That night they rested as well as they could for their wounds, but early in the morning they arose and repaired to the ford of combat. Cuchulain saw an evil look and a dark lowering brow upon the face of Ferdia that day. “Ill dost thou look to-day, O Ferdia,” said Cuchulain. “Thy hair seems to have become darkened, or is it clots of blood I see? Thine eye is dimmed, and thy own bright face and form have gone from thee. A deep disgrace it is in thee to have come out to fight with thy fellow-pupil; not Finnabar’s beauty, nor the praises of Meave or Ailill, nor all the wealth of the world, would have brought me out to fight with thee, my comrade and my friend. Turn now back from this fight to-day, for a fight to death it must be between us, and I have not the heart to fight against thee; my strength fails me when I think of the evil that will befall thee; turn back, turn back, O friend, for false are the promises of Finnabar and Meave.”
その夜彼らは傷を癒やすためできるだけ休んだ。しかし早朝彼らは起きて決闘の浅瀬に赴いた。クー・フーリンはその日,フェルディアが顔に邪悪な表情を浮かべ,暗く額を下げているのを見て取った。「今日は表情が暗いね,フェルディア」とクー・フーリンは言った。「髪の色が暗くなったのか,血糊が付いているのか? 目つきも暗いし,明るい
・repair はもちろん「修理する」ですが,repair to O には「Oに(足繁く)通う」という意味があります。
・brow は「眉」そして眉のある「額」です。
・fails me は「私の役に立たない」です。my strength fails me は「力が湧き上がってこない」です。
“O Cuchulain, gentle Hound, O valiant man, O true champion, bid me not return till the fight be done. Ill would it become me to return to Ailill and to Meave until my task be done. It is not thou who dost work me ill, O Cu of gentle ways; take the victory and fame that are thine by right, for thou art not in fault. Meave it is who is my undoing; but for all that I shrink not from the contest. My honour, at least, will be avenged; no fear of death afflicts me. There is a fate that brings each one of us to the place of our final rest in death, a fate none may resist. Reproach me not, O gentle friend and comrade, but let us fight the combat out to-day, as becomes two valiant men and warriors.”
・by right = of right = as of right は「正当に,当然」です。「元より」と訳しました。
・...'s undoing は「……の破滅」です。
“If it must be so, what weapons shall we use?”
“Let us to-day take to our heavy smiting swords; for sooner shall we attain the end of our conflict by hewing with our swords, than by the thrusting of our spears yesterday.” “Let it be so,” said Cuchulain. So all that day they hewed and hacked each other with their long, two-edged, heavy swords, and at evening they were wounded and torn from head to foot, so that it was hard to see a whole place on either of them.
“Let us cease now, O Cuchulain,” said Ferdia. “Let us cease, indeed, if the time be come,” he said.
「今日は重い剣に頼ろう。昨日のように槍で突き合うよりも,剣で斬りつけ合った方が早く決着が着く」 「そうしよう」クー・フーリンは言った。それでその日はずっと長い,両端に刃の付いた,重い剣で滅茶滅茶に斬り合った。そして夕方には両者とも頭から足まで傷つき体は破れ,両者とも目が眩んだ。
・take to O は一般には「Oが好きになる,Oの習慣がつく」です。しかしこれまでの文脈でhave recourse to O,resort O とパラフレーズされて来たことから,それらと同じ意と取ります。
・hew は「切る,切り倒す」,hack は「叩き切る,めった切りにする;ハッキングする」です。
・最後の he said の he は,直近の Ferdia を指しているのではなく,フェルディアのセリフの中の Cuchulain を指すようです。
They threw their arms into the hands of their charioteers, and, though pleasant and cheerful had been the first meeting of those two, it was in sadness and misery that they parted that night.
That evening their horses were not placed in the same paddock, nor did their charioteers sleep beside the same fire, but the charioteer of Cuchulain slept with his master on the north of the ford, and the charioteer of Ferdia slept on the south side of the ford.
Next morning Ferdia went forth alone to the ford of battle, for he knew that on that day the combat would be decided; that then and in that place one of them or both of them would fall.
On that day both heroes put on their full fighting array, their kilts of striped silk next their skin, and a thick apron of brown leather above that to protect the lower part of the body. And they put on their crested battle-helmets, with jewels of rubies and carbuncles and crystals blazing in the front, gems that had been brought from the East to Ireland. And they took their huge shields which covered the whole body, with great bosses in the centre of each shield, and their swords in their right hands, and thus they came forward to the battle. And as they went they displayed the many noble, quick-changing feats that Scáth had taught them, and it was difficult to tell which of them exceeded the other in the performance of those skilful weapon-feats.
・この array はput on「身につける」の目的語であることから「(文語)衣装」です。
・この boss は「突起,浮き出し彫り」です。
Thus they came to the ford. And Cuchulain said: “What weapons shall we choose this day, O Ferdia?” “Thine is the choice to-day,” said he. Then Cuchulain said, “Let us then practise the Feat of the Ford.”
“We will do so,” said Ferdia; but though he said that, sorrowful was he in saying it, for he knew that no warrior ever escaped alive from Cuchulain when they practised the Feat of the Ford.
そのようにして彼らは浅瀬にやって来た。そしてクー・フーリンが言った。「今日はどの武器を選ぶ,フェルディアよ?」 「今日は君が選ぶ日だ」フェルディアは言った。それでクー・フーリンは言った。「浅瀬の技を使おう」
・practise の本義は「練習(する)」ではなく「実行(する)」です。医者の「開業」もpractice で,practitioner は「開業医」です。なお practice が一般的な綴りで,practise はイギリス英語で且つ動詞のときに見られる綴りです。
・the Feat of the Ford「浅瀬の技」にゲイ・ボルグが含まれるんでしょうね。クー・フーリンはこれまでフェルディアにわざとチャンスを与えていたことが分かります。なぜなら自分が武器を選択できる最初のチャンスに「浅瀬の技」を選ぶこともできたからです。
Terrible and mighty were the deeds that were done that day by those two heroes, the Champions of the West, the pillars of valour of the Gael. Quietly they used their weapons in the early morning, parrying and casting with skill and warily, and neither did great harm to the other; but about midday, their anger grew hot, and they drew nearer to each other, and Cuchulain sprang upon his adversary, and made as though he would cut off his head over the rim of his shield. But Ferdia gave the shield a stroke upward with his left knee, and cast Cuchulain from him like a little child, and he fell down on the brink of the ford. Now Cuchulain’s charioteer, who was watching the combat from the bank, saw this, and he began to reproach Cuchulain as his master had bade him do, if he should give way in the fight.
・scold は親が子どもを,教師が生徒を,飼い主がペットを,つまり目下を叱る時に使いますので,今回のように対等・目上を叱る時は reproach が便利です。
“Ah, indeed,” said Laeg, “this warrior can cast the Hound of Ulster from him as a woman tosses up her child; he flings thee up like the foam on a stream; he smites thee as the woodman’s axe fells an oak; he darts on thee as a hungry hawk pounces on little birds. Henceforth thou hast no claim to be called brave or valorous as long as thy life shall last, thou little fairy phantom!”
「ああやっぱり」ロイグは言った。「この戦士はアルスターの猟犬を,まるで女が子どもを高い高いするように投げ上げられるッ! 奴はお前を,小川の上を跳ねる泡のように投げ上げるッ! 奴はお前を,まるで木こりの斧が樫を切り倒すように切り倒しているッ! 奴はお前に,まるで飢えた鷹が小鳥に襲いかかるように飛び掛かっているッ! 以降お前は生きている限り,勇敢とも勇ましいとも言われないであろう,この死にぞこないめ!」