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ローランの歌(35) バリガンの使者,マルシル王に謁見



  Horses they leave under an olive tree,
  Which by the reins two Sarrazins do lead;
  Those messengers have wrapped them in their weeds,
  To the palace they climb the topmost steep.
  When they're come in, the vaulted roof beneath,
  Marsilium with courtesy they greet:
  "May Mahumet, who all of us doth keep,
  And Tervagan, and our lord Apoline
  Preserve the, king and guard from harm the queen!"
  Says Bramimunde "Great foolishness I hear:
  Those gods of ours in cowardice are steeped;
  In Rencesvals they wrought an evil deed,
  Our chevaliers they let be slain in heaps;
  My lord they failed in battle, in his need,
  Never again will he his right hand see;
  For that rich count, Rollanz, hath made him bleed.
  All our whole Spain shall be for Charles to keep.
  Miserable! What shall become of me?
  Alas! That I've no man to slay me clean!"


ブラミモンドは言う。「何をお馬鹿な事を。その神々は臆病風に吹かれました。ロンスヴォーで悪事を為し,数多(あまた)の騎士を討たせました。神々は我が夫を,必要とした時に見捨てたのです。夫の右手は戻って来ません。あの獰猛なローラン伯爵に傷つけられたのです。私達のスペイン全土がシャルルの物になるでしょう。惨めなことです! 私はどうなるのでしょう? ああ,私をスパっと殺してくれる人はいないかしら!」

Those messengers have wrapped them in their weeds「使者達は馬を雑草で包んだ」(?)は状況がよく分かりませんが,もう一つのバージョンでは  The messengers, each holding by the cloak the other「使者達はそれぞれが相手のクロークを掴んで」となっていたのでこちらを使いました。

→私の完全な誤訳でした。この weed は「雑草」ではなく「喪服,階級を示す衣服」という意味でした。更に wrapped them は wrapped themselves の意味で,「使者たちは喪服に自分達の体を包んで」ですね。古い英語では oneself [themselves] を使うべきところを one [them] で済ますことがあります。さて「喪服」か「階級を示す衣服」かですが,マルシル王の息子ジュルサルーが討たれたのを知っていれば「喪服」は自然です。しかし訪れた時点で息子の戦死を知っていたのか分からないので,もう一つのバージョンと折衷して「クロークに身を包んで」とします。

May Mahumet preserve...マホメットが……を護らんことを」は典型的な祈願文(May+主語+動詞原形)ですね。

My lord they failedThey failed my lord で,fail+人は「人の期待を裏切る,人の役に立たない」です。Courage failed me.「勇気が湧いてこなかった」のように,人でないものが主語になることもあります。

Alas, that... は「……なのが残念だ」ということでしょう。O, that...「……だったらよいのに」(=I wish..., If only...)なんかもありますね。


  Says Clarien: "My lady, say not that!
  We're messengers from pagan Baligant;
  To Marsilies, he says, he'll be warrant,
  So sends him here his glove, also this wand.
  Vessels we have, are moored by Sebres bank,
  Barges and skiffs and gallies four thousand,
  Dromonds are there—I cannot speak of that.
  Our admiral is wealthy and puissant.
  And Charlemagne he will go seek through France
  And quittance give him, dead or recreant."
  Says Bramimunde: "Unlucky journey, that!
  Far nearer here you'll light upon the Franks;
  For seven years he's stayed now in this land.
  That Emperour is bold and combatant,
  Rather he'ld die than from the field draw back;
  No king neath heav'n above a child he ranks.
  Charles hath no fear for any living man.



moor は「原野,沼地」と「停泊させる」があります。


  Says Marsilies the king: "Now let that be."
  To th'messengers: "Sirs, pray you, speak to me.
  I am held fast by death, as ye may see.
  No son have I nor daughter to succeed;
  That one I had, they slew him yester-eve.
  Bid you my lord, he come to see me here.
  Rights over Spain that admiral hath he,
  My claim to him, if he will take't, I yield;
  But from the Franks he then must set her free.
  Gainst Charlemagne I'll shew him strategy.
  Within a month from now he'll conquered be.
  Of Sarraguce ye'll carry him the keys,
  He'll go not hence, say, if he trusts in me."
  They answer him: "Sir, 'tis the truth you speak."





he then must set her free「彼は彼女を解放せねばならない」の「彼女」とはスペインのことですね。国や船,バイクは女性で受けることがあります。

↓バイクを she「彼女」で受けている Deep Purple の Highway Star



  Then says Marsile: "The Emperour, Charles the Great
  Hath slain my men and all my land laid waste,
  My cities are broken and violate;
  He lay this night upon the river Sebre;
  I've counted well, 'tis seven leagues away.
  Bid the admiral, leading his host this way,
  Do battle here; this word to him convey."
  Gives them the keys of Sarraguce her gates;
  Both messengers their leave of him do take,
  Upon that word bow down, and turn away.



take leave は「暇乞いをする(去る許可を取る)」です。


  Both messengers did on their horses mount;
  From that city nimbly they issued out.
  Then, sore afraid, their admiral they sought,
  To whom the keys of Sarraguce they brought.
  Says Baligant: "Speak now; what have ye found?
  Where's Marsilies, to come to me was bound?"
  Says Clarien: "To death he's stricken down.
  That Emperour was in the pass but now;
  To France the Douce he would be homeward-bound,
  Rereward he set, to save his great honour:
  His nephew there installed, Rollanz the count,
  And Oliver; the dozen peers around;
  A thousand score of Franks in armour found.
  Marsile the king fought with them there, so proud;
  He and Rollanz upon that field did joust.
  With Durendal he dealt him such a clout
  From his body he cut the right hand down.
  His son is dead, in whom his heart was bound,
  And the barons that service to him vowed;
  Fleeing he came, he could no more hold out.
  That Emperour has chased him well enow.
  The king implores, you'll hasten with succour,
  Yields to you Spain, his kingdom and his crown."
  And Baligant begins to think, and frowns;
  Such grief he has, doth nearly him confound.


バリガンは言う。「さあ報告せよ。どうであった? こちらに来るべきマルシルはどこだ?」



clout は blow のような意味です。

hold out は「持ちもたえる,守り抜く,屈しない」です。

・"plore" は「嘆く」といった意味で deplore は「嘆く,非難する」,implore は「哀願する」です。

succor は「救援」といった意味でエルデンリングのケネス・ハイトのセリフに出てきます。なんとなくサッカーに聞こえます(/sʌkə(r)/)



  "Sir admiral," said to him Clariens,
  "In Rencesvals was yesterday battle.
  Dead is Rollanz and that count Oliver,
  The dozen peers whom Charle so cherished,
  And of their Franks are twenty thousand dead.
  King Marsilie's of his right hand bereft,
  And the Emperour chased him enow from thence.
  Throughout this land no chevalier is left,
  But he be slain, or drowned in Sebres bed.
  By river side the Franks have pitched their tents,
  Into this land so near to us they've crept;
  But, if you will, grief shall go with them hence."
  And Baligant looked on him proudly then,
  In his courage grew joyous and content;
  From the fald-stool upon his feet he leapt,
  Then cried aloud: "Barons, too long ye've slept;
  Forth from your ships issue, mount, canter well!
  If he flee not, that Charlemagne the eld,
  King Marsilies shall somehow be avenged;
  For his right hand I'll pay him back an head."


するとバリガンは誇らしげに彼を眺め,勇気が湧いて喜ばしくなり満足する。椅子から跳び立ち,大声を上げる。「諸侯よ休みすぎたぞ。船から出でよ,馬に乗り駆けるのだ! 老シャルルマーニュが逃げなければ,マルシル王の復讐は成ろう。彼の右手の代償に首を返してやろうではないか」

avenge King Marsilies で「マルシル王の復讐をする」ですから,受け身にした King Marsilies is avenged は「マルシル王の復讐は成る」です。King Marsilies is avenged を「マルシル王が復讐される」を誤訳しないことが肝要です。


遂に CC (200) まで来ました。全部で 291 連です。




