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三国志で英語のお勉強20: 孫策(孫伯符)前半



孫策(Sun Ce,孫伯符,Sun Bofu,175年-200年5月5日)

Born in 175, Sun Ce was the eldest son of Sun Jian... In 190, a year after Emperor Ling died, the warlord Dong Zhuo usurped power, placing in the throne the puppet Emperor Xian. Regional warlords in eastern China then launched a campaign against Dong Zhuo. Sun Jian rendered his service to Yuan Shu, one of the leaders of the coalition. The attempt to oust Dong Zhuo soon failed and China slid into a series of massive civil wars. In the next year, Sun Jian was sent by Yuan Shu to attack Liu Biao, governor of Jing Province, but he was killed in an ambush.

175年生まれの孫策孫堅の長男でした。190年,霊帝崩御の1年後,董卓が権力を簒奪し,傀儡の献帝を帝位に就けました。それで中国東部の領主達が反董卓の作戦を始めました。孫堅は連合の指導者の1人袁術に属しました。董卓を追放する(oust)試みは間もなく失敗し,中国は相次ぐ内乱(civil war)の時代に入りました。翌年孫堅は徐州刺史劉表を討つべく袁術に派遣され,伏兵(ambush)に遭い戦死しました。


Sun Ce brought his father's body to Qu'e (曲阿; present-day Danyang, Jiangsu) for burial and settled his mother down before heading for Danyang, where his maternal uncle Wu Jing was the governor. There he raised a small militia a few hundred in strength. This small force was far from sufficient for him to establish his own power so in 194 Sun Ce went to Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu was very impressed with Sun Ce and often lamented that he had no son like him. He also returned Sun Jian's former division of troops to Sun Ce.




Initially, Yuan Shu promised to appoint Sun Ce the governor of Jiujiang but eventually gave the governorship to Chen Ji (陳紀). Later, when Yuan Shu was denied a large loan of grains from the governor of Lujiang, he sent Sun Ce to attack the latter, promising to make Sun Ce the governor of Lujiang should he succeed. When Sun Ce did, however, Yuan Shu again went back on his words and appointed someone else instead. The disappointed Sun Ce then began to contemplate leaving.

初め袁術孫策を九江太守に任命すると約束しましたが,結局陳紀を太守にしました。その後,袁術が廬江太守から大量の穀物を借りるのを断られると,成功したら廬江太守にすると約束して孫策に廬江太守を攻めさせました。しかし孫策が廬江を奪うと,袁術はまたしても約束を破って(go back on)別の者を任命しました。それで失望した孫策は去ることを考え始めました。



・should he succeed は if he should succeed「万一成功したら」でしょう。袁術孫策との約束を破ったのは孫策を見下したからではなく(彼のような子が欲しいと言っていたくらいで),有能すぎて危険視したからのようです。

Meanwhile, Liu Yao, who was by imperial decree the governor of Yang Province, occupied Qu'e as the regional seat Shouchun was already occupied by Yuan Shu. He then forced Wu Jing back west across the Yangtze River to Liyang (歷陽; present-day He County, Anhui). However, Yuan Shu claimed to be the rightful governor and sent Wu Jing and Sun Ce's cousin Sun Ben to attack Liu Yao. After they were unable to break down Liu Yao's defences for more than a year, Sun Ce requested to lead forces to assist the effort.



・seat は「行政の中心地」です。「州庁所在地」のようなものですね。

Though Yuan Shu knew Sun Ce intended to leave, he believed the latter would not be able to defeat Liu Yao. Thus he deployed the young general off with merely a thousand odd troops and a tiny cavalry force. Along with a few hundred more willing followers, Sun Ce proceeded to Liyang, where he boosted his strength to more than 5,000. He then launched an offensive across the Yangtze River and successfully occupied the strategic position of Niuzhu (牛渚; southwest of present-day Ma'anshan, Anhui) in 195.


・a thousand odd troops は「一千の奇妙な部隊」と読めなくもないのですが,普通は〈数詞+odd〉で「……余り」という意味です。「千余り」という意味です。

Two of Liu Yao's allies then came south from Pengcheng and Xiapi respectively to aid him. Sun Ce chose to first attack one of them, Ze Rong, who made camp south of Moling. After suffering initial defeat in the hands of the aggressor, Ze Rong fell back in defence and refused to engage in battle. Sun Ce then marched further north and attacked Xue Li (薛禮) in Moling. Although Xue Li soon gave up the city and escaped, Liu Yao's subordinate Fan Neng (樊能) and others had regrouped their forces and launched a renewed attack on Niuzhu. Turning back, Sun Ce defeated Fan Neng and secured Niuzhu. He then began a second offensive against Ze Rong. However, he was struck by a stray arrow in the thigh. Returning to Niuzhu, he sent out false words that he was killed in battle. The exulted Ze Rong then sent a force to attack. Sun Ce led the enemies into an ambush and annihilated them. When Ze Rong heard that Sun Ce was still alive, he further reinforced his defences.

すると劉繇の同盟者二人がそれぞれ彭城と下邳から南下してきて劉繇を援けました。孫策はまずそのうちの一人で,秣陵の南に陣を張っていた笮融を攻撃しました。笮融は緒戦で敗れると守りに徹し,戦闘に加わるのを拒みました。次いで孫策は北に進撃して秣陵の薛礼を攻撃しました。薛礼は早々に街を放棄して逃亡しましたが,劉繇の部下樊能らが軍を再編成(regroup)し,改めて牛渚を攻撃しました。孫策は軍を返すと樊能を破って牛渚を守りました。それから彼は笮融に二回目の攻撃をしましたが,流れ矢(stray arrow)を腿に受けました。孫策は牛渚に戻ると自身が戦死したとの虚報を流しました。すると喜んだ(exulted)笮融は軍を派遣して攻撃しました。孫策は敵を伏兵地点に誘い込んで殲滅し(annihilate)ました。孫策がまだ生きていると知ると笮融は一層防御を固めました。



・stray arrow「迷子の矢」とは「逸れた矢」ということです。

・annihilate「絶滅させる」には "nihil" が含まれています。ということで "nihil" を意識すると綴りやすいですが,×anihilate と綴らないよう注意してください。


Sun Ce then temporarily gave up attacking Ze Rong and focused his forces on Qu'e. After all the surrounding areas were taken over by Sun Ce, Liu Yao gave up the city and escaped south to Nanchang, capital of Yuzhang Commandery, where he died later. Hua Xin, administrator of Yuzhang, joined Sun's forces. As Sun Ce implemented strict discipline among his troops, he won the instant support of the local people and gathered many talented men, such as Chen Wu, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin, Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong, Qin Song, and Lü Fan. He then pushed his force deeper into Yang Province and conquered Kuaiji along the southern shore of Hangzhou Bay, whose governor Wang Lang surrendered.



・華歆(字 子魚)は孫策孫権に仕えた後,曹操に引き抜かれ魏に仕えました。曹操の下へ赴く時の様子をウィキペディアより引きます。"出発の時は数千人の賓客達に見送られ,餞別も多額に上ったが,華歆は餞別に印を付けておき,いよいよ出発する時になって,賓客達に全て送り返した。賓客達は華歆の徳義に感嘆したという"




Sun Ce made Kuaiji his base city and struck out at the wandering bandit army led by Yan Baihu. Yan Baihu sent his younger brother Yan Yu (嚴輿) to offer Sun Ce a position alongside Yan Baihu, but Sun Ce showed no mercy and personally slew the emissary. As Yan Yu was known among Yan Baihu's men as a fierce warrior, his death struck fear into their hearts and they were soon defeated. Sun Ce then appointed his relatives and a trusted subject to govern Danyang and Yuzhang, from which he divided a new commandery named Luling (廬陵). His campaign, from the occupation of Niuzhu to the conquest of the entire region southeast of the Long River, took less than a year. He then defeated and received the services of Zu Lang (祖郎), the Chief of Danyang, and Taishi Ci, the leader of the remnants of Liu Yao's forces; he then urged the surrender of Hua Xin, another one of the remnants of Liu Yao's forces. Thus, with the exception of the scattered but still numerous army of Yan Baihu, the lands south of the Yangtze were mostly pacified.

孫策は会稽を本拠として厳白虎率いる盗賊団に攻めかかり(strike out at)ました。厳白虎は弟の厳輿を派遣し,孫策に厳白虎と並ぶ地位を申し出ましたが,孫策は慈悲を示さず自らこの使者を殺害しました。厳輿は厳白虎の部下達の間で獰猛な戦士だと知られていたので,彼の死は彼らを恐怖させ,間もなく彼らは敗れました。そののち孫策は親族と信頼する部下に丹陽と豫章を治めさせ,豫章から廬陵という新しい郡を分割しました。彼が牛渚を占領してから長江南東全域を征服するまでの作戦には1年もかかりませんでした。それから彼は丹陽の祖郎と,劉繇軍の残党を指揮していた太史慈を破って仕えさせました。こうして,四散したけれども依然として数の多い(numerous)厳白虎の軍を除き,長江の南は大半が平定されました。




