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Sir Balin Smites the Dolorous Stroke, and Fights with his Brother, Sir Balan


Now there was a knight at the court more envious than the others of Sir Balin, for he counted himself one of the best knights in Britain. His name was Lancear; and going to the king, he begged leave to follow after Sir Balin and avenge the insult he had put upon the court. “Do thy best,” replied the king, “for I am passing wroth with Balin.”


count O Ccount O as C で「OをC(の1つ)とみなす」という意味になります。


In the meantime came Merlin, and was told of this adventure of the sword and lady of the lake.

“Now hear me,” said he, “when I tell ye that this lady who hath brought the sword is the falsest damsel living.”



・「私の話を聞いて下さい」は Listen to me. のほか,Hear me (out). でも言うことができます。〈listen to と交換可能な hear〉(ジーニアス英和辞典)です。また Hear me? は「聞いてるか?」という意味になります。映画などでよく耳にしますね。You hear? とも言うようです。


“Say not so,” they answered, “for she hath a brother a good knight, who slew another knight this damsel loved; so she, to be revenged upon her brother, went to the Lady Lile, of Avilion, and besought her help. Then Lady Lile gave her the sword, and told her that no man should draw it forth but one, a valiant knight and strong, who should avenge her on her brother.


・複雑で面喰いましたが,最初の shethis damsel が違う人を指していると取れば,she=湖の貴婦人this damsel=剣を持ってきた少女,ということになり,湖の貴婦人の兄弟が少女の恋人を殺したことになります。


This, therefore, was the reason why the damsel came here.” “I know it all as well as ye do,” answered Merlin; “and would to God she had never come hither, for never came she into any company but to do harm; and that good knight who hath achieved the sword shall be himself slain by it, which shall be great harm and loss, for a better knight there liveth not; and he shall do unto my lord the king great honour and service.”


would には古くは動詞用法があり,would to God は「神に願う」という意味です(I が省略されている)。Would that...=I wish...「……であればなあと思う」です。

but には「……以外」という意味があり,never... but to-V は「V するため以外に決して……しない」ですから,「……するときは必ずや V することが目的だ」と同意になります。 


Then Sir Lancear, having armed himself at all points, mounted, and rode after Sir Balin, as fast as he could go, and overtaking him, he cried aloud, “Abide, Sir knight! wait yet awhile, or I shall make thee do so.”

Hearing him cry, Sir Balin fiercely turned his horse, and said, “Fair knight, what wilt thou with me? wilt thou joust?”

それからランサー卿は全身武装して馬に乗り,全速でベイリン卿を追いかけ,彼に追いつき,大声で叫んだ。「止まられい騎士殿! しばし待たれよ。さもなくば力ずくで止めますぞ」

彼が叫ぶのを聞くと,ベイリン卿は荒々しく馬首を返し,言った。「騎士殿,私に何の用だ? 馬上試合でもするのか?」


“Yea,” said Sir Lancear, “it is for that I have pursued thee.”

“Peradventure,” answered Balin, “thou hadst best have staid at home, for many a man who thinketh himself already victor, endeth by his own downfall. Of what court art thou?”

“Of King Arthur’s court,” cried Lancear, “and I am come to revenge the insult thou hast put on it this day.”




had better V「V した方がいい」はご存知かと思いますが,had best V「V するのが一番だ」というのもあります。


“Well,” said Sir Balin, “I see that I must fight thee, and I repent to be obliged to grieve King Arthur or his knights; and thy quarrel seemeth full foolish to me, for the damsel that is dead worked endless evils through the land, or else I had been loath as any knight that liveth to have slain a lady.”


quarrel は「けんか,口論」ですが「けんかの言い分」という意味もあるようです。


“Make thee ready,” shouted Lancear, “for one of us shall rest for ever in this field.”

But at their first encounter Sir Lancear’s spear flew into splinters from Sir Balin’s shield, and Sir Balin’s lance pierced with such might through Sir Lancear’s shield that it rove the hauberk also, and passed through the knight’s body and the horse’s crupper. And Sir Balin turning fiercely round again, drew out his sword, and knew not that he had already slain him; and then he saw him lie a corpse upon the ground.



FF11ホーバージョンとホーバークという優れた胴防具があるのですが,haubergeon, hauberk は「鎖帷子」という意味です。



At that same moment came a damsel riding towards him as fast as her horse could gallop, who, when she saw Sir Lancear dead, wept and sorrowed out of measure, crying, “O, Sir Balin, two bodies hast thou slain, and one heart; and two hearts in one body; and two souls also hast thou lost.”

Therewith she took the sword from her dead lover’s side — for she was Sir Lancear’s lady-love — and setting the pommel of it on the ground, ran herself through the body with the blade.


そう言って彼女は死んだ恋人の脇から剣を取り出し — というのは彼女はランサー卿の恋人だったので — その柄の頭を地面に置き,体を刃の上に走らせた。

out of measure, beyond measure, above measure は「法外に,極度に」という意味です。「寸法を超えて,測れない程」というイメージです。


When Sir Balin saw her dead he was sorely hurt and grieved in spirit, and repented the death of Lancear, which had also caused so fair a lady’s death. And being unable to look on their bodies for sorrow, he turned aside into a forest, where presently as he rode, he saw the arms of his brother, Sir Balan. And when they were met they put off their helms, and embraced each other, kissing, and weeping for joy and pity. Then Sir Balin told Sir Balan all his late adventures, and that he was on his way to King Ryence, who at that time was besieging Castle Terrabil. “I will be with thee,” answered Sir Balan, “and we will help each other, as brethren ought to do.”



brethren は「同業者仲間,同志」という意味ですが,元は brother の古風な言い方であり,実際ベイリンとベイランの関係からして,ここは「兄弟」と訳しました。


Anon by chance, as they were talking, came King Mark, of Cornwall, by that way, and when he saw the two dead bodies of Sir Lancear and his lady lying there, and heard the story of their death, he vowed to build a tomb to them before he left that place. So pitching his pavilion there, he sought through all the country round to find a monument, and found at last a rich and fair one in a church, which he took and raised above the dead knight and his damsel, writing on it — “Here lieth Lancear, son of the King of Ireland, who, at his own request, was slain by Balin; and here beside him also lieth his lady Colombe, who slew herself with her lover’s sword for grief and sorrow.”



Then as Sir Balin and Sir Balan rode away, Merlin met with them, and said to Balin, “Thou hast done thyself great harm not to have saved that lady’s life who slew herself; and because of it, thou shalt strike the most Dolorous Stroke that ever man struck, save he that smote our Lord. For thou shalt smite the truest and most worshipful of living knights, who shall not be recovered from his wounds for many years, and through that stroke three kingdoms shall be overwhelmed in poverty and misery.”


Dolorous Stroke ウィキペディアでは「嘆きの一撃」と訳されています。今回 the most の後に続いて最上級になっているので「最も嘆かわしい」としておきました。しかしそのせいで3つの王国が没落するとは,恐ろしい予言をマーリンはしたものですね。


“If I believed,” said Balin, “what thou sayest, I would slay myself to make thee a liar.”

At that Merlin vanished suddenly away; but afterwards he met them in disguise towards night, and told them he could lead them to King Ryence, whom they sought. “For this night he is to ride with sixty lances only through a wood hard by.”



・この is to 〈予定を表す be to〉でしょう。


So Sir Balin and Sir Balan hid themselves within the wood, and at midnight came out from their ambush among the leaves by the highway, and waited for the king, whom presently they heard approaching with his company. Then did they suddenly leap forth and smote at him and overthrew him and laid him on the ground, and turning on his company wounded and slew forty of them, and put the rest to flight. And returning to King Ryence they would have slain him there, but he craved mercy, and yielded to their grace, crying, “Knights full of prowess, slay me not; for by my life ye may win something?but my death can avail ye nought.”

そこでベイリン卿とベイラン卿はその森に潜伏して,真夜中頃に潜伏地点から木々の葉をかき分けて大通りに出てきて王を待った。間もなく王が部下を引き連れて近づいてくるのが聞こえた。それで2人はいきなり跳び出て,彼に切りかかり,彼を地面に押し倒し,部下達を攻撃して負傷させ,60人のうち40人を討ち取り,残りを敗走させた。そして殺すつもりだったライエンス王の所に戻ると,王は慈悲を乞い,彼らの厚意に身を委ね,「立派な技量を持った騎士達よ,私を殺すなかれ。私を生かせば得るものがあるぞ? 私を殺しても何の得にもならぬ」と叫んだ。

whom presently they heard approaching は少し難しいかもしれませんが,whom は and [but, for] him と言い換えられます。presently「やがて,間もなく」を省くと,whom they heard approaching and they heard him approaching「そして彼らは彼が近づいてくるのが聞こえた」です。関係代名詞+知覚動詞の問題ですね。試験問題になり得ると思います。

put O to flight は「O を敗走せしめる」です。ここでの flight は「飛行(便)」ではなく「逃走」です。the rest は「残り(の20人)」ですね。




“Ye say truth,” said the two knights, and put him in a horse-litter, and went swiftly through all the night, till at cock-crow they came to King Arthur’s palace. There they delivered him to the warders and porters, to be brought before the king, with this message — “That he was sent to King Arthur by the knight of the two swords (for so was Balin known by name, since his adventure with the damsel) and by his brother.” And so they rode away again ere sunrise.

「貴方の言う通りだ」と2人の騎士は言って,彼を馬の敷き藁に乗せて,迅速に夜じゅう駆けて,夜明けにはアーサー王の宮廷に到着した。そこで2人はライエンス王を門衛の所に運び,以下の伝言を添えてアーサー王の許へ運ばせた。「ライエンス王は双剣の騎士(ベイリンは少女の剣を手に入れたことから双剣の騎士と呼ばれていた)とその兄弟によってアーサー王の許へ運ばれた」 そして2人は日の出前にまた馬で去った。


Within a month or two thereafter, King Arthur being somewhat sick, went forth outside the town, and had his pavilion pitched in a meadow, and there abode, and laid him down on a pallet to sleep, but could get no rest. And as he lay he heard the sound of a great horse, and looking out of the tent door, saw a knight ride by, making great lamentation.



“Abide, fair sir,” said King Arthur, “and tell me wherefore thou makest this sorrow.”

“Ye may little amend it,” said the knight, and so passed on.

Presently after Sir Balin, rode, by chance, past that meadow, and when he saw the king he alighted and came to him on foot, and kneeled and saluted him.




therefore は「それゆえ」。wherefore は「なにゆえ」です。


“By my head,” said King Arthur, “ye be welcome, Sir Balin;” and then he thanked him heartily for revenging him upon King Ryence, and for sending him so speedily a prisoner to his castle, and told him how King Nero, Ryence’s brother, had attacked him afterwards to deliver Ryence from prison; and how he had defeated him and slain him, and also King Lot, of Orkney who was joined with Nero, and whom King Pellinore had killed in the battle. Then when they had thus talked, King Arthur told Sir Balin of the sullen knight that had just passed his tent, and desired him to pursue him and to bring him back.

「私の首にかけて」アーサー王は言った。「君を歓迎する,ベイリン卿よ」 そして王は彼に,ライエンス王に復讐をしたことに対して,また彼を迅速に捕虜として宮廷に連れてきたことに対して心から感謝を述べた。そしてアーサーはベイリンに,ライエンスの兄弟であるネロ王がライエンスを囚われの身から救い出すために後ほど攻撃してきたこと,そしてネロと,ネロに加勢したオークニーのロト王を打ち負かして返り討ちにしたことを語った。ロト王はペリノア王が戦闘で討ち取ったとのことだった。そしてこのように語らう間,アーサー王はベイリン卿に,たった今陣幕を通った陰鬱な騎士の話をした。そしてその騎士を追って連れ帰ってほしいと頼んだ。









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