“The youths had been practising martial exercises, but when Cuchulain came up they were hurling on the green. Without waiting for anyone, the little fellow dived in amongst them and took a hand in the game. He got the ball between his legs and held it there; not suffering it to travel higher up than his knees or lower than his ankle-joints, so making it impossible for any of them to get a stroke at it, or in any way to touch it. In this way he got it gradually nearer and nearer the end of the field; then with one effort he lifted it up and sent it home over the goal. In utter amazement the whole corps looked on.
・take a handは「参加する,役割を果たす」です。take a hand in = take part in と理解すれば良いのでしょうかね。
・suffer O to-V「OがVするのを(みすみす)許す」は古い用法です。
But Follaman their captain cried — ‘Good [30] now, boys, all together meet this youngster who has come in we know not whence, and kill him on the spot as he deserves. The boy insults us that he comes amongst us without placing himself under the protection of some chief’s son in order that his life should be preserved; for it is not allowed to the son of any private person or common warrior to intrude upon your game, without first having asked permission and taken a pledge of the chiefs’ sons that his life shall be respected; we admit not common men to the boy-corps save under the protection of some youth of higher rank.’ For they did not know Cuchulain, neither did he know the rules of the boy-corps. ‘Have at him, all of you,’ cried Follaman, ‘and give him what he deserves; no doubt he is the son of some private man, who has no right to intrude into your play without safe conduct. Defend your honour and the honour of the corps.’
・on the spotは「現場で,その場で」です。
・save = but = exceptで,「……を除いて」です。
・have at itで「さぁ始めろ,かかれ,召し上がれ」です。今回は対象のitがhim(クー・フーリン)になっています。
Then the whole of the lads gathered round Cuchulain and began to threaten him, and together with one throw they hurled at him their toy spears, on every side at once. But Cuchulain stood firm, and one and all he parried them and caught them on his little shield. Then all together they threw at him their hurley-sticks, three fifties at a time; but all of them he parried, catching a bundle of them on his back. Then they tried their balls, throwing them all together, but he fended them off with arms and fists and the palms of his hands, catching them into his bosom as they fell. After a long while of this his ‘hero-fury’ seized Cuchulain. His hair rose upright on his head, and in his wrath and fierceness it seemed as though a light poured forth from each single hair, crowning him with a crown of fire. A strong contortion shook him, and he grew larger and taller as [31] he stood before the lads, so that they shrank terrified before him. He made for them like a young lion springing on his prey, and before they could reach the door of the fort fleeing from him for safety, he had stretched fifty of them on the ground.
・fendは「避ける,躱す」。fenderは「車の泥除け」です。fender benderは「フェンダーが凹んだ程度の軽度の自動車事故」です。
・bosom /bʊ́zəm/ は「女性の胸」ですが少年なので「胸元,ふところ」です。
・クー・フーリンは戦闘中に逆上して「ねじれの発作(warp spasm)」を起こすと言われています。FF14の「キュクレイン」が怪異な容貌をしているのはそのためです。
・make for Nは完全自動詞のmakeで「Nの方に進む」,比喩的には「Nに役立つ」です。
“Now it happened that the King and I,” said Fergus, “were playing chess together at a table in the open air, on the borders of the playing field, amusing ourselves while the boys’ games were going on. Five of the boys, not seeing in their haste where they were running, rushed past the place where Conor and I were sitting, and nearly overturned the table with the chess. Cuchulain was in full pursuit, and he seemed about to leap the table to make after them, when the King caught him by the arm.
・be about to-Vは「まさにVしようとしている」です。beがseemに変わっており「まさにVしようとしている様子だ」です。
・the King caught his armよりthe King caught him by the armという言い方のほうを好むことは2020/7/21の記事で解説しました。
“‘Hold, my little fellow,’ said the King, restraining him, ‘I see this is no gentle game thou playest with the boy-corps.’
“‘What could I do?’ replied the lad. ‘I came to-day, O King, from a far land to join myself with them, and they have not been good to me; I have not had the reception of a welcome guest.’
“‘What is your name, little one?’ said the King. ‘Setanta, son of Sualtach, is my name; your own foster-son am I, and the foster-son of Fergus,’ said the boy. ‘It was not fitting that I should have had this rough reception.’ ‘But knewest thou not the rules of the boy-corps, that a new-comer must go under their protection, so that they will respect his life?’ said the King. ‘That I knew not,’ said the boy, ‘otherwise I should have conformed to their rules; do thou thyself undertake my protection, I pray thee, O King.’ The King liked the fine spirit of the lad, and his open face [32] and bravery in his self-defence, and he said, ‘I will do that, my boy.’
「『坊や,名はなんという?』王は言いました。『スアルタムの子セタンタが僕の名だ。あなたの養子で,フェルグスの養子だよ』少年は言いました。『こんな手荒な歓迎を受けるなんて間違ってる』『しかしお前は少年部隊の規則を知らんな。新参は彼らの保護下に入る必要があるのだ,自分の命を尊重してもらうためにな』王は言いました。『知らなかった』少年は言いました。『知ってたら規則に従ったよ。王様,あなたが自ら私の保護者になることを願います』 王は少年の心意気,隠し立てのない顔つき,勇敢な身の守りを良しとし,言いました。『良かろう,我が子よ』」
・このotherwiseは「さもなければ」。書き直せばIf I had known that「仮にそれを知っていたなら」。よってここのshouldはwouldと同じで「……でしょう」(私は規則に従ったでしょう)です。
Then he called the boy-corps together, and said, ‘I, myself, have taken upon me the protection of this little boy; promise me now that he shall play amongst you safely.’ ‘We promise it,’ they said. Then all made off to play again; but Setanta does just what he will with them, wrestling and throwing them, and soon fifty of them are stretched upon the ground. Their fathers think that they are dead, and raise a cry against Setanta. But no such thing; merely had he with his charges, pulls, and pushes so frightened them, that they fell down at last through terror on the grass.
“‘What on earth is the lad at with them now?’ asks Conor.
“‘You bound them over to protect me,’ said the boy, ‘but you never bound me over to protect them; and I avow that until they place themselves under my protection, as I am placed under theirs, I will not lighten my hand from them.’ ‘I place them under thy protection then,’ said Conor. ‘And I grant it,’ said the lad.
“And now,” said Fergus to Queen Meave and Ailill, “I submit that a youngster who, at the age of four or five years did all this, need not excite your wonder, because now being turned seventeen years, he prove a formidable foe to Connaught in time of war.”
“I think not indeed,” said Ailill; and sulkily Meave said, “Perhaps, indeed, he may.”
・prove (to be) ... は「……であることが判明する」です。「彼は恐るべき敵であることが判明している」です。
これでChatper IIIが終わりました。フェデルムの預言,フェルグスの懸念は的中するのでしょうか。次回,Chapter IVに入ります。