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ローランの歌(29) テュルパン大司教の死



  The pagans say: "Unlucky were we born!
  An evil day for us did this day dawn!
  For we have lost our peers and all our lords.
  Charles his great host once more upon us draws,
  Of Frankish men we plainly hear the horns,
  "Monjoie" they cry, and great is their uproar.
  The count Rollant is of such pride and force
  He'll never yield to man of woman born;
  Let's aim at him, then leave him on the spot!"
  And aim they did: with arrows long and short,
  Lances and spears and feathered javelots;
  Count Rollant's shield they've broken through and bored,
  The woven mail have from his hauberk torn,
  But not himself, they've never touched his corse;
  Veillantif is in thirty places gored,
  Beneath the count he's fallen dead, that horse.
  Pagans are fled, and leave him on the spot;
  The count Rollant stands on his feet once more.



He'll never yield to man of woman born について。man of woman born は「女から生まれた男・人」でしょう。誰でも女から生まれますね。もう一つのバージョンでは no man of flesh can make him yield です。man of flesh は「肉でできた男・人」でしょう。誰でも肉からできてますね。つまり両方とも「普通の男・人」ということでしょう。悪魔ならともかく,普通の男がローランを負かすことはできないと言っているのでしょう。

・この bored は bore に -ed が付いているのですから bear - bore - born(e) ではありませんね。原形が bore のこの動詞は「穴を開ける」という意味です。3行下の gore も「突き刺す」ですね。


  Pagans are fled, enangered and enraged,
  Home into Spain with speed they make their way;
  The count Rollanz, he has not given chase,
  For Veillantif, his charger, they have slain;
  Will he or nill, on foot he must remain.
  To the Archbishop, Turpins, he goes with aid;
   I He's from his head the golden helm unlaced,
  Taken from him his white hauberk away,
  And cut the gown in strips, was round his waist;
  On his great wounds the pieces of it placed,
  Then to his heart has caught him and embraced;
  On the green grass he has him softly laid,
  Most sweetly then to him has Rollant prayed:
  "Ah! Gentle sir, give me your leave, I say;
  Our companions, whom we so dear appraised,
  Are now all dead; we cannot let them stay;
  I will go seek and bring them to this place,
  Arrange them here in ranks, before your face."
  Said the Archbishop: "Go, and return again.
  This field is yours and mine now; God be praised!"



・この strip は「細長い一片」という意味です,ガウンを切って包帯代わりにしたのでしょう。

・この most は「最も」ではなく単に very の意味です。


  So Rollanz turns; through the field, all alone,
  Searching the vales and mountains, he is gone;
  He finds Gerin, Gerers his companion,
  Also he finds Berenger and Otton,
  There too he finds Anseis and Sanson,
  And finds Gerard the old, of Rossillon;
  By one and one he's taken those barons,
  To the Archbishop with each of them he comes,
  Before his knees arranges every one.
  That Archbishop, he cannot help but sob,
  He lifts his hand, gives benediction;
  After he's said: "Unlucky, Lords, your lot!
  But all your souls He'll lay, our Glorious God,
  In Paradise, His holy flowers upon!
  For my own death such anguish now I've got;
  I shall not see him, our rich Emperor."



search O = look for O ではありません。search O と言う場合,O は見つけたい物・人ではなく,捜索する場所です。実際 search vales and mountains となっていますが,谷を見つけたいのではありませんよね。「ポケットの中を探す」と言いたい場合,search one's pocket(s) となります。

sob は嗚咽しながら泣きじゃくるという意味です。

rich Emperor は一瞬悩みましたが,rich はかつては「強い」という意味だったようです。その証拠にもう一つのバージョンでは mighty Emperor となっています。


  So Rollant turns, goes through the field in quest;
  His companion Olivier finds at length;
  He has embraced him close against his breast,
  To the Archbishop returns as he can best;
  Upon a shield he's laid him, by the rest;
  And the Archbishop has them absolved and blest:
  Whereon his grief and pity grow afresh.
  Then says Rollanz: "Fair comrade Olivier,
  You were the son of the good count Reinier,
  Who held the march by th' Vale of Runier;
  To shatter spears, through buckled shields to bear,
  And from hauberks the mail to break and tear,
  Proof men to lead, and prudent counsel share,
  Gluttons in field to frighten and conquer,
  No land has known a better chevalier."



at length は「遂に(at last)」と「詳細に,長々と」があります。

proof men の proof は「強い」といった意味で使われているようです。fireproof「耐火性の」などに残っていますね(火に強い)

glutton は「大喰らい」なのですが「悪い奴ら」のような意味で使われていますね。もう一つのバージョンで glutton に対応しているのは traitor「裏切者」です。


  The count Rollanz, when dead he saw his peers,
  And Oliver, he held so very dear,
  Grew tender, and began to shed a tear;
  Out of his face the colour disappeared;
  No longer could he stand, for so much grief,
  Will he or nill, he swooned upon the field.
  Said the Archbishop: "Unlucky lord, indeed!"



hold には「思う,評価する」の意があり,hold O dear は「O を大切に思う」です。


  When the Archbishop beheld him swoon, Rollant,
  Never before such bitter grief he'd had;
  Stretching his hand, he took that olifant.
  Through Rencesvals a little river ran;
  He would go there, fetch water for Rollant.
  Went step by step, to stumble soon began,
  So feeble he is, no further fare he can,
  For too much blood he's lost, and no strength has;
  Ere he has crossed an acre of the land,
  His heart grows faint, he falls down forwards and
  Death comes to him with very cruel pangs.






・エーカーは距離ではなく面積を表す単位ですね。1エーカーは約4000平米です。仮に正方形の土地だとすると,4000の平方根は約63ですから,60メートルほども歩けなかったということでしょう。なお電卓を使わなくても Google 検索窓に「4000の平方根」と打つと表示してくれます。




