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“Carry me where I can mark the clans as they come up, O Laeg,” Cuchulain said. Laeg lifted up the wounded hero in his arms, and laid him on the north side of a rising mound whence he could see the path by which the armies came. He marked the Druids marching on in front, scanning the sky for portents and muttering their spells. Then came the bards, pouring forth rhapsodies, and singing battle-chants, and near them were the bright-faced men of healing, carrying salves and medicines in their bags, to succour wounded men.


mutter は「つぶやく,ブツブツ言う」。擬音語であり,重要語です。発音は「マター」/mʌ́tər/ です。matter /mǽtər/「物質,事柄」の場合は /æ/ の音をはっきりさせましょう。


Right well Cuchulain recognized them all, the corps of Laery, named Triumphant, marching in impetuous style; the clan of Conall the Victorious, his early friend, all young and hardy men; the clan of Conor’s son, he whom men called “The Stutterer,” because he stammered in his speech. These latter were so eager for the fray, that, fearing to spring forth before the time, they knelt upon the ground, their chins resting on the rims of their enormous shields.




・「どもりの」王子はクースクリド・メン(Cúscraid Mend Macha)です。Mend Macha が「マハのどもり」という意味のようです。どもりは生来のものではなく負傷によるそうです。コノールの息子は他に少年部隊のフォラマン(末子,メーヴ軍と戦い死亡),父と袂を分かってフェルグスに付いていったコルマク・コン・ロンガス(長子)がいます。なお,北欧神話フレイヤの首飾り「ブリーシンガ・メン」の「メン」は「首飾り」の意です。


All day they came, from morn to fall of night, till the whole hill and wide surrounding plain were covered with their tents. But in the midst Cuchulain saw his own corps swinging up the hill, brilliant in their flying plaids, all mighty men and strong. They only, among all the host, marched mournfully and sadly to their camp; no sound of music, no martial warrior-chant, rose from their lips, for they as orphans marched without a father, or as a body left without a head.




Now when Cuchulain marked his own corps coming up, no words of Laeg could stay him, nor could his bands and shackles tie him down. Violently and with tremendous force he sought to rise, to greet his own battalion. So vigorous were the efforts that he made, that even Meave and Fergus heard. “Surely it is Cuchulain trying to arise and join his own battalion!” Fergus said; “well is it for us that he is lying ill! Happy the men who have the aid of Cuchulain’s corps, and woe to those whom they oppose! Were but their chief amongst them at this time, no other clan had need to be called out against the men of Erin.”


Were but their chief amongst them at this time は分かりやすく書き直せば,If only their chief were amongst them at this time「彼らの長が彼らの間にさえいれば」です(but=only) 。「クー・フーリンがクー・フーリンの部隊の中にいたら,他の部隊がいなくとも,アルスターが勝利する」とフェルグスは言いたいのでしょう。

“I fear them not,” said Meave; “we have good men and brave to answer them.”
“I swear by Ulster’s gods,” Fergus replied, “that when once Ulster is aroused, no host on earth can answer them.”




“Send satirists and men of evil nature from us to Cuchulain,” said Meave to her attendants, “and let them jeer him in his weakness, saying to him that Conor will be routed, Ulster put to shame, and Fergus slain while he is lying on his couch in idleness. Let him not think that it is we who send, but his own people jeering at his wounds. Tell him his own corps call on Ulster’s Hound, but, like a pet-dog in a lady’s lap, he lies down to be fondled and caressed. Send women mourners to weep over him false noisy tears, and tear their hair, and keen, as though he even now were dead. Thus will he fall into despair and do himself some harm, and so our victory will be assured. Away, and spare him not.”



・偶然ですが,routed は以下の2つの動詞の過去形・過去分詞になりえます。

(1)route /ruːt または raʊt/「発送する,向かわせる」

(2)rout /raʊt/「打ち負かす」

 今回の Conor will be routed は「コノールは派遣されるでしょう」はおかしいので,「コノールは打ち負かされるでしょう」です。

Ulster put to shame, and Fergus slain のところは英語ではよくある〈繰り返しを避ける省略〉です。つまり Conor will be routed, Ulster (will be) put to shame, and Fergus (will be) slain です。

keen は「鋭い」が有名ですが,ここでは「哀歌を歌う」という意味です。「泣き女,泣き屋」は日本にもいたようですね。おそらく世界中にいたでしょう。


So keening women and hired mourning men went to the mound whereon Cuchulain lay, exhausted with his effort to arise; for Laeg had bound the hero fast with cords, so that he might not struggle to get up. For much he feared that he might inflict some injury on himself in trying to rejoin his corps. But Cuchulain thought not on his wounds at all, for all his mind was bent in following Laeg’s account of what was passing in the camp; and when the messengers of Meave came close, and began to weep and wail, and hurl at him abuse and scornful words, he neither saw nor heard them, so that at length they ceased, disheartened and ashamed.

Eagerly Cuchulain addressed himself to Laeg. “Tell me, O Laeg, how stands our host together, and what do they now?”


熱心にクー・フーリンはロイグに語りかけた。「教えてロイグ,僕らの軍勢はどんな感じ? 今何やってる?」


“So close stand now the serried ranks, that though Conall’s charioteer and mine tried side by side to force our way across the clustered spearpoints of the host, no smallest object from our chariots dropped among the men could find its way between them to the ground. I see King Conor’s chosen men-at-arms coming toward the hill, where Conor’s tent is pitched, higher and far more spacious than the rest. I see Meave’s warriors withstanding them; they make a hollow circle, hoping, I think, to take the King alive.


the serried ranks は「密集した部隊,密集した人々」という意味で,rank は「横列」という意味です。rank and file という熟語をご存知でしょうか。file は「縦列」という意味で,rank and file は「下士官と兵卒達,一般従業員」,つまり「下々の者たち」という意味です。




それぞれ「スペイシャス」「スペイシャル」なんですが,c と t という違いがありますね。


But, as though they hardly saw the opposing band, the King and his brave followers stride on. I see them now entering the hollow mass of fighting men; alas, they will be caught and fall. But no! I see, I see them soon emerge again, unharmed and safe. Right through the enemy they have forced their way, to join the main contingent of the troops. The clans of Ulster rise on every side as Conor gains his tent upon the utmost summit of the hill, and in a mighty shout, rending the clouds of heaven, the men of Ulster now acclaim their King.”

“There is the stuff for a great battle among those hosts,” Cuchulain cried; “bloody the deeds that will be wrought at sunrise on the morrow’s morn. Let nothing pass you; tell me all you see.”

「でも,まるで敵の部隊が見えていないように,王と勇敢な従者達は進軍してる。彼らはいま,戦士達の円陣に入ろうとしている。ああ,彼らは捕捉されて斃れるぞ。いや違う! すぐに脱出した。損害は受けてない。敵の真ん中を彼らは突き進んでる。主隊に合流するために。コノールが丘の頂上の陣に着くと,アルスターの諸族が全ての方面で立ち上がる。そして力強い叫び声を上げて天の雲をつんざき,アルスターの兵達はいま王を称える」


“So far as I can mark, you shall know all,” replied the charioteer; “but shades of evening fall apace on us, and hard it is to distinguish friend from foe. The warriors all betake them to their rest. Watchfires are lighted, and around their blaze they sit in peace and eat their evening meal. Far in the west, I see a little herd emerge upon the plain, a great Bull at its head, and all around a troop of cows and heifers, fifty or more, their heads held well in air. A band of youths are trying to restrain them and turn them back into the camp of Meave; but still they advance, careering o’er the plain, as though to join the hosts of Ulster’s King. The youths of Ulster are battling with those other youths, trying to gain possession of the Bull.”


as though to join に見られる,as if to-V「まるでVするかのように」は便利な英語表現です(as though=as if)。例えば as if to say no「まるでノーと言わんばかりに」


“And so indeed they may,” Cuchulain said, “the Dun of Cooley is that Bull you see, for whom this war is fought. How are the youths of Ulster bearing themselves in this fray?” “They fight like men,” said Laeg, “but now I see the Bull has broken from them all. Away he goes, toward the west, making as though for Connaught.” “He feels in him the call of war,” replied the wounded man; “he seeks the White horned, left in Cruachan. No man, nor any band of men can stay the Dun, when once the time is come for his great onset on the Connaught Bull. Fearful will be the war between those twain. All Ireland will hear their furious charge, and tremble at their fall.”








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