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“‘It is only that I have an excellent watch-dog, fierce and strong; and when his chain is taken off, and he is set free to guard the house, no one dare come anywhere within the same district with him; he is furious with all but me, and he has the strength and savage force of a hundred ordinary watch-dogs. This dog was brought to me from Spain, and no dog in the country can equal him.’ ‘Let him be set loose, for all are here,’ said Conor; ‘well will he guard this place for us.’


Let him be set loose受動態の命令文というものです。まず命令文でない受動態(He is set loose)を作り,He isのところをLet O be(Le him be)とすればできます。難しければ受動態にはこだわらず,普通の命令文(Set him loose.)にすればOKです。

“So Culain loosed the dog, and with one spring it bounded forth out of the court of the house and over the wall of the rath, making a circuit of the entire district; and when it came back panting, with its tongue hanging from its jaws, it took up its usual position in front of the house, and there crouched with its head upon its paws, watching the high road to Emain. Surely an extraordinarily cruel and fierce and savage dog was he.


high roadは「大きな道,広い道,公道,幹線道路」といった意味で,アイルランド出身のU2の曲の歌詞にも出てきます。めちゃ好きな曲なのでいずれ紹介したいと思います。


“When the boy-corps broke up that night, each of the lads returning to the house of his parent or his fosterer or guardian, Setanta, trusting to the trail of the company that went with Conor, struck out for Culain’s house. With his club and ball he ran forward, and the distance seemed short on account of his interest in the game. As soon as he arrived on the green of Culain’s fort, the mastiff noticed him, and set up such a howling as echoed loud through all the country-side.


・trustは「信用する」ですが,ここのtrust to Nは「Nをあてにする」です。

strike out for Nは「Nに向かって歩き出す,泳ぎだす」です。


Inside the house the King and his followers heard, but were struck dumb with fear, nor dared to move, thinking surely to find the little lad dead at the door of the fort. As for the hound himself, he thought with but one gulp to swallow Setanta whole. Now the little lad was without any means of defence beyond his ball and hurley-stick. He never left his play till he came near.


be struck dumb with fearは「恐怖に打たれて声も出ない」です。


Then, as the hound charged open-jawed, with all his strength he threw the ball right into the creature’s mouth; and as for a moment the hound stopped short, choking as the ball passed down its throat, the lad seized hold of the mastiff’s open jaws, grasping its throat with one hand and the back of its head with the other, and so violently did he strike its head against the pillars of the door, that it was no long time until the creature lay dead upon the ground.



・so ... that 〜構文はso ...の部分を文頭に出せ,その時倒置が起こります。

 He struck so violently that 〜

So violently did he strike that 〜

“When Culain and the warriors within had heard the mastiff howl, they asked each other, as soon as they got back their voices, ‘What makes the watch-dog cry?’ ‘Alas!’ the King said, ‘’tis no good luck that brought us on our present trip.’ ‘Why so?’ inquired all. ‘I mean that the little boy, my foster-son and Fergus’s, Setanta, son of Sualtach, it is who promised to come after me; now, even now, he is doubtless fallen by the hound of Culain.’



Then, when they heard that it was Conor’s foster-son who was without, on the instant to one man they rose; and though the doors of the fort were thrown wide they could not wait for that, but out they stormed over the walls and ramparts of the fort to find the boy.”



“Quick they were,” said Fergus, interrupting, “yet did I outstrip them, and at the rampart’s outer door I found the child, and the great hound dead beside him. Without a pause I picked up the boy and hoisted him on my shoulder, and thus, with all the heroes following, we came to Conor, and I placed him between the monarch’s knees.”




“Yes, so it was,” said Cormac, taking up the story again where he had left it; “but let me tell of Culain. The smith went out to find his dog, and when he saw him lying there, knocked almost to pieces and quite dead, his heart was vexed within him. He went back to the house, and said, ‘’Twas no good luck that urged me to make this feast for thee, O King; would I had not prepared a banquet. My life is a life lost, and my substance is but substance wasted without my dog.



・このwould I ... のところは難しいです。wouldは元々動詞でwant,wishのような意味でした。I wish+仮定法「……だったらよかったのになぁ」のことをIf only+仮定法Oh that+仮定法,Would that+仮定法と言い換えられるのですが,このWould that+仮定法のWouldはWishと考えればいいです。

 I wish (that) I were a bird.「私が鳥だったらなぁ」

=(I) wish (that) I were a bird.

=(I) would (that) I were a bird. 

 ということで,would I had not prepared a banquet は I wish I had not prepared a banquet「宴の準備をしなかったらなぁ」です。

My life is a life lostですが,My life is lostだったら「私の命はなくなった」です。lostの前のa lifeは何かというと,He is ten years old. の ten tearsが「どれくらいoldか」を示しているように,a lifeは「どれくらいlostしたか」を示しているのです。シューティングゲームで「残機が1機なくなった」ように「私の命が1つなくなった」と言っているのです。もちろん人間は命を1つしか持っていませんから,これは強調のための比喩です。「まるで〜ようだ」のような言葉を付けないで比喩を言うのを隠喩と言います。


He was a defence and protection to our property and our cattle, to every beast we had and to our house. Little boy,’ said he, ‘you are welcome for your people’s sake, you are not welcome for your own; that was a good member of my family thou didst take from me, a safeguard of raiment, of flocks and herds.’




‘Be not vexed thereat,’ replied the child, ‘for I myself will fix on my own punishment. This shall it be. If in all Ireland a whelp of that dog’s breed is to be found, ’tis I myself will rear him up for thee till he be fit to take the watch-dog’s place. In the meantime, O Culain, I myself will be your hound for defence of your cattle and for your own defence, until the dog be grown and capable of action; I will defend the territory, and no cattle or beast or store of thine shall be taken from thee, without my knowing it.’“

‘Well hast thou made the award,’ said they all, ‘and henceforward shall your name be changed; you shall no longer be called Setanta; Cu-Chulain, or the “Hound of Culain,” shall your name be.’



thereatは「そのことで,それについて」(at it)です。

・「無許可で」をwithout ...'s knowledgeと言ったりします。

henceforward,henceforthは「これからは(from now on)」という意味です。

“‘I like my own name best,’ the child objected. ‘Ah, say not so,’ replied the magician, ‘for one day will the name of Cuchulain ring in all men’s mouths; among the brave ones of the whole wide world Cuchulain’s name shall find a place. Renowned and famous shall he be, beloved and feared by all.’ ‘If that is so, then am I well content,’ replied the boy. “So from that day forth the name Cuchulain clung to him, until the time came when he was no longer remembered as the Hound of Culain’s Fort, but as the guardian and watch-dog of defence to the Province against her foes; and then men loved best to call him ‘The Hound of Ulster.’


renowned and famousのように,英語では同じことを2語に分けて言うことがあります(toil and moilとか)。「艱難辛苦」のように日本語でも似た言い方があるなら楽ですが,ない場合は訳し方に悩みますよね。

“Now,” continued Cormac, “it would be reasonable to expect that the little boy, who, at the age of six or seven years slew a dog whom a whole company would not dare to touch when he was at large, would, at the age of a grown youth, be formidable to Ulster’s foes.”
And Meave was forced to admit that it was likely that he would.



at largeには「一般の」とか「詳細に(at length)」という意味もあるのですが,ここでは「自由の身になって」という意味です。刑務所・拘置所から「脱走して」いる時もat largeを使います。


以上でChapter IVが終わりました。次回はChapter V: How Cuchulain took Armsに入ります。



