“I am rejoiced at thy coming, my good friend Fergus,” said Cuchulain, as the chariot drew up beside him; “too seldom is it that on this Raid of Cooley we twain meet face to face.”
“Gladly I accept thy welcome, O foster-son and pupil,” Fergus said. “I come to tell thee who it is that on the morrow has bound himself to meet thee at the ford, and urge thee to beware of him.”
・draw upは「停まる,車を停める」です。pull up,pull overが有名ですね。
“I am attentive,” Cuchulain answered. “Who is the man who comes?”
“’Tis thine own friend, thy comrade and fellow-pupil, the great and valiant champion of the west, Ferdia, son of Daman, called of all men the ‘Horn-Skin,’ so tough and strong for fight is he, so hard to pierce or wound with sword or spear. Beware of him, it may be even the Gae Bolga will not avail to harm the flesh of Ferdia.”
“Upon my word and truly,” cried Cuchulain, “this is ill news you bring; never should I have thought my friend would challenge me.”
・attentiveは「熱心に聞いて」という意味で,I'm attentive. は I'm all ears. も有名ですね。「聞く気満々」ということです。
・avail (to-V) は「(Vするのに)役立つ」です。試験ではavail oneself of O「Oを利用する」も重要ですね。available「利用できる」はもっと重要です。
・(Upon) my wordは「おやまあ」です。「なんてこった」と訳してみました。
“We thought as much,” Fergus replied; “we all avowed thou wouldst not relish the coming of Ferdia; for of all warriors that have hitherto come to the combat at the ford, he is most formidable and best prepared. Be wary, therefore, rest well this night, and try and prove thine arms; come to the combat fresh and amply armed.”
“Utterly dost thou mistake my meaning, Fergus, my friend; not from any fear of him, but from the greatness of my love for him, I hold his challenge strange and unwelcome. For this cause only I regret his coming.”
・wary /wéəri/ は「用心深い」,weary /wɪ́əri/ は「疲れて」。混同注意です。
“Yet and in truth,” Fergus replied, “no shame to thee or any man to be afraid of Ferdia, for in his arms is strength as of a hundred men; swords wound him not, spears pierce him not, and tried and mettlesome his heart and arms.”
“Now this, O Fergus, deem I strange indeed, that thou of all men shouldst warn me to be careful before any single warrior in Ireland; well it is that it was thee, O Fergus, and not another man, who brought me such a warning. From the beginning of winter till the coming of spring have I stood here alone, fighting each day a hardy warrior, and never have I turned back before the best fighting man whom Meave has sent against me, nor shall I turn back before Ferdia, O Fergus. For as the rush bows down before the torrent in the midst of the stream, so will Ferdia bow down under my sword, if once he shows himself here in combat with the Hound of Ulster.”
・if once S Vは「ひとたびSVするならば」です。この副詞once自体を接続詞にしてしまい,once S V「ひとたびSVするならば」とも言えます。
That night there was no cheerfulness nor gaiety nor quiet pleasure in the tent of Ferdia, as there was wont to be on other nights; for he had made known what Meave had said to him and the command laid upon him to go on the morrow to combat with Cuchulain; and though Ferdia was merry and triumphant on his return, because of the gifts of the queen and the affection of Finnabar, and all the flattery that had been skilfully put upon him, it was not so with the men that were of his own household, for they understood that wherever those two champions of battle, those two slayers of a hundred should meet together, one of the two must fall, or both must fall: and well they knew that if one only should fall there, it would not be Cuchulain who would give way, for it was not easy to combat with Cuchulain on the Raid of the Kine of Cooley.
・make known O = make O knownは「Oを知らしめる」です。Oは後ろのwhat以下です。誰に知らしめたか書いてませんが,陣幕にいた他の者達でしょう。後ろにthe men that were of his own household「彼自身の世帯にいた者達」が出てきます。
・give wayは「(重さなどで)崩れる」です。これも重要表現です。give way to O「Oに屈する」も重要です。
As for Ferdia, through the first part of the night, he slept heavily, being overcome with the liquor he had taken, and the fatigues of the day; but towards the middle of the night, he awoke from his slumber, and remembered the combat on the morrow, and anxiety and heavy care began to weigh him down; fear of Cuchulain on the one hand, and sorrow that he had promised to do combat with his friend, and fear of losing Finnabar and Meave’s great promises on the other; and he tossed about, and could sleep no longer. So he arose and called his charioteer, and said, “Yoke me my horses, and come with me; I shall sleep better at the ford.” But his charioteer began to dissuade him, “It would be better for you not to go,” said he, “trouble will come of this meeting.
フェルディアについては,その夜の最初の方は,呑んだ酒の力と日中の疲労からぐっすり眠ったが,真夜中頃になるとまどろみから覚め,翌朝の決闘のことを思い出し,不安と大きな心配が重くのしかかり始めた。一方ではクー・フーリンへの恐れが,親友と決闘すると約束したことの悲しみが,他方ではフィナバルと,メーヴの大きな約束を貰い損なうことへの不安が。そして彼は寝返りを繰り返し,これ以上眠れなくなった。それで彼は起きて御者を呼び,言った。「馬を繋いで,共に来てくれ。浅瀬のほうが眠れるだろう」 しかし御者は反対の説得を始めた。「行かないほうが良いでしょう」と彼は言った。「この試合は厄介なことになります」
・weigh downは「のしかかって押しつぶしそうになる,気分を滅入らせる」です。
・toss aboutは「ベッドの中で転げ回る」つまり「何度も寝返りをうつ」でしょう。toss and turnとも言います。
It is not a small thing for any warrior in the world to do combat against the Bulwark of Ulster, even against Cuchulain.” “Be silent, my servant,” he said; “though the ravens of carnage croak over the ford, ready to tear my flesh, it is not the part of a valiant man to turn back from his challenge; away with us to the ford before the break of dawn.” So the horses were harnessed and the chariot yoked, and they dashed onwards to the ford. “Take the cushions and skins out of the chariot, good my lad,” said Ferdia, “and spread them under me upon the bank that I may take deep repose and refreshing sleep upon them; little sleep I got this night, on account of the anxiety of the combat that is before me on the morn.” So the servant unharnessed the horses, and spread the skins and chariot-cushions under Ferdia, and yet he could not sleep.
「この世のどんな戦士であっても,アルスター防塁相手に,いやクー・フーリン相手であったとしても,戦うということはただ事ではありません」「言うな,我が下僕よ」彼は言った。骸を啄む鴉が,我の体を引き裂こうと浅瀬でガーガーと鳴こうとも,自らに課した試練に背を向けることは勇者の領分ではない。さあ共に,夜明け前までに浅瀬に行こうぞ」 それで馬が繋がれ御者が軛をはめ,彼らは浅瀬に急いだ。「戦車からクッションと毛皮を出してくれ,少年」フェルディアは言った。「土手の僕の下に広げてくれ。その上でぐっすり眠って疲れを癒やしたい。今夜は殆ど眠れていない。翌朝に待ち受けている決闘の不安のせいでな」 そこで御者は馬を解放し,毛皮と戦車のクッションをフェルディアの下に広げた。しかしそれでも彼は眠れなかった。
・carnageは「殺戮;死体」です。ravens of carnageは「戦死者の骸を啄む鴉」のことと思われます。
“Look out, lad, and see that Cuchulain is not coming,” he said. “He is not, I am sure,” said the lad. “But look again for certain,” said the warrior. “Cuchulain is not such a little speck that we should not see him if he were there,” replied the lad. “You are right, O boy; Cuchulain has heard that a prime warrior is coming to meet him to-day, and he has thought well to keep away on that account.”
・so... that〜構文やsuch... that〜構文は,「余りにも……なので〜」と訳しますが,not+so... that〜構文やnot+such... that〜構文は,余りにも……ではないので〜」と訳してはなりません。notは最後の最後に訳し,「余りにも……なので〜,というわけではない」と訳します。not such a little speck that we should not see him if he were thereは,notは最後まで訳さないで下さい。ということで,notを削除したsuch a little speck that we should not see him if he were thereを訳しましょう。「(クー・フーリンは)余りにも小さなシミ(speck)なので,仮に彼が居ても見えないだろう」です。最後に,これにnotを付けて下さい。「(クー・フーリンは)余りにも小さなシミ(speck)なので,仮に彼が居ても見えないだろう,なんてことはない」です。つまり「仮に彼がここに居たら絶対に気づくほど彼の存在感は大きい」と言いたいのです。
“I should not say bad things about Cuchulain in his absence,” said the lad. “Do you not remember how, when you were fighting in Eastern lands, your sword was wrenched from you, and you would have perished by the hands of your enemies, but that Cuchulain rushed forward to recover it, and he slew a hundred warriors on his path before he got your sword and brought it back to you? Do you remember where we were that night?” “I have forgotten,” Ferdia said. “We were in the house of Scáth’s steward,” said the boy; “and do you not remember how the ugly churl of a cook hit you in the back with a three-pronged meat-spit, and sent you out over the door like a shot? And do you not recollect, how Cuchulain came into the house and gave the rascal a blow with his sword, and chopped him in two to avenge you? If it were only on that account, you should not say that you are a better warrior than Cuchulain.”
「クー・フーリンの陰口を言いたくはありません」少年は言った。「覚えておいでではないですか? 貴方が東方で戦っていた頃,貴方の剣が奪われたことがありました。そしてもしクー・フーリンがそれを急いで取り返さなかったら,貴方は敵の手にかかって死んでいたでしょう。彼は貴方の剣を取り返すまでに百人の戦士をなぎ倒したのでしたね? その晩,私達はどこに居たか覚えておいでですか?」「忘れたよ」フェルディアは言った。「スカアハの給仕の家に居たのですよ」少年は言った。「そして覚えておいでではありませんか。あの無礼な給仕のやつが三叉の肉串で貴方の背中を叩いたのを。そしてすぐに貴方をドアの外へ追い出したのを。そして思い出せませんか。クー・フーリンがその家にやってきてその無礼者に切りかかり,無礼に報いるために奴を真っ二つにしたのを。その理由だけでも,貴方は自分がクー・フーリンより優れた勇者だと言うべきではありません」
“Why did you not remind me of all these things before we came here?” said Ferdia; “I doubt whether I should have come if I had remembered all this at first. Pull up the cushions under my head, or I shall never get to sleep. Will you be sure to keep a sharp look-out?” “I will watch so well, that unless men drop out of the clouds to fight with you, no one shall escape me,” said the boy; “and I will sing you to sleep with a lullaby.” Then as Ferdia sank into repose and refreshing slumber, he began to croon this ancient song which Grainne sang over Dermot, when he was hiding from Finn in the forests of the west.
「どうしてそんなことをここに来る前に思い出させてくれなかったんだ?」フェルディアは言った。「初めからそれを皆思い出していたらここに来たかどうか。頭の下のクッションを上げてくれ,全く眠れやしない。どうか目を凝らして,見張りをしてくれないか?」「雲の中から現れでもしない限り,私の眼を逃れないくらいに,しっかり見張りましょう」少年は言った。「子守唄を歌って寝かせましょう」 それでフェルディアが寝付いて疲れを癒やすまどろみに入ると,少年はディルムッドが西方の森でフィンから隠れている時にグラーニアがディルムッドに歌った古い歌を優しく歌い始めた。