Speaks Oliver: "No more now will I say.
Your olifant, to sound it do not deign,
Since from Carlun you'll never more have aid.
He has not heard; no fault of his, so brave.
Those with him there are never to be blamed.
So canter on, with what prowess you may!
Lords and barons, firmly your ground maintain!
Be minded well, I pray you in God's Name,
Stout blows to strike, to give as you shall take.
Forget the cry of Charles we never may."
Upon this word the Franks cry out amain.
Who then had heard them all "Monjoie!" acclaim
Of vassalage might well recall the tale.
They canter forth, God! with what proud parade,
Pricking their spurs, the better speed to gain;
They go to strike,—what other thing could they?—
But Sarrazins are not at all afraid.
Pagans and Franks, you'ld see them now engaged.
オリヴィエが話しかける。「もう何も言わないよ。角笛も吹かなくていい。シャルルからの援軍も諦めよう。彼にはこの会話が聞こえないけど,彼のせいではない。彼と共にいる者たちにも非はない。だから前に進もう。あらゆる力を振るって。諸君,しっかりと持ち場を守ろう! 心して下さい。神の名において皆に頼みます。力強い一撃を貰ったら,力強い一撃を繰り出そう。シャルルの鬨の声をお忘れなく」
この言葉にフランク兵たちは力強く雄叫びを上げる。そのとき彼らが「モンジョワ」を叫ぶのを聞いた者は,家臣とはいかなるものかという物語を思い出すだろう。彼らは駈歩で進む。神よ! この誇りと共に。拍車を当て,速度を増していく。彼らは攻撃を繰り出す。それ以外に何を望む。しかしサラセン軍も全く恐れていない。異教軍とフランク軍,今にも戦闘は始まろうとしていた。
・Forget the cry of Charles we never may = we may never forget the cry of Charles で,cry はもう一つのバージョンでは war-cry ですので,「私たちはシャルルの鬨の声を決して忘れてはならない」です。
・モンジョワ(Monjoie, Montjoie)について:“モンジョワの語源,意味はいつ出来たのか,いつ言われ始めたのかは現在も不明であるとされる。一部の国民や研究家では語源を探そうと現在も研究中である。最近の結果によって,現在最も古い「モンジョワ」の使用はローランの歌であるとされている”
・この acclaim は exclaim「叫ぶ」でしょう。
Marsile's nephew, his name is Aelroth,
First of them all canters before the host,
Says of our Franks these ill words as he goes:
"Felons of France, so here on us you close!
Betrayed you has he that to guard you ought;
Mad is the King who left you in this post.
So shall the fame of France the Douce be lost,
And the right arm from Charles body torn."
When Rollant hears, what rage he has, by God!
His steed he spurs, gallops with great effort;
He goes, that count, to strike with all his force,
The shield he breaks, the hauberk's seam unsews,
Slices the heart, and shatters up the bones,
All of the spine he severs with that blow,
And with his spear the soul from body throws
So well he's pinned, he shakes in the air that corse,
On his spear's hilt he's flung it from the horse:
So in two halves Aeroth's neck he broke,
Nor left him yet, they say, but rather spoke:
"Avaunt, culvert! A madman Charles is not,
No treachery was ever in his thought.
Proudly he did, who left us in this post;
The fame of France the Douce shall not be lost.
Strike on, the Franks! Ours are the foremost blows.
For we are right, but these gluttons are wrong."
「消えろ,極悪人! シャルルはいかれてはない。裏切りなど考えていない。誇りをもって俺たちをここに残したのだ。甘美なフランスの名声はここにあり。フランク兵たちよ攻撃だ! 俺たちの攻撃力は一流だ。俺たちが正義で,この大喰らいたちが悪だ」
・Betrayed you has he that to guard you ought は物凄いバラバラ語順ですが he that you ought to guard has betrayed you「お前たちが守るべきだった彼がお前たちを裏切った」です。
・Avaunt は「去れ(Begone)」です。「アーサー王と騎士達(1)」で出てきました。
A duke there was, his name was Falfarun,
Brother was he to King Marsiliun,
He held their land, Dathan's and Abirun's;
Beneath the sky no more encrimed felun;
Between his eyes so broad was he in front
A great half-foot you'ld measure there in full.
His nephew dead he's seen with grief enough,
Comes through the press and wildly forth he runs,
Aloud he shouts their cry the pagans use;
And to the Franks is right contrarious:
"Honour of France the Douce shall fall to us!"
Hears Oliver, he's very furious,
His horse he pricks with both his golden spurs,
And goes to strike, ev'n as a baron doth;
The shield he breaks and through the hauberk cuts,
His ensign's fringe into the carcass thrusts,
On his spear's hilt he's flung it dead in dust.
Looks on the ground, sees glutton lying thus,
And says to him, with reason proud enough:
"From threatening, culvert, your mouth I've shut.
Strike on, the Franks! Right well we'll overcome."
"Monjoie," he shouts, 'twas the ensign of Carlun.
「悪人よ,脅してくるので口を閉じさせてもらいました。フランク兵たちよ攻撃です! きっと我々の勝利です」「モンジョワ」と彼は叫ぶ。それはシャルルの鬨の声なのであった。
・Falfarun はもう一つのバージョンでは Falsarun です。目と目の間が半フット(15cm)だそうですが,試しに計ったら私の目頭と目頭の間は3.3cmでした。
・glutton(大食漢またはクズリという意味)は先ほども出てきましたが,たぶん「悪人」とかいう意味なんでしょうね笑 この時点でも「大食漢」と訳していましたが,次のテュルパンでも出てきたのでさすがに大喰らいが多すぎるだろうということで「大悪人」に変えました。
A king there was, his name was Corsablix,
Barbarian, and of a strange country,
He's called aloud to the other Sarrazins:
"Well may we join battle upon this field,
For of the Franks but very few are here;
And those are here, we should account them cheap,
From Charles not one has any warranty.
This is the day when they their death shall meet."
Has heard him well that Archbishop Turpin,
No man he'ld hate so much the sky beneath;
Spurs of fine gold he pricks into his steed,
To strike that king by virtue great goes he,
The hauberk all unfastens, breaks the shield,
Thrusts his great spear in through the carcass clean,
Pins it so well he shakes it in its seat,
Dead in the road he's flung it from his spear.
Looks on the ground, that glutton lying sees,
Nor leaves him yet, they say, but rather speaks:
"Culvert pagan, you lied now in your teeth,
Charles my lord our warrant is indeed;
None of our Franks hath any mind to flee.
Your companions all on this spot we'll keep,
I tell you news; death shall ye suffer here.
Strike on, the Franks! Fail none of you at need!
Ours the first blow, to God the glory be!"
"Monjoie!" he cries, for all the camp to hear.
地面を眺め,その大悪人が横たわっているのを見て,なお去らず,むしろ語り続けたという。「邪悪な異教徒め。いま噓を吐いたな。我らが主君シャルルは実際我々を守ってくれるのだ。フランク兵は誰一人として逃げるつもりはない。お前たちの仲間を我々はこの地点で防ぐ。良いことを教えてやろう。お前たちはここで死ぬのだ。フランク兵よ,進むのです! この危機に際し,誰一人期待を裏切るな! 先制するのは我らだ。神に栄光あれ!」「モンジョワ!」と彼は叫ぶ。全軍に聞こえるように。
・account them cheap は,account O C「O を C とみなす」という語法があります。「彼らを安く見積もってよい」→「彼らを恐れることはない」と訳しました。「フランク兵何するものぞ」とかでも良いですね。
・Fail none of you at need は,at need が「まさかの時に,いざという時に」という意味です。「この非常事態に誰一人失敗するな」が直訳ですかね。
And Gerins strikes Malprimis of Brigal
So his good shield is nothing worth at all,
Shatters the boss, was fashioned of crystal,
One half of it downward to earth flies off;
Right to the flesh has through his hauberk torn,
On his good spear he has the carcass caught.
And with one blow that pagan downward falls;
The soul of him Satan away hath borne.
・ここの the boss は「上司」でなはく「盾の装飾突起」です。『ジーニアス英和辞典』にも載っています。
And his comrade Gerers strikes the admiral,
The shield he breaks, the hauberk unmetals,
And his good spear drives into his vitals,
So well he's pinned him, clean through the carcass,
Dead on the field he's flung him from his hand.
Says Oliver: "Now is our battle grand."
・感心するのは,鎖帷子をバラバラにする表現を,unsew,unfasten,unmetal などと一々変えているところですね。
Sansun the Duke goes strike that almacour,
The shield he breaks, with golden flowers tooled,
That good hauberk for him is nothing proof,
He's sliced the heart, the lungs and liver through,
And flung him dead, as well or ill may prove.
Says the Archbishop: "A baron's stroke, in truth."
・as well or ill may prove はよく分からなかったのでもう一つのバージョンを使いました。For him may mourn who will とありますが,Who(ever) will mourn for him may mourn for him「彼のことを嘆きたいと思う者は(誰でも)嘆くがよい」でしょう。
And Anseis has let his charger run;
He goes to strike Turgis of Turtelus,
The shield he breaks, its golden boss above,
The hauberk too, its doubled mail undoes,
His good spear's point into the carcass runs,
So well he's thrust, clean through the whole steel comes,
And from the hilt he's thrown him dead in dust.
Then says Rollant: "Great prowess in that thrust."
・まだ五人残っていますが,99 (XCIX) に達したこともあり,一旦ここで切ります。なお,節(連:スタンザstanza)の番号打ちはバージョンによって微妙に異なるので,「ほら 100 節目でさ」のような言い方は避けた方がよいでしょう。