アルスターから離反したフェルグス(アルスター前王)らがクー・フーリンの事をメーヴに教えたアルスターの猟犬(6)の続きです。Chapter IVに入ります。
How Cuchulain got his Name
That evening at supper, Meave sat silent, as though she were revolving matters in her mind. When supper was ended and she and her husband and Fergus, with one or two others of her chief captains, sat in the tent-door around the fire, looking out on the hosts who rested at close of day by the forest fires, singing and telling tales, as was their wont after the evening meal, Meave said to Fergus, “Just now you spoke of that little boy as Setanta, but I have heard him called Cuchulain, or Culain’s Hound; how did he get that name?”
And Cormac, Conor’s son, answered eagerly, “I will tell you that story myself, for I was present, and I know the way of it.”
He was late for school, as was often the case with him.
→As was often the case with him, he was late for school.(As節が先行できる)
“Well, tell us now,” said Meave and Ailill both at once. And Cormac said — “In Ulster, near Cuchulain’s country, was a mighty artificer and smith, whose name was Culain. Now the custom is, that every man of means and every owner of land in Ulster, should, once in a year or so, invite the King and his chiefs to spend a few days, it may be a week or a fortnight, at his house, that he may give them entertainment. But Culain owned no lands, nor was he rich, for only the fruit of his hammer, of his anvil and his tongs, had he.
・meansは「手段,資産」という意味がありa man of meansは「資産家」です。
・fortnightは「2週間」(fourteen night)という意味です。decade「10年」やscore「20」などにも要注意ですね。
Nevertheless he desired to entertain the King at a banquet, and he went to Emain to invite his chief. But he said, ‘I have no lands or store of wealth; I pray thee, therefore, to bring with thee but a few of thy prime warriors, because my house cannot contain a great company of guests.’ So the King said he would go, bringing but a small retinue with him.
「それでも彼は王を宴で歓待することを望み,長を招待しにエヴァンへ行きました。しかし彼はこう言ったのです。『私には土地も富の蓄えもありませぬ。だからあなたの主要な戦士を数名だけ連れてきて下さい。私の家は大勢の客を泊められないのです』 そこで王は行くと言い,僅かな従者だけを連れていきました」
“Culain returned home to prepare his banquet, and when the day was come, towards evening the King set forth to reach the fort of Culain. He assumed his light, convenient travelling garb, and before starting he went down to the green to bid the boy-corps farewell.
“There he saw a sight so curious that he could not tear himself away. At one end of the green stood a group of a hundred and fifty youths, guarding one goal, all striving to prevent the ball of a single little boy, who was playing against the whole of them, from getting in; but for all that they could do, he won the game, and drove his ball home to the goal.
・ちょっと離れていますが有名なprevent O from Ving「OがVするのを妨げる」が使われています。preventはkeepとも言えます。
・for all ... やwith all ...は「……にもかかわらず」の意味があります。forには「賛成・支持」の意味もありますので,逆接の意味になるのが不思議に思うでしょうが,元々逆接の意味は入っておらず,結果的に逆接に取れてしまうのです。典型的な例文で見てみましょう。
For all his efforts, he failed in the test.「努力したにもかかわらず彼は試験に落ちた」
これは〈交換のfor〉で説明できます。「全ての努力と引き換えに,彼は試験に落ちた」つまり「骨折り損のくたびれ儲け」みたいになり,逆接に取れるわけです。with all ... も「……をもってして,失敗した」と言えば「……にもかかわらず失敗した」と取れます。all the 比較級+becauseを使って「嫌われたために一層好きになった」と言えば,「嫌われたために却って好きになった」と逆接の意を込められるのです。今回のfor all that they could do, he won the gameも「彼らがなし得たこと全てと引き換えに彼(クー・フーリン)が勝った」→「彼らがどんなに頑張っても彼が勝った」と訳せるわけです。
“Then they changed sides, and the little lad defended his one goal against the hundred and fifty balls of the other youths, all sent at once across the ground. But though the youths played well, following up their balls, not one of them went into the hole, for the little boy caught them one after another just outside, driving them hither and thither, so that they could not make the goal. But when his turn came round to make the counter-stroke, he was as successful as before; nay, he would get the entire set of a hundred and fifty balls into their hole, for all that they could do.
・one after another,次の段落のone after the otherは「次から次へと」です。
・hither and thitherは現代風に言えばhere and there「あちらこちらへ」です。古めかしいので『ウィズダム英和辞典』は「四方八方に」と訳しています。
“Then they played a game of getting each other’s cloaks off without tearing them, and he would have their mantles off, one after the other, before they could, on their part, even unfasten the brooch that held his cloak. When they wrestled with each other, it was the same thing: he would have them on the ground before all of them together could upset him, or make him budge a foot.
・budgeは「(通例否定文で)(少しでも)動く」という意味です。今回はbefore節内にあり,before ... は「……するより前に」→「……しないうちに」となりますから否定文に準じます。なお「記章」の「バッジ」はbadgeなので注意です。
“As the King stood and watched all this, he said: ‘’Tis well for the country into which this boy has come! A clever child indeed is he; were but his acts as a grown man to come up to the promise of his youth, he might be of some solid use to us; but this is not to be counted upon.’”
「王はこの様子を立ち見している間,言いました。『この子が我が国にやってきたことは結構なことだ! 実にできる子ではないか。彼の動きが彼の若さから将来に見込めるものに見合う大人の動きとなるならば,彼は揺るぎない益を我が国にもたらすであろう。しかしこれは当てにできることではなかろう』」
・'tisはit isの省略形です。
・仮定法のif S were C「仮にSがCだったら」は,ifを省略してWere S Cとできます(仮定法のifを省略するとS wereがwere Sと倒置する)。よってWere his acts as a grown manはif his acts were as a grown manです。
・come up to ... は「(期待)に添う」です。come up to the promiseは「約束を果たす」ですが,the promise of his youthとは,「彼は若いのにこれだけ有能なのだから,大人になったらもっと有能になることが約束される(見込まれる)」ということでしょう。
・this is not to be counted uponは,is not toが〈否定のbe to〉でcannot,count uponは「当てにする」です。this cannot be counted uponは「これは当てにできることではない」ということです。「子どもの頃は天才で大人になったらただの人」ということもあるからですね。
“Then,” Fergus said, breaking in upon the tale, “I was vexed because the King seemed to doubt the child, whether his after deeds would equal the promise of his youth; and I spoke up and said, ‘That, O King, I think not wisely said; have no fear for this boy, for as his childish deeds outstrip the acts of childhood, so will his manly feats outshine the deeds of heroes and great men.’ Then the King said to me, ‘Have the child called, that we may take him with us to the banquet.’
・vexは「苛立たせる」という意味で,to one's vexationは「苛立たしいことには,悔しいことには」です。vexという語はDIABLOにred vexという女形モンスターが出てきた時に辞書を引いて覚えました。
・このhave no fear for this boyを「この子を怖がることはありません」は変です。今回は「この子(の将来)を心配することはありません」ですね。
・as S1 V1, so S2 V2は,「S1がV1であるように,S2もまたV2である」です。just as S1 V1, so S2 V2とすることもあります。as内のoutstripと,so内のoutshineは共に「……に勝る」ですね。outshineは2020/6/25の記事で紹介していたので,実例で出てきて嬉しいです笑 outstripもその記事に足しておきました。
・that we mayのthatはso thatからのsoの省略です。mayがあるから気づけます。so that we may Vは文語ではthat we may V,口語ではso we can Vと言えます。
“So when Setanta came, the King invited him; but the boy said, ‘Excuse me now awhile; I cannot go just now.’ ‘How so?’ said the King, surprised. ‘Because the boy-corps have not yet had enough of play.’ ‘I cannot wait until they have,’ replied the King: ‘the night is growing late.’ ‘Wait not at all,’ replied the child; ‘I will even finish this one game, and will run after you.’ ‘But, young one, knowest thou the way?’ asked the King. ‘I will follow the trail made by your company, the wheels of their chariots and hoofs of the horses on the road,’ he replied.”
“Thereupon,” — continued Cormac, — “Conor starts; and in time for the banquet he reaches Culain’s house, where, with due honour, he is received. Fresh rushes had been strewn upon the floor, the tables all decked out, the fires burning in the middle of the room. A great vat full of ale stood in the hall, a lofty candlestick gave light, and round the fires stood servants cooking savoury viands, holding them on forks or spits of wood. Each man of the King’s guests entered in order of his rank, and sat at the feast in his own allotted place, hanging his weapons up above his head.
The King occupied the central seat, his poets, counsellors, and chiefs sitting on either hand according to their state and dignity. As they were sitting down, the smith Culain came to Conor and asked him, ‘Good now, O King, before we sit at meat I would even know whether anyone at all will follow thee this night to my dwelling, or is thy whole company gathered now within?’ ‘All are now here,’ said the King, quite forgetting the wee boy; ‘but wherefore askest thou?’
・according to Nは「天気予報によると」などの「……によると」が有名ですが,「……に応じて」も忘れてはいけません。
Chapter IVはこの辺が半分なのでここで切ります。次回後半です。