When Sualtach found that no man answered him, in violent anger he turned back again. In his fierce wrath he dragged the bridle-rein, so that the Grey of Macha reared, and stumbled on a sleeping man, and swerved aside, flinging Sualtach forward on its neck. His head struck on the sharp edge of his missile-shield, so that it sheared it off, and the shield fell from his hand, his head within it, at the horse’s feet, the body hanging yet upon its back.
・stumble on は「……に
At that the Grey turned round, and made its way into the inner court and onward to the hall, the lifeless body still upon its neck, dragging the head along upon the shield, whose strap had caught into its feet. And all the way they went, passing the outer and the inner courts into the very presence of the King, the voice of Sualtach from the dissevered head still called aloud, as though he were alive, “Your men are being slain, your cattle driven away; your women fall as captives to the men of Erin. In wild Murthemne’s plain Cuchulain all alone still holds the foemen back. Ulster, Arise, arise!”
“Too noisy is that head,” King Conor said, moving again and stirring in his sleep; “put it upon the pillar of the house that it may go to rest.” Then one of the warriors, hearing his King’s voice, bestirred himself, and lifted up the head and set it on a pillar; but again, and even louder than before, the head cried out: “Your men are being slain, your cattle driven away, your women fall as captives. Ulster, Arise, arise!” So noisy was the head, that one warrior and then another rose upon his elbow and looked up at it, and bade it hold its peace, but when they spoke the head but called out louder than before.
「うるさい首だ」とコノール王は眠りながら再び動いて身じろぎしながら言った。「首を建物の柱に乗せて眠らせてやれ」 すると戦士の1人が王の声を聞いて動き出し,首を掲げて柱の上に置いた。しかし再び,以前よりなお一層大きな声で,首は雄叫びを上げた,「君等の男達は殺され,家畜は連れ去られ,女達は虜となった。アルスターよ目覚めよ,目を覚ませ!」 余りに首はうるさかったので,戦士が1人また1人と肘から頭を上げて首を見上げ,静かにするよう首に命じたが,彼らが話しかけても首は一層大声で叫ぶのみであった。
Then, looking round, they saw the mighty horse standing, gaunt and stock-still, within the very centre of the hall, the headless rider sitting on its back. And when they saw the horse bearing the headless rider in their midst, and heard the head still calling from the pillar top, as though it were alive, a shout of laughter, as of olden days, went up from one and all, and the King bestirred himself at the unwonted sound. Then all the chiefs, seeing the King arise, shook themselves lightly and began to stand or sit up where they slept. They stooped to pick their weapons from the ground, to try the edges of their swords, to rub the rust that dulled their scabbards and the fine points of their spears.
For memory and the love of life and war began to stir in them, and wonder at their own long idleness. And at the last the King stood up and cried, “True is the message that the head has brought. Ulster lies bound before her enemies, while we rust here in sleep. By all the gods my nation loves, I swear, unless the stars of heaven shall fall upon our heads, or the strong solid earth give way beneath our feet, I and my chiefs will restore each captive woman to her child and home, each cow to her own meadow, and each stolen piece of land to its own lords, so that in shame with heavy loss the foes of Ulster shall return to their own country.”
Then a great shout went up from the men of Ulster, and their warrior spirit began to revive in them. And to each in turn the King applied, bidding him go forth and summon his clan and followers to meet him that day week upon the Hill of Slane in Meath, for he himself would call a muster there.
Gladly and eagerly the chiefs issued forth, for they heard the sounds of stirring men and the welcome bark of the hounds without.
As for the King himself, his mind was so confused with the magic sleep in which he had lain, that he remembered not the dead from the living, but stood, calling on the dead to come to his aid, as though they had been yet alive.
・that day week はイギリス英語の言い方で「翌週のその日」です。「翌週の明日」は a week from tomorrow ですが(イギリス英語・まれ)で tomorrow week とも言います(『ウィズダム英和辞典』)
・Hill of Slane in Meath については,ダブリン北方にミーズ県(ミース県)があります。『アサシンクリード・ヴァルハラ』の「ドルイドの怒り(アイルランドDLC)」には「タラの丘」や「リア・ファル」が登場しますが,いずれもミーズ県にあります。つまりミーズ県はアイルランド伝説上重要な地ということです。ウィキペディアの「ミーズ県」には以下の叙述があるため,Slane を「スレイン」と訳しました。
・issue はもともと「外に出る」という意味から「発行する」という意味が生まれたものであり,「出る」という意味があります。
Throughout all the land he sent heralds to call together his men-at-arms; and with one heart and mind the men of Ulster responded to his call. Troop on troop they flocked to Emain, from North and West and East, each mighty leader surrounded by his host clad in the kilt and colours of his clan. As for the clans that were south of Emain, they tarried not to assemble at the kingly fort, but made their way, each by his own route, straight forward to the Hill of Slane.
For after their long rest and weakness their hands itched to be upon their swords again.
・with one heart and mind については,『ウィズダム英和辞典』に with one heart and soul「全身全霊で,心から」が載っています。