CXII (112)
King Marsilies along a valley led
The mighty host that he had gathered.
Twenty columns that king had numbered.
With gleaminag gold their helms were jewelled.
Shone too their shields and sarks embroidered.
Sounded the charge seven thousand trumpets,
Great was the noise through all that country went.
Then said Rollanz: "Olivier, brother, friend,
That felon Guenes hath sworn to achieve our death;
For his treason no longer is secret.
Right great vengeance our Emperour will get.
Battle we'll have, both long and keenly set,
Never has man beheld such armies met.
With Durendal my sword I'll strike again,
And, comrade, you shall strike with Halteclere.
These swords in lands so many have we held,
Battles with them so many brought to end,
No evil song shall e'er be sung or said."
When the Franks see so many there, pagans,
On every side covering all the land,
Often they call Olivier and Rollant,
The dozen peers, to be their safe warrant.
And the Archbishop speaks to them, as he can:
"My lords barons, go thinking nothing bad!
For God I pray you fly not hence but stand,
Lest evil songs of our valour men chant!
Far better t'were to perish in the van.
Certain it is, our end is near at hand,
Beyond this day shall no more live one man;
But of one thing I give you good warrant:
Blest Paradise to you now open stands,
By the Innocents your thrones you there shall have."
Upon these words grow bold again the Franks;
There is not one but he "Monjoie" demands.
これほど多くの異教軍が国中のあらゆる方向を埋め尽くしているのをフランク兵が目にすると,たびたび彼らはオリヴィエとローラン,十二の将に対し,保護を求めて呼び掛ける。そして大司教は全霊で彼らに語り掛ける。「諸君,何も恐れることはありません! 諸君がここから逃げず,立ち止まって戦うよう神に祈ります。私たちの勇敢さを貶める邪な歌など歌わせてはなりません! 戦闘で斃れた方がはるかにましなのです。確かに私たちの運命は極まったのかもしれません。この日より後を誰も生き残らないでしょう。しかし一つのことを確かに保証しましょう。祝福された楽園があなた方には開かれています。聖人たちによって楽園の王座が与えられるでしょう」
・Lest S (should) V は「S に V させないために」です。Lest evil songs of our valour men chant! = Lest men chant evil songs of our valour! で「人々に,我らの勇敢さに関する邪な歌を歌わせないために」です。「我らの勇敢さに関する邪な歌」とは「我らが勇敢ではなかったとする歌」「我らが腰抜けであったとする歌」ということでしょう。
・Far better t'were to perish in the van は It were far better to perish in the van = It would be far better to perish in the van「前衛(先頭)で死んだ方がはるかに良かろう」です。
A Sarrazin was there, of Sarraguce,
Of that city one half was his by use,
'Twas Climborins, a man was nothing proof;
By Guenelun the count an oath he took,
And kissed his mouth in amity and truth,
Gave him his sword and his carbuncle too.
Terra Major, he said, to shame he'ld put,
From the Emperour his crown he would remove.
He sate his horse, which he called Barbamusche,
Never so swift sparrow nor swallow flew,
He spurred him well, and down the reins he threw,
Going to strike Engelier of Gascune;
Nor shield nor sark him any warrant proved,
The pagan spear's point did his body wound,
He pinned him well, and all the steel sent through,
From the hilt flung him dead beneath his foot.
After he said: "Good are they to confuse.
Pagans, strike on, and so this press set loose!"
"God!" say the Franks, "Grief, such a man to lose!"
・a man was nothing proof はよく分かりませんでした。もう一つのバージョンの Unlike a Baron「家臣らしくない」を使っています。
・Terra Major はもう一つのバージョンでは great France となっています。文脈によってフランスもスペインもどちらも意味しうるのですかね。
・カリムポリンの馬 Barbamusche ですが,barba は「髭」,そして musche はおそらく「口」ではないでしょうか。
・sparrow「雀」って速く飛ぶの? と思いますが,もう一つのバージョンでは faster flies than hawk or swallow「鷹や燕より速く飛ぶ」となっています。
・Good are they to confuse は They are good to confuse「彼らは confuse するのに良い[相応しい]」でしょう。confuse は「混乱させる」ですが古語では「破滅・没落させる」の意味があります。
The count Rollanz called upon Oliver:
"Sir companion, dead now is Engeler;
Than whom we'd no more valiant chevalier."
Answered that count: "God, let me him avenge!"
Spurs of fine gold into his horse drove then,
Held Halteclere, with blood its steel was red,
By virtue great to strike that pagan went,
Brandished his blade, the Sarrazin upset;
The Adversaries of God his soul bare thence.
Next he has slain the duke Alphaien,
And sliced away Escababi his head,
And has unhorsed some seven Arabs else;
No good for those to go to war again.
Then said Rollanz: "My comrade shews anger,
So in my sight he makes me prize him well;
More dear by Charles for such blows are we held."
Aloud he's cried: "Strike on, the chevaliers!"
・let me him avenge は let me avenge him ですが,avenge O が「O に復讐する」ではなく「O の復讐をする,O の仇を取る」であることに注意して下さい。Avenge us! は「俺たちに復讐してくれ」ではなく「俺たちの仇を取ってくれ」です。
From the other part a pagan Valdabron.
Warden he'd been to king Marsilion,
And lord, by sea, of four hundred dromonds;
No sailor was but called his name upon;
Jerusalem he'd taken by treason,
Violated the Temple of Salomon,
The Partiarch had slain before the fonts.
He'd pledged his oath by county Guenelon,
Gave him his sword, a thousand coins thereon.
He sate his horse, which he called Gramimond,
Never so swift flew in the air falcon;
He's pricked him well, with sharp spurs he had on,
Going to strike e'en that rich Duke, Sanson;
His shield has split, his hauberk has undone,
The ensign's folds have through his body gone,
Dead from the hilt out of his seat he's dropt:
"Pagans, strike on, for well we'll overcome!"
"God!" say the Franks, "Grief for a brave baron!"
彼はグラミモンという名の馬に跨った。ハヤブサもそれほど速くは空を駈けなかった。彼は足を掛けた鋭い拍車を馬にしっかりと当て,立派な公爵サンソンを攻撃しに行った。彼の盾を壊し,鎖帷子をバラバラにし,槍先の旗は彼の体を貫き,彼は槍の柄の元で,死んで鞍から落馬した。「異教徒たちよ! 進め! 我々の勝利ぞ!」
・ヴァルデブロンは『ローランの歌(10)』に既出です。そういえばマイクラに「ウォーデン」というのがいると聞いて,最初は「ウォーデンてオーディン」のことかな?と思ったのですが,Warden /wɔː(r)dən/「管理人,監視員,見張り,番人」のことでしたね。
・dromond は以下のものに由来する語です。
・No sailor was but called his name upon はもう一つのバージョンの There is no sailor but swears by his name を採用しました。
・The Partiarch は『ランダムハウス英和大辞典』に「総大司教」(アレキサンドリア,アンティオキア,コンスタンティノープル,エルサレム,ローマの管区の司教)といったことが書かれています。ウィキペディア「アンティオキア」にはこのように書かれています:“キリスト教がローマ帝国に公認されるようになって以降はアンティオキアがローマ,コンスタンティノポリス,アレクサンドリア,エルサレムと並ぶ五大総主教座の一つとなり,シリア地域の政治・経済・宗教・文化の中心地として栄えた”