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But ere he could meet Sir Mador he was ware of a knight upon a white horse, armed at all points, and with a strange shield, who rode to him and said, “I pray you withdraw from this quarrel, for it is mine, and I have ridden far to fight in it.”

Thereat Sir Bors rode to King Arthur, and told him that another knight was come who would do battle for the queen.

“Who is he?” said King Arthur.

“I may not tell you,” said Sir Bors; “but he made a covenant with me to be here to-day, wherefore I am discharged.”

Then the king called that knight, and asked him if he would fight for the queen.







“Therefore came I hither, Sir king,” answered he; “but let us tarry no longer, for anon I have other matters to do. But wit ye well,” said he to the Knights of the Round Table, “it is shame to ye for such a courteous queen to suffer this dishonour.”

And all men marvelled who this knight might be, for none knew him save Sir Bors.

Then Sir Mador and the knight rode to either end of the lists, and couching their spears, ran one against the other with all their might; and Sir Mador’s spear broke short, but the strange knight bore both him and his horse down to the ground. Then lightly they leaped from their saddles and drew their swords, and so came eagerly to the battle, and either gave the other many sad strokes and sore and deep wounds.




・この either end は「片方の端」ではなく「両端」です。

couch は「ソファ」(cf. カウチポテト族)の意味がありますが,ここは「低くする,低く構える」です。

either gave the other も,片方だけ,例えばランスロット卿だけが相手に斬り掛かって傷を負わせたのではなく,双方が相手に斬り掛かって傷を負わせたです。each gave the other に同じですね。


Thus they fought nigh an hour, for Sir Mador was a full strong and valiant knight. But at last the strange knight smote him to the earth, and gave him such a buffet on the helm as wellnigh killed him. Then did Sir Mador yield, and prayed his life.

“I will but grant it thee,” said the strange knight, “if thou wilt release the queen from this quarrel for ever, and promise that no mention shall be made upon Sir Patrice’s tomb that ever she consented to that treason.”

“All this shall be done,” said Sir Mador.


「君の命は保証しよう」見知らぬ騎士は言った。「王妃を永遠にこの争い事から解放するならな。またパトリス卿の墓に,王妃がこの謀り事に同意したなどという文言を書かないと約束するならば」 「全て約束します」とマドール卿は言った。


Then the knights parters took up Sir Mador and led him to his tent, and the other knight went straight to the stair foot of King Arthur’s throne; and by that time was the queen come to the king again, and kissed him lovingly.

Then both the king and she stooped down, and thanked the knight, and prayed him to put off his helm and rest him, and to take a cup of wine. And when he put his helmet off to drink, all people saw it was Sir Lancelot. But when the queen beheld him she sank almost to the ground weeping for sorrow and for joy, that he had done her such great goodness when she had showed him such unkindness.


・この parter は『ランダムハウス英和大辞典』にも載っておらず,難しいので無視しました。Wiktionary によると「分かれ(ている)物・者」といった意味で,例えば a two-parter は「2つに分かれているもの」です。今回は the knights parters ですが,騎士達の一部が分かれてマドール卿を担ぎに行ったということでしょうか。大意に影響ないので無視しました。


Then the knights of his blood gathered round him, and there was great joy and mirth in the court. And Sir Mador and Sir Lancelot were soon healed of their wounds; and not long after came the Lady of the Lake to the court, and told all there by her enchantments how Sir Pinell, and not the queen, was guilty of Sir Patrice’s death. Whereat the queen was held excused of all men, and Sir Pinell fled the country.

So Sir Patrice was buried in the church of Winchester, and it was written on his tomb that Sir Pinell slew him with a poisoned apple, in error for Sir Gawain. Then, through Sir Lancelot’s favour, the queen was reconciled to Sir Mador, and all was forgiven.




Now fifteen days before the Feast of the Assumption of our Lady, the king proclaimed a tourney to be held that feast-day at Camelot, whereat himself and the King of Scotland would joust with all who should come against them. So thither went the King of North Wales, and King Anguish of Ireland, and Sir Galahaut the noble prince, and many other nobles of divers countries.






And King Arthur made ready to go, and would have had the queen go with him, but she said that she was sick. Sir Lancelot, also, made excuses, saying he was not yet whole of his wounds.

At that the king was passing heavy and grieved, and so departed alone towards Camelot. And by the way he lodged in a town called Astolat, and lay that night in the castle.




As soon as he had gone, Sir Lancelot said to the queen, “This night I will rest, and to-morrow betimes will I take my way to Camelot; for at these jousts I will be against the king and his fellowship.”

“Ye may do as ye list,” said Queen Guinevere; “but by my counsel ye will not be against the king, for in his company are many hardy knights, as ye well know.”

“Madam,” said Sir Lancelot, “I pray ye be not displeased with me, for I will take the adventure that God may send me.”

And on the morrow he went to the church and heard mass, and took his leave of the queen, and so departed.






Then he rode long till he came to Astolat, and there lodged at the castle of an old baron called Sir Bernard of Astolat, which was near the castle where King Arthur lodged. And as Sir Lancelot entered the king espied him, and knew him. Then said he to the knights, “I have just seen a knight who will fight full well at the joust toward which we go.”

“Who is it?” asked they.

“As yet ye shall not know,” he answered smiling.





When Sir Lancelot was in his chamber unarming, the old baron came to him saluting him, though as yet he knew not who he was.

Now Sir Bernard had a daughter passing beautiful, called the Fair Maid of Astolat, and when she saw Sir Lancelot she loved him from that instant with her whole heart, and could not stay from gazing on him.

On the morrow, Sir Lancelot asked the old baron to lend him a strange shield. “For,” said he, “I would be unknown.”





“Sir,” said his host, “ye shall have your desire, for here is the shield of my eldest son, Sir Torre, who was hurt the day he was made knight, so that he cannot ride; and his shield, therefore, is not known. And, if it please you, my youngest son, Sir Lavaine, shall ride with you to the jousts, for he is of his age full strong and mighty; and I deem ye be a noble knight, wherefore I pray ye tell me your name.”



“As to that,” said Sir Lancelot, “ye must hold me excused at this time, but if I speed well at the jousts, I will come again and tell you; but in anywise let me have your son, Sir Lavaine, with me, and lend me his brother’s shield.”

Then, ere they departed, came Elaine, the baron’s daughter, and said to Sir Lancelot, “I pray thee, gentle knight, to wear my token at to-morrow’s tourney.”

「それについてですが」ランスロット卿は言った。「今回はお許し頂きたいのです。ですが槍試合で上手く行けば,戻って来てお教えします。しかしいずれにしても貴方のご子息,ラヴェイン卿を同行させて貰い,彼のお兄さんの盾もお借りします」 それから出かける前に,男爵の娘エレインがやって来てランスロット卿に言った。「どうか騎士様,明日のトーナメントにはこれを身につけてくれませんか」



“If I should grant you that, fair damsel,” said he, “ye might say that I did more for you than ever I have done for lady or damsel.”

Then he bethought him that if he granted her request he would be the more disguised, for never before had he worn any lady’s token. So anon he said, “Fair damsel, I will wear thy token on my helmet if thou wilt show it me.”





Thereat was she passing glad, and brought him a scarlet sleeve broidered with pearls, which Sir Lancelot took, and put upon his helm. Then he prayed her to keep his shield for him until he came again, and taking Sir Torre’s shield instead, rode forth with Sir Lavaine towards Camelot.

On the morrow the trumpets blew for the tourney, and there was a great press of dukes and earls and barons and many noble knights; and King Arthur sat in a gallery to behold who did the best. So the King of Scotland and his knights, and King Anguish of Ireland rode forth on King Arthur’s side; and against them came the King of North Wales, the King of a Hundred Knights, the King of Northumberland, and the noble prince Sir Galahaut.




But Sir Lancelot and Sir Lavaine rode into a little wood behind the party which was against King Arthur, to watch which side should prove the weakest.

Then was there a strong fight between the two parties, for the King of a Hundred Knights smote down the King of Scotland; and Sir Palomedes, who was on King Arthur’s side, overthrew Sir Galahaut. Then came fifteen Knights of the Round Table and beat back the Kings of Northumberland and North Wales with their knights.

“Now,” said Sir Lancelot to Sir Lavaine, “if ye will help me, ye shall see yonder fellowship go back as fast as they came.”

“Sir,” said Sir Lavaine, “I will do what I can.”






Then they rode together into the thickest of the press, and there, with one spear, Sir Lancelot smote down five Knights of the Round Table, one after other, and Sir Lavaine overthrew two. And taking another spear, for his own was broken, Sir Lancelot smote down four more knights, and Sir Lavaine a fifth. Then, drawing his sword, Sir Lancelot fought fiercely on the right hand and the left, and unhorsed Sir Safire, Sir Epinogris, and Sir Galleron. At that the Knights of the Round Table withdrew themselves as well as they were able.



“Now, mercy,” said Sir Gawain, who sat by King Arthur; “what knight is that who doth such marvellous deeds of arms? I should deem him by his force to be Sir Lancelot, but that he wears a lady’s token on his helm as never Lancelot doth.”

Let him be,” said King Arthur; “he will be better known, and do more ere he depart.”

「何ということだ」とアーサー王の隣に座っていたガウェイン卿が言った。「あのような驚くべき武芸を振るうのは誰か? その力から推し量るに,ランスロット卿と思われる。但し兜に女の印を付けているが,あれはランスロットの流儀ではない」


Let him be は「彼に構わないでおこう,彼を1人にしておこう」という意味と思われますが,「もう少し泳がせてみよう(様子を見よう)」と訳しました。


