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水滸伝で英語のお勉強3: 索超(急先鋒)

Wikipedia 英語版の水滸伝の記事を読みながら英語・英単語の勉強をしていきます。「張清」に続き第3回は索超です。




The novel depicts Suo Chao as seven chi tall and striking in appearance with a round face, big ears, squarish mouth and a beard which nearly obscures his face. He is a senior military officer under the prefect Governor Liang Shijie of Daming Prefecture (present-day Daming County, Hebei). As he is impatient in battles, often charging ahead of his men, he is nicknamed "Impatient Vanguard". His combat weapon is a large glazed battle axe.


・depict「描く」は picture の pict があることから覚えましょう。

・vanguard は「前衛,先陣」です。今回は「先鋒」に当たります。



Yang Zhi,  exiled to Daming prefecture as a mitigated sentence for killing a street nuisance in the imperial capital Dongjing, catches the attention of Liang Shijie. Liang knows he is a good warrior and wants to tap his service. He arranges for Yang to joust with Zhou Jin, one of his better officers, confident that Yang would prove himself deserving of a post in front of all his military men. As expected, Yang beats Zhou Jin easily. Feeling humiliated by the outright defeat of his martial arts student, Suo Chao steps forward and challenges Yang Zhi to a duel. Liang approves the fight. Neither Suo nor Yang could beat the other in the horseback contest. Impressed by their dazzling fight, Liang promotes them to the same rank. Suo and Yang become good friends.


・tap his service は難しいですが tap には「蛇口;利用する」の意があります。service は「仕えること」。エルデンリングで Would you like to enter my service?「我に仕えるつもりはないか?」というケネス・ハイトのセリフがあります。





Liangshan Marsh's Song Jiang  leads a military attack on Daming to rescue Lu Junyi and Shi Xiu, who are imprisoned by Liang Shijie. Suo Chao comes out to battle with Liangshan's Qin Ming on horseback. Han Tao fires an arrow, injuring Suo in his left arm and forcing him to retreat into the city.




The Liangshan force returns to the marsh for some time as Song Jiang has fallen critically ill. Upon recovery, Song returns with his troops for a second attack. It is winter and has been snowing hard. Song comes out of his camp, pretending to survey the enemy's fortification work. Seeing that Song is thinly protected, Suo Chao charges out of the city and chases after him. The pursuit leads him to a pit covered with snow. Suo falls into it and is captured. Song Jiang treats him with his respect, convincing him to join Liangshan.


・on/upon には「接触」の意味があり,それが「時間的接触」→「即座」(間を置かず)の意味に拡張されました。



Suo Chao is appointed as one of the Eight Tiger Cub Vanguard Generals of the Liangshan cavalry... He participates in the campaigns against the Liao invaders and rebel forces in Song territory following amnesty from Emperor Huizong for Liangshan.

In the battle of Hangzhou in the campaign against Fang La, Suo Chao attacks the city‘s north gate, where he runs into the enemy general Shi Bao. Feigning defeat, Shi lures Suo to chase him. Then he suddenly turns back and kills Suo Chao, who is caught off guard. After Fang's rebellion is snuffed out, Suo Chao is awarded the posthumous title "Martial Gentleman of Loyalty" (忠武郎).


方臘討伐戦における杭州の戦いで,索超は杭州の北門を攻め,そこで敵の将軍石宝と遭遇する。敗北を装い(feign),石宝は索超を誘き出して自分を追いかけさせる。次いで突然振り向き油断して(off guard)いた索超を殺す。方臘の乱が鎮圧された後,索超は「忠志郎」の称号を追贈された。


・posthumous は「死後の」という意味で,posthumous title は直訳すると「死後称号」です。「ポスト-ヒューマス」ではなく「パスチュマス」「ポステュマス」のように発音します。





