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So he departed weeping, and cursed the day of his birth, for the words went into his heart, and he knew wherefore he was thus driven forth. Then he went to seek his arms and horse, but could not find them; and then he called himself the wretchedest and most unhappy of all knights, and said, “My sin hath brought me unto great dishonour: for when I sought earthly honours, I achieved them ever; but now I take upon me holy things, my guilt doth hinder me, and shameth me; therefore had I no power to stir or speak when the holy blood appeared before me.”


weep は涙を流すこと,sob は嗚咽することに力点があることを押さえておきましょう。

wretchedest は wretched(レチッド)「惨めな」の最上級です。


So thus he sorrowed till it was day, and he heard the birds sing; then was he somewhat comforted, and departing from the cross on foot, he came into a wild forest, and to a high mountain, and there he found a hermitage; and, kneeling before the hermit down upon both his knees, he cried for mercy for his wicked works, and prayed him to hear his confession. But when he told his name, the hermit marvelled to see him in so sore a case, and said, “Sir, ye ought to thank God more than any knight living, for He hath given thee more honour than any; yet for thy presumption, while in deadly sin to come into the presence of His flesh and blood, He suffered thee neither to see nor follow it. Wherefore, believe that all thy strength and manhood will avail thee little, when God is against thee.”



Then Sir Lancelot wept and said, “Now know I well ye tell me truth.”

Then he confessed to him, and told him all his sins, and how he had for fourteen years served but Queen Guinevere only, and forgotten God, and done great deeds of arms for her, and not for Heaven, and had little or nothing thanked God for the honour that he won. And then Sir Lancelot said, “I pray you counsel me.”

“I will counsel thee,” said he: “never more enter into that queen’s company when ye can avoid it.”

So Sir Lancelot promised him.

Look that your heart and your mouth accord,” said the good man, “and ye shall have more honour and more nobleness than ever ye have had.”

Then were his arms and horse restored to him, and so he took his leave, and rode forth, repenting greatly.



それでランスロット卿は隠者に約束した。「貴方の心と言葉が一致するよう気をつけなさい」彼は言った。「そうすれば今まで手にしたことのないような名誉と高貴さを手にすることでしょう」 それで彼の武具と馬が彼の手に戻ったので,彼は暇乞いをして,過去の行いを大いに悔やみながら進んで行った。

see (to it) that...「……するよう気をつける」は重要表現ですが,look (to it) that... とも言えます。


Now Sir Percival had ridden back to the recluse, to learn who that knight was whom she had called the best in the world. And when he had told her that he was Sir Percival, she made passing great joy of him, for she was his mother’s sister, wherefore she opened her door to him, and made him good cheer. And on the morrow she told him of her kindred to him, and they both made great rejoicing. Then he asked her who that knight was, and she told him, “He it is who on Whit Sunday last was clad in the red robe, and bare the red arms; and he hath no peer, for he worketh all by miracle, and shall be never overcome by any earthly hands.”

“By my goodwill,” said Sir Percival, “I will never after these tidings have to do with Sir Galahad but in the way of kindness; and I would fain learn where I may find him.”



have no peer は「〈その主語に〉並ぶ者がいない」という意味です。

never ... but ~ は「……する時には必ず~する」,have to do with ... は「……と関係がある」です。どちらも重要表現ですね。


“Fair nephew,” said she, “ye must ride to the Castle of Goth, where he hath a cousin; by him ye may be lodged, and he will teach you the way to go; but if he can tell you no tidings, ride straight to the Castle of Carbonek, where the wounded king is lying, for there shall ye surely hear true tidings of him.”

So Sir Percival departed from his aunt, and rode till evensong time, when he was ware of a monastery closed round with walls and deep ditches, where he knocked at the gate, and anon was let in. And there he had good cheer that night, and on the morrow heard mass. And beside the altar where the priest stood, was a rich bed of silk and cloth of gold; and on the bed there lay a man passing old, having a crown of gold upon his head, and all his body was full of great wounds, and his eyes almost wholly blind; and ever he held up his hands and said, “Sweet Lord, forget not me!”

Then Sir Percival asked one of the brethren who he was.


それでパーシヴァル卿はおばの許を出発し,夕べの祈りの時間まで駆け,その頃に修道院があるのに気づいた。壁と深い濠に囲まれて閉ざされていたが,彼は門をノックし,中に入れてもらった。そしてその夜はご馳走を振る舞われ,翌朝ミサを聴いた。そして修道士が立っていた祭壇の傍に,絹と金色の布の豪華なベッドがあった。そしてベッドの上には大層年老いた男が横たわっており,金の王冠を被っていた。そして身体中が傷だらけで,両眼はほぼ見えていなかった。そして絶えず手を上げてこう言っていた。「優しき主よ,私を見捨てないで下さい!」 それでパーシヴァル卿は修道士の1人にあれは誰かと尋ねた。

brethren は「同業者仲間」ですが古くは brothers の意味もありました。でも「誰の兄弟?」と思ってはなりません。修道院ですから「ブラザー」は「修道士」です。


“Sir,” said the good man, “ye have heard of Joseph of Arimathea, how he was sent of Jesus Christ into this land to preach and teach the Christian faith. Now, in the city of Sarras he converted a king named Evelake, and this is he. He came with Joseph to this land, and ever desired greatly to see the Sangreal; so on a time he came nigh thereto, and was struck almost blind. Then he cried out for mercy, and said, ‘Fair Lord, I pray thee let me never die until a good knight of my blood achieve the Sangreal, and I may see and kiss him.’ When he had thus prayed, he heard a voice that said, ‘Thy prayers be heard and answered, for thou shalt not die till that knight kiss thee; and when he cometh shall thine eyes be opened and thy wounds be healed.’ And now hath he lived here for three hundred winters in a holy life, and men say a certain knight of King Arthur’s court shall shortly heal him.”

「騎士殿」修道僧は言った。「アリマタヤのヨセフのことは聞いたことがあるでしょう。イエス・キリストの許からこの国に送られ,キリストの教えを説いて回ったことを。さて,サラスの街で彼はイヴレイクという王を改宗させましたが,それが彼です。彼はヨセフとこの国にやって来て,ずっと聖杯を目にすることを大いに願っていました。それである機会に聖杯に近づいたのですが,雷に撃たれてほとんど目が見えなくなりました。それで慈悲を求めて叫び,こう言いました。『主よ,私の血を引く優れた騎士が聖杯を手にし,私がその騎士に会ってキスをするまで私を死なせないよう願います』 このように祈ると,こういう声を聞きました。『汝の声は聞き届けられた。その騎士が汝にキスするまで汝を死なせはしない。そしてその騎士がやって来れば汝の両眼は開かれ,汝の傷は癒えるであろう』 それで彼はここで300年,奇跡のような生を送っており,人はアーサー王の宮廷の誰かが間もなく彼を癒すだろうと噂しているのです」

convert は「改宗する・させる,変換する」です。FF11赤魔道士は自分のHPをMPに変換する「コンバート」という神技を持っていました。


Thereat Sir Percival marvelled greatly, for he well knew who that knight should be; and so, taking his leave of the monk, departed.

Then he rode on till noon, and came into a valley where he met twenty men-at-arms bearing a dead knight on a bier. And they cried to him, “Whence comest thou?”

“From King Arthur’s court,” he answered.

Then they all cried together, “Slay him,” and set upon him.

But he smote down the first man to the ground, and his horse upon him; whereat seven of them all at once assailed him, and others slew his horse. Thus he had been either taken or slain, but by good chance Sir Galahad was passing by that way, who, seeing twenty men attacking one, cried, “Slay him not,” and rushed upon them; and, as fast as his horse could drive, he encountered with the foremost man, and smote him down. Then, his spear being broken, he drew forth his sword and struck out on the right hand and on the left, at each blow smiting down a man, till the remainder fled, and he pursued them.






remainder「残りの物・者」を reminder「思い出させるもの」と混同しないようにしましょう。


Then Sir Percival, knowing that it was Sir Galahad, would fain have overtaken him, but could not, for his horse was slain. Yet followed he on foot as fast as he could go; and as he went there met him a yeoman riding on a palfrey, and leading in his hand a great black steed. So Sir Percival prayed him to lend him the steed, that he might overtake Sir Galahad. But he replied, “That can I not do, fair sir, for the horse is my master’s, and should I lend it he would slay me.” So he departed, and Sir Percival sat down beneath a tree in heaviness of heart. And as he sat, anon a knight went riding past on the black steed which the yeoman had led. And presently after came the yeoman back in haste, and asked Sir Percival if he had seen a knight riding his horse.

“Yea,” said Sir Percival.

“Alas,” said the yeoman, “he hath reft him from me by strength, and my master will slay me.”





Then he besought Sir Percival to take his hackney and follow, and get back his steed. So he rode quickly, and overtook the knight, and cried, “Knight, turn again.” Whereat he turned and set his spear, and smote Sir Percival’s hackney in the breast, so that it fell dead, and then went on his way. Then cried Sir Percival after him, “Turn now, false knight, and fight with me on foot;” but he would not, and rode out of sight.

Then was Sir Percival passing wroth and heavy of heart, and lay down to rest beneath a tree, and slept till midnight. When he awoke he saw a woman standing by him, who said to him right fiercely, “Sir Percival, what doest thou here?”

“I do neither good nor evil,” said he.

“If thou wilt promise me,” said she, “to do my will whenever I shall ask thee, I will bring thee here a horse that will bear thee wheresoever thou desirest.”






At that he was full glad, and promised as she asked. Then anon she came again, with a great black steed, strong and well apparelled. So Sir Percival mounted, and rode through the clear moonlight, and within less than an hour had gone a four days’ journey, till he came to a rough water that roared; and his horse would have borne him into it, but Sir Percival would not suffer him, yet could he scarce restrain him. And seeing the water so furious, he made the sign of the cross upon his forehead, whereat the horse suddenly shook him off, and with a terrible sound leaped into the water and disappeared, the waves all burning up in flames around him. Then Sir Percival knew it was a fiend which had brought him the horse; so he commended himself to God, and prayed that he might escape temptations, and continued in prayer till it was day.


his horse would have borne him into it は典型的な〈if 節のない仮定法〉と言えるでしょう。「仮にホニャララだったら,馬は彼を乗せて水に乗り入れていたであろう」。この下線部分が明記されていないので,文脈から補うことになります。ヒントは直後の but 以下。ここに〈現実はどうだったか〉が書かれているので,〈その現実の逆〉が仮定です。but 以下は「しかしパーシヴァル卿はそれを許さなかった」ですので,「仮に彼が許可していたら」が消された仮定部分です。ということで上の和訳では「(放っておけば)軍馬は水に乗り入れようとした」と訳しています。面白いのは仮定法と言いながら,意志のような訳にしていることですね(そうしたのは自分ですが……)。そこで would have 過去分詞のひとつの訳として「(止められなければ)……しようとした」を定式化するのも良いと思いました。


Then he saw that he was on a wild mountain, nigh surrounded on all sides by the sea, and filled with wild beasts; and going on into a valley, he saw a serpent carrying a young lion by the neck. With that came another lion, crying and roaring after the serpent, and anon overtook him, and began to battle with him. And Sir Percival helped the lion, and drew his sword, and gave the serpent such a stroke that it fell dead. Thereat the lion fawned upon him like a dog, licking his hands, and crouching at his feet, and at night lay down by him and slept at his side.

And at noon the next day Sir Percival saw a ship come sailing before a strong wind upon the sea towards him, and he rose and went towards it. And when it came to shore, he found it covered with white samite, and on the deck there stood an old man dressed in priest’s robes, who said, “God be with you, fair sir; whence come ye?”





“I am a knight of King Arthur’s court,” said he, “and follow the quest of the Sangreal; but here have I lost myself in this wilderness.”

“Fear nothing,” said the old man, “for I have come from a strange country to comfort thee.”

Then he told Sir Percival it was a fiend of hell upon which he had ridden to the sea, and that the lion, whom he had delivered from the serpent, meant the Church. And Sir Percival rejoiced at these tidings, and entered into the ship, which presently sailed from the shore into the sea.




Now when Sir Bors rode forth from Camelot to seek the Sangreal, anon he met a holy man riding on an ass, and courteously saluted him.

“Who are ye, son?” said the good man.

“I am a knight,” said he, “in quest of the Sangreal, and would fain have thy counsel, for he shall have much earthly honour who may bring it to a favourable end.”

“That is truth,” said the good man, “for he shall be the best knight of the world; yet know that none shall gain it save by sinless living.”







