Ulster, Awake!
After the combat with Ferdia weariness and great weakness fell upon Cuchulain. From the beginning of winter to early spring he had watched and safe-guarded the frontier of Ulster, alone and single-handed, and all that time he had never slept a whole night through. Saving only a brief snatch at midday, he often did not sleep at all, and even what he had was taken sitting, with his spear ready in his hand, and his head resting upon the shaft, as it stood between his knees.
The host of Meave was encamped on the plain of Murthemne, in Cuchulain’s district, but the Brown Bull and the cattle they had sent away northward for safety into the hill passes of eastern Ulster.
・saving... = save... は「……を除いて」という前置詞です。
Beside the grave of Lerga, overlooking the camp of the men of Erin, Cuchulain lay beside a fire that Laeg had kindled. Now, as the shades of evening fell, the hero looked abroad, slowly and with pain raising himself upon his elbow, and on every hand he saw the glint and gleam of the weapons of the men of Erin, caught by the light of the setting sun. Before him lay the great expanse of tents, and the multitude of the host, and he would have rushed upon them then and there, but all his body was riddled with wounds, and his strength was utterly gone from him. In his anger and despair he brandished his sword and waved his shield and uttered forth his hero’s shout.
・Lerga はよく分かりませんが,Wiktionary によると Old Irish で “lerg” は hillside,battlefield といった意味のようです。
・abroad は「広く」という意味で,そこから「海外へ」の意になりました。
・would have+過去分詞は100%ではありませんが,仮定法過去完了「……したであろうに」の可能性大です。今回は if 節が見当たりませんが,「しかし全身は傷だらけで力は失われていた」と「現実が逆接の形で」明記されているので,「仮に全身傷だらけでなく,力も失われていなかったならば」というのが仮定です。そこまで書くとくどいので,「本来なら」「いつもの彼だったら」と訳しましょう。
So horrible was that shout that the goblins and sprites and daft people of the air and of the glens answered it, and many of the men of Erin died of pure terror at the sound. Then across the camp of the enemy Laeg descried a figure, as of a tall and stately champion advancing calmly towards them. Straight through the tents of Erin he passed on, but no man seemed to see; no head was turned as he went by, nor did the sentries bar his way, yet in his hand he carried a drawn sword.
Astonishment and awe fell upon Laeg as, from his seat beside his master, he beheld the warrior draw near.
“It seems to me, O little Hound,” he said, “as though a visitant from fairy-land drew near. Like one in high authority is this young man, and like the sun at junction of the day and night the gentle radiance of his lofty brow; methinks that in its midday glow no mortal eyes could bear the shining of its wondrous light. The armour of Manannan clothes him round, and none can pierce or wound him through its joints; the sword of Manannan is in his hand, from which no enemy returns alive, while on his head the jewelled helmet of Manannan gleams.”
・beheld は behold「見る」の過去形ですね。
“’Tis true, indeed,” replied the wounded man, “Lugh the Long-handed, mightiest of the gods, is come to succour me. Bright as the sun rising at early dawn out of the glowing east the hero’s face, giver of light and warmth to human-kind; with his long arms stretching across the sky he floods the world with light. In his right hand he bears the sword of day, though now in shades of night his face is veiled. No human eye, save his whose inward mind has pierced the realms of fairy mysteries, can see the god, when in Manannan’s helmet of invisibility he comes to earth. To comfort and to solace me he comes, for well he knows my plight. My comrades of the fairy-folk have pity on my pain and my despair.”
The warrior stood close beside Cuchulain’s bed and gazed upon his wounds, and noble pity stood within his eyes. “A manly fight, I see, you made, my son, and worthy are those wounds.”
“I think not much about the wounds, O Lugh, but this is troubling me; behold, below, yon host of mighty men who threaten Ulster’s land, and here I lie, as weary as a child, and cannot rise to wreak my wrath on them. Were but my strength returned and my wounds healed, I would not long be lying here in grief, idle and cast away. But if, O Father Lugh, for this one night you would keep watch and ward for me the while I sleep, then could I for a space take peaceful rest.”
・a space は「空間」ですが,「しばらくの間」という意味もあります。
“I come for that,” said Lugh, “from fairy land. Sleep then, O Ulster’s Hound, and by the grave of Lerga deeply rest; no harm shall come to Ulster while you sleep, for I will watch and battle with the host.” Then in deep peace and slumber Cuchulain took his rest, and for three days and nights he stirred not once, but slept a dreamless, torpid sleep. And fairy-folk brought magic herbs to put into his wounds, to soothe and heal him while he slept, and all the while Lugh sat at his right hand, guarding his rest, save when some feat of slaughter was to do upon the men of Erin.
「そのために神の国から来ている」ルーは言った。「では眠れ,アルスターの猟犬よ。丘の墓の傍でぐっすりと眠れ。汝が眠る間,アルスターに害は与えさせない。あの軍勢を見張り,戦ってみせよう」 それでクー・フーリンは安心してまどろみ,休息を取った。そして3日3晩,身じろぎもせず,夢さえ見ず,冬眠のように眠った。そして妖精族が彼の傷に魔法のハーブをもたらし,彼が眠っている間に彼をなだめ,癒やした。その間ずっとルーは彼の右手に座り,休む彼を護った。たまにエリンの者を葬る戦技を放った以外は。
・shall は「話者の意志でそうなる」という意味なので,no harm shall come to Ulster は「アルスターに害は及ばないでしょう」という単なる予想ではなく,「私の力でアルスターに害を及ぼさせない」という意味です。