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C (100)

  And Engelers the Gascoin of Burdele
  Spurs on his horse, lets fall the reins as well,
  He goes to strike Escremiz of Valtrene,
  The shield he breaks and shatters on his neck,
  The hauberk too, he has its chinguard rent,
  Between the arm-pits has pierced him through the breast,
  On his spear's hilt from saddle throws him dead;
  After he says "So are you turned to hell."



  And Otes strikes a pagan Estorgant
  Upon the shield, before its leathern band,
  Slices it through, the white with the scarlat;
  The hauberk too, has torn its folds apart,
  And his good spear thrusts clean through the carcass,
  And flings it dead, ev'n as the horse goes past;
  He says: "You have no warrant afterward."



  And Berenger, he strikes Estramariz,
  The shield he breaks, the hauberk tears and splits,
  Thrusts his stout spear through's middle, and him flings
  Down dead among a thousand Sarrazins.
  Of their dozen peers ten have now been killed,
  No more than two remain alive and quick,
  Being Chernuble, and the count Margariz.




  Margariz is a very gallant knight,
  Both fair and strong, and swift he is and light;
  He spurs his horse, goes Oliver to strike,
  And breaks his shield, by th'golden buckle bright;
  Along his ribs the pagan's spear doth glide;
  God's his warrant, his body has respite,
  The shaft breaks off, Oliver stays upright;
  That other goes, naught stays him in his flight,
  His trumpet sounds, rallies his tribe to fight.





  Common the fight is now and marvellous.
  The count Rollanz no way himself secures,
  Strikes with his spear, long as the shaft endures,
  By fifteen blows it is clean broken through
  Then Durendal he bares, his sabre good
  Spurs on his horse, is gone to strike Chemuble,
  The helmet breaks, where bright carbuncles grew,
  Slices the cap and shears the locks in two,
  Slices also the eyes and the features,
  The hauberk white, whose mail was close of woof,
  Down to the groin cuts all his body through
  To the saddle; with beaten gold 'twas tooled.
  Upon the horse that sword a moment stood,
  Then sliced its spine, no join there any knew,
  Dead in the field among thick grass them threw.
  After he said "Culvert, false step you moved,
  From Mahumet your help will not come soon.
  No victory for gluttons such as you."




Common the fight is now The fight is now common で,この common は「普通」という意味ではなく,「皆に共通の」→「全軍一致の」ということで,全員が戦いに入ったということです。

・この long は槍の話をしているので紛らわしいですが槍の長さではなく時間の長さです。もう一つのバージョンでは as long as...「……である限り,……である間は」となっています。

carbuncle は額に紅玉があるという南米の UMA,あるいは紅玉(ルビー,ガーネット)のことです。

no join there any knew では join(もう一つのバージョンでは joint)は「繋ぎ目」で,「繋ぎ目が分からない」(?)→切れ味の鋭さと解しました。



  The count Rollanz, he canters through the field,
  Holds Durendal, he well can thrust and wield,
  Right great damage he's done the Sarrazines
  You'd seen them, one on other, dead in heaps,
  Through all that place their blood was flowing clear!
  In blood his arms were and his hauberk steeped,
  And bloodied o'er, shoulders and neck, his steed.
  And Oliver goes on to strike with speed;
  No blame that way deserve the dozen peers,
  For all the Franks they strike and slay with heat,
  Pagans are slain, some swoon there in their seats,
  Says the Archbishop: "Good baronage indeed!"
  "Monjoie" he cries, the call of Charles repeats.

ローラン伯爵は戦場を駈け抜け,デュランダルを握り,存分に突き,振るう。サラセン軍に大損害を与える。見ただろう,死体が折り重なっているのを。戦場中に彼らの血が滔々と流れていた! 彼の両手と鎖帷子は血に染まった。肩も首も,彼の軍馬も。



  And Oliver has cantered through the crush;
  Broken his spear, the truncheon still he thrusts;
  Going to strike a pagan Malsarun;
  Flowers and gold, are on the shield, he cuts,
  Out of the head both the two eyes have burst,
  And all the brains are fallen in the dust;
  He flings him dead, sev'n hundred else amongst.
  Then has he slain Turgin and Esturgus;
  Right to the hilt, his spear in flinders flew.
  Then says Rollant: "Companion, what do you?
  In such a fight, there's little strength in wood,
  Iron and steel should here their valour prove.
  Where is your sword, that Halteclere I knew?
  Golden its hilt, whereon a crystal grew."
  Says Oliver: "I had not, if I drew,
  Time left to strike enough good blows and true."


それでローランが言う。「友よ,なんのつもりだ? こんな戦いでは木など役に立たんぞ。ここでは鉄と鋼が勇敢さを示すのだ。君の剣,俺が知ってるオートクレールはどこへいった? 金の柄で,水晶が入ってるやつ」



Malsarun はマルシルの異綴に違いないと思ったのですが,殺してますので違うようですね。Turgin ももう一つのバージョンでは Turgis となっており,アンセイスが討ち取ったトルトーサのテュルジスと同じになってしまいますが,別人ということでしょう。

Halteclere(オートクレール)でてきましたねぇ(使ってませんが)。Halte は「高い(アルト)」,clere は「澄んだ(クリアー)」です。









