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And as they were thus fighting, the damsel Vivien, lady of the lake, who loved King Arthur, came upon the ground, for she knew by her enchantments how Morgan le Fay had craftily devised to have King Arthur slain by his own sword that day, and therefore came to save his life. And Arthur and Sir Accolon were now grown hot against each other, and spared not strength nor fury in their fierce assaults; but the king’s sword gave way continually before Sir Accolon’s, so that at every stroke he was sore wounded, and his blood ran from him so fast that it was a marvel he could stand. When King Arthur saw the ground so sore be-blooded, he bethought him in dismay that there was magic treason worked upon him, and that his own true sword was changed, for it seemed to him that the sword in Sir Accolon’s hand was Excalibur, for fearfully it drew his blood at every blow, while what he held himself kept no sharp edge, nor fell with any force upon his foe.


give way は「屈する,(橋などが重さで)崩れる」です。


“Now, knight, look to thyself, and keep thee well from me,” cried out Sir Accolon. But King Arthur answered not, and gave him such a buffet on the helm as made him stagger and nigh fall upon the ground. Then Sir Accolon withdrew a little, and came on with Excalibur on high, and smote King Arthur in return with such a mighty stroke as almost felled him; and both being now in hottest wrath, they gave each other grievous and savage blows.



But Arthur all the time was losing so much blood that scarcely could he keep upon his feet yet so full was he of knighthood, that knightly he endured the pain, and still sustained himself, though now he was so feeble that he thought himself about to die. Sir Accolon, as yet, had lost no drop of blood, and being very bold and confident in Excalibur, even grew more vigorous and hasty in his assaults. But all men who beheld them said they never saw a knight fight half so well as did King Arthur; and all the people were so grieved for him that they besought Sir Damas and Sir Outzlake to make up their quarrel and so stay the fight; but they would not.


as yet は「今のところ,まだ」で,普通完了形の否定と共に使います。実際 had lost no drop of blood が続いており,完了形で no がありますね。


So still the battle raged, till Arthur drew a little back for breath and a few moments’ rest; but Accolon came on after him, following fiercely and crying loud, “It is no time for me to suffer thee to rest,” and therewith set upon him. Then Arthur, full of scorn and rage, lifted up his sword and struck Sir Accolon upon the helm so mightily that he drove him to his knees; but with the force of that great stroke his brittle, treacherous sword broke short off at the hilt, and fell down in the grass among the blood, leaving the pommel only in his hand. At that, King Arthur thought within himself that all was over, and secretly prepared his mind for death, yet kept himself so knightly sheltered by his shield that he lost no ground, and made as though he yet had hope and cheer.


lose no ground は文字通り「土地を失わない」→「後退しない」です。


Then said Sir Accolon, “Sir knight, thou now art overcome and canst endure no longer, seeing thou art weaponless, and hast lost already so much blood. Yet am I fully loth to slay thee; yield, then, therefore, to me as recreant.” “Nay,” said King Arthur, “that may I not, for I have promised to do battle to the uttermost by the faith of my body while my life lasteth; and I had rather die with honour than live with shame; and if it were possible for me to die an hundred times, I had rather die as often than yield me to thee, for though I lack weapons, I shall lack no worship, and it shall be to thy shame to slay me weaponless.” “Aha,” shouted then Sir Accolon, “as for the shame, I will not spare; look to thyself, sir knight, for thou art even now but a dead man.” Therewith he drove at him with pitiless force, and struck him nearly down; but Arthur evermore waxing in valour as he waned in blood, pressed on Sir Accolon with his shield, and hit at him so fiercely with the pommel in his hand, as hurled him three strides backwards.

するとアコロン卿は言った。「騎士殿,貴方はもう敗れ,持ち堪えられぬ。武器もなく,既に多くの血を失った。しかし私は貴方を殺したくはない。だから弱者として私に降伏されよ」 「断る」アーサー王は言った。「降伏はしない。命の続く限り,身命を賭して最後まで戦うと誓ったのだ。恥辱に塗れて生きるよりは名誉の死を遂げた方が良いのだ。たとえ百回死ぬことがあろうとも,お前に降伏するくらいなら百回死のうではないか。私には武器はないが,名誉は失っておらぬ。それに武器の無い私を殺すことはお前にとって恥だぞ」 「はっは」とそれでアコロン卿は笑った。「恥などかかぬわ。自分を見るがよい騎士殿,もはや死人ではないか」 そう言って彼は容赦ない攻撃を加え,アーサーを倒す寸前まで行った。しかしアーサーは血を失うほどに勇敢になり,アコロン卿を盾で押し立て,手にあった剣の柄で彼を3歩飛び退かせる程に強く強打した。

overcome には「克服する」のほか「打ち負かす」があり,be overcome は「克服された,打ち負かされた」です。

waxing in valour as he waned in blood はとても面白い表現ですね。wax はここでは「蝋」ではなく「(月が)満ちていく」,wane は「(月が)欠けていく」です。それぞれに in valor「勇気において」,in blood「血において」が付き,「血において欠けるにつれ,勇気において満ちて行った」。この「において」を「が」に変え,「血が欠けるにつれ勇気が満ちて行った」です。


This, therefore, so confused Sir Accolon, that rushing up, all dizzy, to deliver once again a furious blow, even as he struck, Excalibur, by Vivien’s magic, fell from out his hands upon the earth. Beholding which, King Arthur lightly sprang to it, and grasped it, and forthwith felt it was his own good sword, and said to it, “Thou hast been from me all too long, and done me too much damage.” Then spying the scabbard hanging by Sir Accolon’s side, he sprang and pulled it from him, and cast it away as far as he could throw it; for so long as he had worn it, Arthur new his life would have been kept secure.

これにはアコロン卿も混乱し,眩暈でふらつきながら急いで駆け上がって,今一度怒りの一撃を加えようとした。撃ちつけたその時,エクスカリバーがヴィヴィアンの魔術によって彼の手から地面に滑り落ちた。それを見たアーサー王は剣めがけて軽く跳躍し,それを掴み,直ちにそれが自分の正しい剣であると感じた。そして剣にこう語りかけた。「久しく君を見ていなかった。それによくも私を痛めつけてくれたね」 それからアコロン卿の脇に柄がぶら下がっているのを見ると,跳びついてそれを彼から引き抜き,できる限り遠くまでそれを投げ捨てた。それを身に着けている限り自分の生命が安全であろうと分かっていたからである。

・この new は knew でないと意味が通らないと感じたので,knew として訳しています。


“Oh, knight!” then said the king, “thou hast this day wrought me much damage by this sword, but now art thou come to thy death, for I shall not warrant thee but that thou shalt suffer, ere we part, somewhat of that thou hast made me suffer.” And therewithal King Arthur flew at him with all his might, and pulled him to the earth, and then struck off his helm, and gave him on the head a fearful buffet, till the blood leaped forth. “Now will I slay thee!” cried King Arthur; for his heart was hardened, and his body all on fire with fever, till for a moment he forgot his knightly mercy.

「さあ騎士よ!」と王は言った。「今日君はこの剣でずいぶん私を痛めつけてくれたが,いよいよ君が死ぬ番だ。君が私にしてくれた事の幾分かを別れる前に仕返さない限り,君を許すわけにはいかない」 それと同時にアーサー王は全力で彼に飛びかかり,彼を地面に引き倒し,彼の兜を叩き割って,血が噴き出るほど頭に恐ろしい一撃を加えた。「さあ殺してやる!」とアーサー王は叫んだ。というのも彼は心が無情になっており,体は熱で火のように熱く,暫くの間は騎士の慈悲というものを忘れていたのだ。

harden には「硬くさせる」のほか「無情にさせる,無感覚にさせる」があります。


“Slay me thou mayest,” said Sir Accolon, “for thou art the best knight I ever found, and I see well that God is with thee; and I, as thou hast, have promised to fight this battle to the uttermost, and never to be recreant while I live; therefore shall I never yield me with my mouth, and God must do with my body what he will.” And as Sir Accolon spoke, King Arthur thought he knew his voice; and parting all his blood-stained hair from out his eyes, and leaning down towards him, saw, indeed, it was his friend and own true knight. Then said he ー keeping his own visor down ー “I pray thee tell me of what country art thou, and what court?” “Sir knight,” he answered, “I am of King Arthur’s court, and my name is Sir Accolon of Gaul.” Then said the king, “Oh, sir knight! I pray thee tell me who gave thee this sword? and from whom thou hadst it?”

「私を殺すがよかろう」とアコロン卿は言った。「貴方は私が出会った中で最も優れた騎士であり,貴方に神が味方していることも分かる。それに私は貴方がそうであるように,最後まで戦うと約束した。命ある限り卑怯なことはしない。だから私は自らの口で降参と言うことはない。私の身命は神が決めるに違いない」 そしてアコロン卿が話す間,アーサーは彼の声に聞き覚えがあると思った。そして血に塗れた髪を目の上からかき分け,彼の方に屈んでみると,実際彼が自分の友であり自分に仕える真の騎士であると分かった。それで彼は兜の面頬を下げ,言った。「君はどの国の者で,どの宮廷に仕えているか,教えてくれないか?」 「騎士殿」彼は答えた。「私はアーサー王の宮廷の者で,名前はガリアのアコロン卿と言います」 それで王は言った。「ああ騎士殿! 誰がこの剣を君に渡したのだ? 誰からそれを得たのか,教えてくれないか?」


Then said Sir Accolon, “Woe worth this sword, for by it I have gotten my death. This sword hath been in my keeping now for almost twelve months, and yesterday Queen Morgan le Fay, wife of King Urience, sent it to me by a dwarf, that therewith I might in some way slay her brother, King Arthur; for thou must understand that King Arthur is the man she hateth most in all the world, being full of envy and jealousy because he is of greater worship and renown than any other of her blood. She loveth me also as much as she doth hate him; and if she might contrive to slay King Arthur by her craft and magic, then would she straightway kill her husband also, and make me the king of all this land, and herself my queen, to reign with me; but now,” said he, “all that is over, for this day I am come to my death.”


contrive は「工夫する,考案する」が有名ですが「首尾よく……する,どうにかこうにか……する」もあります。


“It would have been sore treason of thee to destroy thy lord,” said Arthur. “Thou sayest truly,” answered he; “but now that I have told thee, and openly confessed to thee all that foul treason whereof I now do bitterly repent, tell me, I pray thee, whence art thou, and of what court?” “O, Sir Accolon!” said King Arthur, “learn that I am myself King Arthur.” When Sir Accolon heard this he cried aloud, “Alas, my gracious lord! have mercy on me, for I knew thee not.” “Thou shalt have mercy,” said he, “for thou knewest not my person at this time; and though by thine own confession thou art a traitor, yet do I blame thee less, because thou hast been blinded by the false crafts of my sister Morgan le Fay, whom I have trusted more than all others of my kin, and whom I now shall know well how to punish.” Then did Sir Accolon cry loudly, “O, lords, and all good people! this noble knight that I have fought with is the noblest and most worshipful in all the world; for it is King Arthur, our liege lord and sovereign king; and full sorely I repent that I have ever lifted lance against him, though in ignorance I did it.”

「自分の王を殺すなんて酷い裏切りになっていたぞ」とアーサーは言った。「本当に」彼は答えた。「でも私は貴方に話しました。今は酷く後悔していますが,汚い裏切りについても包み隠さず告白しましたから,どうか教えてください。貴方はどこの出身で,どの宮廷の人ですか?」 「おおアコロン卿よ!」アーサー王は言った。「知るが良い,私こそアーサー王だ」 それを聞くとアコロン卿は声を出して泣き,「ああ,寛大な我が君! どうかご慈悲を。貴方だとは知りませんでした」「慈悲を示そう」彼は言った。「今回君は私に気が付かなかった。君自身の告白では君は反逆者だが,君をそれほど責めたりはしない。何故なら君は姉のモーガン・ル・フェイの狡猾な企みに騙されていたからだ。私は彼女を親族の誰よりも信頼して来た。今となっては彼女を罰する方法は十分分かっている」 するとアコロン卿は大声で叫んだ。「神よ,そして全ての良民よ! 私が戦ったこの気高き騎士はこの世で最も高貴で尊敬すべき騎士です。それは私が仕える殿であり,君主なのです。そして相手が分からなかったとはいえ,一度でも彼に槍を向けたことを本当に後悔しています」


Then all the people fell down on their knees and prayed the pardon of the king for suffering him to come to such a strait. But he replied, “Pardon ye cannot have, for, truly, ye have nothing sinned; but here ye see what ill adventure may ofttimes befall knights-errant, for to my own hurt, and his danger also, I have fought with one of my own knights.”

するとそこにいた全ての人々が跪き,彼をそのような苦境に陥らせたことに対する恩赦を乞うた」 しかし彼は答えた。「恩赦はせぬ。確かに君達に罪はない。しかしこれで分かっただろう,どんな間違った出来事が修業中の騎士に降り掛かるかを。私は私自身に仕える騎士と戦い,私自身も傷つき,彼も危機に陥ったのだ」

knights-errant について,errant には「逸れる」といったイメージがあるらしく,そこから「逸脱した」とか「遍歴」とかいった意味があります。knights-errant は「騎士の武者修行」といった意味のようです。


Then the king commanded Sir Damas to surrender to his brother the whole manor, Sir Outzlake only yielding him a palfrey every year; “for,” said he scornfully, “it would become thee better to ride on than a courser;” and ordered Damas, upon pain of death, never again to touch or to distress knights-errant riding on their adventures; and also to make full compensation and satisfaction to the twenty knights whom he had held in prison. “And if any of them,” said the king, “come to my court complaining that he hath not had full satisfaction of thee for his injuries, by my head, thou shalt die therefor.”

それから王はダマス卿に対し,弟に全ての領地を差し出すよう命じた。アウツレイク卿には毎年兄に女性用の馬を1頭差し出すことのみを命じた。「というのも」と彼は蔑んで言った。「お前は駿馬に乗るよりそちらの方がお似合いだろうよ」 そしてダマスに対し,背かば死と言ったで,二度と馬で遍歴する修業中の騎士の邪魔をしたり苦しめるなと命じた。そして牢に入れていた20人の騎士に対し完全に償いをし,満足させることも命じた。「そして彼らの1人でも」王は言った。「我が宮廷に来て,自分が受けた屈辱を完全には償っていないと不平を漏らせば,私の一存でお前は死罪だ」

surrender といえば「降伏する」ですが,ここは surrender A to B となっており,「A を B に引き渡す」です。

palfrey は「女性・貴族用の馬」,courser は「軍馬,競走馬」です。以下の記事に馬を表す様々な語をまとめています。



Afterwards, King Arthur asked Sir Outzlake to come with him to his court, where he should become a knight of his, and, if his deeds were noble, be advanced to all he might desire.

So then he took his leave of all the people and mounted upon horseback, and Sir Accolon went with him to an abbey hard by, where both their wounds were dressed. But Sir Accolon died within four days after. And when he was dead, the king sent his body to Queen Morgan, to Camelot, saying that he sent her a present in return for the sword Excalibur which she had sent him by the damsel.



take (one's) leave (of...) は「(……に)暇乞いをする」です。

・動詞 dress は「服を着せる」ですが,「(傷を包帯や膏薬で)手当てする」の意味もあります。

in return for... は「……のお返しに」ですが,今回は仕返しですね。


So, on the morrow, there came a damsel from Queen Morgan to the king, and brought with her the richest mantle that ever was seen, for it was set as full of precious stones as they could stand against each other, and they were the richest stones that ever the king saw. And the damsel said, “Your sister sendeth you this mantle, and prayeth you to take her gift, and in whatsoever thing she hath offended you, she will amend it at your pleasure.” To this the king replied not, although the mantle pleased him much. With that came in the lady of the lake, and said, “Sir, put not on this mantle till thou hast seen more; and in nowise let it be put upon thee, or any of thy knights, till ye have made the bringer of it first put it on her.” “It shall be done as thou dost counsel,” said the king. Then said he to the damsel that came from his sister, “Damsel, I would see this mantle ye have brought me upon yourself.” “Sir,” said she, “it will not beseem me to wear a knight’s garment.” “By my head,” said King Arthur, “thou shall wear it ere it go on any other person’s back!” And so they put it on her by force, and forthwith the garment burst into a flame and burned the damsel into cinders. When the king saw that, he hated that false witch Morgan le Fay with all his heart, and evermore was deadly quarrel between her and Arthur to their lives’ end.

それで翌朝,女王モーガンの許から1人の少女がやって来て,マントを持って来たがそれは見たことのないような豪華なマントだった。というのもそれは互いに置ける限界までぎっしりと宝石が縫い込まれており,王が見た中でも最も高価な宝石だった。そして少女は言った。「貴方のお姉様よりこのマントをお贈りします。どうぞお受け取りください。彼女は如何なる事でも貴方に無礼を働いたことはありませんし,貴方のお望みのままに改めます」 これに対し王は,そのマントは大いに気に入ったものの,答えなかった。これに対し湖の乙女が入ってきて言った。「王様,もっとよく調べるまでそのマントを着てはいけません。そして決してそのマントを王様にも,いかなる騎士にも,着させてはいけません。まずはそれを持ってきた者に着させるべきです」 「お前の助言通りにしよう」と王は言った。そして王は義姉の許からやって来た少女に対し,「お嬢さん,貴女が私に持って来たこのマントを貴女が着るのが見たい」 「王様」と彼女は言った。「騎士のお召し物は私には似合いません」 「余の命令で」アーサー王は言った。「そのマントが他の如何なる者の背に乗る前に,お前が着るのだ!」 そしてそこにいた者達がマントを無理やり少女に着させた。すると直ちにマントは炎上して少女は消し炭になった。王はこれを見ると,邪な魔女モーガン・ル・フェイを心の底から憎み,それ以来彼女とアーサーとの間には生涯激しい争いが絶えなかった。






↓宣伝 クー・フーリンの物語『アルスターの猟犬』(全61回)



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