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The Fight with Spits of Holly-Wood

Thenceforward day by day some warrior of the camp of Meave and Ailill went forth to fight Cuchulain, and day by day they fell before him. But at first, because he was young, the prime warriors of Connaught despised him, and refused to fight with him, and Meave offered them great gifts and made large promises to persuade them to contend with him. Among the chiefs was a rough burly man and a good fighter, whose name was Nacrantal, whom Meave used all her arts to force to challenge Cuchulain.




And in the end, when she had promised him large gifts of land and even Finnabar, her daughter, to be his wife, he was induced to go. But even so he went not out as though to fight an equal. No arms or armour would he take, but for his sole protection nine spits of holly-wood, sharp at the points and hardened in the fire.


FinnabarFinnabair, Findabairの名でWikipedia英語版の項目があります。フィナバルの夫はフロイヒと言うらしいです。


With these small weapons in his hand, one morning early he set forth to seek Cuchulain. He found the hero busied in pursuing wild-fowl that were flying overhead; for from the birds of the air and fish of the streams, and from the berries of the hedge and cresses of the brook, long had he been obliged to get his daily meal. And even now, although at times Meave kept her word and sent provision over to her foe, yet often she forgot or failed to keep her promise, so angry was she when from day to day her strong men were cut down before his sword.


He spied Nacrantal advancing thus unarmed, and, all as though he had not seen him come, he went on with the stalking of the birds.
Closer the warrior drew and with good aim he flung his spits of wood to pierce Cuchulain. But still the youth, not stopping for a moment in his task, leaped lightly over each spit as it fell, so that they struck the ground quite harmlessly, not one of them so much as touching him. The nine spits thrown, Nacrantal turned away and sought the camp. “Not much I think of this renowned Cuchulain of whom men talk so big; hardly had he perceived me coming up, than off he ran as fast as he could go!”



draw near, draw closeは「近づく」です。

“We thought as much,” said Meave; “right well we knew that if a warrior brave and fully trained were sent against him, soon would this beardless braggart take to his heels.”
When Fergus heard these boasts of Meave, he grew ashamed; for strange, indeed, it seemed to him to hear it said that his young foster-son would flee from any single man, however bold or stout that man might be. Straightway he called for one of the princes of Ulster who was in Meave’s camp, and sent him to Cuchulain.

「そんなことだろうと思ったわ」メーヴは言った。「勇敢で十分に訓練された戦士が彼のもとに送られたら,その髭ナシの自慢屋はすぐに逃げるだろうと見抜いていたよ」 そんなメーヴの自慢話をフェルグスが聞くと,彼は恥ずかしくなってきた。自分の若き養子が1人の戦士を前に──たとえどんなに勇敢で頑健な男だったとしても──逃げ出すような話をされるのを聞くのは,実に奇妙なことに思えた。直ちに彼はメーヴの陣にいたアルスターの首長の1人を呼び,クー・フーリンの許に遣わした。


take to his heels は「一目散に逃げる」です。前のbeardless braggart「髭のない自慢屋」はクー・フーリンを指しています。braggartに関しては,brag about O「Oを自慢する」は重要でしょう。


This was the message that he bore. “Fergus would have Cuchulain understand, that though when standing before warriors he once had done great deeds, better it were that he should hide himself in some secret place where none could find him or hear of him more, than that he should run away from any single man, whoever that man might be. Say to Cuchulain that not greater is the shame that falls upon himself, than Ulster’s shame and ignominy and disgrace, because he stands to watch the border-land in Ulster’s stead.”


shame and ignominy and disgrace は全て同じ意味です。アルスターが被るものの方が大きいことを伝えるためにわざと3つも連ねたのでしょう。


“Who said I ran away?” Cuchulain said, surprised, when the message was delivered to him. “Who dared to brag and tell such tales of me?”
“Nacrantal told this story in the camp, and all the warriors boast among themselves that at the very sight of a trained warrior you were afraid and quickly put to flight.”



at the sight of O は「Oを見ると」。at the very sight of O は強調されているので「Oを見ただけで」とすると良いでしょう。at the very thought of O「Oのことを考えただけで」もあります。

“Did you and Fergus heed a boast like that?” replied the youth. “Do you and Fergus not yet understand that I, Cuchulain, fight no men unarmed, or messengers, or charioteers, but only men-at-arms, fully equipped? That man came out against me all unarmed; no weapons in his hand but bits of wood, with which he played some childish games, throwing them in the air. Let but Nacrantal come to-morrow morn and fight me like a warrior at the ford, with all his weapons, man-like, in his hand; he then shall take his answer back from me. And tell him, that if he comes before the day dawn, or long after it, he will find Cuchulain waiting there for him.”

「君もフェルグスも,そんな自慢話を真に受けたのかい?」若者は答えた。「君もフェルグスもこのクー・フーリンが武装していない男や使者,御者を相手にせず,完全武装した戦士とだけ戦うってことを,まだ理解していないのかい? あの男は全身非武装でやって来たんだよ。武器も持たず木切れしか持っていなかった。木切れを空中に飛ばすという幼稚な遊びをしていたんだよ。とにかくナクランタルを明日の朝,男らしい武器をどっさり持った,戦士らしい格好で浅瀬に越させて,僕と戦わせて。そしたら彼に返事をしてあげるよ。それから彼に,夜明け前にやってきても,夜明けをかなり過ぎても,クー・フーリンは浅瀬で待ってるって伝えて」





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