The count Rollant great loss of his men sees,
His companion Olivier calls, and speaks:
"Sir and comrade, in God's Name, That you keeps,
Such good vassals you see lie here in heaps;
For France the Douce, fair country, may we weep,
Of such barons long desolate she'll be.
Ah! King and friend, wherefore are you not here?
How, Oliver, brother, can we achieve?
And by what means our news to him repeat?"
Says Oliver: "I know not how to seek;
Rather I'ld die than shame come of this feat."
ローラン伯爵は自軍が大損害を受けているのを理解する。盟友オリヴィエにこう呼びかける。「友よ,神にかけて,この戦場に斃れている名臣たちの名誉は君にかかっている。甘美なフランスのために。美しき国のために,涙を流そう。フランスはこのような名臣たちを永遠に惜しむであろう。ああ,王よ友よ,何故ここにおられぬのだ? オリヴィエよ,兄弟よ,どうやって乗り切ればよいだろう? どうやって王にこの知らせを送ろう?」
・「何故ここにおられぬのだ」ですって? オリヴィエから援軍を要請することを再三請われながら,「それは恥」と言って断り続けたのは誰でしたか?
Then says Rollanz: "I'll wind this olifant,
If Charles hear, where in the pass he stands,
I pledge you now they will return, the Franks."
Says Oliver: "Great shame would come of that
And a reproach on every one, your clan,
That shall endure while each lives in the land,
When I implored, you would not do this act;
Doing it now, no raise from me you'll have:
So wind your horn but not by courage rash,
Seeing that both your arms with blood are splashed."
Answers that count: "Fine blows I've struck them back."
Then says Rollant: "Strong it is now, our battle;
I'll wind my horn, so the King hears it, Charles."
Says Oliver: "That act were not a vassal's.
When I implored you, comrade, you were wrathful.
Were the King here, we had not borne such damage.
Nor should we blame those with him there, his army."
Says Oliver: "Now by my beard, hereafter
If I may see my gentle sister Alde,
She in her arms, I swear, shall never clasp you."
Then says Rollanz: "Wherefore so wroth with me?"
He answers him: "Comrade, it was your deed:
Vassalage comes by sense, and not folly;
Prudence more worth is than stupidity.
Here are Franks dead, all for your trickery;
No more service to Carlun may we yield.
My lord were here now, had you trusted me,
And fought and won this battle then had we,
Taken or slain were the king Marsilie.
In your prowess, Rollanz, no good we've seen!
Charles the great in vain your aid will seek—
None such as he till God His Judgement speak;—
Here must you die, and France in shame be steeped;
Here perishes our loyal company,
Before this night great severance and grief."
・Here are Franks dead, all for your trickery の部分は,もう一つのバージョンの Their lives have lost, your rashness is the cause「彼らの命は失われたが,君の軽率さが原因だ」を参考にしました。明らかにオリヴィエはローランを非難していますね。
・「君の蛮勇が不幸を招いた」という和訳は,もう一つのバージョンの your valor brought ill fortune を参考にしました。
That Archbishop has heard them, how they spoke,
His horse he pricks with his fine spurs of gold,
Coming to them he takes up his reproach:
"Sir Oliver, and you, Sir Rollant, both,
For God I pray, do not each other scold!
No help it were to us, the horn to blow,
But, none the less, it may be better so;
The King will come, with vengeance that he owes;
These Spanish men never away shall go.
Our Franks here, each descending from his horse,
Will find us dead, and limb from body torn;
They'll take us hence, on biers and litters borne;
With pity and with grief for us they'll mourn;
They'll bury each in some old minster-close;
No wolf nor swine nor dog shall gnaw our bones."
Answers Rollant: "Sir, very well you spoke."
かの大司教は彼らの会話を聞いていた。彼は美しい金の拍車を馬に当て,彼らの所に来て叱る。「オリヴィエ殿,そして君,ローラン殿もだ。神にかけて頼む。互いに責め合うのは止めよ! 笛を吹いてももはや無駄であろう。だがそれでも,そうした方がいいだろう。王がやって来て,復讐を果たしてくれよう。スペイン軍は逃れ得ぬであろう。我らフランク兵はここで馬を降り,死を見出し,手足がもげるまで戦おう。国王軍は我らが遺体を,棺台や敷き藁に積んで運ぶだろう。彼らは我らを憐れみ,悲しんでくれるだろう。彼らは我ら一人一人を,古い大寺院に葬ってくれるだろう。我らの骨を狼にも豚にも犬にも齧らせないように」