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北欧神話(Asgard Stories)」全31話,「アルスターの猟犬」全61話の全訳が終わり,次は「アーサー王伝説」に取り掛かります。






今回も「プロジェクト・グーテンベルク」で本探しをし,James Knowles という人の The Legends Of King Arthur And His Knightsアーサー王と騎士達の伝説』を全訳することにしました。アーサー王伝説としてはトマス・マロリー卿の『アーサー王の死』が有名で,これも「プロジェクト・グーテンベルク」で読めるのですが,こちらは分量も多く,ちくま文庫から邦訳も出ているようなので,マイナーな方を選びました。



The Prophecies of Merlin, and the Birth of Arthur

King Vortigern the usurper sat upon his throne in London, when, suddenly, upon a certain day, ran in a breathless messenger, and cried aloud—

“Arise, Lord King, for the enemy is come; even Ambrosius and Uther, upon whose throne thou sittest—and full twenty thousand with them—and they have sworn by a great oath, Lord, to slay thee, ere this year be done; and even now they march towards thee as the north wind of winter for bitterness and haste.”




usurper は「簒奪者(usurp する者)」という意味です。

アンブロシウス・アウレリアヌスユーサー・ペンドラゴンは兄弟で,アンブロシウスが兄です。upon whose throne thou sittest「彼らの玉座に貴方が座っている」という言い方から,「簒奪者」とはこの兄弟から王位を奪ったことを言っているのでしょうかね。とりあえず敵同士ですね。



At those words Vortigern’s face grew white as ashes, and, rising in confusion and disorder, he sent for all the best artificers and craftsmen and mechanics, and commanded them vehemently to go and build him straightway in the furthest west of his lands a great and strong castle, where he might fly for refuge and escape the vengeance of his master’s sons—“and, moreover,” cried he, “let the work be done within a hundred days from now, or I will surely spare no life amongst you all.”


the vengeance of his master’s sons という言い方から分かるのは,ヴォーティガーンがかつて仕えた王を裏切って王座を奪い,その息子達が攻めてきたということでしょう。ウィキペディアを見ると兄弟の父はコーンウォールコンスタンティンとなっています。また兄弟には兄がいて,この兄もヴォーティガーンに殺されたそうです。

・spare には「見逃してやる」という意味があり,spare no life は「助命しない,殺す」ということですね。北欧神話の「Asgard Stories 4」には端的に Spare us! 「私たちを見逃して下さい!」というセリフが出てきます。


Then all the host of craftsmen, fearing for their lives, found out a proper site whereon to build the tower, and eagerly began to lay in the foundations. But no sooner were the walls raised up above the ground than all their work was overwhelmed and broken down by night invisibly, no man perceiving how, or by whom, or what. And the same thing happening again, and yet again, all the workmen, full of terror, sought out the king, and threw themselves upon their faces before him, beseeching him to interfere and help them or to deliver them from their dreadful work.


beseech - besought [beseeched] は「懇願する」です。

interfere は「間に入る」ということで「妨害する」がまずは重要。ここでは「仲裁する,乗りだす」です。



Filled with mixed rage and fear, the king called for the astrologers and wizards, and took counsel with them what these things might be, and how to overcome them. The wizards worked their spells and incantations, and in the end declared that nothing but the blood of a youth born without mortal father, smeared on the foundations of the castle, could avail to make it stand. Messengers were therefore sent forthwith through all the land to find, if it were possible, such a child. And, as some of them went down a certain village street, they saw a band of lads fighting and quarrelling, and heard them shout at one—“Avaunt, thou imp!—avaunt! Son of no mortal man! go, find thy father, and leave us in peace.”

怒りと恐れが入り混じった気持ちで,王は占星術師と魔術師を呼び,何が起こっているのか,どのようにして解決すべきかを相談した。魔術師は魔法や呪文を練り,遂に宣言するには,人間の父を持たない若者の血を城の基礎に塗りつけるしか,城を持ちこたえさせる方法はないとのことだった。それゆえ使者が直ちに国中に出され,仮にいるとして,そのような子どもを探した。そして,使者の何人かがある村の通りを歩いていると,子どもたちの一団が喧嘩をしているのを目撃し,彼らが1人に対してこう叫んでいるのを耳にした。「消えろ,この小悪魔め! 消えろ! 不死者の子め! 消えろ,お前の父の許へ行き,僕らに構うな」

forthwith は「直ちに」です。



At that the messengers looked steadfastly on the lad, and asked who he was. One said his name was Merlin; another, that his birth and parentage were known by no man; a third, that the foul fiend alone was his father. Hearing the things, the officers seized Merlin, and carried him before the king by force.

But no sooner was he brought to him than he asked in a loud voice, for what cause he was thus dragged there?





“My magicians,” answered Vortigern, “told me to seek out a man that had no human father, and to sprinkle my castle with his blood, that it may stand.”

“Order those magicians,” said Merlin, “to come before me, and I will convict them of a lie.”

The king was astonished at his words, but commanded the magicians to come and sit down before Merlin, who cried to them—




so that S may [can] V「SがVするように」は中高生でも知っている表現ですが,文語では so を省略し that S may V とすることが,また口語では that を省略し so S can Vとすることができます。

convict は「有罪判決を下す」です。少年はそういう立場にないので「なじる」と訳しています。


“Because ye know not what it is that hinders the foundation of the castle, ye have advised my blood for a cement to it, as if that would avail; but tell me now rather what there is below that ground, for something there is surely underneath that will not suffer the tower to stand?”

The wizards at these words began to fear, and made no answer. Then said Merlin to the king—

「汝等は,城の土台を妨げている物が何であるか分からないが故,強固剤として我の血を,まるで役立つかのように助言したのであろうが,むしろ我に教えよ,地中には何があるのだ? というのも確かに地中には塔が立つのを可能にしない何かがあるようだが」


thou /ðaʊ/「汝は」はよく知られていますが,ye /jiː/ はその複数形「汝らは」です。発音記号を見ると「イェー,ヱー」ではなく「ヰー」ですね。また ye は相手が単数でも使えます。丁寧な言い方です。ドイツ語にも親称の du「きみ」と敬称の Sie「あなた」がありますね。


“I pray, Lord, that workmen may be ordered to dig deep down into the ground till they shall come to a great pool of water.”

This then was done, and the pool discovered far beneath the surface of the ground.




Then, turning again to the magicians, Merlin said, “Tell me now, false sycophants, what there is underneath that pool?”—but they were silent. Then said he to the king, “Command this pool to be drained, and at the bottom shall be found two dragons, great and huge, which now are sleeping, but which at night awake and fight and tear each other. At their great struggle all the ground shakes and trembles, and so casts down thy towers, which, therefore, never yet could find secure foundations.”

すると再び魔術師達の方を向いてマーリンは言った。「さあ教えよ,偽りのおべっか遣いども。あの水溜りの下には何があるのだ?」 しかし彼らは黙っていた。それで彼は王に言った。「この水溜りの水を抜くよう命令して下さい。そうすれば底に2匹の巨大な竜が,今は眠っていますが,夜になると起きて互いに争い引っ掻き合います。彼らが大いにもがくので地面じゅうが揺れ,それで塔は倒れ,それゆえ,決して安定した土台を得られなかったのです」

struggle には「奮闘努力する」といった肯定的に聞こえる訳語もありますが,「あがく,もがく,苦闘する」といった苦しい意味もあります。


The king was amazed at these words, but commanded the pool to be forthwith drained; and surely at the bottom of it did they presently discover the two dragons, fast asleep, as Merlin had declared.

But Vortigern sat upon the brink of the pool till night to see what else would happen.




Then those two dragons, one of which was white, the other red, rose up and came near one another, and began a sore fight, and cast forth fire with their breath. But the white dragon had the advantage, and chased the other to the end of the lake. And he, for grief at his flight, turned back upon his foe, and renewed the combat, and forced him to retire in turn. But in the end the red dragon was worsted, and the white dragon disappeared no man knew where.


worst とは bad の最上級ですが動詞もあり,be worsted は「敗北する」です。


When their battle was done, the king desired Merlin to tell him what it meant. Whereat he, bursting into tears, cried out this prophecy, which first foretold the coming of King Arthur.


・この first が「1回目に」の意味であることが,次回の物語で「2回目」のマーリンの予言が登場することで確認されました。


“Woe to the red dragon, which figureth the British nation, for his banishment cometh quickly; his lurkingholes shall be seized by the white dragon—the Saxon whom thou, O king, hast called to the land. The mountains shall be levelled as the valleys, and the rivers of the valleys shall run blood; cities shall be burned, and churches laid in ruins; till at length the oppressed shall turn for a season and prevail against the strangers. For a Boar of Cornwall shall arise and rend them, and trample their necks beneath his feet. The island shall be subject to his power, and he shall take the forests of Gaul. The house of Romulus shall dread him—all the world shall fear him—and his end shall no man know; he shall be immortal in the mouths of the people, and his works shall be food to those that tell them.


for a season は「暫くの間」です。その前の turn は「振り向く」→「サクソン人に立ち向かう」ということでしょうかね。











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