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So on the morrow the hosts on either side met in the field, and there was a great battle. And Sir Gawain prayed his knights chiefly to set upon Sir Lancelot; but Sir Lancelot commanded his company to forbear King Arthur and Sir Gawain.

So the two armies jousted together right fiercely, and Sir Gawain proffered to encounter with Sir Lionel, and overthrew him. But Sir Bors, and Sir Blamor, and Sir Palomedes, who were on Sir Lancelot’s side, did great feats of arms, and overthrew many of King Arthur’s knights.

Then the king came forth against Sir Lancelot, but Sir Lancelot forbore him and would not strike again.





At that Sir Bors rode up against the king and smote him down. But Sir Lancelot cried, “Touch him not on pain of thy head,” and going to King Arthur he alighted and gave him his own horse, saying, “My lord, I pray thee forbear this strife, for it can bring to neither of us any honour.”

And when King Arthur looked on him the tears came to his eyes as he thought of his noble courtesy, and he said within himself, “Alas! that ever this war began.”





But on the morrow Sir Gawain led forth the army again, and Sir Bors commanded on Sir Lancelot’s side. And they two struck together so fiercely that both fell to the ground sorely wounded; and all the day they fought till night fell, and many were slain on both sides, yet in the end neither gained the victory.

But by now the fame of this fierce war spread through all Christendom, and when the Pope heard thereof he sent a Bull, and charged King Arthur to make peace with Lancelot, and receive back Queen Guinevere; and for the offence imputed to her absolution should be given by the Pope.

Thereto would King Arthur straightway have obeyed, but Sir Gawain ever urged him to refuse.



・大文字の Bull に関して最初「聖牛」と訳し,「キリスト教にとって牛は重要なのかな」と思っていましたが全然違いました🤣 この bull は「教皇印(bulla),大勅書」という意味です。

・absolute は「絶対的な」ですが,absolution は「赦免,罪障消滅」です


When Sir Lancelot heard thereof, he wrote thus to the king: “It was never in my thought, lord, to withhold thy queen from thee; but since she was condemned for my sake to death, I deemed it but a just and knightly part to rescue her therefrom; wherefore I recommend me to your grace, and within eight days will I come to thee and bring the queen in safety.”

Then, within eight days, as he had said, Sir Lancelot rode from out the castle with Queen Guinevere, and a hundred knights for company, each carrying an olive branch, in sign of peace. And so they came to the court, and found King Arthur sitting on his throne, with Sir Gawain and many other knights around him. And when Sir Lancelot entered with the queen, they both kneeled down before the king.



・前からそうなのですが,この本では(というか昔の英語では?)I recommend myself とすべき所を I recommend me とできるようですね。現代英語では「主語と目的語が同一人物である場合,oneself(myself など)を使わねばならない」筈です。


Anon Sir Lancelot rose and said, “My lord, I have brought hither my lady the queen again, as right requireth, and by commandment of the Pope and you. I pray ye take her to your heart again and forget the past. For myself I may ask nothing, and for my sin I shall have sorrow and sore punishment; yet I would to heaven I might have your grace.”

But ere the king could answer, for he was moved with pity at his words, Sir Gawain cried aloud, “Let the king do as he will, but be sure, Sir Lancelot, thou and I shall never be accorded while we live, for thou has slain my brethren traitorously and unarmed.”



your grace「陛下の恩寵」とは実質的に「陛下の恩赦」ということです。


“As heaven is my help,” replied Sir Lancelot, “I did it ignorantly, for I loved them well, and while I live I shall bewail their death; but to make war with me were no avail, for I must needs fight with thee if thou assailest, and peradventure I might kill thee also, which I were right loth to do.”

“I will forgive thee never,” cried Sir Gawain, “and if the king accordeth with thee he shall lose my service.”

Then the knights who stood near tried to reconcile Sir Gawain to Sir Lancelot, but he would not hear them. So, at the last, Sir Lancelot said, “Since peace is vain, I will depart, lest I bring more evil on my fellowship.”

And as he turned to go, the tears fell from him, and he said, “Alas, most noble Christian realm, which I have loved above all others, now shall I see thee never more!” Then said he to the queen, “Madam, now must I leave ye and this noble fellowship for ever. And, I beseech ye, pray for me, and if ye ever be defamed of any, let me hear thereof, and as I have been ever thy true knight in right and wrong, so will I be again.”



すると近くにいた騎士達がガウェイン卿に対し,ランスロット卿と和解させようと試みたが,彼は聞く耳を持たなかった。それで遂にランスロット卿は言った。「平和は叶わないようだから,私は去ります。貴方のお仲間にこれ以上害を為さぬために」 そして去ろうと振り返ると同時に,涙が目から流れた。そして彼は言った。「ああ,とても高貴なキリスト教の国よ。何よりも愛してきた国よ。これでもう目にすることはないだろう!」 そして王妃に言った。「お妃様,これより私は貴女とこの高貴な仲間達の許を永久に去らねばなりません。そして願わくば,私の為に祈って下さい。万が一貴女がどんな中傷を受けたとしても,その事を私に知らせて下さい。私はたとえどんな事においてもずっと貴女の忠実な騎士ですから,その時は現れましょう」


With that he kneeled and kissed King Arthur’s hands, and departed on his way. And there was none in all that court, save Sir Gawain alone, but wept to see him go.

So he returned with all his knights to the Castle of La Joyous Garde, and, for his sorrow’s sake, he named it Dolorous Garde thenceforth.

Anon he left the realm, and went with many of his fellowship beyond the sea to France, and there divided all his lands among them equally, he sharing but as the rest.





And from that time forward peace had been between him and King Arthur, but for Sir Gawain, who left the king no rest, but constantly persuaded him that Lancelot was raising mighty hosts against him.

So in the end his malice overcame the king, who left the government in charge of Modred, and made him guardian of the queen, and went with a great army to invade Sir Lancelot’s lands.

Yet Sir Lancelot would make no war upon the king, and sent a message to gain peace on any terms King Arthur chose. But Sir Gawain met the herald ere he reached the king, and sent him back with taunting and bitter words. Whereat Sir Lancelot sorrowfully called his knights together and fortified the Castle of Benwicke, and there was shortly besieged by the army of King Arthur.






And every day Sir Gawain rode up to the walls, and cried out foully on Sir Lancelot, till, upon a time, Sir Lancelot answered him that he would meet him in the field and put his boasting to the proof. So it was agreed on both sides that there should none come nigh them or separate them till one had fallen or yielded; and they two rode forth.

Then did they wheel their horses apart, and turning, came together as it had been thunder, so that both horses fell, and both their lances broke. At that they drew their swords and set upon each other fiercely, with passing grievous strokes.




Now Sir Gawain had through magic a marvellous great gift. For every day, from morning till noon, his strength waxed to the might of seven men, but after that waned to his natural force. Therefore till noon he gave Sir Lancelot many mighty buffets, which scarcely he endured. Yet greatly he forbore Sir Gawain, for he was aware of his enchantment, and smote him slightly till his own knights marvelled. But after noon Sir Gawain’s strength sank fast, and then, with one full blow, Sir Lancelot laid him on the earth. Then Sir Gawain cried out, “Turn not away, thou traitor knight, but slay me if thou wilt, or else I will arise and fight with thee again some other time.”

“Sir knight,” replied Sir Lancelot, “I never yet smote a fallen man.”

At that they bore Sir Gawain sorely wounded to his tent, and King Arthur withdrew his men, for he was loth to shed the blood of so many knights of his own fellowship.





But now came tidings to King Arthur from across the sea, which caused him to return in haste. For thus the news ran, that no sooner was Sir Modred set up in his regency, than he had forged false tidings from abroad that the king had fallen in a battle with Sir Lancelot. Whereat he had proclaimed himself the king, and had been crowned at Canterbury, where he had held a coronation feast for fifteen days. Then he had gone to Winchester, where Queen Guinevere abode, and had commanded her to be his wife; whereto, for fear and sore perplexity, she had feigned consent, but, under pretext of preparing for the marriage, had fled in haste to London and taken shelter in the Tower, fortifying it and providing it with all manner of victuals, and defending it against Sir Modred, and answering to all his threats that she would rather slay herself than be his queen.

Thus was it written to King Arthur. Then, in passing great wrath and haste, he came with all his army swiftly back from France and sailed to England. But when Sir Modred heard thereof, he left the Tower and marched with all his host to meet the king at Dover.



・regent は「摂政」という意味で,regency は「摂政(の任期),執政権」です。

・大書される the Tower は「ロンドン塔」です。但し以下の記事で解説されているロンドン塔は征服王ウィリアム1世が造らせたものであり,アーサー王の時代より数百年後です。



Then fled Queen Guinevere to Amesbury to a nunnery, and there she clothed herself in sackcloth, and spent her time in praying for the king and in good deeds and fasting. And in that nunnery evermore she lived, sorely repenting and mourning for her sin, and for the ruin she had brought on all the realm. And there anon she died.

And when Sir Lancelot heard thereof, he put his knightly armour off, and bade farewell to all his kin, and went a mighty pilgrimage for many years, and after lived a hermit till his death.

When Sir Modred came to Dover, he found King Arthur and his army but just landed; and there they fought a fierce and bloody battle, and many great and noble knights fell on both sides.




hermit は「隠者」という意味である以上,lived a hermit は「隠者として生きた」という意味のはずです。どうして live a life と同じ構造に見える live a hermit が「隠者として生きる」となるかというと,live a life がV+Oであるのに対して live a hermit はV+C(主格補語)なんですね。live a hermit は live as a hermit と実質的に同じということになります。





