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The End of the Boy-Corps

Hardly had the King arisen from his sleep, than he remembered the Boy-corps. “Go,” said he to one of his heralds, “and see how the Boy-corps fares. Tell the youths that we depart hence within a while to battle on the Hill of Slane in Meath, but that before we set forth on our march, we fain would see them once again at play. Bid Follaman and bid them all prepare.” So the herald went out to warn the Boy-corps, but the playing-field was silent and deserted, nor was there any sign of Follaman or of the boys. “What is become of the corps?” he asked, alarmed, for among the boys were the sons of the bravest chiefs of Ulster and the King’s own son besides.

コノール王が眠りから覚めるとすぐ,彼は少年部隊のことを思い出した。「おい」と使者の1人に言った。「少年部隊の様子を見てこい。まもなく我々はここを発ち,ミーズのスレインの丘で戦うことを,しかし我々が進軍する前に,彼らが試合するのをもう一度見たいものだと彼らに伝えよ。フォラマンと皆に,準備するよう指示せよ」 それで使者は知らせるべく出掛けていったが,競技場は静かで人はおらず,フォラマンも他の少年もいる気配がなかった。「隊員はどうした」と彼は驚いて尋ねた。隊員にはアルスターの最も勇敢な首長達の息子や,王自身の息子もいたからだ。


・以前も述べましたが,現代英語では Hardly... than〜 ではなく Hardly... when 〜Hardly... before 〜 が普通です。than は No sooner... than 〜 の時に使います。than は比較級とともに使うのが原則ですからね。意味は「……するや否や〜」です。As soon as..., 〜 が簡単です。

fain would, would fain は「喜んで……したい」です。


But none could give him a reply. In one corner of the playing-field he espied a little lad, the youngest of the corps, who sat alone, crying by himself. The herald asked him what it was that ailed him, and where were all the others, his companions. “The boys are gone to help Cuchulain, their comrade, who is sorely wounded,” said the child; “they heard the words of Sualtach, calling on the Ulstermen to rise and come to Cuchulain’s help against the men of Erin. But all the champions were asleep and heard not; only they, the Boy-corps, heard. And Follaman their leader said, ‘Cuchulain, our comrade, is in sore distress, and none are ready to go to his aid; therefore we ourselves will go.’



ail は「苦しめる,悩ます」です。aid「助ける」とまるで逆の意味ですから気をつけましょう。ailmemt は「病気(sickness, illness, disease)」という意味の難しい語です。


And all the Boy-corps said that they would follow him, and protect the coasts of Ulster while Cuchulain was asleep, and do combat for him with the enemy. But me they left behind,” the child continued, weeping, “because they said I was too young to go; but I would have handled my little sword as well as any of them. I heard Follaman say that he would never return to Emain unless he brought with him Ailill’s head, with its coronet of gold, to lay at Conor’s feet.”


leave O behind「Oを置いてけぼりにする,置き去りにする」は重要表現です。me they left behindthey left me behind です(SVO→OSV は有り得る語順)

When the herald heard this tale, he went hurriedly to the palace and told the King what the child had said. A great cry arose in the palace when it was known that the boys had gone to do battle with grown warriors of Erin; for each chief and each champion had a son, or two or three sons, among the corps, and the King himself had Follaman, his youngest and his darling. Then the King sent out word that before one hour should be past, he and his troops would take the road to Slane; if so perchance they might arrive in time to save the Boy-corps from its fate. For all his strength and vigour returned to Conor when he heard of the peril which beset the Boy-corps, and bitterly did he rue the inaction in which he and his warriors had lain, when the children had gone forth to fight.


perchance perhaps と同じで「ことによると,ひょっとすると」です。成り立ちは “per” が「〜によると」で “haps” は “happenings”,“chance” が「偶然,運」で「事(haps)によると,運(chance)によっては」です。

Now at the end of his three days’ sleep, Cuchulain had awakened from his trance; he passed his hand across his face, and opened his eyes and saw Lugh sitting beside him. From head to foot he blushed a rosy red, for he felt shame that a champion like himself should be found sleeping before his foes. “Warrior, how long have I been sleeping here?” said he. “Three days and three nights,” said Lugh, “and no shame to thee that thou shouldst sleep, for even yet thou art not fit to rise.” “That indeed is true,” replied Cuchulain, for he tried to sit up on his couch, and fell back again. “Though my wounds are closed and healing, my strength has not returned; and all this time the hosts of Erin have been unmolested.”

さて3日の眠りに就いた後,クー・フーリンは眠りから目覚めた。彼は手で顔を拭い,目を開け,ルーが傍に座っているのを見た。自分のような勇者が敵を目の前にして眠っているのを見られたという恥辱で彼は頭から足までバラのように発赤した。「戦士よ,僕はどれくらいここで眠っていたのです?」彼は言った。「3日3晩だよ」ルーは言った。「そして君が眠っていても恥ではない,というのもこれでも起きられる状態ではないのだから」 「実はそうかも知れない」クー・フーリンは答えた。というのも彼は長椅子に座ろうとして,また倒れたからだ。「傷は閉じ,治ってきているけど,力が戻らない。こうしている間にもエリンの軍勢は悩まされずに悠然と動いている」

trance はいわゆる「トランス状態」の trance で,その意味では「恍惚,神がかり」ですが,今回は「昏睡,催眠状態」です。

Nay, nay, indeed,” cried Lugh, “no step forward have they made; my hand hath held them back. Moreover,” but here his voice grew grave and stern, “the Boy-corps from Emain were here last night.” “The Boy-corps from Emain,” Cuchulain cried; “what did they here? No games or child’s play have we here suited to their age, but grim and deadly deeds of war. I trust no hurt or damage came to them.” “Alas, alas,” said Lugh, “they came at night; I knew not they were here. Straight to the tent of Ailill and of Meave marched on the boys, clad in their mimic armour, with all their pennons flying in the wind.

「否,実はそうではない」ルーは叫んだ。「彼らは1歩も進んでいない。我が奴らを押し返した。それにな」しかしここで彼の声は重々しく厳粛なものに変わった。「昨夜,エヴァンから少年部隊が来たのだ」 「少年部隊がエヴェンから来ただって!」クー・フーリンは叫んだ。「ここで何を? ここには彼らの年に合うような試合も遊びもありませんよ。恐ろしい,命をかけた戦争行為です。彼らに損害が及んでいないと良いのですが」 「悲しい哉」ルーは言った。「彼らは昨晩やって来た。我は彼らの到着に気づかなかった。まっすぐとアリルとメーヴの天幕に向かって少年達は進軍した。おもちゃの鎧を着て,槍に付けた旗を風に靡かせて」


I trust は「私は……と信じる」ですが,「……であればよいと思う」が『ウィズダム英和辞典』に載っています。

pennons は「(槍に付ける)旗,長三角旗」です。「ペナントレース」の pennant「三角旗」とほぼ同じ語です。


Follaman, Conor’s son, was at their head, a brave and dauntless lad; and on them all, although they were but growing boys, men say was seen the dignity of heroes, and the fearlessness of seasoned warriors. Follaman demanded combat with Ailill himself, he being a King’s son, and thus, he said, unfit to fight with common men.


he being... は模範的な分詞構文で,ここでは文脈上「彼が……だったので(because he was...)」です。

“With jeers and taunts they drove the brave lads back out of the camp and downward to the ford; but there at last the Boy-corps took its stand. ‘Here wait we,’ cried the lads, ‘here stand we to the death; the honour of Cuchulain and of Ulster is in our hands. Come out and fight!’ Alas, alas,” said Lugh again, “this morning when I walked beside the ford, to guard the banks from any man of Meave’s, all up and down the strand fair bodies lay, mangled and cut and hewn by cruel hands, and on the stream bright hair was tossing from fair severed heads.



Follaman lay prone on the farther side, his cold hand grasping still a warrior’s hair, his arms locked tightly in that warrior’s arms, dragged down together and o’erwhelmed beneath the wave. And all around a bloody fight had been. Many a good warrior had gone down before those hero boys; many a strong arm by them was stilled in death. Brave lads! the pride of Ulster and of Ulster’s chiefs!”

「フォラマンは遠いところでうつ伏せに横たわっていた。彼の冷たい手には戦士の髪が握られ,彼の腕はその戦士の腕をきつく抱き抱えていた。2人とも波に攫われ下流に引きずられたのだ。血なまぐさい戦いが至る所にあった。数多くの戦士があの英雄的な少年達の前に斃れた。数多くの戦士の手が彼らによって黙らせられた。勇敢な少年等よ! アルスターとアルスターの首長達の誇りよ!」

prone be prone to...「……がちである」がまずは重要ですが,ここでは「うつぶせの」です。

“The Boy-corps dead!” Cuchulain cried, “dead to retrieve my honour and the darkened fame of Ulster’s chiefs! Ill is the deed that thou hast done me, O my Father Lugh; had I been roused from sleep the Boy-corps had not perished thus. Follaman, Conor’s son, would not have fallen, and this shame would not have been added to Ulster’s other shames. Alas, and thrice alas! And now, my Father Lugh, hark to my prayer; stay but one night beside me, and together we will avenge the fall of the Boy-corps. Before the arm of Lugh the Long-handed and the might of Ulster’s Hound, no foe could stand; let us then do a glorious deed, that Ulster’s honour be by us avenged.”

「少年部隊が死んだだって!」クー・フーリンは叫んだ。「僕の名誉とアルスターの首長達の翳った名声を取り戻すために死んだだって! 何てことをしてくれたんですか,父なるルーよ。私を起こしてくれていたら少年部隊はこんな風に死ななくてよかったのです。コノールの息子フォラマンは斃れなかったのです。こんな恥辱が,アルスターの他の恥辱に加えられることはなかったのです。悔しい,すごく悔しい! さあ,父なるルーよ,私の祈りを聞き給え! 1晩だけ私の傍にいて下さい。そして共に少年部隊の死に報いましょう。長腕のルーの腕の前に,そしてアルスターの猟犬の力の前に,いかなる敵も堪えられません。だから栄えある行いを成しましょう。我々の手でアルスターの名誉を取り戻すのです!」

thrice alas thrice は「3回,3倍」ですが,「非常に」の意味で使われます。thrice alas は現代語風に言えば「めっちゃ悔しい」です。「ヘルメス・トリスメギストス」は「3倍偉大なヘルメス」のことですが,「非常に偉大なヘルメス」ということでしょう。

prayer は「祈る人」の意では /préɪər/「プレイアー」ですが,今回のように「祈り(の言葉)」の意味では /preər/「プレアー」 です。

“Nay, not so,” said Lugh, “for thine own strength is not come back to thee, and I must back to fairy-land again. My work is done, the gods await me there. The wrong will be avenged, as is most meet, by Ulster’s champions, the fathers of the boys. See, even now over the Hill of Slane their pennons wave.”


most meet の meet は「会う」から派生して「似つかわしい,見合う」です。most meet は「一番似つかわしい」(最上級)ではなく,強調でしょう。次の段落冒頭の Most true にも言えます。イギリス英語では「恐らく,多分」の likely を most likely と言うのが普通です。よって今回の most meet も,most を無理に訳出しなくて良いでしょう。

Most true it was; Cuchulain looked and saw, right in the north and passing out beyond him to the west, the gathering of a mighty host. Far as the eye could reach they came with swinging gait, battalion on battalion, up the hill; their tents on every side they pitched, and martial strains and trampling of men’s feet resounded through the plain. Beneath their heavy tread the very earth seemed quivering as they moved; the trees of the forest crashed their branches, and their tops swung together in the violence of the wind they made in passing up the glen. In the dim mist of early morn their spearpoints glittered like sparks of fire, caught by the first beams of the rising sun; the thunder of their chariots, the clatter of their arms and horses’ hoofs, so terrified the wild things of the woodlands, that they fled panting before them to the open plain.


As far as the eye can reach「見渡す限り」は重要表現ですね。今回は最初の As が略され, 過去形となって Far as the eye could reach となっています。普通に As far as 人 can see でもOKです。

strain は「ピンと張る,緊張,筋肉の酷使,筋肉を痛めること」が重要ですが,ここでは「旋律,歌」です。martial strains は「軍歌」ということでしょう。








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