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三国志で英語のお勉強9: 王允(王子師)



王允(Wang Yun,王子師,Wang Zishi,137年-192年7月4日)

According to Book of Later Han, Wang Yun was from Qi County, Taiyuan. His family had many members who had served as administrative officials in the regional government for generations. Wang Yun himself was an official at the age of 19, and became the Inspector of Yu Province (豫州刺史).






In 190, the capital Luoyang fell into chaos following the death of He Jin and a bloody clash between the powerful Ten Attendants and government officials. Dong Zhuo, a warlord from Liang Province (凉州) managed to take control of the situation and eventually placed in the throne a puppet emperor whom he held in his power. At the time, Wang Yun held the positions of the Minister over the Masses (司徒), replacing Yang Biao, and the Prefect of the Masters of Writing (尚書)




Dong Zhuo's subsequent tyrannical and cruel behaviour aroused the wrath of many. Wang Yun then colluded with several other officials in a plot to assassinate Dong Zhuo. The plan received a huge boost when the conspirators managed to recruit the help of Lü Bu, a formidable warrior serving as a general under Dong Zhuo. Bringing along a dozen men, Lü Bu cornered Dong Zhuo outside the palace gate and slew him.




After the death of Dong Zhuo, rumours spread that Wang Yun, now the de facto head of the Han central government, wanted to purge and execute all of Dong Zhuo's former subordinates. When Wang Yun refused to grant amnesty to Dong Zhuo's former subordinates, they took up arms under the leadership of Li Jue and Guo Si, who led them to attack Chang'an. Li Jue and Guo Si defeated the Han imperial forces guarding Chang'an and occupied the capital. While Lü Bu was planning to flee Chang'an before the city fell, he asked Wang Yun to escape together with him. However, Wang Yun refused to abandon Emperor Xian and remained behind. Li Jue and Guo Si's forces captured him and killed him along with his family. Some of Wang Yun's relatives managed to escape and survive; one of them was Wang Ling, a nephew of Wang Yun, who later became a general in the state of Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period.

董卓の死後,今や事実上(de facto),漢の中央政府のトップになった王允が,董卓のかつての部下(subordinate)を全て一掃し処刑しようとしているという噂が立ちました。王允董卓のかつての部下に対して恩赦(amnesty)を認めることを拒否すると,彼らは李傕・郭汜をリーダーにして武器を取り,長安を攻めました。李傕・郭汜は長安を守る漢の官軍を破り首都を占領しました。首都陥落の前に長安から逃亡しようとしていた呂布王允に対し,一緒に逃げるよう持ちかけましたが,王允献帝を見捨てることを拒んで残りました。李傕・郭汜の軍が彼を捕らえて妻子と共に殺しました。王允の親族の一部は逃亡して生き残りました。その一人が王允の甥の王淩で,彼は後に三国時代曹魏Cao Wei)で将軍となりました。





