“My name,” said he, “is Sir Tristram of Lyonesse.”
“And mine, Sir Lamoracke of Gaul.”
Then both cried out together, “Well met;” and Sir Lamoracke said, “Sir, for your great renown, I will that ye have all the worship of this battle, and therefore will I yield me unto you.” And therewith he took his sword by the point to yield him.
「そして私の名はゴールのラモラック卿だ」それで2人は互いに「よろしく」と叫んだ。そしてラモラック卿は言った。「騎士殿,貴方の大きな名声故に,この試合の名声は全て貴方の物としたい。それ故私は貴方に降伏します」 そう言って彼は剣の先を掴んで彼に差し出した。
・Sir Lamoracke「ラモラック卿」はロト王を討ったペリノア王の息子です。ロト王の子ガウェインにとっては父の仇の子です。
“Nay,” said Sir Tristram, “ye shall not do so, for well I know ye do it of courtesy, and not of dread.” And therewith he offered his sword to Sir Lamoracke, saying, “Sir, as an overcome knight, I yield me unto you as unto the man of noblest powers I have ever met with.”
“Hold,” said Sir Lamoracke, “let us now swear together nevermore to fight against each other.”
Then did they swear as he said.
Then Sir Tristram returned to Sir Kay Hedius, and when he was whole of his wounds, they departed together in a ship, and landed on the coast of Cornwall. And when they came ashore, Sir Tristram eagerly sought news of La Belle Isault. And one told him in mistake that she was dead. Whereat, for sore and grievous sorrow, he fell down in a swoon, and so lay for three days and nights.
「いやいや」トリスタン卿は言った。「そんなことをすることはありません。貴方が怖れからではなく礼儀からそうしているのは分かっています」 そう言って彼は自らの剣をラモラック卿に差し出し,「騎士殿,敗れた騎士として私は貴方に降伏します。今まで出会った中で最も高貴な力を持つ男に」
When he awoke therefrom he was crazed, and ran into the forest and abode there like a wild man many days; whereby he waxed lean and weak of body, and would have died, but that a hermit laid some meat beside him as he slept. Now in that forest was a giant named Tauleas, who, for fear of Tristram, had hid himself within a castle, but when they told him he was mad, came forth and went at large again. And on a certain day he saw a knight of Cornwall, named Sir Dinaunt, pass by with a lady, and when he had alighted by a well to rest, the giant leaped out from his ambush, and took him by the throat to slay him. But Sir Tristram, as he wandered through the forest, came upon them as they struggled; and when the knight cried out for help, he rushed upon the giant, and taking up Sir Dinaunt’s sword, struck off therewith the giant’s head, and straightway disappeared among the trees.
Anon, Sir Dinaunt took the head of Tauleas, and bare it with him to the court of King Mark, whither he was bound, and told of his adventures. “Where had ye this adventure?” said King Mark.
“At a fair fountain in thy forest,” answered he.
“I would fain see that wild man,” said the king.
So within a day or two he commanded his knights to a great hunting in the forest. And when the king came to the well, he saw a wild man lying there asleep, having a sword beside him; but he knew not that it was Sir Tristram. Then he blew his horn, and summoned all his knights to take him gently up and bear him to the court.
And when they came thereto they bathed and washed him, and brought him somewhat to his right mind. Now La Belle Isault knew not that Sir Tristram was in Cornwall; but when she heard that a wild man had been found in the forest, she came to see him. And so sorely was he changed, she knew him not. “Yet,” said she to Dame Bragwaine, “in good faith I seem to have beheld him ofttimes before.”
As she thus spoke a little hound, which Sir Tristram had given her when she first came to Cornwall, and which was ever with her, saw Sir Tristram lying there, and leapt upon him, licking his hands and face, and whined and barked for joy.
“Alas,” cried out La Belle Isault, “it is my own true knight, Sir Tristram.”
・whine は wine「ワイン🍷」と同音で「犬がクンクン鳴く,人が泣く,泣き言を言う」です。
And at her voice Sir Tristram’s senses wholly came again, and wellnigh he wept for joy to see his lady living.
But never would the hound depart from Tristram; and when King Mark and other knights came up to see him, it sat upon his body and bayed at all who came too near. Then one of the knights said, “Surely this is Sir Tristram; I see it by the hound.”
“Nay,” said the king, “it cannot be,” and asked Sir Tristram on his faith who he was.
“My name,” said he, “is Sir Tristram of Lyonesse, and now ye may do what ye list with me.”
・この際 list の「一覧表」以外の意味を全部確認しておきましょう。「縁(へり)」「傾く,傾かせる」「(古)望む,欲する」「(古)聴く(listen)」「(lists で)闘技場」。太字は『ジーニアス英和辞典(第5版)』にも載っています。今回は「望む,欲する」ですね。
Then the king said, “It repents me that ye are recovered,” and sought to make his barons slay him. But most of them would not assent thereto, and counselled him instead to banish Tristram for ten years again from Cornwall, for returning without orders from the king. So he was sworn to depart forthwith.
And as he went towards the ship a knight of King Arthur, named Sir Dinadan, who sought him, came and said, “Fair knight, ere that you pass out of this country, I pray you joust with me!”
“With a good will,” said he.
Then they ran together, and Sir Tristram lightly smote him from his horse. Anon he prayed Sir Tristram’s leave to bear him company, and when he had consented they rode together to the ship.
それで王は言った。「そなたが回復したのは残念なことだ」 そして諸侯に命じて彼を殺させようとした。しかし彼らの殆どはそれに同意しようとせず,代わりにトリスタンを10年間コーンウォールから追放し,王の命令なしでは戻れないようにすることを進言した。それで彼は直ちに出発することを誓わされた。
・swear には「誓う,罵る」という意味と「誓わせる,宣誓させる」という意味があり,he was sworn to-V は「彼は V することを誓わされた」という意味です。
・Sir Dinadan「ディナダン卿」はブルーノ卿の兄弟です。
Then was Sir Tristram full of bitterness of heart, and said to all the knights who took him to the shore, “Greet well King Mark and all mine enemies from me, and tell them I will come again when I may. Well am I now rewarded for slaying Sir Marhaus, and delivering this kingdom from its bondage, and for the perils wherewithal I brought La Belle Isault from Ireland to the king, and rescued her at the Castle Pluere, and for the slaying of the giant Tauleas, and all the other deeds that I have done for Cornwall and King Mark.” Thus angrily and passing bitterly he spake, and went his way.
それからトリスタン卿はとても辛い気持ちになり,彼に海岸まで同行した騎士皆に言った。「マーク王と私に敵対する人全てに宜しくお伝え下さい。戻れるようになったら戻るとも。私はマーハウス卿を討ち取り,この王国を貢物の義務から解放し,危険を冒して美しきイゾルデをマーク王の許へ連れて行き,プルエール城で彼女を救い,巨人タウレアスを退治し,その他コーンウォールとマーク王の為になした様々な行為に対してこのような報いを受けました」 このように怒って,とても苦々しく語り,彼は去って行った。
And after sailing awhile the ship stayed at a landing-place upon the coast of Wales; and there Sir Tristram and Sir Dinadan alighted, and on the shore they met two knights, Sir Ector and Sir Bors. And Sir Ector encountered with Sir Dinadan and smote him to the ground; but Sir Bors would not encounter with Sir Tristram, “For,” said he, “no Cornish knights are men of worship.” Thereat Sir Tristram was full wroth, but presently there met them two more knights, Sir Bleoberis and Sir Driant; and Sir Bleoberis proffered to joust with Sir Tristram, who shortly smote him down.
“I had not thought,” cried out Sir Bors, “that any Cornish knight could do so valiantly.”
そして暫く航海した後,船はウェールズ沿岸の停泊所に留まり,そこでトリスタン卿とディナダン卿は降りて,海岸で2人の騎士,エクター卿とボールス卿と遭遇した。そしてエクター卿はディナダン卿に対峙して彼を地面に打ち倒したが,ボールス卿はトリスタン卿と対決しようとしなかった。「というのも」と彼は言った。「コーンウォールの騎士には尊敬できる者がいないからな」 それを聞いてトリスタン卿はカンカンになったが,間もなく更に2人の騎士,ブレオベリス卿とドライアント卿が彼らと遭遇した。そしてブレオベリス卿はトリスタン卿に馬上槍試合を申し出,トリスタンは直ちにブレオベリスを打ち倒した。
Then Sir Tristram and Sir Dinadan departed, and rode into a forest, and as they rode a damsel met them, who for Sir Lancelot’s sake was seeking any noble knights to rescue him. For Queen Morgan le Fay, who hated him, had ordered thirty men-at-arms to lie in ambush for him as he passed, with the intent to kill him. So the damsel prayed them to rescue him.
Then said Sir Tristram, “Bring me to that place, fair damsel.”
But Sir Dinadan cried out, “It is not possible for us to meet with thirty knights! I will take no part in such a hardihood, for to match one or two or three knights is enough; but to match fifteen I will never assay.”
“For shame,” replied Sir Tristram, “do but your part.”
しかしディナダン卿は声を上げた。「30人の騎士に立ち向かうなんて無理ですよ! そのような大胆過ぎる行為には参加致しかねます。1人,2人,3人と戦うのが精一杯。15人との力試しは御免です」
・For shame は Shame (on you)「恥を知れ,みっともないぞ」と同じです。
“That will I not,” said he; “wherefore, I pray ye, lend me your shield, for it is of Cornwall, and because men of that country are deemed cowards, ye are but little troubled as ye ride with knights to joust with.”
“Nay,” said Sir Tristram, “I will never give my shield up for her sake who gave it me; but if thou wilt not stand by me to-day I will surely slay thee; for I ask no more of thee than to fight one knight, and if thy heart will not serve thee that much, thou shalt stand by and look on me and them.”
“Would God that I had never met with ye!” cried Sir Dinadan; “but I promise to look on and do all that I may to save myself.”
・deem that S is C = deem O (to be) C「S/O が C と見做す,考える」という語法があるため,are deemed cowards は「臆病者だと思われている」です。
Anon they came to where the thirty knights lay waiting, and Sir Tristram rushed upon them, saying, “Here is one who fights for love of Lancelot!” Then slew he two of them at the first onset with his spear, and ten more swiftly after with his sword. At that Sir Dinadan took courage, and assailed the others with him, till they turned and fled.
But Sir Tristram and Sir Dinadan rode on till nightfall, and meeting with a shepherd, asked him if he knew of any lodging thereabouts.
“Truly, fair lords,” said he, “there is good lodging in a castle hard by, but it is a custom there that none shall lodge therein save ye first joust with two knights, and as soon as ye be within, ye shall find your match.”
“That is an evil lodging,” said Sir Dinadan; “lodge where ye will, I will not lodge there.”
“Shame on thee!” said Sir Tristram; “art thou a knight at all?”
Then he required him on his knighthood to go with him, and they rode together to the castle. As soon as they were near, two knights came out and ran full speed against them; but both of them they overthrew, and went within the castle, and had noble cheer. Now, when they were unarmed and ready to take rest, there came to the castle-gate two knights, Sir Palomedes and Sir Gaheris, and desired the custom of the castle.
“I would far rather rest than fight,” said Sir Dinadan.
“That may not be,” replied Sir Tristram, “for we must needs defend the custom of the castle, seeing we have overcome its lords; therefore, make ready.”
“Alas that I ever came into your company,” said Sir Dinadan.
So they made ready, and Sir Gaheris encountered Sir Tristram and fell before him; but Sir Palomedes overthrew Sir Dinadan. Then would all fight on foot save Sir Dinadan, for he was sorely bruised and frighted by his fall. And when Sir Tristram prayed him to fight, “I will not,” answered he, “for I was wounded by those thirty knights with whom we fought this morning; and as to you, ye are in truth like one gone mad, and who would cast himself away! There be but two knights in the world so mad, and the other is Sir Lancelot, with whom I once rode forth, who kept me evermore at battling so that for a quarter of a year thereafter I lay in my bed. Heaven defend me again from either of your fellowships!”
“Well,” said Sir Tristram, “if it must be, I will fight them both.
それで2人は準備をし,ガヘリス卿がトリスタン卿に立ち向かって落とされた。しかしパロメデス卿はディナダン卿を倒した。それからディナダン卿を除いた皆が徒歩で戦おうとした。ディナダン卿は落馬によって酷い打ち身をし,戦意を失ったのだ。そしてトリスタン卿が彼に戦うよう頼むと,「やめておく」と彼は答えた。「僕は今朝戦った30人の騎士に怪我させられてるんだ。君はと言えば,実に頭がおかしい。自分の身すら投げ出しそうじゃないか! こんなにおかしい騎士はこの世で2人だけだ。もう1人はランスロット卿だよ。一度一緒に旅をしたけど,戦いに巻き込まれてばかりで旅の後は3ヶ月もベッドで寝てたんだよ。君とランスロット卿との旅はもう御免だと神に頼みたい!」
Therewith he drew his sword and assailed Sir Palomedes and Sir Gaheris together; but Sir Palomedes said, “Nay, but it is a shame for two to fight with one.” So he bade Sir Gaheris stand by, and he and Sir Tristram fought long together; but in the end Sir Tristram drave him backward, whereat Sir Gaheris and Sir Dinadan with one accord sundered them. Then Sir Tristram prayed the two knights to lodge there; but Sir Dinadan departed and rode away into a priory hard by, and there he lodged that night.
And on the morrow came Sir Tristram to the priory to find him, and seeing him so weary that he could not ride, he left him, and departed. At that same priory was lodged Sir Pellinore, who asked Sir Dinadan Sir Tristram’s name, but could not learn it, for Sir Tristram had charged that he should remain unknown. Then said Sir Pellinore, “Since ye will not tell it me, I will ride after him and find it myself.”
“Beware, Sir knight,” said Sir Dinadan, “ye will repent it if ye follow him.”
But Sir Pellinore straightway mounted and overtook him, and cried to him to joust; whereat Sir Tristram forthwith turned and smote him down, and wounded him full sorely in the shoulder.
そう言って彼は剣を抜き,パロメデス卿とガヘリス卿に同時に斬りかかった。しかしパロメデス卿は言った。「いやいや2人が1人と戦うのは恥だ」 それで彼はガヘリス卿に待機するよう言い,彼とトリスタン卿は長時間戦った。しかし遂にトリスタン卿が彼を後退させ,それを見てガヘリス卿とディナダン卿が同時に2人を引き離した。それでトリスタン卿は2人の騎士にそこに泊まるよう頼んだ。しかしディナダン卿は馬で去って近くの修道院へ行き,彼はその晩そこに泊まった。そして翌朝,トリスタン卿が修道院にやって来て彼を見つけ,彼が馬に乗れないほど疲れ切っているのを理解し,彼を置いて出発した。同じ修道院にペリノア卿が泊まっていて,ディナダン卿にトリスタン卿の名前を尋ねたが,教えてもらえなかった。というのもトリスタン卿が名前を明かさないよう言っていたからだ。それでペリノア卿は言った。「教えてくれない以上,彼を追って自分で教えてもらおう」
「騎士殿,お気をつけて」とディナダン卿は言った。「彼を追いかけたら後悔しますよ」 しかしペリノア卿は直ちに馬に乗って彼に追いつき,彼に馬上試合を呼びかけた。それを聞いてトリスタン卿は直ちに振り返って彼を打ち倒し,彼の肩に重傷を負わせた。