Wikipedia の三国志関連の記事を読んで英語・英単語の勉強をしていきます。「盧植」に続き第5回は霊帝の皇后の兄として権勢を振るった何進です。
何進(He Jin,何遂高,He Suigao,?年-189年9月)
He was the military Grand Marshal and regent of the late Eastern Han dynasty of China. He was an elder half-brother of Empress He (the empress consort of Emperor Ling), and a maternal uncle of Emperor Shao.
何進は後漢(東漢)の大将軍で摂政(regent)でした。彼は何皇后(霊帝の皇后)の異母兄(elder half-brother)で,少帝(霊帝と何皇后の子)の母方の伯父でした。異母妹が皇后となったので大出世したわけですね。consort は「(特に王族の)配偶者」の意味です(エルデンリングでも「王配」の意味で使われています)。普通の「配偶者」は spouse ですね。
He Jin was born into a family of butchers in Nanyang...
During the reign of Emperor Ling, his younger half-sister entered the palace and soon became one of the emperor's favourites. In January 181, she was made empress...
When the Yellow Turban Rebellion erupted in 184, He Jin was appointed General-in-Chief (大將軍).
184年に黄巾の乱が勃発する(erupt)と何進は大将軍に任命されました。妹が皇后になったからといって出世しすぎじゃないですか。erupt は「噴火する,突発する」です。
During this time, other members of his family, such as his younger step-brother He Miao (何苗), were also elevated to positions of importance.
In 188, perhaps as a counterweight to the power of the He family, Emperor Ling created the Army of the Western Garden. The emperor ostentatiously paraded in front of the army and had himself named "Supreme General" (無上將軍). The emperor also had the army placed under the command of Jian Shuo, a trusted eunuch.
188年,もしかすると何一族に対する対錘としてか,霊帝は西園軍(the Army of the western garden,西園八校尉)を創設しました。皇帝は軍の前で仰々しく(ostentiously)自らを誇示し,自ら「無上将軍」と名乗りました。皇帝はまたこの軍を信頼する宦官(eunuch)の
When Emperor Ling died in the early months of 189, the stage was set for a showdown between He Jin and the eunuch faction.
Jian Shuo plotted to lure He Jin into a trap at the imperial palace where he would be assassinated. However, when He Jin arrived, a minor official Pan Yin (潘隱) subtly warned He Jin about Jian Shuo's plot. Astonished, He Jin returned to his own camp and evaded the assassination attempt. Afterwards, He Jin had Jian Shuo arrested, executed...
lure「誘き寄せる」は釣り具の「ルアー」から覚えるのが有効です。had Jian Shuo arrested のところは have+O+過去分詞で「O を……させる」という意味です。自ら逮捕し処刑したわけでないのでこういう書き方になるわけですね。
With the support of the elite Yuan family, particularly Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, the succession dispute was resolved in favour of Liu Bian, the son of Empress He...
success「成功」と違って succession は「後継・継承,連続」です。
The eunuchs, now without a military power base of their own, relied on the support of Empress Dowager He and He Miao.
dowager は「王侯の未亡人」です。霊帝が崩御しているので何皇后は未亡人ですね。普通の未亡人は widow です。両語に共通する dow は endow「与える」の dow と関係していそうです(未亡人は遺産を「与えられる」)
At the urging of Yuan Shao, He Jin summoned the general Dong Zhuo to the outskirts of Luoyang, in an attempt to force the Empress Dowager to back down.
袁紹に促されて何進は董卓を洛陽郊外(outskirts)に召喚します。何皇后に手を引か(back down)せるためでした。
He Jin entered the palace to request the Empress Dowager agree to the execution of the eunuchs. However, Zhang Rang, the leader of the eunuch faction, discovered He Jin's plan through a spy who overheard the conversation between He Jin and the Empress Dowager.
He Jin arrived without his escort, and was brutally murdered by the eunuchs.
After hearing of He Jin's death, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, both with significant control of military forces within the capital, stormed the palace and massacred the eunuchs.
The resulting power vacuum allowed Dong Zhuo to seize control of the imperial court.
その結果生じた権力の空白(power vacuum)は,董卓が宮廷の権力を掌握する手助けとなりました。不幸の始まりです。