But the king’s side had the victory, for he was beyond himself with might and passion, and all his knights so fiercely followed him, that, in spite of all their multitude, they drove Sir Modred’s army back with fearful wounds and slaughter, and slept that night upon the battle-field.
But Sir Gawain was smitten by an arrow in the wound Sir Lancelot gave him, and wounded to the death. Then was he borne to the king’s tent, and King Arthur sorrowed over him as it had been his own son. “Alas!” said he; “in Sir Lancelot and in you I had my greatest earthly joy, and now is all gone from me.”
And Sir Gawain answered, with a feeble voice, “My lord and king, I know well my death is come, and through my own wilfulness, for I am smitten in the wound Sir Lancelot gave me. Alas! that I have been the cause of all this war, for but for me thou hadst been now at peace with Lancelot, and then had Modred never done this treason. I pray ye, therefore, my dear lord, be now agreed with Lancelot, and tell him, that although he gave me my death-wound, it was through my own seeking; wherefore I beseech him to come back to England, and here to visit my tomb, and pray for my soul.”
When he had thus spoken, Sir Gawain gave up his ghost, and the king grievously mourned for him.
Then they told him that the enemy had camped on Barham Downs, whereat, with all his hosts, he straightway marched there, and fought again a bloody battle, and overthrew Sir Modred utterly. Howbeit, he raised yet another army, and retreating ever from before the king, increased his numbers as he went, till at the farthest west in Lyonesse, he once more made a stand.
Now, on the night of Trinity Sunday, being the eve of the battle, King Arthur had a vision, and saw Sir Gawain in a dream, who warned him not to fight with Modred on the morrow, else he would be surely slain; and prayed him to delay till Lancelot and his knights should come to aid him.
So when King Arthur woke he told his lords and knights that vision, and all agreed to wait the coming of Sir Lancelot. Then a herald was sent with a message of truce to Sir Modred, and a treaty was made that neither army should assail the other.
・made a (last) stand は「最後の抵抗を示す」です。
・Trinity Sunday「三位一体の主日」は聖霊降臨祭の後の最初の日曜日です。
But when the treaty was agreed upon, and the heralds returned, King Arthur said to his knights, “Beware, lest Sir Modred deceive us, for I in no wise trust him, and if swords be drawn be ready to encounter!” And Sir Modred likewise gave an order, that if any man of the king’s army drew his sword, they should begin to fight.
And as it chanced, a knight of the king’s side was bitten by an adder in the foot, and hastily drew forth his sword to slay it. That saw Sir Modred, and forthwith commanded all his army to assail the king’s.
しかし休戦が合意され使者が帰還すると,アーサー王は騎士達にこう言った。「注意し給え,モードレッド卿は我々を欺くぞ。私は決して彼を信頼していない。もし剣が抜かれれば,迎え撃つのだ!」 そしてモードレッド卿は同様に,もし王の軍の誰かが剣を抜けば,戦闘を始めよという命令を下した。
・in no wise の wise は「やり方」という意味でしょう。実際,すぐ後に出てくる likewise 「同様に」も「似た(like)やり方で(wise)」という成り立ちです。ということで,in no wise は in no way「決して……ない」と同じでしょう。
・adder は「ヨーロッパクサリヘビ」です。全くの偶然で,「加える者;加算機」と同綴です。
So both sides rushed to battle, and fought passing fiercely. And when the king saw there was no hope to stay them, he did right mightily and nobly as a king should do, and ever, like a lion, raged in the thickest of the press, and slew on the right hand and on the left, till his horse went fetlock deep in blood. So all day long they fought, and stinted not till many a noble knight was slain.
But the king was passing sorrowful to see his trusty knights lie dead on every side. And at the last but two remained beside him, Sir Lucan, and his brother, Sir Bedivere, and both were sorely wounded.
“Now am I come to mine end,” said King Arthur; “but, lo! that traitor Modred liveth yet, and I may not die till I have slain him. Now, give me my spear, Sir Lucan.”
「いよいよ最期が来たな」とアーサー王は言った。「しかし見よ! あの裏切り者モードレッドはまだ生きているぞ。奴を仕留めぬ限り,死ぬわけには行かぬ。さあ,余の槍を渡してくれ,ルーカン卿」
“Lord, let him be,” replied Sir Lucan; “for if ye pass through this unhappy day, ye shall be right well revenged upon him. My good lord, remember well your dream, and what the spirit of Sir Gawain did forewarn ye.”
“Betide me life, betide me death,” said the king; “now I see him yonder alone, he shall never escape my hands, for at a better vantage shall I never have him.”
“God speed you well,” said Sir Bedivere.
Then King Arthur got his spear in both his hands, and ran towards Sir Modred, crying, “Traitor, now is thy death-day come!” And when Sir Modred heard his words, and saw him come, he drew his sword and stood to meet him. Then King Arthur smote Sir Modred through the body more than a fathom. And when Sir Modred felt he had his death wound, he thrust himself with all his might up to the end of King Arthur’s spear, and smote his father, Arthur, with his sword upon the head, so that it pierced both helm and brain-pan.
And therewith Sir Modred fell down stark dead to the earth, and King Arthur fell down also in a swoon, and swooned many times.
Then Sir Lucan and Sir Bedivere came and bare him away to a little chapel by the sea-shore. And there Sir Lucan sank down with the bleeding of his own wounds, and fell dead.
And King Arthur lay long in a swoon, and when he came to himself, he found Sir Lucan lying dead beside him, and Sir Bedivere weeping over the body of his brother.
Then said the king to Sir Bedivere, “Weeping will avail no longer, else would I grieve for evermore. Alas! now is the fellowship of the Round Table dissolved for ever, and all my realm I have so loved is wasted with war. But my time hieth fast, wherefore take thou Excalibur, my good sword, and go therewith to yonder water-side and throw it in, and bring me word what thing thou seest.”
So Sir Bedivere departed; but as he went he looked upon the sword, the hilt whereof was all inlaid with precious stones exceeding rich. And presently he said within himself, “If I now throw this sword into the water, what good should come of it?” So he hid the sword among the reeds, and came again to the king.
それで王はベディヴィア卿に言った。「最早泣いても仕方ないぞ。さもなくば余はいつまでも悲しまねばならん。ああ! これで円卓の仲間達も解散だな。余がこんなに愛した王国も,戦争で荒れ果てた。しかし余の時間も残り少ないから,余の名剣,エクスカリバーを取って,あそこの海辺に行って投げ入れ,どんな言葉が返って来たか教えてくれ」
それでベディヴィア卿は出掛けた。しかし行く途中で剣を眺めると,その柄には極めて豪華な宝石が散りばめられていた。そして直ぐに彼は考えた。「もしこの剣を水中に投げ入れたところで,何の良いことがあろう」 それで彼は剣を葦の間に隠し,王の所に戻った。
“What sawest thou?” said he to Sir Bedivere.
“Lord,” said he, “I saw nothing else but wind and waves.”
“Thou hast untruly spoken,” said the king; “wherefore go lightly back and throw it in, and spare not.”
Then Sir Bedivere returned again, and took the sword up in his hand; but when he looked on it, he thought it sin and shame to throw away a thing so noble. Wherefore he hid it yet again, and went back to the king.
“What saw ye?” said King Arthur.
“Lord,” answered he, “I saw nothing but the water ebbing and flowing.”
“Oh, traitor and untrue!” cried out the king; “twice hast thou now betrayed me. Art thou called of men a noble knight, and wouldest betray me for a jewelled sword? Now, therefore, go again for the last time, for thy tarrying hath put me in sore peril of my life, and I fear my wound hath taken cold; and if thou do it not this time, by my faith I will arise and slay thee with my hands.”
Then Sir Bedivere ran quickly and took up the sword, and went down to the water’s edge, and bound the girdle round the hilt and threw it far into the water. And lo! an arm and hand came forth above the water, and caught the sword, and brandished it three times, and vanished.
「この嘘つきの裏切り者め」王は声を上げた。「2回も裏切りよって。お前は高貴な騎士と呼ばれておるのだろう? なのに宝剣のために余を裏切るのか? だから,さあ,今度で最後だ。お前がグズグズしていると余の命が深刻な危険に晒される。傷が冷えて来ているのを恐れるのだ。もし今回もやってくれなかったら,きっと余は起き上がってお前をこの手で殺してやるぞ」
So Sir Bedivere came again to the king and told him what he had seen.
“Help me from hence,” said King Arthur; “for I dread me I have tarried over long.”
Then Sir Bedivere took the king up in his arms, and bore him to the water’s edge. And by the shore they saw a barge with three fair queens therein, all dressed in black, and when they saw King Arthur they wept and wailed.
“Now put me in the barge,“ said he to Sir Bedivere, and tenderly he did so.
Then the three queens received him, and he laid his head upon the lap of one of them, who cried, “Alas! dear brother, why have ye tarried so long, for your wound hath taken cold?”
「さあ余を艀に乗せておくれ」彼はベディヴィア卿に言い,彼は優しく王を乗せた。それで3人の女王は王を迎え入れ,王は頭を1人の女王の膝に乗せ横たわると,彼女は「ああ可愛い弟よ,どうしてもっと早く来なかったの? 傷が冷えてしまうじゃない」
・剣を3回振り回したり,3人の女王が出て来たりと,「3」というのは「三位一体」の「三」(父と子と聖霊)なんでしょうかね。なお「3人の女王」には色々な版違いがあるようですが,ここでは dear brother と言っているので,この1人はモーガン・ル・フェイでしょう。
With that the barge put from the land, and when Sir Bedivere saw it departing, he cried with a bitter cry, “Alas! my lord King Arthur, what shall become of me now ye have gone from me?”
“Comfort ye,” said King Arthur, “and be strong, for I may no more help ye. I go to the Vale of Avilion to heal me of my grievous wound, and if ye see me no more, pray for my soul.”
Then the three queens kneeled down around the king and sorely wept and wailed, and the barge went forth to sea, and departed slowly out of Sir Bedivere’s sight.
それと共に艀は陸地を離れ,ベディヴィア卿は艀が岸から離れるのを見ると苦悶の叫び声を上げた。「ああ! 我が君アーサー王よ。貴方がいなくなったら私はどうなるのです?」
プロジェクト・グーテンベルク並びに James Knowles 氏に厚くお礼申し上げます。
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