So they rode to his hermitage together, and there he prayed Sir Bors to abide that night, and anon they went into the chapel, and Sir Bors was confessed. And they eat bread and drank water together.
“Now,” said the hermit, “I pray thee eat no other food till thou sit at the table where the Sangreal shall be.” Thereto Sir Bors agreed.
“Also,” said the hermit, “it were wise that ye should wear a sackcloth garment next your skin, for penance;” and in this also did Sir Bors as he was counselled. And afterwards he armed himself and took his leave.
「では」隠者は言った。「聖杯が現れるべきテーブルに座るまでこれ以上何も食べないよう願います」 これにボールス卿は同意した。
「それから」隠者は言った。「告解のために袋布を着るのが良いです」 これもまたボールス卿は言われた通りにした。その後で彼は武装して暇乞いをした。
・confess には「告解[告白,懺悔]する」の意味と,confess 人 で「人の告解を聞く」の意味があるため,Sir Bors was confessed「ボールス卿は告解を聞いてもらった」と言えます。
Then rode he onwards all that day, and as he rode he saw a passing great bird sit in an old dry tree, whereon no leaves were left; and many little birds lay round the great one, nigh dead with hunger. Then did the big bird smite himself with his own bill, and bled till he died amongst his little ones, and they recovered life in drinking up his blood. When Sir Bors saw this he knew it was a token, and rode on full of thought. And about eventide he came to a tower, whereto he prayed admission, and he was received gladly by the lady of the castle. But when a supper of many meats and dainties was set before him, he remembered his vow, and bade a squire to bring him water, and therein he dipped his bread, and ate.
Then said the lady, “Sir Bors, I fear ye like not my meat.”
“Yea, truly,” said he; “God thank thee, madam; but I may eat no other meat this day.”
After supper came a squire, and said, “Madam, bethink thee to provide a champion for thee to-morrow for the tourney, or else shall thy sister have thy castle.”
At that the lady wept, and made great sorrow. But Sir Bors prayed her to be comforted, and asked her why the tournament was held. Then she told him how she and her sister were the daughters of King Anianse, who left them all his lands between them; and how her sister was the wife of a strong knight, named Sir Pridan le Noir, who had taken from herself all her lands, save the one tower wherein she dwelt. “And now,” said she, “this also will they take, unless I find a champion by to-morrow.”
Then said Sir Bors, “Be comforted; to-morrow I will fight for thee;” whereat she rejoiced not a little, and sent word to Sir Pridan that she was provided and ready. And Sir Bors lay on the floor, and in no bed, nor ever would do otherwise till he had achieved his quest.
それでボールス卿は言った。「ご安心下さい。明日,貴女の為に戦いましょう」 それを聞くと彼女は大いに喜び,プリダン卿に準備が整ったとの伝言を出した。そしてボールス卿は床に横たわり,ベッドは使わず,探索を果たすまではその他の何もしようとはしなかった。
On the morrow he arose and clothed himself, and went into the chapel, where the lady met him, and they heard mass together. Anon he called for his armour, and went with a goodly company of knights to the battle. And the lady prayed him to refresh himself ere he should fight, but he refused to break his fast until the tournament were done. So they all rode together to the lists, and there they saw the lady’s eldest sister, and her husband, Sir Pridan le Noir. And a cry was made by the heralds that, whichever should win, his lady should have all the other’s lands.
・refresh oneself は「(飲食や休息により)英気を養う」という意味で,refreshments には「飲食物,軽食」という意味もあります。
Then the two knights departed asunder a little space, and came together with such force, that both their spears were shivered, and their shields and hauberks pierced through; and both fell to the ground sorely wounded, with their horses under them. But swiftly they arose, and drew their swords, and smote each other on the head with many great and heavy blows, till the blood ran down their bodies; and Sir Pridan was a full good knight, so that Sir Bors had more ado than he had thought for to overcome him.
But at last Sir Pridan grew a little faint; that instantly perceived Sir Bors, and rushed upon him the more vehemently, and smote him fiercely, till he rent off his helm, and then gave him great strokes upon his visage with the flat of his sword, and bade him yield or be slain.
And then Sir Pridan cried him mercy, and said, “For God’s sake slay me not, and I will never war against thy lady more.” So Sir Bors let him go, and his wife fled away with all her knights.
Then all those who had held lands of the lady of the tower came and did homage to her again, and swore fealty. And when the country was at peace Sir Bors departed, and rode forth into a forest until it was midday, and there befell him a marvellous adventure.
For at a place where two ways parted, there met him two knights, bearing Sir Lionel, his brother, all naked, bound on a horse, and as they rode, they beat him sorely with thorns, so that the blood trailed down in more than a hundred places from his body; but for all this he uttered no word or groan, so great he was of heart. As soon as Sir Bors knew his brother, he put his spear in rest to run and rescue him; but in the same moment heard a woman’s voice cry close beside him in the wood, “St. Mary, succour thy maid;” and, looking round, he saw a damsel whom a felon knight dragged after him into the thickets; and she, perceiving him, cried piteously for help, and adjured him to deliver her as he was a sworn knight. Then was Sir Bors sore troubled, and knew not what to do, for he thought within himself, “If I let my brother be, he will be murdered; but if I help not the maid, she is shamed for ever, and my vow compelleth me to set her free; wherefore must I first help her, and trust my brother unto God.”
So, riding to the knight who held the damsel, he cried out, “Sir knight, lay your hand off that maid, or else ye be but dead.”
というのは道が2つに分かれた所に2人の騎士がおり,彼の兄弟であるライオネル卿を素っ裸にして馬上に縛り付け,進みながら茨の鞭で彼をひどく叩き,彼の体中から血が滴り落ちていたのである。しかしこれにも拘らず彼は言葉を発することも呻くこともなく,彼は心が強かった。ボールス卿は兄弟を認識するや否や,彼を救出しようと槍をレストに構えた。しかしそれと同じ瞬間に,傍の森から女性の叫び声が聞こえて来た。「聖マリア様,貴女に仕える少女をお救い下さい」 それで周囲を見渡すと,悪党の騎士が少女を茂みの中に引き摺り込んでいるのが見えた。そして彼女はボールス卿に気づくと哀れな様子で助けを求め叫び,誓いを立てた騎士なら助けて欲しいと懇願した。それでボールス卿は大変困惑し,どうすべきか途方に暮れた。というのも心の中でこう思ったのである。「もし兄弟を放っておいたら,彼は殺されるだろう。しかしもし少女を助けなければ,彼女は永久に辱められるだろう。私は誓いにより,彼女を解放せねばならない。それ故まず彼女を救い,兄弟は神に委ねよう」
At that the knight set down the maid, and dropped his shield, and drew forth his sword against Sir Bors, who ran at him, and smote him through both shield and shoulder, and threw him to the earth; and when he pulled his spear forth, the knight swooned. Then the maid thanked Sir Bors heartily, and he set her on the knight’s horse, and brought her to her men-at-arms, who presently came riding after her. And they made much joy, and besought him to come to her father, a great lord, and he should be right welcome. But “truly,” said he, “I may not at this time, for I have a great adventure yet to do;” and commending them to God, he departed in great haste to find his brother.
それを聞いて騎士は少女をその場に置き,盾を首から下ろし,剣をボールス卿に向けて抜いた。ボールス卿は彼めがけて駆け,彼の盾と肩を突き,地面に投げ落とした。そして槍を引き抜くと,彼は失神した。それで少女はボールス卿に心から感謝し,彼は彼女を騎士の馬に乗せて,彼女を彼女の兵の所に送ると,彼らは直ぐに彼女を追ってやって来た。彼らは大変喜び,彼女の父の所に案内したいと言った。大領主で,彼も快く受け入れる筈のところであった。しかし「実は」と彼は言った。「今はできないのです。というのも成すべき大仕事がありまして」 そして神のご加護をと彼らに言い,大急ぎで兄弟を見つけるべく出発した。
・drop と言えば「落とす」ですが,自分の体から離れないようにして「下げる」の意味もあります(飛行機が車輪を出したり,船が錨を下ろすなど)。ここの dropped his shield も首に紐で取り付けていた盾を下ろして構えたということでしょう。
So he rode, seeking him by the track of the horses a great while. Anon he met a seeming holy man riding upon a strong black horse, and asked him, had he seen pass by that way a knight led bound and beaten with thorns by two others.
“Yea, truly, such an one I saw,” said the man; “but he is dead, and lo! his body is hard by in a bush.”
Then he showed him a newly slain body lying in a thick bush, which seemed indeed to be Sir Lionel. Then made Sir Bors such mourning and sorrow that by-and-by he fell into a swoon upon the ground. And when he came to himself again, he took the body in his arms and put it on his horse’s saddle, and bore it to a chapel hard by, and would have buried it. But when he made the sign of the cross, he heard a full great noise and cry as though all the fiends of hell had been about him, and suddenly the body and the chapel and the old man vanished all away. Then he knew that it was the devil who had thus beguiled him, and that his brother yet lived.
Then held he up his hands to heaven, and thanked God for his own escape from hurt, and rode onwards; and anon, as he passed by an hermitage in a forest, he saw his brother sitting armed by the door. And when he saw him he was filled with joy, and lighted from his horse, and ran to him and said, “Fair brother, when came ye hither?”
But Sir Lionel answered, with an angry face, “What vain words be these, when for you I might have been slain? Did ye not see me bound and led away to death, and left me in that peril to go succouring a gentlewoman, the like whereof no brother ever yet hath done? Now, for thy false misdeed, I do defy thee, and ensure thee speedy death.”
Then Sir Bors prayed his brother to abate his anger, and said, “Fair brother, remember the love that should be between us twain.”
しかしライオネル卿は怒った顔をして答えた。「何をとち狂ったことを。お前のせいで殺されかけたのに? お前は俺が縛られて連行されて殺されそうとしている所を見なかったか? そんな危険な目に遭っている俺を見捨て,女を助けに行かなかったか? そんな事を兄弟がやるもんじゃない。さあ,お前の非道の為,俺はお前に戦いを挑む。直ぐに死を与えてやる」
・vain は「虚しい;自惚れた」ですが古語として「非常識な」があります(ランダムハウス英和大辞典)
・defy は「反抗する,拒む」ですが古語として「戦いを挑む」があります(同上)
But Sir Lionel would not hear, and prepared to fight and mounted his horse and came before him, crying, “Sir Bors, keep thee from me, for I shall do to thee as a felon and a traitor; therefore, start upon thy horse, for if thou wilt not, I will run upon thee as thou standest.”
But for all his words Sir Bors would not defend himself against his brother. And anon the fiend stirred up Sir Lionel to such rage, that he rushed over him and overthrew him with his horse’s hoofs, so that he lay swooning on the ground. Then would he have rent off his helm and slain him, but the hermit of that place ran out, and prayed him to forbear, and shielded Sir Bors with his body.
Then Sir Lionel cried out, “Now, God so help me, sir priest, but I shall slay thee else thou depart, and him too after thee.”
And when the good man utterly refused to leave Sir Bors, he smote him on the head until he died, and then he took his brother by the helm and unlaced it, to have stricken off his head, and so he would have done, but suddenly was pulled off backwards by a knight of the Round Table, who, by the will of Heaven, was passing by that place — Sir Colgrevance by name.
“Sir Lionel,” he cried, “will ye slay your brother, one of the best knights of all the world? That ought no man to suffer.”
“Why,” said Sir Lionel, “will ye hinder me and meddle in this strife? beware, lest I shall slay both thee and him.”
And when Sir Colgrevance refused to let them be, Sir Lionel defied him, and gave him a great stroke through the helmet, whereat Sir Colgrevance drew his sword, and smote again right manfully. And so long they fought together that Sir Bors awoke from his swoon, and tried to rise and part them, but had no strength to stand upon his feet.
「ライオネル卿」彼は叫んだ。「君は兄弟を殺すつもりなのか? この世で最も優れた騎士の1人を? そんな事はさせない」
「何故」ライオネル卿は言った。「貴様は俺の邪魔をし,争いにちょっかいを出すのだ? 気を付けろ,貴様もそいつも殺してやるぞ」
Anon Sir Colgrevance saw him, and cried out to him for help, for now Sir Lionel had nigh defeated him. When Sir Bors heard that, he struggled to his feet, and put his helmet on, and took his sword. But before he could come to him, Sir Lionel had smitten off Sir Colgrevance’s helm, and thrown him to the earth and slain him. Then turned he to his brother as a man possessed by fiends, and gave him such a stroke as bent him nearly double.
But still Sir Bors prayed him for God’s sake to quit that battle, “For if it befell us that we either slew the other we should die for care of that sin.”
“Never will I spare thee if I master thee,” cried out Sir Lionel.
Then Sir Bors drew his sword all weeping, and said, “Now, God have mercy on me, though I defend my life against my brother;” with that he lifted up his sword to strike, but suddenly he heard a mighty voice, “Put up thy sword, Sir Bors, and flee, or thou shalt surely slay him.” And then there fell upon them both a fiery cloud, which flamed and burned their shields, and they fell to the earth in sore dread.
それでボールス卿は涙を流しながら剣を抜いて言った。「さあ神よ,私に慈悲を。兄弟に立ち向かうとしても」 そう言って彼は剣を掲げて斬ろうとしたが,突然力強い声を聞いた。「ボールス卿,剣をしまって逃げるのだ。さもないとお前は確実に兄弟を殺すことになるぞ」 それから2人の上に炎のような雲が降り掛かり,2人の盾を焼き払い,2人は恐怖に慄いて地面に倒れ込んだ。