LXVI (66)
High are the peaks, the valleys shadowful,
Swarthy the rocks, the narrows wonderful.
Franks passed that day all very sorrowful,
Fifteen leagues round the rumour of them grew.
When they were come, and Terra Major knew,
Saw Gascony their land and their seigneur's,
Remembering their fiefs and their honours,
Their little maids, their gentle wives and true;
There was not one that shed not tears for rue.
Beyond the rest Charles was of anguish full,
In Spanish Pass he'd left his dear nephew;
Pity him seized; he could but weep for rue.
・Terra Major がスペインなのかフランス(フランク王国)なのか迷った結果,スペインと解釈した回がありましたが,ここを読むとフランスっぽいですね……
・rue「悲嘆,同情」は ruth と同根であり,ruthless は「情け容赦のない」です。私は ruthless を DIABLO(初代)で覚えました(武器につく prefix)
The dozen peers are left behind in Spain,
Franks in their band a thousand score remain,
No fear have these, death hold they in disdain.
That Emperour goes into France apace;
Under his cloke he fain would hide his face.
Up to his side comes cantering Duke Neimes,
Says to the King: "What grief upon you weighs?"
Charles answers him: "He's wrong that question makes.
So great my grief I cannot but complain.
France is destroyed, by the device of Guene:
This night I saw, by an angel's vision plain,
Between my hands he brake my spear in twain;
Great fear I have, since Rollant must remain:
I've left him there, upon a border strange.
God! If he's lost, I'll not outlive that shame."
今宵見たのだ。天使の映像ではっきりとな。余の両手の間で,奴は余の槍を真っ二つにした。心配なのじゃ。ローランが残されておる。余は彼をあそこへ置いて来た。不慣れな国境にな。神よ! もし彼が失われれば,死ぬまで恥を被ろう」
・disdain は「軽蔑する」です。「死を軽蔑する」とは「死を何とも思わない」でしょう。
・apace は推測しやすい字面ですが,「急いで,直ぐに」です。
・cloke は cloak「外套,マント」の廃れた綴りです。
・weigh upon... は「重くのしかかる」です。What grief upon you weighs? は直訳すると「どんな悲しみがあなたに重くのしかかっているのですか?」ですね。
・He's wrong that question makes. は面白いですね。He who... = Anyone who... = Whoever... が使われています。
He's wrong that question makes.
=He that makes question is wrong.
=Anyone who makes question is wrong.
=Whoever makes question is wrong.「尋ねる者は(誰でも)間違っている」です。「なぜ悲しむのかって? 馬鹿なことを聞くな」というわけですね。
・I'll not outlive that shame も面白いです。outlive... は「……より長生きする」ですから,「私はその恥より長生きしないだろう」。逆に言えば「その恥の方が私より長生きするだろう」つまり「私が死んだ後もその恥は残るだろう」です。
Charles the great, he cannot but deplore.
And with him Franks an hundred thousand mourn,
Who for Rollanz have marvellous remorse.
The felon Guenes had treacherously wrought;
From pagan kin has had his rich reward,
Silver and gold, and veils and silken cloths,
Camels, lions, with many a mule and horse.
Barons from Spain King Marsilies hath called,
Counts and viscounts and dukes and almacours,
And the admirals, and cadets nobly born;
Within three days come hundreds thousands four.
In Sarraguce they sound the drums of war;
Mahum they raise upon their highest tow'r,
Pagan is none, that does not him adore.
They canter then with great contention
Through Certeine land, valleys and mountains, on,
Till of the Franks they see the gonfalons,
Being in rereward those dozen companions;
They will not fail battle to do anon.
・Franks an hundred thousand「十万のフランク兵」はローランと共にいる二万ではないので,カール大帝と共にいる十万ですね。となるとカール大帝の全軍は十二万だったのでしょうか。
・remorse は「悔恨,自責」ですがかつては「憐れみ,同情」の意味がありました。
・almacour は「(サラセンの)grandee」のことだそうです。grandee は『ランダムハウス英和大辞典』では「高官,大公爵」など身分の高い人のようですね。アラビアっぽい響きとなる「太守」と訳します。
・Certeine がどこなのか分かりませんでしたが,調べると certain の廃れた綴りだそうです。
Marsile's nephew is come before the band,
Riding a mule, he goads it with a wand,
Smiling and clear, his uncle's ear demands:
"Fair Lord and King, since, in your service, glad,
I have endured sorrow and sufferance,
Have fought in field, and victories have had.
Give me a fee: the right to smite Rollanz!
I'll slay him clean with my good trenchant lance,
If Mahumet will be my sure warrant;
Spain I'll set free, deliver all her land
From Pass of Aspre even unto Durestant.
Charles will grow faint, and recreant the Franks;
There'll be no war while you're a living man."
Marsilie gives the glove into his hand.
悲しみと苦しみに耐え,戦場で戦い,勝利を得て来ました。褒美を下さい。ローランを討つ権利を! この鋭い大槍で,彼を討ち取って見せましょう。
・アスプレという地名(山)があることは分かりました。Durestant は適当なカタカナを当てています。
Marsile's nephew, holding in hand the glove,
His uncle calls, with reason proud enough:
"Fair Lord and King, great gift from you I've won.
Choose now for me eleven more baruns,
So I may fight those dozen companions."
First before all there answers Falfarun;
—Brother he was to King Marsiliun—
"Fair sir nephew, go you and I at once
Then verily this battle shall be done;
The rereward of the great host of Carlun,
It is decreed we deal them now their doom."
・so that S may V「S が V するために」は文語では that S may V,口語では so S may V とできます。so I may fight, so I can fight は「私が戦えるように」ですね。
・マルシル王の弟 Falfarun はもう一つのバージョンでは Falsaun です。
King Corsablis is come from the other part,
Barbarian, and steeped in evil art.
He's spoken then as fits a good vassal,
For all God's gold he would not seem coward.
Hastes into view Malprimis of Brigal,
Faster than a horse, upon his feet can dart,
Before Marsile he cries with all his heart:
"My body I will shew at Rencesvals;
Find I Rollanz, I'll slay him without fault."
・Corsablis はもう一つのバージョンでは Corsalis(コルサリス)です。
・steep は「(坂が)急な」という意味ですが,これとは別に動詞で「浸す」という意味があります。be steeped in... で「……に浸かっている,染まっている」です。
マルシルの甥(名前はないのか笑)に続きファルファロン,コルサブリス,マルプリミスと,マルシル十二臣将の紹介が始まりました。いやあ,盛り上がって参りましたね! 次回は残り八名の紹介からです。