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So Sir Lancelot departed, and when he came to the Chapel Perilous he alighted, and tied his horse to the gate. And as soon as he was within the churchyard, he saw on the front of the chapel many shields of knights whom he had known, turned upside down. Then saw he in the pathway thirty mighty knights, taller than any men whom he had ever seen, all armed in black armour, with their swords drawn; and they gnashed their teeth upon him as he came. But he put his shield before him, and took his sword in hand, ready to do battle with them. And when he would have cut his way through them, they scattered on every side and let him pass. Then he went into the chapel, and saw therein no light but of a dim lamp burning. Then he was aware of a corpse in the midst of the chapel, covered with a silken cloth, and so stooped down and cut off a piece of the cloth, whereat the earth beneath him trembled. Then saw he a sword lying by the dead knight, and taking it in his hand, he hied him from the chapel. As soon as he was in the churchyard again, all the thirty knights cried out to him with fierce voices, “Sir Lancelot! lay that sword from thee, or thou diest!”

それでランスロット卿は出発し,チャペル・ペリラスに着くと馬を降りて,馬を門に繋いだ。そして教会の庭に入るや否や礼拝堂の前に,彼が知っていた騎士達の盾がたくさん,上下逆さまになっているのが見えた。それから通り道に30名の,それまで見た誰よりも背が高い強そうな騎士が,皆黒い鎧に身を包んで,剣を抜いているのが見えた。そして彼らは彼が近寄ると歯を軋らせた。しかし彼は盾を構え手に剣を持って,彼らとの戦いに備えた。そして彼が剣で道を切り開こうとすると,彼らはあらゆる方向に散って彼を通らせた。それで彼が礼拝堂に入ると,中には薄暗いランプが点いている以外光はなかった。それから彼は礼拝堂の真ん中に遺体が,絹の布に覆われてあるのに気付いた。そこで屈んで布の一部を切り取ると,足下の地面が揺れた。それから死んだ騎士の傍に剣が横たわっているのが見えたのでそれを手に取り,急いで礼拝堂から出た。再び中庭に出るや否や,30人の騎士は皆荒々しい声で彼に向かって叫んだ。「ランスロット卿よ! その剣を置きなさい。さもなくば死ですぞ!」

hie は「急ぐ,急がせる」です。hied him は(ここではランスロット1人しかいないので)hied himself のこと,即ち「急いだ」です。


“Whether I live or die,” said he, “ye shall fight for it ere ye take it from me.”

With that they let him pass.

And further on, beyond the chapel, he met a fair damsel, who said, “Sir Lancelot, leave that sword behind thee, or thou diest.”

“I will not leave it,” said Sir Lancelot, “for any asking.”

“Then, gentle knight,” said the damsel, “I pray thee kiss me once.”

“Nay,” said Sir Lancelot, “that God forbid!”

“Alas!” cried she, “I have lost all my labour! but hadst thou kissed me, thy life’s days had been all done!”

“Heaven save me from thy subtle crafts!” said Sir Lancelot; and therewith took his horse and galloped forth.

「生死に関わりなく」彼は言った。「剣を奪いたくば戦うことだ」 そう言うと彼らは彼を通した。





「ああ!」彼女は叫んだ。「苦労が水の泡よ! 貴方が私にキスしていれば,貴方の命数は尽きていたのに!」



And when he was departed, the damsel sorrowed greatly, and died in fifteen days. Her name was Ellawes, the sorceress.

Then came Sir Lancelot to Sir Meliot’s sister, who, when she saw him, clapped her hands and wept for joy, and took him to the castle hard by, where Sir Meliot was. And when Sir Lancelot saw Sir Meliot, he knew him, though he was pale as ashes for loss of blood. And Sir Meliot, when he saw Sir Lancelot, kneeled to him and cried aloud, “O lord, Sir Lancelot! help me!”



Ellawes, the sorceress については「危険な礼拝堂」を解説した以下の記事を読むと Hellawes と表記されており,「ヘラウェス」というカタカナでよくヒットしたのでそう訳しました。



And thereupon, Sir Lancelot went to him and touched his wounds with the sword, and wiped them with the piece of bloody cloth. And immediately he was as whole as though he had been never wounded. Then was there great joy between him and Sir Meliot; and his sister made Sir Lancelot good cheer. So on the morrow, he took his leave, that he might go to King Arthur’s court, “for,” said he, “it draweth nigh the feast of Pentecost, and there, by God’s grace, shall ye then find me.”


・draw near = come near「近づく」という重要表現があります。draweth nigh とは draw near のことでしょう。


And riding through many strange countries, over marshes and valleys, he came at length before a castle. As he passed by he heard two little bells ringing, and looking up, he saw a falcon flying overhead, with bells tied to her feet, and long strings dangling from them. And as the falcon flew past an elm-tree, the strings caught in the boughs, so that she could fly no further.



In the meanwhile, came a lady from the castle and cried, “Oh, Sir Lancelot! as thou art the flower of all knights in the world, help me to get my hawk, for she hath slipped away from me, and if she be lost, my lord my husband is so hasty, he will surely slay me!”

“What is thy lord’s name?” said Sir Lancelot.

“His name,” said she, “is Sir Phelot, a knight of the King of Northgales.”

“Fair lady,” said Sir Lancelot, “since you know my name, and require me, on my knighthood, to help you, I will do what I can to get your hawk.”

And thereupon alighting, he tied his horse to the same tree, and prayed the lady to unarm him. So when he was unarmed, he climbed up and reached the falcon, and threw it to the lady.

Then suddenly came down, out of the wood, her husband, Sir Phelot, all armed, with a drawn sword in his hand, and said, “Oh, Sir Lancelot! now have I found thee as I would have thee!” and stood at the trunk of the tree to slay him.






すると突然森の中から彼女の夫,フェロット卿が完全武装で,抜いた剣を手にして出て来て言った。「おおランスロット卿! 君を討とうとしていた所に君が現れたよ!」 そして彼を殺そうと木の幹の所に立った。


“Ah, lady!” cried Sir Lancelot, “why have ye betrayed me?”

“She hath done as I commanded her,” said Sir Phelot, “and thine hour is come that thou must die.”

It were shame,” said Lancelot, “for an armed to slay an unarmed man.”

“Thou hast no other favour from me,” said Sir Phelot.

“Alas!” cried Sir Lancelot, “that ever any knight should die weaponless!” And looking overhead, he saw a great bough without leaves, and wrenched it off the tree, and suddenly leaped down. Then Sir Phelot struck at him eagerly, thinking to have slain him, but Sir Lancelot put aside the stroke with the bough, and therewith smote him on the side of the head, till he fell swooning to the ground. And tearing his sword from out his hands, he shore his neck through from the body. Then did the lady shriek dismally, and swooned as though she would die. But Sir Lancelot put on his armour, and with haste took his horse and departed thence, thanking God he had escaped that peril.







thine は thy「汝の(your)」と同じ意味ですが,母音や h で始まる語の前では thy の代わりに thine を使います。また thy にはない用法として,thine は「汝のもの(yours)」の意味もあります。

It were shame for an armed to slay an unarmed man はいわゆる仮定法です。「貴方(フェロット卿)は立派な騎士なのでそんなことはしないでしょうが,仮に武装の者を武装した者が殺すようなことがあったら,恥になりますよ」と最低限の礼儀を踏まえた発言です。学校では It would be shame for an armed to slay an unarmed man の形で習うでしょう。

wrench は「六角レンチ」とかの「レンチ」ですが,ここは「ひねり取る,ねじり取る,もぎ取る」です。

tear は「破く,引き裂く」ですが,ここは「無理に引き離す,もぎ取る」です。


And as he rode through a valley, among many wild ways, he saw a knight, with a drawn sword, chasing a lady to slay her. And seeing Sir Lancelot, she cried and prayed to him to come and rescue her.

At that he went up, saying, “Fie on thee, knight! why wilt thou slay this lady? Thou doest shame to thyself and all knights.”

What hast thou to do between me and my wife?” replied the knight. “I will slay her in spite of thee.”

“Thou shall not harm her,” said Sir Lancelot, “till we have first fought together.”

“Sir,” answered the knight, “thou doest ill, for this lady hath betrayed me.”


それに応じて彼は向かい,「恥を知れそこの騎士! なぜこの女性を殺そうとする? お前は自分自身も,全ての騎士も辱めているのだ」




Fie on thee, Fie on you は「恥を知れ」といった意味です。詳しくは以下の記事で解説しました。


What hast thou to do  は重要ですね。現代風に書き直すと,What do you have to do です。この後に with... が続けば,What do you have to do with...? で「あなたが……と何の関係があるのだ?」です。平叙文に戻せば You have something to do with...「あなたは……と関係がある」です。この something を what で聞いた疑問文だったわけです。


“He speaketh falsely,” said the lady, “for he is jealous of me without cause, as I shall answer before Heaven; but as thou art named the most worshipful knight in the world, I pray thee of thy true knighthood to save me, for he is without mercy.”

Be of good cheer,” said Sir Lancelot; “it shall not lie within his power to harm thee.”

“Sir,” said the knight, “I will be ruled as ye will have me.”

So Sir Lancelot rode between the knight and the lady. And when they had ridden awhile, the knight cried out suddenly to Sir Lancelot to turn and see what men they were who came riding after them; and while Sir Lancelot, thinking not of treason, turned to look, the knight, with one great stroke, smote off the lady’s head.





Be of good cheer は丸々この形で『ランダムハウス英和大辞典』に載っていました。「元気である」という意味です。ここは命令文なので「元気を出して」です。


Then was Sir Lancelot passing wroth, and cried, “Thou traitor! Thou hast shamed me for ever!” and, alighting from his horse, he drew his sword to have slain him instantly; but the knight fell on the ground and clasped Sir Lancelot’s knees, and cried out for mercy. “Thou shameful knight,” answered Lancelot, “thou mayest have no mercy, for thou showedst none, therefore arise and fight with me.”

“Nay,” said the knight, “I will not rise till thou dost grant me mercy.”

“Now will I deal fairly by thee,” said Sir Lancelot; “I will unarm me to my shirt, and have my sword only in my hand, and if thou canst slay me thou shall be quit for ever.”

それでランスロット卿はいたく怒って叫んだ。「この裏切り者! 永遠に私を辱めたな」 そして馬を降り,剣を抜いて直ちに彼を殺そうとした。しかし騎士は地面に手をついてランスロット卿の膝を掴み,慈悲を求めて叫んだ。「恥晒しの騎士め」とランスロットは答えた。「慈悲などかけぬ。お前は何も証明していない。立って私と戦いなさい」




“That will I never do,” said the knight.

“Then,” answered Sir Lancelot, “take this lady and the head, and bear it with thee, and swear to me upon thy sword never to rest until thou comest to Queen Guinevere.”

“That will I do,” said he.

“Now,” said Sir Lancelot, “tell me thy name.”

“It is Pedivere,” answered the knight.

“In a shameful hour wert thou born,” said Sir Lancelot.

So Sir Pedivere departed, bearing with him the dead lady and her head. And when he came to Winchester, where the Queen was with King Arthur, he told them all the truth; and afterwards did great and heavy penance many years, and became an holy hermit.







Pedivere はベディヴィア(Bedivere)と1字違いですね。以下の記事に解説があり,「ベディヴィアと混同注意」と書かれています。なお記事には,グィネヴィアがペディヴィアに,妻のなきがらをローマまで運んで教皇に懺悔してこいと命じ,ペディヴィアはこれに従い,妻をローマに埋葬したとあります。のちに聖隠者になったというのは同じです。



So, two days before the Feast of Pentecost, Sir Lancelot returned to the court, and King Arthur was full glad of his coming. And when Sir Gawain, Sir Ewaine, Sir Sagramour, and Sir Ector, saw him in Sir Key’s armour, they knew well it was he who had smitten them all down with one spear. Anon, came all the knights Sir Turquine had taken prisoners, and gave worship and honour to Sir Lancelot. Then Sir Key told the King how Sir Lancelot had rescued him when he was in near danger of his death; “and,” said Sir Key, “he made the knights yield, not to himself, but me. And by Heaven! because Sir Lancelot took my armour and left me his, I rode in peace, and no man would have aught to do with me.” Then came the knights who fought with Sir Lancelot at the long bridge and yielded themselves also to Sir Key, but he said nay, he had not fought with them. “It is Sir Lancelot,” said he, “that overcame ye.” Next came Sir Meliot de Logres, and told King Arthur how Sir Lancelot had saved him from death.

そういう訳で,聖霊降臨祭の2日前にランスロット卿は宮廷に戻り,アーサー王は彼の帰還を大いに喜んだ。そして彼がケイ卿の鎧を着ているのをガウェイン卿,ユーウェイン卿,サグラモー卿,エクター卿が見ると,自分達皆を一槍で倒したのは彼であったことを思い知った。やがてタークィン卿が捕えていた騎士が皆やって来て,ランスロット卿を褒め称えた。それからケイ卿が王に,殺されそうになった時,ランスロット卿に救われたと話した。「おまけに」ケイ卿は言った。「彼は騎士達を自分にではなく私に降伏させました。更に誓って申し上げます。ランスロット卿は私の鎧を着て彼の鎧を私に委ねたので,私は無事に遍歴ができ,私に言いがかりをつけてくる者はいませんでした」 それからランスロット卿と長橋で戦い,やはりケイ卿に降伏した騎士達が現れたが,ケイ卿は彼らとは戦わなかったと言った。「卿らを倒したのはランスロット卿です」と彼は言った。次にメリオット・ド・ログレス卿がやって来て,ランスロット卿に死から救われたとアーサー王に語った。

no man would have aught to do with me も上で説明した have something to do with... の仲間です。aught = anything であり,no man would have anything to do with me は「誰も私と関わりを持とうとしなかった」つまり「ランスロット卿の格好をしていた私に誰も絡んでこなかった」というわけです。


And so all Sir Lancelot’s deeds and great adventures were made known; how the four sorceress-queens had him in prison; how he was delivered by the daughter of King Bagdemagus, and what deeds of arms he did at the tournament between the King of North Wales and King Bagdemagus. And so, at that festival, Sir Lancelot had the greatest name of any knight in all the world, and by high and low was he the most honoured of all men.


high and low は「あらゆる階級の人たち」です。great and small「貴賎貧富を問わず」(ジーニアス英和辞典)というのもあります。






