The Combat with Ferdia
Now among the hosts of Meave was Ferdia, son of Daman, Cuchulain’s companion and friend when together they learned warlike feats in Shadow-land.
All the while that Cuchulain fought with the chiefs of Connaught, Ferdia remained aloof, keeping within his tent, far from the tent of Ailill and of Meave, whose ways and cunning plans he liked not. For though against the men of Ulster in general he would have aided them, he would not take part in single combat against his friend and fellow-pupil. For he thought on his love for his old comrade, and the days of youth that they had spent together, and the conflicts and dangers that side by side they twain had faced; and day by day he sent his messengers to watch the fighting and to bring him word, for he feared lest harm should come to Cuchulain, fighting alone and single-handed against all the mighty men of Meave. Each evening came his watchers back, bringing him tidings, and greatly he rejoiced because he heard of the prowess of Cuchulain and of destruction inflicted on the hosts of Meave.
・against the men of Ulster in general he would have aided them のところは英文解釈上非常に面白いところです。下線を引いたwould have+過去分詞は100%仮定法とは限りませんが,仮定法の可能性が大です。against the men of Ulster in general「アルスターの男達一般を相手に」が意味的に仮定を担っています。現実には「アルスターの男達一般」はマハの呪いで誰も戦っておらず,クー・フーリン1人だけが戦っているからです。「アルスターの男達一般を相手に」が仮定であると見抜いたら,「(仮に)アルスターの男達一般が相手だったならば」と仮定っぽく訳しましょう。最後に,would have aided them の them がポイントです。これは直近の「アルスターの男達一般」ではなく,「アリルとメーヴ」を指します。つまり,「(仮に)アルスターの男達一般が相手だったならば,アリルとメーヴを助けて戦ったであろうが」と言っているのです。意味的ヒントとしてこの直後に,he would not take part in single combat against his friend and fellow-pupil「友人で修行仲間のクー・フーリンとの決闘には参加したくはなかった」があります。仮定法を見抜く際は現実はどう(だった)か?を考えるようにしましょう。
・think on Oはthink about Oの古い言い方です。about Oは「Oの辺り」から「Oについて」,on Oは「Oにくっついて」から「Oについて」の意味があります。
But one day, when the fighting had been going on for weeks, and many of her best men and fighting warriors had been plucked off, Meave thought of Ferdia; and at the council-meeting of that night, when the chief men and counsellors met to settle who should go on the morrow to fight Cuchulain, she said, “Who should go, if not Ferdia, son of Daman, the warrior whose valour and feats are as the valour and feats of Cuchulain himself? For in the one school were they trained, and equal they are in every way, in courage and the knowledge of weapons and in skill in feats of strength. Well matched these two would be, if they were to fight together.” And all the men of war said, “It is a good thought; Ferdia shall go.”
しかし戦いが数週間も続き,メーヴ軍の優れた部下や戦士達の命が奪われてしまったある日,メーヴはフェルディアのことを思い出した。そしてその夜の,首長と助言者達が翌朝誰をクー・フーリンと戦いに行かせるか決めるための軍議で,彼女は言った。「ダマンの息子フェルディアが行かなければ行く者がおらぬ。彼は武勇と技量がクー・フーリン自身のそれと劣らぬ戦士じゃぞ。彼らは同じ流派で修行をし,あらゆる点で,勇敢さと武器の知識と武芸の点で同じなのじゃ。この2人はもし戦わばいい試合をするはずじゃ」 すると戦士達は皆言った「いい考えです。フェルディアよ,行け」
So messengers were sent to Ferdia to bring him to Meave, for she said she would see him herself, to persuade him with her own mouth to go against his comrade. But when the heralds came to the tent of Ferdia, he knew well enough for what purpose they had come, and he refused to see them, neither would he go with them to Meave.
When Meave heard that, she sent again, but her messengers this time were not men of war and heralds, but satirists, to abuse him and to warn him that he should die a shameful death, and that disgrace should fall upon him before all the host, if he obeyed not the Queen’s commands. And they gave their message to Ferdia, and told him that his warrior fame would pass away from him, and that he would be spoken of by his comrades with ignominy and disgrace if he did not come.
When Ferdia heard that they would spread evil tales about him, and disgrace him before the host of his own fellow-warriors, he said, “If I must die, it were better to die in fair and open fight, even with a friend, than to die disgraced, skulking as a coward before my fellow-men and comrades.”
・satire /sǽtaɪər/ は「風刺,皮肉」という意味で,satiristは「風刺作家,皮肉屋」です。
・die a 形容詞 deathはいわゆる〈同族目的語〉というもので,die a shameful deathは「恥ずべき死を遂げる」です。
So he went with the messengers, and when he came to the Queen’s tent, all who were in the tent, both great lords and nobles, rose up to receive Ferdia, and he was conducted with honour and reverence to the presence of the Queen. Then the Queen greeted him and rose up and placed him at her right hand, and spoke kindly to him. And a great feast was made, and that night Ferdia was entertained with right great dignity, and food and pleasant liquors were served out of the best, so that he became merry and disposed to do all that Meave demanded. Then, when he was forgetful of all but the company in which he was, Meave set before his mind the princely gifts that she would bestow upon him if he would free her from her enemy Cuchulain, the destroyer of her host.
・entertainは「面白がる」ではなく「面白がらせる」です。ということでwas entertainedで「もてなされた,歓待された」です。
・disposed to-Vは「Vする気になって」です。“pose”が「置く」を意味し,「心の置かれよう」→「気質・気分」ということです。なおdisposeは「処分する」の意も重要ですが,「dis離れて+pose置く」という成り立ちです。
These were the great rewards she offered him; a noble chariot with steeds such as befitted a king, and a train of twelve men-at-arms, fully equipped, to accompany him, as princes and great chiefs are accompanied, wherever he moved. Moreover, she promised him lands broad and fertile on the plains of Connaught, free of tribute or rent for ever, and that he should be her own son-in-law and next the throne, for she said that she would give him her daughter Finnabar to wife. Now Finnabar sat next to Ferdia at his left hand, and she was fair to look upon, with ruddy cheeks and hair of gold, and the garments of a princess flowing round her; and Ferdia was dazzled with her beauty, and with the lavish offers made by Meave, until he was ready to promise anything in life she wished.
・tributeは「貢ぎ物」です。「ビュート」ではなく「リ」に強勢 /trɪ́bjuːt/ であり,contributeにもそれは言えます。
・she was fair to look uponは,the river is dangerous to swim in 構文と解釈します。
the river is dangerous to swim in「その川は泳ぐのに危険だ」
she was fair to look upon「彼女は眺めるのに美しい」
And when, the banquet over, young Finnabar arose and filled a cup brim full with mead, and kissed the cup and handed it to him, he knew not what to say. For still the memory of his youth in Shadow-land, Cuchulain’s love to him and his love to Cuchulain came over him again, and more than half he loathed what he had done. So looking now behind and now before, and loitering in his mind, he said aloud, “Rather, O Meave, than do the thing you ask, and ply my warrior-hand upon my friend, I would pick out six champions of your host, the best and bravest among all your men, and fight with them. With each alone or all together willingly would I contend.”
Then from her queenly robe Meave plucked her brooch, more precious to her than any gift, for all the kings and queens of Connaught had worn that splendid brooch, the sign and symbol of their sovereignty; she stooped, and with her own royal hands, she placed the glittering jewelled pin in Ferdia’s mantle.
“See, warrior,” she said, “I have bestowed on you the princely dignity, so that you now will rank beside the King; and as for those six chosen champions you have named, I give them to you as your sureties that these our promises will be fulfilled; go now and fight Cuchulain.” At that Ferdia looked up, and caught the glance of Finnabar most sweetly smiling down into his face, and close beside her the queen bending over him, and Erin’s chiefs and warriors standing round; and all his mind was lifted up within his breast, and he forgot Cuchulain and their ancient love, and said: “Though in this fight I fall, O Queen, I go to meet the Hound.”
「さあ,戦士よ」彼女は言った。「王の威信をそなたに授けた。これでそなたは王に並ぶ地位じゃ。それからそなたが対戦を求めた6人の勇者については,我々の約束が果たされるという保証人としてそなたに与えよう。さあクー・フーリンと戦いに行くのじゃ」 その言葉にフェルディアは顔を上げると,フィナバルの顔が目に入った。彼女はとても優しげに微笑んで彼の顔を上から眺めていた。そして彼女の隣で女王は彼にお辞儀をし,エリンの首長と戦士らが取り囲んだ。すると彼の胸の中で気持ちがこみ上げ,クー・フーリンと,2人の旧愛のことを忘れ,言った。「たとえこの戦いで斃れようとも,女王よ,猟犬と戦いに行きます」
・bestow /bɪstóʊ/ は「授ける」。重要単語です。
・at that「その言葉に」は意外と重要です。「驚く,顔を上げる」などに掛かります。
Fergus was standing at the king’s right hand, and when he overheard those words that Ferdia spoke, fear for his foster-son rose in his heart. For well he knew the might of Ferdia’s arms, and that he was of all the chiefs of Meave the bravest and the best, and well he knew that all the feats that Scáth had taught to Cuchulain, save only the “Gae Bolga” or Body Spear, she taught to Ferdia likewise. Ferdia besides was older than Cuchulain, and riper in experience of war, well-built and powerful. So when he heard those words, Fergus went out in haste, and though the night was late he sprang into his chariot, and set forth to find Cuchulain.
The time is ripe for...「……の機会が熟している」
・ゲイ・ボルグについて。Bolg(Bolga,Bulg,Bulga)にはbelly「腹」,bag「袋」などの意味があるらしく,この小説のBody SpearとはBelly Spearということかと思いますが,日本語版ウィキペディアによるとこの槍は伝説の戦士ボルグ・マク・ベインが作った槍を模倣して造った槍という説があり,これによれば「ボルグの槍」ということになります。