort?” “That I will tell thee,” said the girl. “I was brought up in noble behaviour as every queen is reared; in stateliness of form, in wise, calm speech, in comeliness of manner, so that to me is imputed every noble grace among the hosts of the women of Erin.”



herd は「(牛馬の)群れ」のみならず,けなしつつ「(人の)群れ」も意味します。

・この but は「ではなくて……」の but(not A but Bのbut)ですね。

・この darling は「愛しい人,ダーリン」ですが,ここは「人気者」です。

・「長腕のルー(Lugh the Long-handed)」という言い方が登場しました。hand だから,もしかして手首から先が長いという可能性はないでしょうか。

especial は special が普通ですが,specially は especially が普通です。

・以前も言いましたがここの speech は「言葉」です。「演説」ではありません。

imputed to N は「Nに帰属して,Nのせいにされて」です。関連して重要なのはattribute A to B「AをBのせいにする」ですね。名詞 attribute には「属性」の意味があります。動詞は /ətrɪ́bjuːt/,名詞は /ǽtrɪbjuːt/ です。

“Good, indeed, are those virtues,” said the youth; “and yet I see one excellence thou hast not noted in thy speech. Never before, until this day, among all women with whom I have at times conversed, have I found one but thee to speak the mystic ancient language of the bards, which we are talking now for secrecy one with the other. And all these things are good, but one is best of all, and that is, that I love thee, and I think thou lovest me. What hinders, then, that we should be betrothed?”



converse は「会話する」という意味と「逆(の)(reverse, inverse)」の意味があります。会話がキャッチボール←────→であることを考えれば,イメージが掴めるでしょう。conversation converse の名詞形です。

・この we が(1)「私達(アルスター人)」の意味なのか(2)「君と僕」の意味なのかに迷いましたが,決め手となったのが one with the other です。3つ目,4つ目が想定される場合は one──another を使いますが,全体が2で終わる場合は,one──the other なのです。the other を使っていることから(2)「君と僕」と解釈しました。

be betrothed は「婚約する・している(be engaged)」の古い言い方です。troth「真実,忠節,婚約」から来ていますが,true, truth, trust と明らかに関係がありそうですね。


But Emer would not hasten, but teasing him, she said, “Perhaps thou hast already found a wife?” “Not so,” said he, “and by my right-hand’s valour here I vow, none but thyself shall ever be my wife.” “A pity it were, in deed, thou shouldst not have a wife,” said Emer, playing with him still; “see, here is Fiall, my elder sister, a clever girl and excellent in needlework. Make her thy wife, for well is it known to thee, a younger sister in Ireland may not marry before an elder. Take her! I’ll call her hither.” Then Cuchulain was vexed because she seemed to play with him. “Verily and indeed,” he said, “not Fiall, but thee, it is with whom I am in love; and if thou weddest me not, never will I, Cuchulain, wed at all.”


tease は「からかう」です。tease の se の音は濁りますが,cease「止まる」の se は濁りません。


Then Emer saw that Cuchulain loved her, but she was not satisfied, because he had not yet done the deeds of prime heroes, and she desired that he should prove himself by champion feats and deeds of valour before he won her as his bride.


So she bade him go away and prove himself for a year by deeds of prowess to be indeed a worthy mate and spouse for her, and then, if he would come again she would go with him as his one and only wife. But she bade him beware of her father, for she knew that he would try to kill him, in order that he might not come again. And this was true, for every way he sought to kill Cuchulain, or to have him killed by his enemies, but he did not prevail.


・in order to-V「Vするために」は to-不定詞(動詞)の形で目的を述べますが,in order that 節を使えば文の形(節の形)で目的を述べられます。so that S may [will, can] V「SがVするために」の堅い形です。

When Cuchulain had taken farewell of Emer and gained her promise, he returned to Emain Macha. And that night the maidens of the fort told Forgall that Cuchulain had been there and that they thought that he had come to woo Emer; but of this they were not sure, because he and Emer had talked together in the poet’s mystic tongue, that was not known to them. For Emer and Cuchulain talked on this wise, that no one might repeat what they had said to Forgall.


wise には「やり方(way)」という意味があります。clockwise「時計回りに」,otherwise「その他の方法で,さもなければ」の -wise はこれです。

And for a whole year Cuchulain was away, and Forgall guarded the fort so well that he could not come near Emer to speak with her; but at last, when the year was out, he would wait no longer, and he wrote a message to Emer on a piece of stick, telling her to be ready. And he came in his war-chariot, with scythes upon its wheels, and he brought a band of hardy men with him, who entered the outer rampart of the fort and carried off Emer, striking down men on every side. And Forgall followed them to the earthen out-works, but he fell over the rath, and was taken up lifeless. And Cuchulain placed Emer and her foster-sister in his chariot, carrying with them their garments and ornaments of gold and silver, and they drove northward to Cuchulain’s fort at Dun Dalgan, which is Dundalk to-day.


scythe /saɪð/ は「大鎌」です。FF11など,武器名としてゲームにも登場しますね。ところで車輪に大鎌を付けたことの意味が語られていません。もしかしたら「略奪の意図」を示していたのかもしれませんね。

was taken up lifeless の正確な訳し方に悩みました。フォルガルが城壁から落ちて死んだことはウィキペディアに書いてあったので「死んだ」ことは間違いない,しかし be taken up lifeless で「死ぬ」という意味の定形表現かなと思って辞書を引きまくってしまいました。ここでは「悩んだ時は意外と直訳(逐語訳)」の精神が当てはまりました。城壁から落ちたわけですから,文字通り「死んだ状態で(lifeless)」 「持ち上げられた(be taken up)」のでしょう。しかしフォルガルは能力がありそうな描写だったのに落下死とは情けないですね。まるで求婚というより略奪ですが(親父殺されてるし),2人が相思相愛というのが大きいです。

And they were pursued to the Boyne, and there Cuchulain placed Emer in a house of safety, and he turned and drove off his enemies who followed him, pursuing them along the banks and destroying them, so that the place, which had before been called the White Field, was called the Turf of Blood from that day. Then he and Emer reached their home in safety, nor were they henceforth parted until death.





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