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And now again the second time there came ambassadors from Lucius Tiberius, Emperor of Rome, demanding, under pain of war, tribute and homage from King Arthur, and the restoration of all Gaul, which he had conquered from the tribune Flollo.




When they had delivered their message, the king bade them withdraw while he consulted with his knights and barons what reply to send. Then some of the younger knights would have slain the ambassadors, saying that their speech was a rebuke to all who heard the king insulted by it. But when King Arthur heard that, he ordered none to touch them upon pain of death; and sending officers, he had them taken to a noble lodging, and there entertained with the best cheer. “And,” said he, “let no dainty be spared, for the Romans are great lords; and though their message please me not, yet must I remember mine honour.”


dainty は「おいしい物,珍味」です。そのまま形容詞で「華奢な,好みのうるさい(particular)」という意味にもなります。


Then the lords and knights of the Round Table were called on to declare their counsel — what should be done upon this matter; and Sir Cador of Cornwall speaking first, said, “Sir, this message is the best news I have heard for a long time, for we have been now idle and at rest for many days, and I trust that thou wilt make sharp war upon the Romans, wherein, I doubt not, we shall all gain honour.”




I believe well,” said Arthur, “that thou art pleased, Sir Cador; but that is scarce an answer to the Emperor of Rome, and his demand doth grieve me sorely, for truly I will never pay him tribute; wherefore, lords, I pray ye counsel me. Now, I have understood that Belinus and Brennius, knights of Britain, held the Roman Empire in their hands for many days, and also Constantine, the son of Helen, which is open evidence, not only that we owe Rome no tribute, but that I, being descended from them, may, of right, myself claim the empire.”


・ヘレンの息子コンスタンティンとは,実在のローマ皇帝コンスタンティヌス1世(306-337,コンスタンティノープルの由来)のことでしょう。なぜそれが,アーサー王がローマの帝位を要求できる証拠なのか。ウィキペディアの「聖ヘレナ」には,“ヘレナはイギリス王の娘であったという伝説は,ジェフリー・オブ・モンマスによって広まる” とあるのです。コンスタンティヌス1世がイギリス王の娘の息子なのだから,イギリス王であるアーサーは帝位を主張できるというのでしょう。ジェフリーは偽史書『ブリタニア列王史』の著者です。





Then said King Anguish of Scotland, “Sir, thou oughtest of right to be above all other kings, for in all Christendom is there not thine equal; and I counsel thee never to obey the Romans. For when they reigned here they grievously distressed us, and put the land to great and heavy burdens; and here, for my part, I swear to avenge me on them when I may, and will furnish thee with twenty thousand men-at-arms, whom I will pay and keep, and who shall wait on thee with me, when it shall please thee.”



Then the King of Little Britain rose and promised King Arthur thirty thousand men; and likewise many other kings, and dukes, and barons, promised aid — as the lord of West Wales thirty thousand men, Sir Ewaine and his cousin thirty thousand men, and so forth; Sir Lancelot also, and every other knight of the Round Table, promised each man a great host.


・小ブリテンってどこ😨 と焦りましたが Brittanyブルターニュ」のことらしいです。そう言えばトルコのことを小アジアと言ったりしますね。

・ユーウェインは Ywain, Uwain, Ewain などと表記されるそうです。


So the king, passing joyful at their courage and good will, thanked them all heartily, and sent for the ambassadors again, to hear his answer. “I will,” said he, “that ye now go back straightway unto the Emperor your master and tell him that I give no heed to his words, for I have conquered all my kingdoms by the will of God and by my own right arm, and I am strong enough to keep them, without paying tribute to any earthly creature. But, on the other hand, I claim both tribute and submission from himself, and also claim the sovereignty of all his empire, whereto I am entitled by the right of my own ancestors — sometime kings of this land. And say to him that I will shortly come to Rome, and by God’s grace will take possession of my empire and subdue all rebels. Wherefore, lastly, I command him and all the lords of Rome that they forthwith pay me their homage, under pain of my chastisement and wrath.”


I will that... は「……ことを望む」という意味で,will の動詞用法です。


Then he commanded his treasurers to give the ambassadors great gifts, and defray all their charges, and appointed Sir Cador to convey them worshipfully out of the land.

So when they returned to Rome and came before Lucius, he was sore angry at their words, and said, “I thought this Arthur would have instantly obeyed my orders and have served me as humbly as any other king; but because of his fortune in Gaul, he hath grown insolent.”




“Ah, lord,” said one of the ambassadors, “refrain from such vain words, for truly I and all with me were fearful at his royal majesty and angry countenance. I fear me thou hast made a rod for thee more sharp than thou hast counted on. He meaneth to be master of this empire; and is another kind of man than thou supposest, and holdeth the most noble court of all the world. We saw him on the new year’s day, served at his table by nine kings, and the noblest company of other princes, lords, and knights that ever was in all the world; and in his person he is the most manly-seeming man that liveth, and looketh like to conquer all the earth.” Then Lucius sent messengers to all the subject countries of Rome, and brought together a mighty army, and assembled sixteen kings, and many dukes, princes, lords, and admirals, and a wondrous great multitude of people. Fifty giants also, born of fiends, were set around him for a body-guard. With all that host he straightway went from Rome, and passed beyond the mountains into Gaul, and burned the towns and ravaged all the country of that province, in rage for its submission to King Arthur. Then he moved on towards Little Britain.

「ああ陛下」使者の1人が言った。「そのような虚しい言葉はお慎み下さい。私も同行した皆も,本当に彼の王の威厳と怒りの表情に恐れました。陛下があてにしているよりも鋭い鞭を振るったのは心配です。彼はこの帝国を支配するつもりでいます。彼は陛下が想定するような男ではありませんし,この世で最も気高い宮廷を有しています。私達は元日に彼に会いましたが,円卓で9人の王が仕え,他の王侯や騎士もこの世で最も気高い面々です。彼個人に関しましてもこの世で最も男らしい外見で,地上全てを征服する威風があります」 それでルキウスはローマの全ての従属国に使者を送り,巨大な軍を集め,16の王を招集し,公爵,王侯,将軍,そして素晴らしい大軍勢を集めた。悪魔より生まれた50の巨人もまた彼の護衛の為に集められた。その軍勢全てと共に彼は直ちにローマを発ち,ガリアの山々を越え,アーサー王に従属したことに対する怒りでその地域の町を焼き,国を破壊した。それから彼はブルターニュに向かった。

countenance は「表情,容貌」です。

another kind of man than では another... than ~「~とは別の……」という言い方になっています。than は比較級と共に使うものですが,different, other, rather 等とも使うことができます。another は an とother の合成語です。


Meanwhile, King Arthur having held a parliament at York, left the realm in charge of Sir Badewine and Sir Constantine, and crossed the sea from Sandwich to meet Lucius. And so soon as he was landed, he sent Sir Gawain, Sir Bors, Sir Lionel, and Sir Bedivere to the Emperor, commanding him “to move swiftly and in haste out of his land, and, if not, to make himself ready for battle, and not continue ravaging the country and slaying harmless people.” Anon, those noble knights attired themselves and set forth on horseback to where they saw, in a meadow, many silken tents of divers colours, and the Emperor’s pavilion in the midst, with a golden eagle set above it.


・サンドウィッチはケント州にある町で,ドーバー海峡に面する五港 Cinque Ports と呼ばれる港町の一つでした。




Then Sir Gawain and Sir Bors rode forward, leaving the other two behind in ambush, and gave King Arthur’s message. To which the Emperor replied, “Return, and tell your lord that I am come to conquer him and all his land.”

At this, Sir Gawain burned with anger, and cried out, “I had rather than all France that I might fight with thee alone!”

“And I also,” said Sir Bors.

それでガウェイン卿とボールス卿が残りの2人を背後に潜ませて馬で進み出,アーサー王の伝言を伝えた。これに対し皇帝はこう答えた。「戻るが良い。そして君らの王に,余は彼と彼の国を征服する為に来たと伝えよ」 これに対し,ガウェイン卿は怒りに燃え,こう叫んだ。「フランス全土よりも貴方と一騎討ちを所望する!」 「私もだ」とボールス卿が言った。


Then a knight named Ganius, a near cousin of the Emperor, laughed out aloud, and said, “Lo! how these Britons boast and are full of pride, bragging as though they bare up all the world!”

At these words, Sir Gawain could refrain no longer, but drew forth his sword and with one blow shore off Ganius’ head; then with Sir Bors, he turned his horse and rode over waters and through woods, back to the ambush, where Sir Lionel and Sir Bedivere were waiting. The Romans followed fast behind them till the knights turned and stood, and then Sir Bors smote the foremost of them through the body with a spear, and slew him on the spot. Then came on Calibere, a huge Pavian, but Sir Bors overthrew him also. And then the company of Sir Lionel and Sir Bedivere brake from their ambush and fell on the Romans, and slew and hewed them down, and forced them to return and flee, chasing them to their tents.

するとガニウスという名の,皇帝の従兄弟に当たる騎士が大笑いをして言った。「見よ! このブリトン人達は自惚れの塊だな。世界中を支配しているつもりか!」




But as they neared the camp, a great host more rushed forth, and turned the battle backwards, and in the turmoil, Sir Bors and Sir Berel fell into the Romans’ hands. When Sir Gawain saw that, he drew his good sword Galotine, and swore to see King Arthur’s face no more if those two knights were not delivered; and then, with good Sir Idrus, made so sore an onslaught that the Romans fled and left Sir Bors and Sir Berel to their friends. So the Britons returned in triumph to King Arthur, having slain more than ten thousand Romans, and lost no man of worship from amongst themselves.


・ガウェインの剣ラティーンFF11, FF14 など多くのゲームに登場します。




